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Posts posted by rumbo1

  1. On 3/10/2022 at 7:49 AM, sirineou said:

    Thank you for that suggestion, I am not really a big bar person, just like a beer with my food, I would enjoy a glass of wine also, but good luck with that in most places.  LOL. My main point in my original reply is not about the inability to get a drink with my meal, as much as I might not like it, I can live with thar. It has more to do with the governing attitude in Thailand and  the two class system that fosters that attitude IMO,

    It did not mind not being served , as much as I did not being served when others were, I know it is a defect in my personality but I have a hard time adjusting to a second class citizen status .I though I could but it irks me.  


    I fully understand and agree with you, the annoying thing is covid is the excuse for everything. 

    There is no consistency or logic in any of the enforcement. I live here so have to put up with it but always find ways to get around these types of issues 555

  2. You don't say what handicap you are playing off but like previous comments clubs are expensive here and also beware of being sold copies. 

    Unless you are a low single figure hc the difference between any relatively recent clubs will be negligible. 

    Get the timing correct and hit the ball sweet and it will go well. 

    Get that part wrong and it does not matter what type of ball or club you use. 

    When you're good enough to create backspin and shape a ball then the different balls and clubs can make a difference. 

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