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soalbundy last won the day on August 17 2019

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  1. Sounds like BS but maybe it was subjectively true to the little crackhead.
  2. She has to get her story straight first
  3. Is it king Trump now?......He hasn't got the dignity, elegance or the good taste for that job, imagine his coat of arms, crossed golf clubs over a half eaten big mac.
  4. Someone did not wish him well and wanted his stash
  5. How should they restrain him for 10 months? It's not as if they have a prison cell there with a self contained toilet, the guy is having a psychotic issue and lives among them.
  6. Well I have spent most of my life (77) in several countries in Europe and the last 20 years in Thailand without ever being even threatened let alone attacked.
  7. Yes, when living in a civilized society.
  8. The one thing one can say about America, they don't waste time on dignity.
  9. They might want to examine what had been in that syringe, it's not something a normal tourist would posses so I'm assuming he was drugged up to the eyeballs.
  10. Shouldn't the Russians or their insurance be paying?
  11. He was told that his teeth are OK but his gums have to come out, that annoyed him.
  12. As I understand German law, whatever he is convicted of here he will face further conviction on his return to Germany.
  13. Have you been reading Schopenhauer again? "It is difficult to find happiness within oneself but it is impossible to find it anywhere else"
  14. I wouldn't say that, mainland Europe is great.
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