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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Steele was a former MI6 agent who ran the 'Russian desk' so the dossier is unlikely to be false. He would also have taken legal advise before releasing it.. Trump appears only to be suing for breach of data protection, everything else he says is due to fear of public opinion and lack of funds rolling in from conservative red necks and the disenfranchised. The bible belt is a hot bed of hypocrisy but they balk at golden showers.
  2. you've got to love realism, it's the way the world works. The West is better at crying crocodile tears while adding up the ledger.
  3. My brain is wired to be a multi millionaire but reality gets in the way, trannies ignore reality but most of us don't. Incidentally no female acts the way a tranny acts, exaggerated, aggressive, and masculine.
  4. At least it didn't happen in a mall and nobody from China was hurt.......just some Russian.
  5. I got hold of Thai tax form for personal income tax in English and there is a box to fill in regarding pensions, it's from 2016 I believe.
  6. I imagine this happens often to bolster the police salaries, the BIB supply chain.
  7. Yes, pragmatism is wiser than explosive words that do nothing to help but may harm in the long run. There is always fighting and unrest in the middle east. Up until now many Arab countries have started to ignore the Palestine problem and have either diplomatic or working relations with Israel, I suspect Hamas is trying to change this humiliating state of affairs.
  8. It's only an immediate arrest when they 'swoop', next day is a quick response arrest.
  9. Kindness is a quality, like the colour red or blue, not an article of exchange.
  10. It is said that nobody is given more suffering than they can endure, you have proved them wrong. Nothing more pathetic than a spiritual wasteland with money.
  11. Yes that's true,Communism, like Christianity has never been put into practice, even Russia called itself a Soviet Socialist Republic, not a Communist republic but was just a dictatorship of the politburo whereas we in the west have a dictatorship of corporations and central banks which so called democratic governments have to obey. When they swing to far to the right the backlash causes an exaggerated swing to the left, we can't seem to get a middle way.
  12. My parents always looked at death with amusement. My mother told me that when my father at 83 woke up in the morning he would laugh and say, "Amazing, we're still here," he died after his third heart attack, my mother died when a car hit her on her mobility scooter while crossing the road, she never thought to look at the traffic, at 93 she had memory problems, she would tell my brother about the amazing book she had just read and he would reply "I know, you've read it 4 times and tell me about it each time." She just laughed and said "I'm a problem to myself but as long as I can forget about it it it's ok".
  13. Why the crusade? It doesn't matter does it, it is as it is. It is amusing to listen to 80 year old's making plans for the future or worrying what the stock market will be like next year but then they have a positive outlook on life and are happy with that. I am 75 and often tell my partner and son to consider what they will do when I am dead but they tell me I will live to be a 100. I laugh and tell them that is impossible, my 16 year old son gets it but considers I will live long enough to complete his higher education, I tell him to consider the more likely alternative. We are just causal events, some whistling in the dark, let them whistle for gods sake.
  14. That would be a matter for you and your Swiss pension provider but it is highly likely that they too would issue a similar statement when providing a pension confirmation letter, however some countries, the UK for instance, do not, you would know from past experience whether the Swiss do or not.
  15. I'm British but spent most of my working life in Germany so I get a German pension. I asked for the letter of confirmation of my pension as I do every year for the visa extension. The last paragraph concerning taxation they did without me asking for it so I presume it is a standard paragraph for recipients of German pensions. I don't pay tax in Germany, or anywhere and I hope this continues, whether the paragraph helps or not remains to be seen but it at least shows the German concern regarding taxation. You would obviously need confirmation of income from the Swiss authorities and not Germany.
  16. Yesterday I received my confirmation of income from the German consulate, the letter addressed not only the IO but also the inland revenue although I hadn't mentioned anything about taxation to them. The paragraph for the inland revenue stated that they assume that Mr xxxx wil be exempted from taxation due to the double taxation treaty between Germany and Thailand. So Germany goes the extra mile for their pensioners, I doubt that Brexit Britain will do the same for hers.
  17. The Norwegian man has just dug his hole deeper by not walking away. In a hypothetical case he may have lost a lot of money and suffered emotional pain but if he walks away he still has his freedom but now he still has the loss and the pain (compounded by being a murderer) and lost his freedom with no hope of a new beginning. Emotional responses are ego driven and don't end well. It is better to realize that things don't happen to me, they happen in the space of me and the 'I am' is the patient observer, detached but still playing my part on the stage but I am simultaneously also in the audience. No harm can come to the actor once he realizes he is only playing a part.
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