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  1. So same,same but different. Don't get hung up on democracy, it's just another name for mob rule and the mob is easily led, if you have 10 road sweepers and one professor of economics you'll have a road sweeper as your Finanz minister.
  2. See what money can do in a democratic country.
  3. I thought you wanted to set him on fire, make your mind up.
  4. They died before anyone came forward to complain.
  5. Whatever, throughout history there has always been a mass peoples migration due to wars or famine and it couldn't be stopped, even ancient Rome couldn't stop it with violence, the Angles, Jutes and Saxons wandert into Britain as did the so called Vikings which gave way to Dane law in Northern and Eastern England in the 9th century, Scots have a similar genetic make up as the Scandinavians while the English genetics have more in common with the Germans than the Welsh. As more parts of the world become unlivable due to poverty, war and/or climate change there will be an unstoppable human wave during this and the next century moving to more amenable climates. The Zulus caused mass migration in Africa during the last 200 hundred years due to their own territorial expansion so this is nothing new. As the Western demographics continue to be top heavy with old people this can be accommodated and will be, even Japan is now considering immigration as their numbers dwindle.
  6. The insurance company wasn't to blame, they immediately confirmed they would pay, it was the American money grabbing ideology of the hospital that wanted an assurance from the German embassy first before they started treatment which caused the delay.
  7. I don't think one would legally be able to discriminate.
  8. How would that work, get an unemployed salesman in NY with family and move him hundreds of miles out to the country to plant potatoes, get an undergraduate just finished studying to pick apples?
  9. Who are sophisticated enough to appreciate ageless classical music instead of noise.
  10. She gave him the verbal finger and he gave her a physical reply.
  11. I bet the farmers aren't happy, they might have to pay a living wage to Americans, providing they can find anybody to do the work, will also increase the price of food but that would go hand in hand with Trumps tariff policies.
  12. Infantile, that'll teach her not to do it again. The courts administer justice not revenge.
  13. So the whole of society is somehow guilty as well now?
  14. Just a bare foot kick to the head by the look of it, put the little raver off his moves. The perp didn't look drunk, quite a karate kick for someone inebriated.

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