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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Have a road rage punch up and get locked in the Monkey House with no Bail and blacklist recommended. = Farang Murder 25 people by Fire in a Night Club and still able to walk around free = Thai If the Laws were more consistent, maybe , just maybe, people would have more respect
  2. Again, we have a mention of Foreign Currencies, this time to try and big up currencies flowing in to the Country. The last couple of weeks or so has seen several mentions of the Foreign Currency Account, and the need to preserve the account strength from Prawit and the BOT. Maybe the Capital outflows are increasing due to the Dollar strength. I am starting to think that all is not so Rosy with this Account that has been " so strong " in the past.
  3. In the region where I live, there is already a sharp dive in Factory output. Workers on short time, shifts cancelled, and in some cases lay offs. A lot worse to come me thinks
  4. This is probably the best advice and statement that I have heard from a Government Minister in a long, long while. Thailand, like many other Nations is going to suffer a sharp downturn in their Economy in 2023 due to a number of factors. The main one being the cost of living, and high Inflation in Countries all over the Globe. People living in Countries such as those in Europe have huge Energy Bills to pay now , and ever increasing Food prices Etc. Gone will be the Expensive Holiday , the new Fridge, and the new Wide Screen TV... all things that Thailand rely upon people buying to fuel their Economy. Thailands domestic spending will also plummet due to a massive amount of Household Debt that has to be reigned in. The Country will also suffer badly from Foreign competition for Exported Goods due to high Manufacturing costs. There will also be several other head winds for the Economy going forward, and Thailand Government need to listen to the wise advice of those that are qualified
  5. Or the Thai ' Uni Cyclist " I once saw in lane 3 outside the BKK Pattaya Hospital Only this Guy was doing no weaving, he was doing about 15 K per Hour The B@!! E%d
  6. What a real shame that " Netizens " in Thailand do not react with more outrage to some of the brutish behavior their own Citizens also show. Maybe, just Maybe, some of it would stop. I do not condone this attack , or any other, but this just appears to be another Racist Incident against Foreigners by the Press.
  7. In a way, it is an easy solution to the issue. - from the outside. However, restructuring of Debt is just a Paint Brush over the issue to hide the real facts from Credit Rating Agencies, and Capital Investment Companies Etc. The BOT have already used a dumb-down on NPL by stating that there are X amount of NPL that are in " Special Mention Management " where the Loans are classed as delinquent, but have not yet made full NPL status . This latest attempt is to make the Banks Accounts and Asset to Loan Ratios look a lot more impressive than they really are. With a massive 35 % of the Household Debt, which currently stands at about 14 Trillion Baht, against Credit Cards alone, there is maybe another 50 + % ( IMO ) against really bad asset Loans such as Vehicles, Motorcycles, and White Goods ( inc Phones ) These Loans are toxic already, and will not be attractive to sell on, so the banks have to try some means of getting their money back, and restructuring at least gives them some kind of chance of the Loan recovery, but over much longer periods of time.
  8. The really sad part of all this, is that it was recognised, by his superiors, but little or nothing was done to help this Guy with his addiction. He was just shunted out of Bangkok I am sure that if this Tweaker had received the correct care and medication when he was first diagnosed as a Meth user, then this tragedy would probably never even have happened. Years of Drug abuse had obviously fried this Guys brain beyond all reasonable ability to function as a sane Human Being
  9. While these Blood tests would indeed detect most of the full suite of Police Crime, it nowhere near will detect them all
  10. This statement came from the National Police Chief He obviously is capable of reading the News or watching it on TV, but little else I would have had some respect for the Man had he made a statement that the Drug Suppression activities would start today, and at the Police Stations all over the Country
  11. About 5 or 6 Years ago now, " Bloomberg " described Thailand as a Nation full of people living in Tin Sheds but driving around in BMW Cars. But all this irresponsible lending is now coming to a head, and not before time. Capital outflows have been increasing over recent Months as the US fed raises its rates, and over the last couple of weeks or so we have all kinds of people from Prawit to the this Guy saying the Foreign Exchange Reserve Account has to be preserved. One has to wonder just how depleted that Account is now, as there appears to be a lot of concern about it. A massive amount ( 35 %) of the 15 Trillion Baht debt load is on Credit Cards alone, and there is no mention at all of the amount or percentage that is against poor asset Loans such as Motorcycles, Cars and White Goods These Credit Cards are not used to support Foreign Holidays or Phones, but are used for living Day to Day in Lifestyles the Thai people think is theirs by right, but for many is way out of their league.
  12. Very sad scenes. Its difficult if you are a parent not to feel for those that have lost their Children May God keep all the victims safe now RIP
  13. I am seeing already a knock on effect of the Dollar against the Baht in my Region, and in some cases a double whammy due to the slowdown in China also. The Factories are slowing significantly. My Wife has a few Dormitory Apartments that are rented out to the Factory Workers. In the last Month, one guy has been laid off, there are 2 more rooms with 4 people on short time working and there is a constant flow of mail from Banks and Loan Companies to most of the other Rooms. We have also had visits from Banks looking for people that previously rented, departed, and then used the address for Loan applications Imports being more Expensive is a huge problem, as 60 % of the Countries Electricity is generated using Gas
  14. You are correct, it is a Thai Male issue. However this one was wearing a Police Uniform
  15. I am sure " Too " and " Poo " will have some private meetings to discuss the supply of Gas to the Nation on the cheap.
  16. And just how many wear the RTP Uniform ? I think that just maybe the terrible Incident of a few Days ago will open a Can of Worms on the RTP, and how much they cover up regarding the issues their members obviously have.
  17. I am also in full support of the report being published. To inform people and to some extent reassure them that the survivors are being well cared for is a commendable thing to do. However ! To list the injuries person by person is in bad taste and crass to say the least. A report simply saying that the injured were being well cared for at such and such Hospital would have been sufficient, and that professional Mental Health Personnel were on scene to assist and care for the Traumatized people of the Community Now is not the time for sensationalism, it is time for a level headed and professional approach in dealing with the aftermath of this horrendous Incident.
  18. His House should be burned to the Ground in a fire that will send him and any spirit to Hell
  19. Does the World really need to be treated to a list of the injuries Etc, as if it were some kind of Circus. The Madman had a Shogun, a Pistol, and I believe a Meat Cleaver Injuries inflicted with such weapons needs very little or no description. Have these poor people not already been through the wringer. They dont need this now, or ever, they need all the help that can be supplied by the very best professionals
  20. IMO, the Country needs to try a lot harder
  21. If the Guns are not issued, then there is no need to confiscate them. There is absolutely no need for a Serving Police Officer to either carry a Gun , or own a Private Weapon when they are not on Duty All that is needed is for the Weapons to be signed in and out when an Officer does his Shift Simple
  22. A classic example of people with Big Eyes living a Champagne lifestyle on Beer Money wages. More so than in many Countries, this need for everything shiny new is driven by " Face " .The need to have the very latest Expensive Smart Phone, a Car they cannot afford to put the Gas in, and Kids at Schools that have " prestige ", that many cant afford to pay the fees on. When I first came to Thailand 15 Years ago, the majority of people were dreaming of owning a Refrigerator, and a fairly decent Motorcycle. Now ! They dream of a 6 bedroom House, a brand new Car or Pickup Truck and the latest in all the Household Gadgets and Phones. And all this Consumerism has been driven by slack lending, which has led to the massive Household Debt to GDP Ratio of close to 100 % For many, the reason they cannot make ends meet is that they are in Debt to the Hilt, and cannot borrow more to fuel their extravagant lifestyles.
  23. At the last count, I believe there were 235,000 of these present day Police Officers that need scrubbing White. Good luck with that
  24. 8 Million is roughly double the amount the Gov,t are obliged to hand over. If that figure is correct That equates to roughly ( give or take ) 300,000 per life or serious injury Doesnt seem too much for the mayhem and carnage that this maniac bestowed on a community
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