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Posts posted by cmsally

  1. 18 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    The top 20% is not the rich, they are the real middle class.

    This is a poor country, the bottom of the top 20% are by no means high earning in a worldwide standard.

    Normally the driver of economy...skrewing them over is stupid.

    If you want to tax someone more why not take the top 1%, there is A LOT to get. 


    They are just making sure that the super rich stay rich as they have offshore vehicles for their wealth that can't be taxed anyway and the middle class stays poor.


    This is the household (meaning for families not singles) income distribution: https://www.statista.com/statistics/716001/share-of-household-income-levels-in-thailand-forecast/



    So even the top 13% of households earn an absolute minimum amount of money?? Stop taxing them and go after the rich...


    Only 5% of households earn more than 875K THB, which is still nothing...


    The 1% earns all here... 

    Well said! The Thailand of the last half decade has been all about mass consolidation at the very top small percentage. There is pretty much no middle class or middle upper class that existed a couple of decades ago.

  2. 5 minutes ago, NotEinstein said:

    Looks like they had to come up with a better thought out local-tourism-boosting scheme, as the 1,000 baht e-voucher just gave people the opportunity to do their normal shopping at BigC in the next province for free.....

    Chiang Mai residents have cottoned onto the fact that they can register and then go and spend 1,000 Bt in neighbouring Lamphun province. All in less than a day.

  3. A lot of my friends have been in the Thai tourist industry for 30yrs plus and say this is one of the worst rainy seasons they have seen. I think if you place yourself well and are not too greedy you can keep going on what tourists remain. But the lack of diversity is going to be a big problem.

    Looking at the Chinese owned businesses (which are quite a few), it is quite possible they are operating as vehicles for other businesses and facilitating foreign exchange etc.

    • Like 2
  4. The TAT used to send out forms every month for hotel owners to fill in regarding regarding nationalities and numbers of guests. You could have pretty much put anything and just send it off. Haven't seen those for at least a couple of years, so they must have plugged into another source for their data.

    Searches on the internet seem to suggest tourists are counted at immigration. Spending habits could be data from credit card companies, in which case it could easily miss payments in cash which would be a lot.

    • Like 2
  5. 53 minutes ago, Yinn said:


    You not like Chinese and Indian right?

    Yes the baht very strong now. Because money inflow Thailand to much. It make the problem for my friend who sold her resort for US110 million to foreign company. The bank only allow US $50,000 per day now. Is difficult. Hardship.


    Are you referring to the US$50,000 limit for Chinese to take out of the country , which is per year per person? Otherwise this does not make much sense.

  6. 4 hours ago, WhatupThailand said:

    New tax laws, means you pay your Government Rent each year or you will lose your land an house.

    People need to understand how this works, same as America, If you fail to pay your yearly "Rent/Tax" , the Government can throw you out and take it. Nothing new here, same old BS.

    There is a sign up in our area, that if the authorities want to enter your property and check, in relation to tax assessment, it is an offense to refuse them entry. Sign is Thai only. Will take pic if its still there and do translation. Really don't like the way this country is going , my instincts (which are normally pretty spot on), are going into overdrive and not in a good way.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    I not say that. Where I say that?


    I say the air pollution now in the south come from fire in Indonesia. Is true.

    I asked (in relation to investment in Indonesian oil palms) " Do you think there is a possibility Thailand could be one of those countries (just a yes/no answer without deflecting the blame to other countries will do!). "


    I was not talking about Indonesian smog. If you wish not to answer the question that is fine, but please stop deflecting and give a straight answer (or say you wish not to answer).

  8. Quote

    This one English for you and the member to learn. 

    I not want to argue.

    We can all do searches and read the information you post. You stated before it was the Malaysians that were to blame. Now you seem to admit the whole business is funded by multiple countries , which most of us know. Do you think there is a possibility Thailand could be one of those countries (just a yes/no answer without deflecting the blame to other countries will do!).

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    Indonesian authorities have claimed that some of these fires were on plantations operated by local subsidiaries of Malaysian palm oil firms, which the MPOA has refuted.

    The fires, whether deliberate or accidental, got out of control and spread to the plantations owned by the Malaysian firms, said Mr Dass.






    I understand. The op about air pollution, now, in the south.

    it come from Indonesia. Not Thailand.

    not same problem as north pollution. 



    Op about air pollution in south. Not air pollution in north. 



    The wildfires in Sumatra and Kalimantan have caused thick clouds of smoke to drift towards Malaysia and Singapore, and sent air quality levels plunging to very unhealthy levels in all three countries.






    i think I understand. THIS air problem NOW in south because Indo and Malaysia. 

    If you blame Thailand/Prayut then you wrong. 

    So you are saying that Thailand and Thai companies have absolutely no investment in palm oil production on Indonesian soil?

  10. 13 hours ago, Yinn said:

    No. I not want to go. For what? 

    The north, north east and central make pollution themself. 


    South pollution come from Indonesia. Malaysia boss.



    Well no, not all Malaysian bosses. To understand the pollution in the north you also need to study the investment of CP in the Shan States. The corn produced is then trucked to China for animal feed.

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