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Posts posted by ronaldo0

  1. Guy who owned them should have collars on them and they shouldn’t be wandering around like strays. She done the right thing as they would be fed at the temple by animal help groups and the monks .

    Reason there are strays is because humans couldn’t look after their dogs , odd that people blame the animals and not the idiots that dump and abandon them ! Can’t look after a pet don’t get one !

    • Like 1
  2. Rock fever ! Loads of them moan about things and rant yet never leave the place to go somewhere else for a few days break off the island ! You seen the movie the shining ? Same result ????

    As for saying it’s people stuck there due to COVID , could have left any time in last few months if they wanted. Ferries didn’t stop and flights out of the country every week !

  3. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Other than some CEO's who might visit on occasion, the number of fat cats with private or leased jets who want to visit Thailand might be 10 or 20 per year. There are a dozen good reasons why they would choose to go elsewhere. 


    Not gonna affect the bottom like much. Another far fetched and extremely desperate attempt to clutch straws. However, you have to appreciate the sheer creativity and audacity of this one. Imagining Thailand as the new Monte Carlo!

    The prices they charge and ask for things in Koh samui I thought it was the new Monte Carlo !!????

  4. 2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Not sure where you're getting this figure from? There's plenty of credible reports out there that state COVID deaths are being under reported in many countries

    I have seen at least 3 interviews on uk news with data groups and all stated that the numbers dying are what I said as a percentage and numbers under 60yrs old who have died are round 300 out of 50,000 .

    The majority who had died all had previous serious health conditions like stroke , heart problems , diabetes and so on and were an advanced age and only around 1500 had died as a result of contracting COVID and were in ok health when contracted it . The nhs released some figures the other day on their own site with deaths , age groups and if had existing conditions.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Patts said:

    Really? Please let us know of another virus kills over half a million people in 6 months and who are getting "very very" rich from all this?

    Flu deaths worldwide on average are 300,000-650,000 . These are not the trumped up figures like COVID where they are blaming it on most deaths when the actual death rate from COVID as sole reason is 10-20% . Smallpox , about 300 million in a century. You don’t think all these PPE companies like 3M etc are making millions ?? 

  6. Had two of these within a week in my place in samui. They were wrapped along the fence railings at night and about one and a half metre long. Just gave it a light touch with the pool pole and it just slid off into the empty land next door . Didn’t even try bite or anything, stunning looking thing in real life.

  7. 7 hours ago, M71 said:

    Still amazed at how many believe this Covid-19 BS


    It's just a bloody common seasonal flu blown way out proportion to facilitate a world economic reset.


    Wake up sheeple.

    Today they reached the total of over half a million dead ! From a worldwide population of about 8 billion . Pretty sure many other things kill far more per year but they don’t shut the world down over them !

    Some people are getting very very rich from all this !


    • Like 1
  8. So people go jogging nowadays and take loads of stuff that’s valuable with them just so they can leave it on a park bench with their drinking bottle ?

    Don’t  think so. Plus the sudden rush to install cctv because of this happening makes it sound more like someone wants cctv installed for their own agenda or for financial gain when submitting the contract for installing it . ????

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  9. Had to get a new card from scb recently as wouldn’t work in atm. I went in and despite me being the only customer in the bank it took a hour to give me a new card !! Country has some of the worst banks and systems I have ever seen. Blows my mind how they function and when I have a problem with a uk bank and call and sort it in a few minutes over the phone it blows my wife’s mind !

  10. I was on this flight 4 rows behind and found it ok.

    Found it odd there was spacing on seats at the gate and then on the plane no spacing. I asked about a upgrade and was told 400 usd to upgrade to premium economy so didn’t take it as luggage was the same amount.

    All the staff worked extremely well considering the ppe they were all wearing . Didn’t really notice anyone having any problems with the flight and most on board kept their masks on when seated. 
    Food started out not too bad but the second meal was awful.

    Flight was always going to be rammed due to limited choice but at least back before the quarantine nonsense kicked in next day.

    One idiot had a very expensive flight though as he was caught smoking in the toilets and escorted off by the police upon landing ! 

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