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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Isn't it possible to fake symptomatic,"Oh dear, I'm feeling poorly, no energy, headache, sore throat, I need treatment," I'm sure the doctors would go along with it.
  2. Strange, it must be that time of year, I just returned from shopping in the market town 17 km from us and literally everybody was speeding, I was driving at 110 kmh which is of course speeding but I was being overtaken by cars doing around 160 (major road) which is unusual, normally cars are driven at around 80 kmh on this road.
  3. I'm satisfied with one day, that is the normal time from my German bank to Bangkok bank, recently it has got faster, transfer on the same day so no complaints from me.
  4. Yes but nobody cares, if they did so earnestly politics would change (to some extent politics has changed which is why the green parties are now a force to be reckoned with) but there is as yet no real concern or anger. If things did change would the fickle public want to put up with the inconvenience, a weak lot at the best of times, quarantine is causing mental problems and suicides, Oh dear what a shame, never mind.
  5. I got my booster a couple of days ago, we had a choice, pfizer or moderna, I chose moderna just because...... Astra wasn't on the menu.
  6. The accidental vaccination in a different village came about because my wife read about it on her phone as we approached the village, boosters were being given out so we went. The wife reckons it was for the big shots only but whatever I got mine but just as the missus was about to get hers a nurse reading our paperwork put an end to the procedure and even tore up the paperwork relating to that injection and told us to leave, muttering something about it being dangerous. Whatever, no ill effects but the wife didn't get hers. So I have had 1 Sinovac 2 Astra and 1 Moderna.
  7. I have had all my injections for free. My wife deals with it. The pu yai of our village asked us to sign up for vaccinations and we did, after that everything was automatic, we were told to go to the market town where a school had been turned into a vaccination center I got sinovac as number one then astra as number two a few weeks later (astra number 3 later somewhere else by mistake). Several days ago my wife received a message on her app that we were to both go to the village clinic to get a moderna booster today. Simple, all comes to those who wait, just follow the instructions, I have found the whole procedure to be well organized.
  8. Good luck with that, I'm getting my moderna booster for free today.
  9. Yes that is unfortunate but Thais are pragmatic, woke wont last long here, or anywhere, it isn't practical or natural for that matter.. Actually it isn't really that new, I can remember about 25 years ago in Germany we were looking for a new dress for my German wife at the time and couldn't find the right size, the shop assistant came to our aid telling us that we were in the wrong section, the section we were in was for ladies with a 'full figure', "You mean fat" I said ungraciously, she looked horrified and told me that one doesn't say that these days, I laughed and just said "Mutton is lamb with a full figure then".....she didn't like me.
  10. Hardly seems worth the trouble, certainly not to visit the UK.
  11. That is what i thought, unfortunately America is like an oil slick, it creeps everywhere. However in Europe it seems that 'woke' is meeting resistance and it hasn't reached Asia yet thank goodness, if ever it does I will ignore it. I have never watched a reality show nor do I intend to, as for Christmas I have never celebrated it and my family here certainly doesn't so it is just another day, once when my son was very young he asked me why Santa doesn't come to Thailand, I said because we have no chimneys, that seemed logical to him so we have no more talk of presents and at 14 yrs now it just doesn't occur to him. We do still have choices.
  12. Well as I have already reported here I have accidentally received a booster to which I wasn't entitled and tomorrow I am getting another one to which I am entitled (73 years old). In Australia a man was arrested for swindling himself 9 vaccinations with no ill effects.
  13. Unfortunately politics are a necessary evil and those in power will always have difficult decisions to make for a fickle public. Not only is the public health at stake but jobs and the economy as well, I wouldn't like to be the one making decisions in this day and age.
  14. Yes but the indications so far is that while more infectious omicron is a milder version of covid and if you have been vaccinated you will not only be unlikely to die from it but you probably wont even need hospital treatment, 80% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated people.
  15. Yes but to be fair it isn't much better in Europe, Covid changes so quickly that it is difficult to keep up and then there are the political ramifications, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Being too careful will result in anger and demonstrations, being too lax will result in blame when things go wrong. This is new territory for most countries, most people, especially in the West, are loathe to give up their assumed freedoms and would be willing to man the barricades to protect their right to eat cream cakes let alone their right to celebrate Christmas and new year, maybe Ebola would change their minds but I doubt it.
  16. Same here in my village but I never accept, drinking with Thais is a dangerous event no matter how nice and friendly they are when sober, when someone suddenly produces a lao kao bottle all bets are off.
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