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scubascuba3 last won the day on August 5 2023

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  1. An agent should be able to open a bank account for you, better to do that first
  2. Just some info from Gemini. A friend was quoted 16k for a biopsy at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, I'd consider trying the cream first, 250 baht
  3. Gemini gets lazy, and bluffs the answer sometimes, i prefer Deep Seek except it has a data cutoff of Jul 2024
  4. They are saying they don't want people pestering them if the extension is 5+ months away
  5. Sounds like you haven't got a kitchen to prepare your own food
  6. It's the exclusions as well so you pay a high premium not including conditions you will most likely need to claim on
  7. Was a falang involved? what would have been 700? sounds like a con job for sure
  8. Fat people always trying to tell me what to eat 😆, no need for extreme diets unless you have poor self control
  9. To be clear it's more complicated than that, focus on the fat for insulin resistance
  10. Most of the blobs are addicted to junk food, high fat/carb combos, the fat makes them insulin resistant ,carnivore/keto is just a fad like Atkins
  11. Can you afford 200k/300k+ in 70s and 80s? if not don't bother, self insure
  12. I've probably never tried them either, better not to waste money in 7 Eleven, little healthy in there
  13. I used to go to a bamboo coffee shop in Wat Yan she had many moka pots going at the same time
  14. it's obvious, if the coffee doesn't taste good vs other shops i.e. beans not good, milk not good, then it's most likely because they don't know what good coffee is like
  15. They don't use thermometers, also when i have a poor coffee it's often because the person making it doesn't drink coffee
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