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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Hardly the rapid injection of Money into the Economy that was touted for the 10K scheme Its slated to start in May of next Year, by which time Srettha and his Government will probably no longer be in charge
  2. Yrs ! And a certain large retailers profits
  3. For many, the only Tax System registered Business's in the district are for 7/11 Tescossss and Big / Minu C Why make people use a phone App, when its just so much simpler to just hand over most of the allotted Money to one certain huge retailer
  4. Not to even mention the repurposed Aircraft Carrier now used as a Tourist Attraction on Children's Day
  5. Sugar should be added to a controlled substance list Its more deadly and costly to Society than Cocaine
  6. Lurch sad some Foreigners ate later than Thais , so having Restaurants open later would mean they ate more, thus spurring the Economy What a load of Tosh
  7. Simply buy some of those metal Grid things they use in the Markets for hanging stuff on. Wire the together ( not forgetting the top ) and make at least half covered with a roofing sheet or two to protect the Rabbit from Sun and Rain Place on concrete or some old ceramic tiles so it cant dig a way out Your Bunny will have more room inside than a cage thing, as you can make this design as large as you want
  8. It should not be too difficult to find the perpetrators of Extorsion, Illegal Fire Arms, Loan Sharking amongst committed in the City
  9. So where exactly are all these high ticket items going with a Global slowdown
  10. About the same as a weeks lunches in Govt House How very good spirited
  11. How very sad on Two fronts The first is the tragic loss of a life The second is that there are people among us that can laugh and joke whilst watching that poor person lose their life Thailand used to be renowned for being a Country where the people were caring and gentle souls
  12. A Female was refused entry because she had been in and out of the Country 4 times already this Year Her job was mot specified
  13. Its not 4 AM thats the real problem Its 8 AM-10 AM when some of these Jokers are driving about still drunk, and with little sleep ( if any ) because they need to get to work Etc
  14. The interest rate is 3% The Govt is fronting 2% of thar so they pay 1 %
  15. But, but, but !!! This was an extremely urgent measure to kick start the Economy In a Years time, the Economy could be well and truly down the Gurgler, along with PT and Srettha
  16. Must be a really sick man to spend all this amount of time in Hospital
  17. The Government is now offering the retunes a low Interest Loan of up to 150 K over 20 Years to aid there Debt burdens
  18. Headlines in about mid Jan. " Road Deaths increase massively, the cause has been attributed to mainly Drink Driving "
  19. And the really scary thing 80 % of the debt is unsecured, and is for Vehicles, White Goods , Daily Living on Credit Cards Etc
  20. If you want a Loan in many Countries you need to supply a number of Pay Sllps as proof of earnings, as wells a detailed and comprehensive list of outgoings for things like Rent, Electric, existing Loan repayments Etc Etc Thailand is entering a stage whereby Loans are being , and have been given without proof of earnings, or by using false information supplied Despite the rosy picture being painted about NPL, there will surely be a significant rise in this sector or a massive number of Loans placed under Special Mention Status This high household debt is the main reason the Govt cannot raise Interest Rates which is allowing Inflation to go ever higher, will cause higher borrowing for the Govt And of course, not to forget that higher Interest Rates will mean higher repayments to borrowers, and many are so near the edge of NPL already
  21. You have obviously never witnessed some Thais demanding more and more Sugar in their Bubble Tea
  22. And of course there is the small issue of trying to dodge Taxes imposed upon their products by Foreign Countries
  23. There seems to be a spike in Hotel fires lately just saying
  24. Good advice As an add on, why not just use " grab " or " Bolt " OK ! You need a smart phone, but once somebody has shown you how to use the Services its so easy I say these Companies because the price for your Journey is given before you ride, so you will not be taken advantage of being an older Gentleman
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