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Posts posted by cmsally

  1. Classic, he expects us to believe he mistook it for an Air BnB ("went back to sleep there every night").

    Trouble is, when there are so many lies, you have to tell more lies to cover up the lies .....................................................................

    The truth is so far off the agenda that they have forgotten what it is. Can't wait for this whole thing to unravel; you'll really need to fasten your seatbelts!

    • Like 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, ThePioneer said:

    Maybe people should read this article from a few days ago, where some top hotel executives operating in Thailand do some revelations.



    Wow astonishing ! If they are that sure it can do better maybe they should manage it for themselves for a year or so. Also noticeable is that "Minor" is pushing for it to go through the Thai legal system.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, opalred said:

    i live maerim area /they said everyone will pay a yearly tax /on all houses and land from jan

    they held a board up in front of the houses and land and took a photo

    Did anyone challenge them on the 50m Baht exemption.

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  4. I read a few articles and as I understand it , there is a 15Bt transaction fee on every transaction. So money in and out presumably. Also it seems they can only facilitate the transaction that you bring up on your mobile app. For example they facilitate cash payment in after you do the transaction on your mobile (as I understand it).

    Not quite sure but so far read about 3 articles.

  5. Our last major power cut , 7-11 ceased to function . Nothing, even the sliding door didn't work. Good job the local "mom and pop" is still in business.

    As an aside , the local 7-11 employees buy their lunch from a local food cart on credit (the sort of credit where you write it on a notepad and pay on payday)!

    I think you need to be very wary of the monopolistic tendencies of CP (7-11). The thought of them controlling most of the banks payment services does not bring much optimism.

  6. 18 hours ago, opalred said:

    looks like for real/group of people around today .taking photos of house and land

    i see travel in a group/ as some of the local villages could get angry and violent

    Was this in Hang Dong by any chance. Last week in Hang Dong there was an announcement about checking for "stale water" (ie. mosquitoes). Except there seemed to be a group of 10+ people going round snooping. Not in our place though as husband already padlocked gate.

    My prediction for next year is not good, have seen this coming though.

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