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Posts posted by JB300

  1. What did the Pope do wrong ... fire a guy who cut off aid to the poor that also gave away free condoms?

    Did I read it wrong, I thought Festing fired the guy who appealed to the pope for a commission to review the decision, Festing rejected the validity of the Papal Commission, butted heads & lost.

    So (in this instance) the Pope did nothing wrong (except not overturning the ban on contraceptives as soon as he was elected).

  2. There is no compulsion on UK sitting down to talk about a deal, good or bad.  UK can walk away and the membership will just stop - as will EU's income from UK.

    True, all I'm saying is that there isn't necessarily a cut-off date A50 + 2 & the landscape at that time might be quite different than it is today.. e.g http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38749884

    I'm feeling quite confident about the UK doing well out of the negotiations but believe a "No Deal" would be a failure on both sides.
    The problem is if Article 50 is triggered and no deal is concluded after 2 years, Britain is out with nothing. All 27 must agree to any extensions and ratify and agreement unanimously. This is a chance for countries like Malta and others to get some limelight and "significance". It also gives a region like Wallonia the chance to veto any deal as Belgian's constitution allows. 
    There may well be no deal to put to parliament.

    At which point there's a good chance that the 27 will vote to extend the 2 year deadline (I don't think anybody wants to walk away with no Deal).
  4. So if your miserable you should be ashamed of yourself as many other people would jump through hoops to be in your shoes. That's depressed me more. No all the advice given hasn't helped one jot. I'm fed up. Nothing is wrong, no bad news? Hmm the world is coming to an end. The Brexit, Trump, etc.. Nothing on the horizon. No hope, we're waiting for the day they say out. Out you go. No more cheap Charlie. It will happen and soon.


  5. Now we don't know if he left money here and we will probably never know. His wife here must be devasted with all this. 

    Will or no will seems to me his wife here was next of kin and should have had the final say. As for this go fund me it's never right.

    I can't see how his Wife wouldn't have had the final say if she'd have wanted it, it's not like somebody could come & forcibly repatriate the body against her wishes (for one, she could have had the cremation done before somebody in the UK could start to organise things).

    Much more likely that she respected his wishes OR they were estranged & she didn't think it was her call anymore OR they weren't "Properly" married (Village wedding) and so (rightly or wrongly) doesn't have the final say.

    Again, pure speculation but I really can't see how his Wife couldn't have had him cremated if it's what she wanted for him.

  6. 8 to 3... When 11 judges can not agree, clearly this was not cut and dry and the arguing will continue.


    If it can be argued that MP's and the Lords have to vote on it, by the same argument should not the Citizens of the UK have the right to vote on it?




    Good possibility we will as if Parliament doesn't ratify whatever deal the UK/EU comes up with it would probably trigger a vote of no-confidence in May & an early election.

    Of course by then the EU might be very different than it is today (most European Countries want more sovereignty returning to them) & be more like a trading union than a federal state.

    Lots more twists & turns left in this plot I think...

  7. Why does he please enlighten me

    You're right, he doesn't, he could be earning 40k per month or exiting the country to get a new Non-O M from an Embassy/Consulate that doesn't require proof of finances.

    Or he could by paying some dodgy lawyer to sort his extensions out, be on overstay or even be a Thai PR (he was working on the farm a couple of years back, can't get a WP to do that)...

    Point is he died at a young age & seemingly without leaving enough money to be repatriated or buried.

    Should he be cremated in Thailand? Not everybody wants to be cremated & maybe his previous wife died & there's a dual plot waiting for him... We just don't know.

    But I'm with the posters who suggested applying for the grant from the council, having strangers fund your parents funeral is "off" IMHO
    Yes the waiting time for treatment is a key element in all of this. I checked out the waiting times to see a couple of UK specialists where I'm going to be living for a few months and none are available in under 56 days, I'm therefore trying to get as much done here in Thailand before I go back for an extended holiday.

    Wow CM, are you moving back or just an extended holiday?

  9. Great post Tony, have tried many times to get my parents to move to Asia but you know what us Brits are like :(

    Really opened my eyes to Taxation in Spain, one of the big draws there for me was Spanish & Tagalog are very similar so I figured Aily could slot right in (She's from Davao which is part of the Visayas so would easily pass for a local), I speak it ok, but much better in French from my time working there.

    I figure Portugal fits the bill so will check that out (Obrigado [emoji4])

    The UK does exactly the same. So does France. So do most countries in the world, particularly those that have double-taxation agreements. This is how tax works in most countries.
    The only real difference between these countries is the percentage of tax they take, and the level of allowances and deductions. Some take more than others and so it may be that by living in one rather than another you may pay less tax in total.

    Good point, I get my Personal Taxation Allowance in the UK no matter where I live, if I'm Tax Resident elsewhere I'll get one there as well (Currently get s$20,000 in Singapore )

    But again, its more about the weather & ease of my partner being able to move there

    46 days PLUS 4 UK ties will make you resident and 90 days a year thereafter will maintain it, or,

    91 days PLUS 3 UK ties, or

    121 days PLUS 2 UK ties or,

    182 days PLUS a bow tie. :post-4641-1156694572:


    But 90 days in the UK each year wont make you eligible for NHS and DWP pension increases.



    Hopefully won't need #1 (NHS) & could care less about #2 (State Pension) as when it kicks in it will just reduce my Private Pension by the same amount (net neutral for me).

    Man this stuff is complicated, what happened to just doing your 30-40 years & retiring somewhere where you can put your feet up, have a 5pm Margarita???

  12. “The Ferrari F1 team fired their entire pit crew yesterday."
    This announcement followed Ferrari's decision to take advantage of the British government's 'Work for your Dole' scheme and employ some Liverpudlian youngsters.
    The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Toxteth were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment, whereas Ferrari’s existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds with millions of pounds worth of high tech equipment.
    It was thought to be an excellent, bold move by the Ferrari management team as most races are won and lost in the pits, giving Ferrari an advantage over every other team.
    However, Ferrari got more than they bargained for!
    At the crew's first practice session, not only was the scouse pit crew able to change all four wheels in under 6 seconds but, within 12 seconds, they had re-sprayed, re-badged and sold the car to the Mclaren team for 8 cases of Stella, a bag of weed and some photos of Lewis Hamilton's bird in the shower.

    Funniest joke ever, have sent it to all my Scouse mates (& I'm a Manc)...

    Definitely does not belong in the "Worse Jokes" thread

    (Still re-reading it & pmsl [emoji14][emoji14][emoji14])
    • Like 1
    Greater than 182 days is always resident,
    Less than 16 days is always non-resident.
    The piece in the middle, 17 to 181 days, is a variable which needs to be be viewed in the context of: family (partner/spouse/minor child who you visit); accommodation (do you own a home or always stay at the same location); work (do you work at least 40 days per year); and previous years visits (90 days per year). These are known as ties and a combination of days and ties decides residency/non-residency. Having said all that, a person can rock to Heathrow and declare themselves resident from Day 1 and that will work for DWP pension increases and NHS also.

    I fall in the Non-UK (tax) resident for at least 3 years camp so apparently need to spend more than 46 days in the UK before even being considered as Tax resident, hence my point about it being harder to be resident than Non-resident nowadays.

    FWIW, I'm going to re-establish residency in the UK so my (Filipina) partner can get a UK passport, if I've read the regs right we only need to spend 3 months per year there so am looking at nearby (warmer!) countries for us to live in.

  14. Sorry JB, I just hate paying tax.

    I'm with you on that one... Death & Taxes eh [emoji17]

    Honestly didn't know it was like that in Spain (I've worked in France a few times over the years so know all too well what the French government is like) so appreciate the heads up.

    Maybe I should just bite the bullet & move back to the UK, seems my partner only has to spend 3 months of the year there to keep up with her ILR & let's be honest, May-August what better country is there to live in?

  15. The DWP wants you resident for 6 months or more to be eligible for pension cost of living increases.

    Ditto the NHS for free health care.

    Tax residency also greater than 182 days.


    They can't have their cake and eat it and you can easily force their hand on that issue.



    Is it 6 months CM?

    I do know that it's becoming much easier to be Non-resident (& so much harder to be resident) nowadays.

    [Just a commentary, as I've said before, I'm very careful to maintain my Non-resident status to the point where I no longer have a Driving Licence because I won't confirm to a UK authority that I live in the UK because I don't]

  16. Mate, I feel a bit sorry for you if you don't think your partner is the most beautiful person you ever met but fill your boots fella

    Champ? You fckin wish Son...

    Edit: the only reason I made that comment is my Ms had the same Swim suit on our last trip to Bali & #TO ME#! carried it off better.

    Like I say, she's 33, maybe Not your cup of tea but she's mine & that's all that matters.

    Op was about a shallow attempt about a Thai "Pretty" about to fair dismally in a beauty contest in the Philippines.

    But Hey, don't let that stop you fella [emoji1303]

    Apologies Upside, I've had a proper arse on me all day (If you're not a Brit, I've not been in the best of moods).

    I do take your point (& would fight you for the girl in the OP) & never meant to suggest my Ms was in anyway hotter (though obviously she is... to me )

    It's just these blatant "Pretty" stories (read the coconut piece) stick in my craw...

    I still maintain my Ms is the hottest girl I've ever met (must be true, she told me so herself [emoji14])

    Peace bro & apologies again I was just spouting off [emoji1303]

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