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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. There should be no " disappointment " at Srettha,s invitation to Putin Just " disgust and loathing " The man is an International Criminal wanted for suspected War Crimes
  2. She should have offered to buy it off the FB seller Then when meeting him have a couple of hefty guys with big sticks waiting for him
  3. it also makes me wonder if the poor Animal will be able to adapt to its new environment after such an oppressed existence. I really hope that it can, and is offered all support in doing so
  4. Why would the UK become involved in recuing non UK citizens from a War Zone exactly ? Thailand trying to ponce again
  5. Dont worry about your Jobs Worry instead about your Business's
  6. Who will you offer 90 Day Visas too next Srettha ? You have started your Political Career by dancing with Devils, so why not offer90 Day Visas to Hamas, Hezbollah and Isis
  7. I think the photo is a stock one There was another taken upon his release in a Paper out of BKK and he looked quite bedraggled
  8. Family Debt is one of, if not, the principle drivers for Thais to work abroad.
  9. I do not know of a single property in Thailand that is correctly managed for waste water Thais do not understand the principle of the Anaerobic waste tank, and put the waste water from the showers / laundry room into them This kills the Bacteria on which the tanks work, and as an add on, there is no overflow of treated water taken to a ground soak away. Sure these tanks will work for a while when plumbed in like this, but after a period of time they will cease to work as the Bacteria that breaks down the waste in the Tank is killed off by detergents Etc There is no cheap rectification for this problem that I am aware of
  10. What a fib There was a definitive answer and it was " We will not supply an Engine Manufacture in Germany for your Submarine It contravenes an EU directive to not supply China with any material Etc that has a Military Use I suggest you go talk with Briggs and Stratton for your Engine requirement ""
  11. Of course they are the target of Hamas The Thousands of Israelis and other Nationality's have all ben killed by mistake
  12. 50,000 baht is not so much for these people who earn 75,000 per Month in Israel Its why so many do not want to return home They cannot pay off the family Debts and buy new Tractors on Thai wages
  13. Just what the Country needs Gun wielding Lunatics which drive Taxis in a so called Family friendly Resort City Way to go Thailand
  14. Its a fair bet the Scammers are already ahead of the game
  15. Yes it is Will the Farmer face some kind of prosecution probably not
  16. I think its probably has more to do with the rate of exchange between the Baht and Yuan getting worse by the Day
  17. Thousands upon Thousands of people will probably be excluded from the scheme by the fact they are working / studying outside their Province of Registration ( as per ID Card registration address ) Any scheme has to have a Nationwide spend allowance placed upon it to accommodate all the Transients in the Country 560 Billion will have tom be found one way or another, and however its found, there will be consequences somewhere within the Economy It cannot be just produced like the Magic Rabbit from a Hat
  18. How to restore confidence and integrity of the RTP back to the Public
  19. Probably a better idea to give out free Condoms and KY jelly
  20. This desperate measure to wring every last Dollar from, Tourists is not going to increase GDP It will however increase e the death rate on the roads and Employee absenteeism in the Factories Etc
  21. And what of the Chinese Investor behind it all
  22. Maybe the Thais in Israel dont want to return back to Thailand, but prefer to stay and earn money to pay of the Family Debts
  23. Thousands and Thousands of Thais are going to be excluded from the 10 K scheme due to the rules on spending of it If some kind of geographical restriction is enforced EG Thais that register for the scheme via their Home Address but work outside the province Students at Universities Nationwide There is going to be a huge backlash of this scheme for the Govt
  24. My Missus told me this morning that a flight with the first 5 Thais returning from Israel had landed at Swampy yesterday, and that many Hundred of Thais did not want to return home, instead choosing the Money they will get in Wages by staying
  25. Cannabis being put into food is not new here My Daughter is at a Uni in BKK and many of the Students refuse to eat at some places as they know cannabis is added to the food without telling the customers
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