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Posts posted by JB300



    This is more or less what I understand. The only issue I have which will probably work out for the better is that Singaporean wives are EXTREMELY independent to the point of down right stubborn over identity and equality. However, applying separately  for O-A visas will sort out any issues over marriage certificates as we were married in Singapore, have the proper marriage certificate (in English) but according to Skorts, this could be an issue.


    We have budgeted for a base in Chiang Rai and then travel the country. 


    A point did cross my mind on the 90 day reporting (which I understand the need for) and that is, if you are based and registered in Chiang Rai but are staying at a hotel in Phuket, the hotel will have registered you and if you went to Phuket immigration, would they accept you for a 90 day reporting as you are on the system in Phuket?


    Thank  to all the answers on this forum, at least I should be in good shape when we finally move.




    (Assuming your Wife is over 50) you could always do it the other way around, come to Singapore, she gets the Non-O from Thai Embassy then you get a Dependant Visa

    You might even get a Non-O from Singapore yourself (they say only citizens & PRs but my friends who are married to Singaporeans are treated almost the same as PRs).

    BTW, have you seen the price of property in Singapore nowadays! Then add on the tax when buying it (18% for me as an EP holder)!!

    Am in the same boat as you re chicken-and-egg rules around needing money in a Thai bank account for a Non-O visa, I'm going to try to open & seed one next time I'm in Bangkok, failing that I'll weigh up the Pros & Cons of a trip to the UK to get a Non O-A Vs going down the Thailand Elite card route.


  2. Let's put it this way: almost everyone up north goes to Laos and down south go to Penang.


    They don't fly because they don't have the money to waste.


    going by your logic, your against more visitors coming to Thailand because you have to stand 5 minutes longer in a queue.


    Im sorry, I just don't get the vomit reference.

    Well they won't be doing so for much longer will they (I bet the same guys used to get by on ED visas & look what happened to that "option").

    Again you don't seem get my point, it's not about what the impact is (even if it's just 5 minutes in an immigration queue) it's the fact that you seemingly want to deny DNs & ilk have any negative impact on the rest of us (think ED Visas, replacement of D/T TVs with an METV you have to get from a country you're resident in + prove some kind of income, more scrutiny at immigration & the latest, max 2 Land Border crossing a year)... you can see that it is having an impact right?

    The reference to vomit was in response to you saying you "threw up a little in you mouth" when people talk about taxes & Visas... spit it out or swallow it fella [emoji1303]

  3. I just tried to watch the second episode of Sherlock , i have quite liked the series , but was not to keen on the 1st episode of the new one ,but the second,oh my God how the mighty have fallen , turned it off after about 10 minutes ,what utter crap , written by some guy called Mark Gatis ,? it was junk of the first degree, never again ,i give up .
    after i watched two episodes of unforgoton , ,what a difference ,very good ,even if they had gone PC with two guys married and adopting a little girl , :smile:

    I know what you mean about Sherlock E2 as the main "antagonist" is hard to watch but you should watch him in Marvellous..: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt3659786/

    Brilliant [emoji1303][emoji1303][emoji1303]
    • Like 1
  4. Please tell us more about your difficulties entering Thailand through airports?
    You do know 90% of people use land crossings, right?
    Maybe there are just more tourists, your math is complete BS. If there was 10,000 digital nomads using your airport (which there aren't) and they all had to leave every 90 days with multiple flights per day, it could never add anywhere near 90-120 minutes to immigration queues.
    dont exaggerate, it destroys everything else you say. And don't worry about visas when you don't even live here.
    Why would I have a bad taste in my mouth? I don't get it, I'm living the dream.

    Please show me the stats that say 90% of visitors to Thailand use land crossings (& you accuse me of having BS maths!) and I do hope we're not going to be reading about you being denied your 3rd entry via a land border (Errrm, I take it you do know that Thailand has recently brought in a new regulation on this don't you... 2 entries via land border in any one year... Now why do you think they did that?).

    [i'll type this slowly so you can follow along] Immigration tightens up rules = more time to process each person = same number of people takes longer irrespective of what basis they're passing through on.

    Hey & if that vomit you said that you had in your mouth tastes good, wolf it down fella [emoji106]

  5. It wasn't my cup of Liptons either.

    If you'd have said "Tetley" or PG Tips" I'd have blocked it at the firewall, but Liptons? Ahhhh... I'll give it a whirl (despite knowing I'm going to agree with both you guys)

    Glutton for punishment, though not so much as to drink Liptons! (For the (attempted) humorously challenged, I only drink tea when I'm visiting my parents in the UK where "Liptons" would be considered a swear word... Doesn't stop them going through a box of them when they come visit me in Singapore though [emoji13])

    • Like 1
  6. TV series I have been/currently watching:
    1: Designated survivor: story about the 23th in line for the US presidency who suddenly get the seat when everybody else in front of him is wiped out in a terrorist attack. 
    2: Shooter: About a top notch sharp shooter getting set-up by his own and have to sort it out. There is a movie of same name.
    3: The OA: difficult to say anything without destroying the history for others, enjoyed watching it.
    4: Travelers, just started on that one. About some people sent back from the future helping saving the world.
    All being watched via Kodi.

    Thanks for the tip on OA, I've passed it by a few times but will give it a whirl now it's been recommended

    I quite enjoy Travellers, but it's one of those series best watched every now & again when you're "In the mood" (same with Continuum).


    But who cares what category they're in, living in Asia is great.


    All this talk about correct visas and tax makes me throw up in my mouth. Are some people really so pathetic. I would hate to meet a few of you in real life.

    Couldn't care less about other people's taxes but do care about people abusing Visas & causing problems for the rest of us.

    I'm a tourist when I visit Thailand, Live in Singapore so visit several times a year (I think my "Record" was 5 times in 4 weeks, but it used to take me just as long to commute to London 3 times a week) so when it starts taking almost as long to get through immigration as it does to fly there because they're clamping down on people living/working on Visa Exempt stamps then, yes I do care.

    YMMV but don't be ignorant to the fact that you "causing no harm by living there on back-2-back VE/TVs" causes people like me problems.

    Feel free to spit it out if reality leaves a bad taste in your mouth [emoji106]

  8. Wow!!! What's left of the thread is proper childish behaviour (surprised the mods didn't just delete it) but not knowing the background (or being privy to the 5 pages that got deleted) I'll say no more.

    I'm hoping for a Mark Twain style response here... but I thought I'd read recently that Neverdie had, well, died!

    If so RIP fella, I've been on threads with him before & none have been like the one above so hoping (Q M.T.) that the reports were greatly exaggerated.

    Agree 100%.
    I have massive respect for YeahSiam. He's the gentleman whose well-crafted accusation in a ThaiVisa thread two years ago led to the boiler room criminal giving himself away. The boiler room criminal's reply was in fact the very best post I've ever seen on TV.
    And who can doubt the magisterial talents of Mr JL Crab -- xylophonist to Siamese Kings, Russian Czars, Roman Emperors and Babylonian Gods. 

    If you can, please post the link to the thread, I'd love to read it [emoji106]
  10. Guys let's agree to disagree (or let's argue about Anthony Hopkins not being able to act his way out of a paper bag)...

    We all have a different perspective on things... live & let live [emoji1303]

    Edit: JL Apologies it was your post I replied to, I'm in no way judging (though it's fortunate that I'm probably more on your side of the argument than the other side) just (for me) it's an interesting thread that heading down the usual "spat for spat" route of being closed by the mods

    Ever wondered who made what ten years ago was the most famous design on the internet?
    Ever wondered who wrote Wikipedia's best article about Thailand?
    Ever wondered who right now is writing what will be the best article ever submitted to the Journal of the Siam Society?
    Wonder no more. Fell free to PM me and I'll happily tell you more.

    I take it you do know I was joking (Punning on your nom de guerre of Fabricus, Fabricated, Fabrics etc...)

    But would be fascinated to know what was the most famous design on the Internet 10 years ago (honestly can't think of any that stand out head & shoulders above anything else).

    Will probably palm slap my head when I find out but do tell us [emoji1303]
  12. Ok makes sense now. You were referring to DN. 

    Not DN specifically but just highlighting the fact that people who think they're net positive to the community often overlooked the point that they may be helping to drive prices up (which can be a good thing if it drives salaries up but same people would be the 1st to complain when their purchasing power drops),

    But I think I've laboured the point long enough, so will leave it there...

    As an aside, I hear a few DNs are heading to Vietnam nowadays, anybody have any thoughts/comments about living there?

    [Nb my role is working on large scale IT projects so whilst I often telecommute I have to be co-located with the client (always a Global Bank) so am asking about potential retirement places but the DNs typical requirements would seem to match most of mine :))

  13. ID 94 "Add to that the fact that they're not paying into the Tax system" 

    And from that you think I said they were evading tax?

    I mearly stated a fact that they're not paying into the tax system (no comment on evasion) same with retirees or tourists (especially the zero dollar ones)... Again, nothing wrong with it in my book but spare me the "Thailand should be grateful for us & make it easier for us to live there"

    But it will be the same for me when I retire there, I'll be paying no tax (obviously I'll be paying tax on my UK passive income) so why should Thailand make it easy for me to live there at 50 (with 800k in the bank or 65k pm income) & not somebody who's 49... Dunno, Up to them...

  14. Your stating that immigrants or a large proportion avoid paying tax whilst living in London. I am asking you to provide actual examples.  I await the answer.


    HMRC are responsible for collecting tax.


    London has become anything but average and it's proud of that status so what did you expect to happen?


    London protects the work forces it needs. Link housing for core staff such as nurses and teachers is all available at a subsidised rate should it be required.


    Mr Average don't live in Singapore, London or HK. He lives in the Midlands or the North East


    But actually there's storage companies throughout London paying their staff 20k a year and I know a few lads who have been there 5+ years and pay 650 a month in rent. So who is Mr Average in London?


    Luton is 20 minutes from london btw. If your so disappointed with the DNA then why stay?


    Don't blame it all on the immigrants. Blame it on the greedy housing market and the lax laws regarding  property ownership by non residents. Blame it on banking. Blame it on yourself for not taking advantage of the opportunities which were on your doorstep if your Mr Avg. You had your foot in the door to be anything but Mr Average. Blame it on the UK government council house sell offs which made a lot of Londoners  near millionaires on paper. Blame it on our generation being short changed but stop looking for the obvious wrong answer and choosing to believe it.




    Show me where I said anything about anybody evading or avoiding paying tax.

    You're missing the point, I used London as an OTT example of what happens when people move into an area with more wealth than the locals, I could just as easily use Kendal, Windermere.

    Or If you like I could use Singapore as an example (lived here for 8 years) have you seen the statistics on local salary Vs numbers of immigrants Vs rental prices.

    But again, my point is, when people move to an area with more money than the locals they are not doing "No Harm" but inevitably drive prices up.

  15. Please provide specific examples of immigrants or anybody who is doing this in london.






    I don't need to, Google average rent prices in London then Google them for anywhere else you like to compare them with

    Or easier still use https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/ to compare

    Or are you denying that average house prices in London are higher than the national average because average wealth there is higher than average?

    And are you denying that there are any immigrants in London (I'll save you looking for it "At the 2011 census London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were White British. 37% of the population were born outside the UK, including 24.5% born outside of Europe" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_London) & so by extension have more money to spend than or are competing with the average local & so are driving prices up?

    NB this is not a rant about immigration, it's a statement about the fact that when people move to an area with more wealth than the locals they inevitably drive up prices (Aberdeen is possibly a better example)

    What does Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs have to do with it???


    I'm not into the Digital Nomad scene but if these western folks can't make 50k THB at least per month then I dunno, they must be doing something fundamentally wrong. But no matter if it's 20k or 200k, I think they are clearly a net plus for the Thai economy. Nobody said they are a big advantages, they are miniscule compared to the tourist, car, manufacturing etc industries. Doesn't negate the fact that they are a positive thing.


    You not having any troubles to get a work permit is nice if you work for a local company. But these folks are working for foreign companies for which it is impossible to get a work permit. It shouldn't need to be made easier for them to get visa+work permit, it should be possible in the first place.


    The global trend is to make it more difficult? On a global scale... maybe. The other countries around Thailand seem to make it easier. And even if everyone was to make it more difficult, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. "A thousand flies can't be wrong"?

    But it's not all positive as they drive up prices for things like accommodation for Thais.

    What are the rental prices like in your capital city? Mine (London) are higher than Singapore & the reason for that is there's a disproportionate number of people there (lots of them immigrants) who earn more than the average salary & so drive up prices so much the average local can't afford to live there & has to move elsewhere.

    Add to that the fact that they're not paying into the Tax system (please don't mention VAT/GST, that doesn't go towards social wealthfare or infrastructure) & I believe most of them are a net negative to the local economy/people

  17. To put things in perspective, the National Debt stands at 1655 trillion pounds just before Christmas.

    Bl@@dy hell. It's gone up over 1,000 fold since it was £1.56Tr in Q1 2015!!!

    Think that should be £1.655Tr (or £1,655 Billion) but your point is still valid, what it would cost to do the decent & right thing by pensioners is a drop in the ocean given how much money the government wastes elsewhere.

    • Like 2
  18. To successfully sell on eBay or indeed anywhere online, you need to know how to do digital marketing, design, coding, SEO and a whole slew of other 'digital' skills.  


    Fair call, I was thinking more about when my-ex used to do quite a bit of eBaying 10+ years ago but I guess it was always a (Quite lucrative) sideline for her.

    If you're doing it as a main source of income, selling high volumes of the same/similar products then I can see how you would want to automate as much as possible & ensure you rank highly in the searches.

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