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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. The BOT day rate of 2.5% is probably the lowest rate in SE Asia If ethical and responsible lending was applied instead of the current gouging employed by the Lenders there would be no problem. With Household Debt regularly posted at over 16 Trillion Baht, the recently published numbers for current Debt outstanding is " special Mention " and NPl " in the region of 1.3 Trillion That as a percentage is roughly 8.13 % Why are figures of 2,5 % on bad debt seen published Who are the Authorities trying to fool
  2. Untill this kind of thing happens
  3. Firstly, if repayments are 1-3 months late they are classed as " special mention Loans ", not full blown NPL However, a very high percentage of these Loans will transform into NPL Much, if not all of this Debt has to be placed firmly on the Shoulders of the lenders These unscrupulous Lenders have lent money to people in the pursuit of Profits and Greed, knowing full well that there is little hope of ever seeing their Money back, and praying there will be a Government bail out to prevent another To Yam Gung Crisis of 1997 The vast majority of Thai people have very little or no Financial Nounce what-so- ever, and are easy targets Their philosophy upon life is to live for Today only, and many do not change their lifetime habits of drinking and smoking and generally having a good time if they have the Money
  4. I thought she had several kids by different IS fighters I know at one stage she played the Rape card
  5. I dont know why this Village has been singled out There are Hundreds of Villages every Day that have to tolerate this as people use the stuff for cooking What about the continuous practice of burning Plastic in every back yard and illegal trash dump across the country
  6. The guy must have a huge revenue stream coming from somewhere if he can pay cash for 10 houses to give to his staff as living quarters Just saying
  7. And having the possibility of having Her I.S. sprogs grow up under the UK benefit system as potential IS fighters. All the time to be monitored and paid for by the UK tax payer
  8. I dont know for certain what will happen to lenders in the near future, but its a fair bet to guess many are going to see their profits take a massive tumble if the mount of NPL that has been publicized and more importantly the amount of " special mention Loans " that have also been made public all turn toxic The amounts are eye watering
  9. This Tourist appears to br Female What a complete idiot
  10. Self inflicted wounds 65Yrs old, " Business " person !!!!!
  11. Reports such as this one will certainly damage the Country more that a Vid about Soi Nana This will make potential Investors baulk for sure
  12. It is quoted as being 16.07 Trillion Baht of formal Debt 71 k people owing 3.5 Billion to Loan Sharks so far Thats only 71 K people from a population of around 50 Million IMHO informal Debt owed is probably around another 4 Trillion at least
  13. Hospital, Prison, it will make no difference He will still have a quilted Toilet Seat
  14. For a Government and Country that is the "Hub " of everything, and aspires to be a 4,0 Society, these revelations should be the biggest embarrassment the Country has ever had
  15. Nothing changes Pattaya was described as the biggest Whore House in the World 40 Years ago
  16. Household Debt has been quoted at 90.7 % of GDP for Months now How is it possible to have a massive 3.6 % rise and still remain the same proportion of GDP
  17. There will be many Thousands of Debtors who are afraid to register for help They will have borrowed from their Local Community loan Sharks ands will not want any serious repercussions for the fall out, or wish to loose face
  18. If there are price rises in Electricity and Fuel one thing will be certain That is Companies will be looking to relocate their operations within SE Asia In just the last 10 Days alone, I have heard their are 2 very large Enterprises i the Bowin area that are relocating to Vietnam One at Years End and the other I dont know These kind of Corporate decisions will only accelerate, causing massive damage to the Economy
  19. If all the " informal " Loans were dealt with and consolidated to be included into the amount of Household Debt to GDP Rati, that ratio would not be anything like the 01 % published The figure would be closer to 150 % of GDP IMHO
  20. And there is Lurch spending Money recklessly IMO A Train wreck waiting to happen
  21. They wont have any Money for Flights , so will have to walk
  22. The words Nero and Rome come to mind Srettha obviously has nothing better to do when his Economy is in crisis
  23. PT the Political Party that keeps on giving
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