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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. I and my missus been insured by a Thai health insurance company for 15 years, it's always a long wait to get paid, usually several months go by but they always pay up. On one memorable occasion the TB injections from farang land for my missus (the TB wasn't responding to normal treatment) were so expensive ( injection every day for two weeks) that the hospital arranged for direct payment from the insurance so that we could avoid having to pay up front, worked a treat.
  2. That seems to be true, ever since covid appeared in Thailand my area in rural Isaan was without incident all was well here, an island of security, until a week ago; the next village on had 5 cases in one day and now another village next to mine has been isolated with road blocks, nobody allowed in or out without permission as 15 cases of covid have appeared.
  3. I had a great Dane, 'Charly' who has since died, he scared Thais even though he was a gentle soul but he didn't like it if a stranger touched me, then a low threatening, grumbling, growl would come from him for a few seconds as a warning. I got over the question of poisoning by getting strangers to throw him some meat over the wall laced with chilly on the inside, after the third time he refused anything that wasn't from his food bowl.
  4. We have a burglar in my village who used to steal on a semi regular basis, he was always caught and fined and has done time as well. Once he broke into a school teachers house which was guarded by two large dogs, he got over this problem by giving them scraps of food through the railings for about two weeks and the dogs left him alone when he broke in while the teacher and his wife were out. He was seen coming out of the house and was reported to the police, the teacher was so angry that he told the police that if the thief wasn't sentenced to a prison term he would find him and shoot him, the laconic reply from the police officer was, "Don't let any witnesses see you".
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