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Posts posted by newcomer71

  1. You want to vote?

    gloriously staged picture by the reds to make the anti's look bad

    the guy being strangled should be on Thai soaps at 6pm, his acting is so poor

    Have you seen the videos of the incident on Thai news channels? Very obviously not staged and some of the protesters can only be described as vicious thugs.

    Well said and some posters should count till 1,000 before posting such a bestiality just to support his beliefs. Sad to note the same remark of the pic being staged was made also by a moderator...

  2. You want to vote?

    gloriously staged picture by the reds to make the anti's look bad

    the guy being strangled should be on Thai soaps at 6pm, his acting is so poor


    Picture number 2 with the same guy real enough for you?

    As been said before these are not amateur photos, but come from the official "The Nation" photographer twitter feed

    And with the one I posted before it makes three... Maybe it's still not enough real for someone...

    • Like 1
  3. The real joke is the inability of these self-proclaimed educated protesters to understand why the whole world is appalled and finds abhorrent their actions, not just this weekend, but in the weeks leading up to this. Suthep's letter to Obama underlined this mental chasm and must have caused guffaws in DC for the moment it was distributed before being binned.

    The real joke is the inability of these self-proclaimed educated protesters to understand why the whole world is appalled and finds abhorrent their actions

    The real joke is that you think the whole world finds this abhorrent! Considering how PTP have used the views of the USA to support their refusal to delay elections and continue their reckless pillaging of state coffers in the name of democracy shows just how much you understand of what is going on.

    Show me one link, even one only of a foreign press statement where yesterdays anti-protester actions were justified or supported. One only.

    Oh yes, if you not find it maybe all the rest of the world is red shirt, or blindfolded or paid by PTP...

    I'm totally against any form of violence, and denying the right to vote is a form of violence. One of the worst in any democracy.

    That this government is a shame for themselves is obviously true, but what is happening is out of this world, and who backs up the action of denying the right to vote, is unjustifiable.

    • Like 1
  4. You don't seem very smart so I will break it down for you..... When the police shoot bank robbers with guns ....is that justified or not? Terrorists and Criminals deserve punishment....

    The thugs beaten/shot were depriving law abiding citizens their right to vote in free elections. That is a crime.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Police shooting bank robbers who are shooting at them is one is one thing, this was a cold blooded murder of a protestor.

    Some hypocrites like to talk a lot of crap about 'democracy' while they're more than happy to support extra judicial killings. In a real democracy, criminals get a trial first.

    So you're saying the rights of a few should trump the rights of the majority?

    Yes...terrorists should be shot...Right in the head.

    Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Congratulations, so much of a democratic view... facepalm.gif

  5. Khun Tezzainoz, it is getting really ridiculous for you to keep accusing other posters of bias, when you are displaying exactly that yourself. Why not calm down and try to look at the situation objectively yourself and perhaps rely a little less on what your wife tells you? Just a polite suggestion. Have a nice evening.

    Don't judge to Quickly

    seems you are part of the many that make a decision and it must be true with out knowing all the facts

    I can not say if he was or was not assulted, but at least I keep an open mind

    So you should have kept an open mind when someone thought the first grenade attack could have been staged by anti-government leaders... But in that case your mind was not that open as I remember...

    Keep in mind that the photo was taken by The Nation, not exactly a newspaper that would have any interest to stage anything pro-government or pro-election. And more pics are coming...

    ‏@go6tv 23m คนไปออกเสียงโดนฝูงสัตว์ป่าทำร้าย https://www.facebook...&type=3 … pic.twitter.com/BsdaJj5dfZ


    You have a better memory than me because I can not remember posting on this article

    You will of coarse send us all the link to prove your not making this all up, and it never happened

    As soon as you will prove that the guy in the pictures is a fake or beaten some anti-protester before being treated that way, Khun Tezzainoz...

    Edit: I went back to see and acknowledge that we both actually have bad memory... You commented on the post concerning the attack, so you have a bad memory lol, but I have a bad memory as well because you sure had openly attacked who did not have your idea, but it wasn't concerning the attack itself.

    Never mind, but I still feel is bad taste to speculate on something amply documented as the attack against voter it is.

  6. As we have no idea what brought this on, how can you make a jugdment

    before the photo was taken he could have spit in this guys eye

    or even kicked and punched him

    take a good photos and then create a spin so it fit you bias

    Khun Tezzainoz, it is getting really ridiculous for you to keep accusing other posters of bias, when you are displaying exactly that yourself. Why not calm down and try to look at the situation objectively yourself and perhaps rely a little less on what your wife tells you? Just a polite suggestion. Have a nice evening.

    Don't judge to Quickly

    seems you are part of the many that make a decision and it must be true with out knowing all the facts

    I can not say if he was or was not assulted, but at least I keep an open mind

    So you should have kept an open mind when someone thought the first grenade attack could have been staged by anti-government leaders... But in that case your mind was not that open as I remember...

    Keep in mind that the photo was taken by The Nation, not exactly a newspaper that would have any interest to stage anything pro-government or pro-election. And more pics are coming...

    ‏@go6tv 23m คนไปออกเสียงโดนฝูงสัตว์ป่าทำร้าย https://www.facebook...&type=3 … pic.twitter.com/BsdaJj5dfZ


  7. You want to vote?

    gloriously staged picture by the reds to make the anti's look bad

    the guy being strangled should be on Thai soaps at 6pm, his acting is so poor

    Comments like this makes me puke on the floor. Poster like you and the ones wearing red glasses are a shame to this forum.

    ‏@go6tv 23m คนไปออกเสียงโดนฝูงสัตว์ป่าทำร้าย https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=815830225097302&set=pb.173829542630710.-2207520000.1390792925.&type=3&theater … pic.twitter.com/BsdaJj5dfZ


    Still staged huh? Still a poor actor huh?

    • Like 1
  8. Finally, now Suthep will see the damage he has done to his country in his effort to gain leadership other than the ballot box. Shame on this terrible excuse of a man.

    Yes let's hope so.

    Let's also hope Thaksin and the 'It's not all about Thaksin PTP realise the damage they've done to the country by their policies and obsession with amnesties.

    I so agree with you! If Suthep and Thaksin would care a little about people and this country would have stop this nonsense of wall against wall and would have left some people with common sense bring on the reforms...

    Pity that it is sci-fi more than Star Trek and Star Wars together :(

    • Like 1
  9. At Bangkapi and Ladkrabang this morning no police. I saw it with my own eyes, if they came later I don't know... And I can't comment for other polling booth.

    So your statement " there are police at EVERY polling booth" is not correct.
    Well. Just another nail in the Thai police coffin then as they are supposed to be there to safeguard the polling boxes ... so yet again Thai police NOT DOING their job.

    What time did you go? Also gotta ask WHY were you at 2 different polling stations??

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Calm down, I am the first to say Police did not do their job. Must understand why. Why they have no reaction whatsoever.

    If they are there or not, is the exact same thing. They event had no reaction when dismantled their insgnia at their HQ.

    I just wanted to make a more accurate statement about the situation. And no, I did not go to the polling station but just passed by. And the reason is I was just curious to see how was the situation as seen as 1) My wife should vote at Bangkapi poll next week. Her parents will do the same at Ladkrabang. Are we good?

    Obviously after all that happened and is happening today I guess the election is out of discussion. Chaos and anarchy are the winners.

    So in fact. You CANNOT confirm that the police were NOT at the polling station ..All you can confirm is that you didn't see them as you DROVE by... OK I get it now. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I think I am able to see police gathering outside a gate, my sight is still good. What's your problem man???

    Wow, let's drop the convo here... Not much to say.

  10. " By Law Police cannot go near as illegal interfere with election."

    What are you talking about .. there are police at EVERY polling booth... just because THEY are not doing their jobs ..you blame the EC..

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    At Bangkapi and Ladkrabang this morning no police. I saw it with my own eyes, if they came later I don't know... And I can't comment for other polling booth.

    So your statement " there are police at EVERY polling booth" is not correct.

    Well. Just another nail in the Thai police coffin then as they are supposed to be there to safeguard the polling boxes ... so yet again Thai police NOT DOING their job.

    What time did you go? Also gotta ask WHY were you at 2 different polling stations??

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Calm down, I am the first to say Police did not do their job. Must understand why. Why they have no reaction whatsoever.

    If they are there or not, is the exact same thing. They event had no reaction when dismantled their insgnia at their HQ.

    I just wanted to make a more accurate statement about the situation. And no, I did not go to the polling station but just passed by. And the reason is I was just curious to see how was the situation as seen as 1) My wife should vote at Bangkapi poll next week. Her parents will do the same at Ladkrabang. Are we good?

    Obviously after all that happened and is happening today I guess the election is out of discussion. Chaos and anarchy are the winners.

  11. " By Law Police cannot go near as illegal interfere with election."

    What are you talking about .. there are police at EVERY polling booth... just because THEY are not doing their jobs ..you blame the EC..

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    At Bangkapi and Ladkrabang this morning no police. I saw it with my own eyes, if they came later I don't know... And I can't comment for other polling booth.

    So your statement " there are police at EVERY polling booth" is not correct.

  12. What a banana republic... Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?


    "Who is supposed to protect voters and make sure they exercise their right to vote?"

    The Election Commission - though it is obvious now that they have another agenda (and boss/bosses)

    Everyone in this country has an agenda. It's a big pity that no one cares about people.

    • Like 1
  13. What a sad day for Thailand!!

    The powers behind the scene pulling the strings and getting their way again!!

    All to keep an outdated feudal system in place!!bah.gif

    And I see the Shins for, what they are. A corrupt family feeding their cronies!

    If all this ends with a "peoples council", the clock has just been turned back another 50 years!!

    I dont understand your post - shins have to go - but no electoral reform - what do you want then>>??

    I think you did not read his post well. He did not ask for no reforms, he despise (as I do) Suthep's "People's council"...

  14. Many posters should get ashamed of their hatred toward police.

    They were proved wrong and I would love to see if they can at least once reckon their mistake and ask sorry for their insults and speculations.

    Likewise, many posters should be ashamed of their hatred toward anti-government protestors.

    They were proved wrong and I would love to see if they can at least once recognize their mistake and apologise for their insults and speculations.

    Indeed both extreme posts are a pain for this forum. Like you said in another post, this thread is 100+posts of insults toward police, anti-govmt protesters and "I'm right, you're wrong" posts... Pure trash.

  15. it was only 2 days ago i posted on here that it wont be long before suthep is the target of a sniper attack, seems like it was very close today

    Only Thaksin would organize that...but not too well, like the fortune teller who he attempted to have taken out in Burma that is well known to have spoken of his fate which has kept playing out.

    ...Seh Daeng...

  16. Now all of you tell me, if any of your countries would happen something like this: what would be the outcome? Would protesters be considered peaceful?

    It's not all protesters and I doubt it's more than a small fraction. They're wrong but they don't represent the majority of the anti government protesters.

    To avoid misunderstanding, of course I was referring to those group, not to all protesters.

    But the violent group have to be stopped in any case. And this is not the first episode.

    Listening to yesterday's Suthep speech, he obviously forgot to mention every violent occurrence that happened during the protest...

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