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soalbundy last won the day on August 17 2019

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  1. The day started off so well.....
  2. True, even his mother didn't like him.
  3. Hater is an exaggeration, I don't actually hate anyone. Trump is only as dangerous as his supporters allow him to be and there are still legal checks and balances in place to hold the pitch fork brigade in check. I don't think presidents are as powerful as people seem to believe, they are restrained by reality. Leaders can only really sway people with oratory skills, Kennedy and Churchill come to mind, if you listen to Trump speak it is apparent that he doesn't have such skills apart from rabble raising but such speeches don't have a lasting effect nor are they note worthy Trumps 2nd term will descend into chaos but to be fair he has inherited a situation where the can can no longer be kicked down the road, every major country in the world faces the same problem, a debt that can no longer be plastered over, inflation, central banks flailing in all directions, falling production and low demand, falling standards of living and in some cases downright poverty, defaults on mortgages and credit cards, failing banks and a disillusioned and angry populace expecting solutions where there are none. A steady hand on the tiller is needed and Trump is anything but steady.
  4. Outliers, I don't think Trump or Musk have the absolute power that the people you mentioned had. Trump is already mentally compromised and Musk will run himself into the ground, he is, I believe, autistic and his behaviour is getting weirder by the day.
  5. They didn't survive though did they and the all powerful destroyer Robespierre was killed himself, forcing through change with power and violence doesn't work out well, dictators don't usually die of old age.
  6. If it helps to destroy 'woke' I'm all for it.
  7. Things have a way of 'turning', remember Robespierre ended up on the guillotine himself.
  8. I'm not a billionaire, nor did I support his campaign with millions so I could lobby him later, when you pay you want the product.
  9. but he won't be the president
  10. Yes, mob mentality doesn't have to include violence, it's an emotional non thinking unit, sheep wanting a shepherd, it's very common in human culture, without it leaders couldn't rule, armies couldn't function, football stadiums would be empty, the mob mentality is needed for coherence, right or wrong that's my country, my political party, my unit, my football team, it wouldn't function if people started thinking for themselves, schools have taught individuals for decades to stop thinking and take up the mob mentality.
  11. It's mob mentality, one should do what one alone considers is right with a certain amount of detachment. No politician, bank manager,Company, party or government cares about you, just be clear about that and realize that the world is governed by self interest, greed and lies, let the leaders sing the anthem with their hands on their hearts and speak of patriotism, it's window dressing. You're on your own. Politicians will do what is right for them, investors don't care about the companies they invest in or the products, it's all about profit, allegiance is a stupid notion and any leader who thinks he has true loyalty from his ministers is a fool, everyone has an agenda and every post, reputation, power or situation is impermanent.
  12. What's all this allegiance crap, typical American. As an employee you're expected to do your job no matter who's in charge, it's what you're paid for, allegiance is middle ages nonsense that we have in Britain swearing loyalty to the crown but that is just because we don't have a written constitution.
  13. I'm a pensioner, I've never worked here. I had to get the German embassy to confirm that the tax department wouldn't help me, that was enough for my company, they just wanted a piece of paper.

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