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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. This breaks my heart, it's beyond disgusting, normally I don't read anything concerning a child's death because it affects me emotionally, I made a mistake this time, I thought the child would be saved.
  2. I never received such a letter from Trendy House, the visa transfer wasn't a problem, took 20 minutes at Surin IO 8 years ago.
  3. Yeah, the British embassy will swing into full action on this, an aircraft's engines will warming up at RAF Brize Norton air base right now because the UK looks after its citizens.......you're on your own mate. A second mortgage on his parents house and an IOU to His Majesty's Government and the embassy will do something.
  4. Reminds me of an incident 50 years ago, a colleague was woken up every night by a howling cat in his garden, one night he shot it with his 12 bore shot gun, the cat disintegrated. Checking what was left of it the next morning he realized it was his neighbour's cat, a little old lady, about 80 years old. He felt sorry for her and decided to break the news to her gently. He rang her door bell and when she opened he said, "Your cat has had a spot of bother." When he told me this I couldn't stop laughing.
  5. Only one funeral that I attended was very emotional. It was a motorbike accident death of a 15 year old boy, a friend of my son, he drove a motorbike late at night to buy alcohol for his alcoholic mother and was hit from behind by a car. The emotion erupted at the cremation. A choreography of the finest sort. His headmaster had arranged that all his male classmates assembled unseen behind the crematorium but still under its jutting roof. As soon as the smoke rose from the chimney, deep male voices roared out in an emotional sad slow hymn perfectly in tune with one another bewailing the loss of their comrade, it echoed all around the crematorium and beyond, everybody, even the monks, wept unashamedly, me included, it was one of the most honest emotional moments I have ever witnessed.
  6. Buddhist concept, it is as it is. I watched my father-in-law die last night (78) the children did their duty holding watch all night for a week, one daughter had to drive 500 km to be there. He died at home, no pain, no illness. The last two days he didn't wake up and then, very undramatic, he just stopped breathing. Many people were there during the week making preparations for his death, laughing and joking within his earshot, all the villagers came and went. The room was crammed full when the monks came and did their chanting around the bed set up in the living room, the onlookers reciting when they should do. The monks had to come 3 times because, as his wife said, he was taking his time going. No tears were shed, his children were busy deciding which photograph to enlarge for the cremation service 10 minutes after his death, all very 'matter of fact'. I found it OK. What did disturb me was the lack of dignity when my wife and her sister changed his diapers in full view of whoever was present. A good time was had by all.
  7. That is at best only a theoretical consideration. One changes throughout life, character and life goals aren't static and when two people are involved the equation becomes even more complicated.
  8. This site only has the option of giving an opinion or advice, whether one could follow ones own advice if in a similar situation is uncertain.
  9. Revenge? What new beginning is a 70 woman going to make? She has a home and apparently he is there most of the time, arranging herself with the new situation is probably more advantages, by accepting the status quo she could make her own life within this framework. His fling isn't going to last that long anyway at his age when he realizes he is just being used, there is no fool like an old fool.
  10. Why bother at that age, allow the status quo. After 48 years it's not a broken heart through a lost love, just disappointment and hurt pride, he too will wake up to the truth of what is really going on, let him have his last fling and don't make waves, you may get drowned.
  11. Because it is a second part really, I did a post about the bank's helpline and all their 'experts' who fed me nothing but platitudes and BS, through this experience I know a lot more than they do now, not that it helps me, I see this as causality at its finest, working for entropy.
  12. The reason is that the cards are produced and sent from elsewhere. When the first card was lost in the post I asked my bank to send the second one per DHL, they told me that they never physically handle the cards to be able to do this, the banks own card producer does all this. Yes German banks are lousy service providers, beaten only by British banks in this respect.
  13. My bank does have an app (I've never looked in to it) but having written over 20 emails to the bank asking for help and advice (including the bank manager) nobody mentioned the app as way out. Now my bank's website wont even let me look at my account because every 2 or 3 months you have to synchronize your card with your account by using...you guessed it.... a tan number.
  14. Only a suspicious, skeptical, small minded person would think that a Thai official whose sworn loyalty to the crown and the people forbids him to be involved in corruption could do such a thing, he should look to his political masters as an example on how to behave. ????
  15. . Here's an update on my bank saga. I received my new bank card but can't use it because my tan generator has to be replaced with a modern one, unfortunately to order one you need a tan generator and the company that produces them for my bank doesn't deliver outside of Europe. I have a friend and ex-colleague in Germany who ordered and paid for one for me and sent it by DHL, DHL is now on strike. My bank, who previously said it can't be done without a tan generator, have sent me money, bank to bank to my account in Thailand, takes about two weeks, well better than nothing but after a week of waiting my bank informs me that there is something wrong with the account number they have given Bangkok bank who have requested clarification so would I send them more info (they fricked it up). I should be able to use an ATM with my new card but the post with the new PIN number hasn't arrived (it's two weeks overdue), maybe Covid backlog is to blame or, like my first card I was sent, it got lost in the post. So after two months without income at the moment we are surviving on spaghetti sauce with rice and wondering how to pay the land tax and the electricity bill. The cosmos does not wish me well. An example of our complete lack of control over our lives, causality is king.
  16. Considering all the Russians in the country it's a wonder that a few favours haven't been returned, like a fall from a high rise building.
  17. Crime of passion without intent to kill, in Thailand he could get away with 4 years.
  18. Hopefully there will be an autopsy, his death may not be due to a crime but a fit healthy 17 year old boy doesn't die without a reason.
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