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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. All part of the charm, like the waiter saying "OK, that was the tip but where is the back hander"
  2. Not on my watch.....what?.....oh ,Well I was probably in Paris at the time that happened, I'll erm, look into it.
  3. After a 6 week wait I have finally received my new bank card from Germany only to be told it wont work on my tan generator, I need a new chip tan qr generator (which my bank doesn't supply outside of Europe). I have a friend in Germany who will buy one from the banks website (very modern, you can only buy online these days) and send it to me by DHL. My question, has anybody here used this generator with a WISE transfer, bank to bank and how does it differ from the old generator method, is a new WISE set up required etc.
  4. Yes, a passport belongs to the state not to you, it is a means of identification which you have to pay for.
  5. I did my 90 day report this morning and asked where all the male colleagues were, there were only 4 women officers working. I was told that they have all been dispersed throughout different parts of Thailand. I said nothing but my wife whispered,"corruption punishment"
  6. The police involved in the sting must be amused, feigning indignation while their own hands are deep in the trough. Tut, tut, tut, oooh what! tut, tut, tut, snigger, tut, tut.
  7. It's pretty disgusting, basically robbing kids. Let us not get too precious about corruption in Thailand though, it is world wide but Thais don't hide it very well. My father worked in Covent Garden ( a huge fruit and vegetable wholesale market in London) as a salesman before he started his own business, he said the biggest cash flow in the market (hundreds of companies) was corruption money. After he started his own business dealing in the market he was personally paying out corruption money, it was impossible to do business otherwise, he was taking with the left hand and paying out with the right hand. When filling out his tax forms he said his accountants biggest worry was hiding the 'black money' my father used to pay out the corruption money. Some of his customers (one was a lord, owner of the Lyons conglomerate) wanted monthly cheques not cash, it all had to be washed for the tax office. This was 50 years ago, I doubt much has changed.
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