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Everything posted by CrossBones

  1. "Hookah" pipes, that the Arabs use to smoke tobacco were banned in 2003 apparently. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3071521.stm this article says import of water pipes banned in 2014 https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/thailand-bans-import-of-water-pipes-electronic-cigarettes-1.2052738 So are Bongs illegal? Is there a technical difference between waterpipe, hookah and a bong ?
  2. Hi Can i take 5g of weed and a used bong on a plane, i guess checked in luggage. Domestic flight? Thanks
  3. First Cannabis was legalized. Now, form September 22nd a new kind of visa is available for long stayers. It seems if you make $80k a year or have assets worth $1m you can stay here for 5 - 10 years. I am wondering why there isnt much talk about this on this forum.
  4. If i enrol on a dive course that required sign from diving pysician (such as deep diving course). Where is the nearest doctor to ko tao who can do that, or perhaps on the island itself?
  5. Hi How can a non-connoisseur grow a bit of weed on the balcony? Is there a certain strain that grows well in Thailand climate (not direct sun, balcony). I might use a bit from time to time should some kind of legitimate medical reason arise., Plant will look nice and nice to have some living stuff around instead of old mops and dirty laundry on the balcony Can i just chuck it in a pot with soil and bung a bit of water on it occasionally? Where can i get a plant that is already started off so i dont need to mess around germinating seeds? Thanks
  6. I dont have 13 digit ID on vax cert
  7. Why do people come to Thailand and then complain about all the foreigners complaining about things?
  8. and i forgot the most obvious thing, dont use Chrome. Use Firefox
  9. Yes, more or less. And to make you more paranoid.... Google AI of the future will be able to read your mind NOW. If your current data becomes available to advanced AI in the future they will know what you have been doing and thinking harvesting your data from the past (now). There will be leaks of all your data from Google, likely at some time in the future, so its not just Google and Big Tech you have to worry about. You have to worry about hackers. Advanced hackers from the future with AI technology. Not to mention aliens. You need to protect yourself from AI - enabled alien hackers from the future! Get a degoogled phone. Imagine if Google is actually uploading all your audio. Things you said can be used out of context against you. Dont let your computer operating system connect you to google directly (ie under system accounts). Better use Linux stay open-source. Dont trust small tech companies as they get bought by big tech companies then they get all your data. Trust open source OS, software. NEVER USE NON OPEN SOURCE BROWSER EXTENSIONS. If they are not open source they could litterally be seeing everything you do on all websites, see your passwords, or even your QR codes for 2fa displayed on setup screens. A rogue browser extension could literally destroy your life, steal all your money and set you up for a crime. Dont use Gmail, use protonmail If you must use a google account , such as for using google docs. Use a separate browser that you only use for Googles products, not for general web search. So just leave that dedicated browser logged into to google accounts.. Another way is to use Firefox containers. The main issue is the degoogled phone is no access to google navigation. You can use offline navigation software but it just wont work for Google Pins/locations (if theres a work around let me know). Youll also find your banking apps wont work on a degoogled phone. A good solution is a regular phone turned off and kept in a faraday cage. And a degoogled phone for regular use. Connect through a VPN always. It gets worse, my fitness smart watch knows when im w***ing .... And by the way, I am not paranoid SO STOP FOLLOWING ME
  10. Thanks. So simply scanning and uploading pictures of the pages inside the yellow vaccine book is OK?
  11. Hi I am going to Ko Tao next week for about a fortnight. Does anyone know of any good dive resort deals. Diving + accommodation for certified diver with own equipment. Is everything back up and running in Ko Tao now with regular trips to all the sites? Thanks
  12. Hi I got a yellow book vaccine certificate with my 2 sinopharm vaccines in there. Is this sufficient for travel to India? will i be asked to show a QR code to India. Because I didnt get issued with a vaccine QR code when i got vaccinated here in Thailand, Thank you
  13. The Mor Prom App doesnt let me sign up. Im not Thai.
  14. following
  15. Hi I have the yellow book covid vaccination book from Thailand's Ministry of Public Health I wish to visit Malaysia. I am British (Not Thai). When i go to mysafetravel.gov.my i apply. Im told to download the MySejater app which i did and went through the process. Its not approved yet. It mentions needing to give them a QR code vaccine certificate. However the Thai certificate books dont have QR codes. Any ideas? Im trying to find answers as i need to urgently book a trip
  16. Hi I have the yellow book covid vaccine certificate from Thailand. How do i get an electronic certificate or QR code to prove vaccination status for overseas travel thank you
  17. I live in Thailand. I wish to visit Malaysia. I applied on mysafetravel.gov.my for the enterance to malaysia and downloaded the MySejahtera application Its getting approved but it mentioned that I would need to provide a Covid certificate with a QR CODE for review My covid vaccine certificate is a Yellow Book from Department of disease control public health Thailand Before i got this yellow book (which was required for international travel) i got a paper certificate from Ministry of Public Health (Thailand) in the top it says "Version 23" and there is a QR code. When i scan the QR i go to co19cert.moph.go.th/..................(long url) but an error is returned from there. How do i get into Malaysia? Thank you
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