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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. She obviously didn't scam him for everything, he still had 100K left so she was probably new at the game, no doubt she will be cursing that she left too early and 'her' money will now be scavenged by the cops.
  2. You probably can offer an alternative way to dry rice? I can't understand the 'rice pile' bit, rice is spread out evenly on plastic netting and at night is rolled back to cover it in case of rain, dumping a huge pile of rice on the road is unusual and negligible, rice is delivered off road from the fields on a patch of land next to the road. The farmer in this case is responsible.
  3. Typical potent Chinese disease, they just don't care, I caught a respiratory illness from them before they even arrived.
  4. You would never beat a katoiy armed with a Stiletto high healed shoe.
  5. Maybe he used the melee to cop a feel while they were beating the living $hit out of him, there's always an opportunity in a crisis.
  6. He was spot on as well when he said she was about to experience an unfortunate event.
  7. I fail to see the connection, foreigners have no influence on Thai laws, nor should they have, meddling in politics isn't appreciated.
  8. I have a yellow house registration book and did my yearly visa extension (pension) with a letter in English from a German consulate this November in Surin, never had any of this nonsense happen, it was quickly accepted as it was.
  9. While on holiday in Koh Samui some years ago I interacted with two married couples on two Separate occasions, one German and one British. It was the men who played with their children while the wives sat in their deck chairs looking bored. During conversations with the wives while their husbands were out of earshot both spoke disparagingly about their husbands to me, the lack of respect shocked me, the British woman whose husband was a police inspector said it was a wonder they could go on holiday with the pittance that he earned, "Oh" I replied "what work do you have", "I don't work, I have two school children to look after". The German man seemed cowed by his wife, when I asked if they had just arrived as his wife was so pale, he was distraught, "Don't tell her that she will react badly, it will ruin my day". He was an IT expert, when I mentioned to his wife that her young son had a remarkable vocabulary for his age she remarked, That's down to my husband, he is a university graduate and speaks with the children a lot, at least he's good for something". My thoughts at the time were that both the wives needed a good slapping.
  10. Before I left Germany after spending more than 35 years there there was an inter-school competition throughout Germany to find who could speak the best German, the children had to read out loud a complicated text and then explain it to the audience to show they had understood it. The winner was a 14 year old Turkish girl with a, for Germans, unpronounceable name.
  11. Yes, the lack of discretionary money is a problem which isn't recognized by the TOT, the days of the free spending tourists are gone, high rents and mortgages, maxed out credit cards and high interest rates are the order of the day. We are in what the Scots ominously call, 'interesting times', lucky the man who has a strong door to close behind him.
  12. Both good sons of the leafy lanes of Surrey no doubt, one rich and well educated, the other a poor fool destined for the confines of an overcrowded cell, causality writes its story without an author but all stories end eventually and so nothing really happened.
  13. The pub closed and she was seeing double so it's only logical to rely on GPS. was she tested?
  14. I can't understand why anybody would want to delve into this subject deeply unless they are emotionally involved. Transgenders aren't really the problem because I don't come into contact with them, however what is annoying is that people are supposed to conform to 'tranny speach' or risk retribution, eg. the teacher who was sacked because he refused to use 'they' and 'them' to a boy? in his class instead of the normal pronouns, then there is the teacher at an all girls school who was rebuked for greeting his class with 'good morning girls', I believe one of them identified as a cat although they may have been trolling which shows how ridiculous this has all become. The backlash is on the boil and I am part of it, it has simply gone to far. If I identify as a lord and use this title I can be prosecuted for false use of a title and yet a man can call himself Mrs and we are supposed to agree with his disillusion. A man who has fully transitioned into a so called woman is just a man who has cut off his dick. Could a man who has sexual relations with a tranny woman thinking 'she' was a real woman sue for misrepresentation or even sexual assault? That would only be fair and would blow the hypocrisy apart.
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