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Posts posted by cmsally

  1. So he is basically saying that at present they are housed in gestation crates which are illegal in many parts of the world.

    Changing to group gestation pens certainly sounds better, but it is all down to size as sows together in a group will often fight for resources.

    So , no it is nowhere near a natural environment where they would have the space to keep away from each other.

    Also would be interested to know the details on their contract farming as to who makes the investments and takes the losses.

  2. I thought legalised marijuana was meant to be the next big earner. Maybe it didn't quite work out.

    It's like having a multilayered cake and trying to get more money out of the already cheap bottom sponge layer (which is already eggless to save money); when you have a diamond encrusted, platinum cased, extremely expensive maraschino cherry sitting on the very top untouched!

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Harry2 said:

    CMsally thanks for that. What do you ask for regarding EMS tracking for the return envelope? The twice I have paid for EMS return (for 90 day) they have simply put B37 stamps on the return envelope, not a helpful EMS sticker/receipt.

    You need to specifically ask for EMS for the return envelope , which means stamps as well as the tracking sticker. You need to make a note of the tracking number on the enclosed return envelope as this will not appear in your postal receipt.

    Also for your photocopies, don't forget to sign them !

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  4. 27 minutes ago, Gonzo the Face said:

    cmsally , what area are you located?

    Tapae Rd area. It seems to flow from Chiang Moi direction, as when they dig up around the day market , the supply often gets cut off.

  5. The problem is that investment is just not feasible unless someone has a huge heap of cash they need to tie up for some reason. Hotels are still being built and minimum cost of a piece of land in the city would be around 25 million baht. Then your building costs would be at least that again . So at least 50 million and probably more. Might be ok if you are always full and can charge a lot but that just isn't happening. The whole equation of return on investment and costs just isn't adding up. If the whole thing is just an investment without much care to the returns produced when operating, then no one really cares about the issue of tourism.

    any discussion of tourism really needs to address the issue of consortiums that come in and drop,the next 100 million for the next development . Tourism infrastructure in the last few years is more about inflow of cash in big amounts.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    That's not exactly an apples-to-apples ethical situation.


    In the case of the government's dual pricing, it can be argued that the government is doing this not to discriminate against foreigners, but to ensure that access to national parks and monuments is maintained for the benefit of the largest number of Thai people possible. In other words, it is being done for the common good of the Thai people.


    In contrast, a street vendor gouging a foreign tourist is only doing so out of the self-interest of making a profit. He is not doing it for any higher social purpose. 


    I believe this is what distinguishes the two activities from one other, and makes one ethically defensible and the other less so.


    Of course a street vendor could argue that you are subsidising cheap meals for the local Thai population .

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