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Posts posted by JB300

  1. get a macbook pro...rock solid, blows PC laptops outta da water!

    Agree but bl@@dy awful for using (Windows based) Excel on (I have to use an external keyboard / mouse when using it).

    Yes I know you can get Office for OSX, but that doesn't help me when I'm remoted into my work's VDI

    To the OP, SSD is a must, after that get the 2nd fastest processor available & max out the RAM, anything left after that spend on a decent home-setup.
  2. Shut up for ever ??? If you think so, a lot of nations should shut up because of their previous history, especially within the last 7 decades.... .


    It seems you won't recognise that there is a difference between the German democracy of today and the dictatorship of 70 years ago. If you open your eyes without mindcuffs you will detect signs the USA are going into the direction where Germany has been 70  years ago.

    Do you need examples? Read all the Trump TV threads unbiasedly.


    This image above symbolises the potential and danger of the actual situation in the USA and that of the near future under Trump and his cronies. That is not a reason to play the old Nazi-game. The world would like the USA to have the same rules as Germany to avoid such a sick character as Trump.


    BTW, is that a real democracy when the President is not chosen by the majority of the votes?






    I don't know how long is long enough but apparently it's not long enough for us Brits yet so the Germans have a fair way to go I'd guess...

    Point being this is a major magazine in one of the World's largest economies criticising somebody before he's even had time to unpack.

    Yeah, I don't agree with what he's done but at the same time I wish the UK would ban any citizen from any country where's it's common practise to burn our flag on the streets. Might impact some innocents but better they're impacted (peacefully) there than innocents are impacted here.

    Edit And before re-hashing how this is an attack against Muslims, check out the numbers/percentages of countries that weren't included in the order https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_by_country

    I'm sure Trump has massive interests in Indonesia, Pakistan & Afghanistan that he's protecting (doesn't sound as sexy as Saudi Arabia, UAE does it).

  3. If you are inside of Subic you're in a cultural bubble - with trendy shops. eateries, Starbucks, etc. & a newish trendy mall....
    Get outside that bubble to many places (years) and you'll find it different.....30 days in Subic is not the PI....You're in a hiso bubble....
    If I had to find a place for a short R&R that would work.....You're fairly safe there, but it's small postage stamp sized place.....There's some nice drives up the coast....
    Generally speaking though country village life there is where you will see some of the women out & about - usually accompanied by a male or in a group, typical small village life.....
    But you really have to spend some time & travel with people you know & trust & do your own driving.....I had access to cars & did a lot of day trip driving - island fever I guess.....
    But - tread lightly if you do - nothing quite like the feeling of a couple of curious village women wanting to talk to you out in the sticks while some guy walks over to monitor the conversation with a machete parked on his shoulder, one hand on the handle....

    I visit Davao several times a year (we/my gf has a house in Kapalong so we usually get up there a couple of times as well) and it feels really safe to me, though her family do worry sometimes as I'd be 1 of only a handful of foreigners in the area.

    But I will say Davao feels like it's getting worse & I honestly believe it's due to the fact that more foreigners are visiting (Plus RD moving up in the world)

  4. After growing up loving 2000AD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_AD_(comics) it has to be Judge Dredd... 



    Quite like the last Bond Movie (a lot darker than the others) but if Clive Owen is the next Bond, it will be the 1st one that I don't watch (can't stand the chomp)...People are suggesting Tom Hiddleston, great in The Night Manager, terrible in High Rise & can't really see a return to the "Upper Class" Bond OR Tom Hardy, fabulous in more or less anything he does but I think would overshadow the part.


    I think somebody completely out of left field will get it, a bit like Daniel Craig was (Shock Horror, James Bond is Blonde!!!)... Time for the 1st Black (Idris Elba would make an awesome Bond) or Female Bond maybe?  



  5. "Male international" 1989 corrugated iron toilet hut ( not working)  no air  con, before  mass tourism arrived was "interesting"

    Beats me, 12 hours stuck in the lounge at Karachi airport... There's supposed to be booze in the lounge

    But my favourite is a guy who worked for me got refused entry into Pakistan (messed up visa) so got sent back to Dubai where he sat in the lounge for 24 hours while we sorted his visa out, looking at the food & drink not knowing it was all complementary.

    Some great tips on airport hotels, very useful to know as can often get much cheaper Business class flights BKK-MAN-SIN so worth the messing around.


    ... snipped for brevity...

    I have no knowledge of what inadequacies in your life stimulate your clear and definable hatred of others but I am very certain that protest agains such speech is legitimate and justified.


    You introduced the term ad hominem into the discussion (it's not a debate) & then come out with this?

    I'm assuming you're an intelligent chap (though you do come across like you've swallowed Dillbert's bullsh1t generator at times) so please, deep breath, leave the man alone play the ball & discuss the point.

    I've still not idea what your viewpoint is but will share mine...

    1) Do I think Trump is a nutter - Oh hell yes

    . 2) Do I think the UK could do with a friend whilst we're going through our own "Wobbles" (not debating that here)... Oh hell yes

    . 3) Does that make what Trump is doing right - Oh hell no

    . 4) Do I think downgrading his UK visit is the right thing to do - Massive snub, there is no way on this planet he will accept it so it's State visit or no visit, anything in between would do more harm than good.... Does that make it Right?... NO... But let's be real here

    As for the rest of the racist, white supremist stuff (not from you I hasten to add), it lost me at the point where people mentioned Nazis as you can't have it all ways either I'm British & have to pay the sins of my forefathers in enslaving a continent or I'm British & my forefathers (Grandfather) died fighting the Nazis... I know which one I consider myself to be

  7. To clarify , just in terms of things to do, entertainment (not hookers), good food and big city vibrance etc.

    Define "Things to do"...

    I love Bangkok, everytime I fly into Swampy/DM I have a huge grin on my face, but after a few days I just need to get out of there & go somewhere a bit more chillaxed.

    Pattaya has lots to do (outside of the hookers) though to be honest if I was an Aussie I'd probably hit up Bali because I love beaches & the main places in Thailand struggle a bit in that department.

    Though being an Aussie you have more than enough awesome beaches of your own (care to swap one for say Blackpool Beach :))

    I enjoyed CM when I was there, I could be mistaken but it didn't seem as lively as Bangkok. Just thought I might get bored there quickly, though I wasn't there for very long so I can't really form a solid opinion.
    Happy to be sold on CM over Bangkok :)

    You won't be if it's "Lively" you're looking for... But Pattaya is a good cheaper option (& I don't mean just for the girls) [emoji106]
  9. For context on my spending habits. I did 5 weeks through Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand last year and spent around just over 2k on food, drinks, taxis, tours and general entertainment altogether. (not including flights and hotels) and I was in full tourist mode as well, eating a lot of overpriced western food, room service, imported alcohol etc etc.

    Sounds like you'll have no problem at all then [emoji106]

    But again, why BKK & not one of the Islands or CM, UT etc???

  10. The comparison was between Bangkok and Jomtien/ Pattaya dude!!  Where the hell did Singapore come in from??  The sky train is immaculate and is just as clean as S'pores subway and Bangkoks subway is newer and it is absolutely just as clean as singapores and you can chew gum. .  You have to get out of the malls to eat the restaurant scene in BKK is much better too. Singapore is sterile and pretty boring. Taxis cost a lot more than BKK and most taxis use the meter. I have not had one in 8 years not use it.  I don't try to get one that is waiting in Tourist ville ever!  They start at 35 baht and are usually new. The comparison was between BKK and Jimtien!

    Singapore is only boring if you don't know where to go & Taxis are really cheap here (before you get to Grab or Uber).

    But the OP wants to spend time in Thailand, I don't know how set he is on Bangkok (his money will go a lot further in places like Chaing Mai) but 20k Aus$ will Last him however long he needs it to I (gu)estimate it could last me 5 months but at least 1/3rd would be gone in the 1st month before I calmed down (actually that's less than I spent (including hotels & flights) on my last 6 day trip but it was Xmas) ...


    Yawn, yawn, and more yawn. You are using big words and quoting Shakespeare in order to try and portray yourself as superior but your reasoning is still flawed, and unless I missed something you did not address any of the issues I raised or points that I made. Nothing new there, it is typical fare when debting a liberal, I am used to it unfortunately. But as in your last post, you are basically justifying the concept of attacking people and accusing them of hate speech because you don't agree with their points of view. You keep waffling on about hate speech is not free speech and variations thereof, however you define hate speech as something which is not actually "hateful". Funny how liberals have nothing to say when BLM chant in the street about killing police or pray for the assasination of the president - that's just fine!! Because you agree with it.... But when a conservative gay Trump supporting Brit does a speech which is open to anyone who wants to attend, and not forced upon those who don't, then you're all up in arms in outrage. The hypocrasy is incredible.

    Just because you may disagree with Milo because his opinions don't match yours, or they "offend" you (sigh), that does not automatically qualify them as hate speech. Liberals seemingly define hate speech nowdays as anything that contradicts or challenges their views, and shouting it down as hate speech is the only way to silence it because most of them can't actually debate it rationally as they are not informed enough in anything apart from virtue signalling and playing the victim. The point about the Milo protests is that it is not relevent what he is talking about or what he does, you are trying to blame him for the actions and behaviour of a bunch of ignorant uninformed entitled trouble makers. Ridiculous. I don't understand why you care, I mean if you don't like or disagree with him then change the channel when he is on and don't attend his performances. America is a free country. If Milo wants to talk about men and women's brains being different, feminism being worse in his opinion than cancer, Leslie Jones looking like a dude, or whatever other nonsense he cares to spew forth, that is entirely up to him and the people who choose to watch him. This is supposed to be 21st Centruy America, not Europe in the dark ages. People do not have the right to stop him or his audience and cause trouble and damage and hurl things at police just because they don't agree with his opinions !!  If you can't concede this point, then it really is pointless discussing it with you any further.



    I think somebody got lost in his own sense of self worth.

    If he could maybe give a quick precies of his view/arguments we could (try to) indulge him with some sufficiently intellectual debate.

    In the meantime let's leave him to have polemic arguments with himself, just hope they don't get ad hominem or there'll be handbags at dawn:

  12. Jay could you post some links to back up your accusations and predictions? If not I will disregard your post as nothing more than sour grapes.

    Come on, that was a joke yeah...

    Have you never seen "At Home With The Kumars"?... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Kumars_at_No._42

    The Queen is Indian... http://www.youtube.com.sg/watch?v=MWvAiqIPAM8

    ..: As is Shakespeare & Jesus, but not Prince Charles...

    & from that description Trump would make a great sketch on the show...

    I might not agree with JS's views but that was funny [emoji1303]

    Edit: Don't know why my post is fckd up, doesn't look that way when I go to edit it

  13. If you have been away for 10+ years you should check your status with the NHS, you might not qualify for free treatment anymore. No, I am not joking.

    If you've been away more than 3 months (technically) you're not eligible for NHS unless you can prove you're "re-settled" in the UK.

    After 12-18 months of not seeing you, your GP is supposed to remove you from their register, that's me screwed, haven't seen mine since I was 26 though didn't leave the UK until I was 42.

  14. I expect MPs in any constituency (regardless of political orientation) would be voted out if there was a strong 'leave' referendum result in that constituency - and their MP voted against allowing article 50 to be enacted!

    That's assuming that their constituents hadn't changed their minds (nobody voted for a Hard Brexit, yes some, maybe most, would have voted that way anyway but it wasn't the point put to them).

    I personally think it's mute anyway as a few major players in the EU are/will be going through a similar thing so (IMHO) the landscape of the EU will be radically different in a couple of years.

    Let's just hope we have 1st mover advantage.


    Thanks, that's at least proof of concept.  I'm hoping to find something close to the Asok area or Prom Pong for obvious reasons.  I'm pretty sure with enough money anything I want is available, but I also don't want to be TOO spendy.  LOL  In other words I guess I'm asking for a lot.  

    Airbnb, Serviced Apartments, do a deal with a hotel for monthly rates, even booking.com/Adoda do "Holiday Rentals" nowadays.

    Used Airbnb for a 1 month Stay at the Trendy Apartments in SOI 13 (IIRC a Studio cost me 30k for 30 days) process worked well though I wouldn't recommend that particular place to stay.

    Do you have a budget in mind?

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