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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. I'll guess months away from finishing along with 2nd road heading for Pattaya Tai
  2. Everything I've read so far says Kasikorn, Bangkok Bank and SCB are the only banks that can receive over 50k baht from Wise or similar company, I'm not 100% on banks using swift, so let us know if it worked with Krungsri
  3. The best thing to do is choose a different shop next time, otherwise what will happen is the hard fingered lady will be very frosty. I've changed massage girls once or twice during the massage, some only have a hard or soft massage, no inbetween settings. In Pattaya you can get a very good foot massage for 100 baht + tip, don't think you have to pay premium
  4. I'm still avoiding the area, looks blocked but haven't checked in the last fortnight
  5. I'm pretty sure it's 1m per bank, I haven't double checked it but usually it's a compensation fund but is based on 1 or 2 banks folding not if many folding the same time, but banks here seem safer than anytime in the last 2 years
  6. The fact they send out these proof of living checks kinda proves they don't trust being informed by the embassy
  7. Nothing will infuriate others more than someone getting it for free
  8. Maybe split between several accounts, i think only 1m baht is covered, but how secure is that anyway if many banks fold
  9. Another benefit is any wife or partner in Thailand could continue receiving the pension after death
  10. Depends, if it goes to the correct person whose job it is to follow up complaints then maybe not, if it's sent to the manager in this branch of course in the bin
  11. Even in condos you can hear them, i have a 5.30pm daily barking match between condo dogs and soi dogs, you get used to it
  12. Pratumnak is definitely a good area to get bargains, if you go for the lesser known names you can find bargains. Check facebook marketplace, once you know the condos you like you can go and see, alternatively ride around the streets and see which locations and condos you like. Bigger older condos you may get cheaper but expect big maintenance in the future, new lifts, etc etc
  13. Not everyone likes the armchair floaty feeling of the PCX
  14. Your first point i just don't agree with, you seem to think big bike riders are more skillful, that's all in your mind. My bikes were a Suzuki 500 can't remember which one, Honda CBR600 and BMW F800GS. They were faster but more of a PITA, I definitely prefer the Click now, light, fast and bullet proof
  15. rather than buy those run down miserable looking places like Nirun, Karot, Pattaya Plaza, Pattaya Pad and others spend a few hundred thousand baht more and get a much better place that doesn't look run down. One problem with cheap places is you can't polish a turd no matter how much you spend on it
  16. That's good, hopefully you already know you won't get the yearly inflationary uplift
  17. i did see a black girl for a few weeks in UK the micro penis did put me off so i had to let her go
  18. that's probably useful to a 14yo
  19. but now retired guys should have time to write an email, I'm not talking aggressive stress filled confrontation, but up to you
  20. If everyone just rolled over like you nothing will change but if many people complained maybe it would
  21. I noticed it the other day, I didn't bother asking questions about it, female genital mutilation did cross my mind. To be fair I didn't get really close for a look
  22. That kick start saved me earlier this year when battery went flat with no warning
  23. For trips that i do, 70km return, a bigger bike just isn't necessary. With a Click 80kph is the sweetpot. A bigger bike would make me go faster and speed kills simple as that, the risk increases and if i wasn't going faster pointless getting a faster bike. Click can go to 100 but around 70-85 is common for most bikes. I don't feel like i must get in front of cars, quite the opposite i let them go if they want to go very fast and\or drive poorly
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