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Posts posted by cmsally

  1. 1 hour ago, happysoul said:

    He should visit party places to see people out at 4pm. Suggestions : Ibiza, Cancun, Rio, Mykonos, Tel Aviv, Las Vegas, Amsterdam (can also check other than time closure), Berlin, ....


    But why Italy... Nothing particular there... Or would it be fashion in Milano hidden in a time closure prospection trip 555

    Actually he will probably feel right at home. Italy sold out to Chinese big time.

    Italy joins Belt and Road


    Chinese in Prato


    Many Chinese clothing factories , especially Prato, of course they get the "Made in Italy" label. There are many articles, of course, saying that the Chinese want to join the exclusive ranks of high class fashion. However friends in the industry seem to mostly come across cheaper, lower quality items. For example , they say, noticeable in "Italian cashmere" where the Chinese are making a cheaper alternative from scratch (including fabric and wool etc). Then selling it as "Italian cashmere" for a price that undercuts the real product which is again made in Italy. The untrained eye would before read the label, but now unless they know their fabrics they will not be able to tell the difference.

  2. 16 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    I agree. The Asian blind deference system only works reasonably well when the Top/Big Boss is actually skillful/knowledgeable. The Japanese and Koreans do ok. 


    In Thailand, statistically, almost nobody is very clever. So, it is the blind leading the blind here. 

    Logically, the Labrador should be in control!

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    You can educate ignorance, medicate insanity but there is no hope for stupidity.  80% of the worlds millionaires are first generation.  Not members of the "lucky sperm club"  If you look at the areas of the world where the poorest are the poorest look no further than those socialist countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia.  China once embraced socialism and drove over 1 billion people into poverty.  They now embrace capitalism and have the second largest economy in the world.  You want "everyone" to escape poverty?  Use the basic laws of economics.  You tax things like cigarettes and liquor you want to discourage and you subsidize things like electric cars you want to flourish.  Instead the liberals want to tax those who are productive and subsidize those who are not productive - just the opposite of what is needed.  Encourage people with incentives to start businesses, give the people a good education and skills training, and then let those who produce jobs flourish.  So what if they get wealthy.  Would you liberal types be happier if every business in the world collapsed and then "we could all be equal"  Winston Churchill said the inherent evil of capitalism is that it divides wealth unequally.  The inherent virtue of socialism is that it divides poverty equally. 

    What about if the 1% includes a lot of the "stupid".

  4. 28 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Farang means Caucasian people.  Thai people don't even assign color to it, we do.  If you ask a Thai literally what is a white person, they might point to a Korean or Japanese.  


    But I'm reasonable.  For instance, I do find the "N" word offensive.  I can't say it....heck, I can't even write it.  But in America, there was controversy over the name of the football team Washington Redskins.  That one I don't get.  Maybe I should be more PC.


    I think Farang actually means white person to a Thai, as in white European. Thais generally don't assign much interest to colour unless it goes to the very dark end of the scale. Colour is not discussed in the same way as in the west and that is probably because the local population has both very light and dark. It could never be perceived the same way as in the west.

    • Like 1
  5. Most people don't like to be told they are fat (if they are). Ironically if they were told so and acted upon it, it might increase their life and health for a considerable amount of years.

    Guilt (from the fact they might get very sick) once drove me to tell someone they were fat (being British and a master of the gross understatement, I phrased it as rather overweight). They of course went into complete denial based on the fact that only I had mentioned it and nobody else had said anything, therefore I must be wrong !:unsure:

    • Like 2
  6. Essentially GRAB is setting itself up / on the way to being a monopolistic controller of non mass transport in Thailand.

    History tells us that monopolies are not a good thing and ironically some people are complaining that the red buses are a monopoly! You ain't seen nothing yet!


    Their association with Kasikorn banking makes interesting reading. If you can filter out the junk about " Digital Lifestyle Ecosystem " , the interesting parts start to jump out, such as " including KBank loans to help Grab’s drivers access funds ".

    Those of us that had frugal families with cash in the bank should know better than to demand sparkling new vehicles at a cheap , cheap price for your local journeys. It is the same as saying , there is nothing wrong with wanting 1GBP T shirt from Primark.

    The worldwide monopolies are simply playing off the consumer and the producer. They intend to win.

  7. Quote

    everyone around my area received a letter /from jan next year

    will have to pay tax on house and land /never said how much /

    the old people will feel it/ as now they are struggling to live

    This could be another problem in that local areas choose to ignore the exemptions and collect from everybody. Really need for someone to go to the local office and ask for details.

    Last year we questioned our tax and did the calculation in front of them. It turned out the bill we had been sent, was let's just say, not accurate.

    • Like 1
  8. There are going to be inherent problems in the interpretation of this, probably the biggest is the estimation of value. Then you have people who use or rent out a small piece of their residential land or building for commercial use.

    The previous tax which this will be replacing (Pasee Rong Reun sp?) is already often paid by tenants rather than landlords and this goes for tenants of some of the very big landowners. How this pans out should be interesting. There are some very big landowners in downtown Chiang Mai. The cynic in me says they have had time to restructure and relocate the "owner" to the Cayman Islands!!

    • Like 1
  9. They have been out in force over the Muang area for weeks with clipboards and writing stuff down. There is no local information as to how they will be calculating it. The only info. is such as can be found here; but don't know that it provides much of a gauge.



    In the city area it would seem to affect rentals and commercial property the most. Next year has the possibility of being rather a bloodbath on an economy which has already ground to a halt.

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