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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. Look into other money transfer options like We Transfer, Transferwise, Moneygram, Payoneer, a Paypal account there and here. All these options have requirements that you need to fulfill like copies of bank statements, proofs of address, utility bills etc. and take time. Most costs are similar to bank transfer fees.

    U.S. banks are a huge pain in the ass to work with. I sold property in the U.S. and tried for months to get some money sent to Europe and it went at glacial speeds and used prehistoric banking methods for the transfers, see my tribute page I made after my experience. www.f****wellsfargo.com

    It was so slow and complicated it was easier to fly to the U.S. from Thailand with an empty briefcase and return with cash and a copy of the property sales documents for the nosy feds.

  2. Now that sounds reasonable. Part of the problem is that when I went in for 90 day reporting, I said "90 day reporting" and handed him my passport and tambien ban. The book he handed back without even opening. Maybe he thought I had moved since I arrived. Opening it and reading my address would have cleared that up if that was the issue. He also never explained anything to my fluent in Thai wife about needing to fill out at TM 28 or TM 30. She just said to me that now we have to start all over again (presumably because I didn't make the roadtrip to Phibun 84 days ago after I arrived) She goes out to get her papers, he give me a receipt of reporting and says bye and thanks. It sounds like he didn't even know himself what he was supposed to do. You'd think with 3 bars and at six years on the job he'd know at least that procedure.

    Funny coincidence that I post a question about if I have to report in person to a fairly distant immigration office every time I fly to Singapore or Tokyo for the weekend, spend a day in Cambodia or Laos or fly to Europe for a week, and the next day there's a similar news story about hotel requirements for reporting vacationers location within 24 hours of checking in.

    A coincidence but not at all the same situation in my opinion.

    I'm here on a 1 year, previously renewed, renewable visa. I have already reported my permanent address in Thailand to immigration and gave copies of blue and yellow tambien ban books, I'm married, I live here, I own the house (not the land but the house), my permanent address is on both my car and motorcycle license. When I leave for a few days, this where I come back to. When I return to Thailand I fill out an arrival card which lists my address, which matches all the other immigration and government records that has the same address.

    I've report to immigration on arrival, reconfirm with them my address that's on record.

    The only reasons I see to make a separate trip to restate the information within 24 hours that I've already just submitted at BKK airport to the office in Phibun, especially after a 12 hour flight, is to; waste my time, deprive me of sleep, put more miles on my car and make a gas station owner 400 baht richer.

    Next time I'm here 100 days without leaving (like what happened this time) I'm going to do the online reporting 14 days before the 90 days is up and then, if and only it does not work, then go to Phibun and waste their time explaining it to me, translating laws and politely debating it's applicability to persons in my situation until they decide I don't need to race over there to fulfill some outdated, obsolete requirement that probably doesn't apply to me anyway.

    I've always found here that the longer you drag out the discussion, the more higher-ranking employees involved, the more likely they will be to agree with you and give you whatever you want to get you out of there.

    Fifteen-twenty minutes without being able to check their Facebook or Line account, or not being able to play Candy Krush seems to makes Thais much more accommodating.

    As you live here on a yearly extension and you have already done the address registration in the past there is no need anymore to do this again until your move to new PERMANENT address.

  3. What problem did you have and with who and where? What it on arrival, departure or during 90 day reporting?

    I stay in Thailand for 100 days each year. I had a problem last year as my wife had not reported me as staying. I told the immigration officer that when I filled out the landing card, I put the full address of where I was staying. I stated why do I have to inform you twice. After some time this was accepted.

  4. Funny coincidence that I post a question about if I have to report in person to a fairly distant immigration office every time I fly to Singapore or Toyko for the weekend, spend a day in Cambodia or Laos or fly to Europe for a week, and the next day there's a similar news story about hotel requirements for reporting vacationers location within 24 hours of checking in.

    A coincidence but not at all the same situation in my opinion.

    I'm here on a 1 year, previously renewed, renewable visa. I have already reported my permanent address in Thailand to immigration and gave copies of blue and yellow tambien ban books, I'm married, I live here, I own the house (not the land but the house), my permanent address is on both my car and motorcycle license. When I leave for a few days, this where I come back to. When I return to Thailand I fill out an arrival card which lists my address, which matches all the other immigration and government records that has the same address.

    I've report to immigration on arrival, reconfirm with them my address that's on record.

    The only reasons I see to make a separate trip to restate the information within 24 hours that I've already just submitted at BKK airport to the office in Phibun, especially after a 12 hour flight, is to; waste my time, deprive me of sleep, put more miles on my car and make a gas station owner 400 baht richer.

    Next time I'm here 100 days without leaving (like what happened this time) I'm going to do the online reporting 14 days before the 90 days is up and then, if and only it does not work, then go to Phibun and waste their time explaining it to me, translating laws and politely debating it's applicability to persons in my situation until they decide I don't need to race over there to fulfill some outdated, obsolete requirement that probably doesn't apply to me anyway.

    I've always found here that the longer you drag out the discussion, the more higher-ranking employees involved, the more likely they will be to agree with you and give you whatever you want to get you out of there.

    Fifteen-twenty minutes without being able to check their Facebook or Line account, or not being able to play Candy Krush seems to makes Thais much more accommodating.

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, I already filled out TM30 last year, gave them a copy of my Tambien ban, gave the them a copy of her blue book, still live at the same address.

    The story they told her today is every time I leave and return to Thailand, they want me to go to Phibun in person and show my passport and TM6.

    I think it's BS and I'm not going to do it unless I hear a compelling reason. Next time I'm doing online 90 day reporting and see if they complain too. I would have done it this time but found out about it 7 days ahead of my 90 day reporting but waited until after midnight to find out I was two hours too late.

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  6. I was never asked to do it in past years or when I lived in Bangkok. The last time I got a 1 year extension they told me that the next time I left and returned to Thailand that I had to drive to Phibun to report in. I still live at the same address I did when I got the extension, I recorded my new address when I made the first extension in Phibun. all the previous paperwork is in my passport, I brought my yellow Tambien Ban with, he handed it back without opening it.

    My wife was with, he asked to talk to here and said I should have reported in within 24 hours of my last arrival, she said we had to do registration all over again, she went out to the car to get her blue tambien ban and ID and when she was gone, he stapled a with an October date in it and I asked "set læ̂w?" he said chi, I said thanks and left. Why he asked for things unrelated to my 90 day reporting, and then went ahead and gave me a receipt of notification anyway. Main question is why they even asked me to go report in within a day of arriving. I'm in their computer from my arrival, have a TM6 departure card.

    If it was one specific woman there asking me to come in and say hi every time I flew back here, maybe then I could see a resaon for it but it seems to serve no purpose and I've never read or heard of any requirement like that before, except from immigration at Phibun.

  7. I live in Ubon on a retirement visa. Last extension I was told that whenever I arrive back in Thailand that I need to drive to Phibun within 24 hours to tell them, hi, I'm back. I have a departure card dated when I arrive. Do I really need to make an 85 km round trip to say hi right after a 12 hour flight ,every time I come and go?

    Whats the point of 90 day online reporting if I still have to go there in person every time I return? I was hoping to avoid driving to Phibun for beaurocratic reasons and was hoping the online reporting would eliminate that trip.

    Last time I didn't go there to report in and today they told me I should have reported there when I arrived, but they gave me a notice of reporting anyway.

    What can they do if I just don't report and do my online reporting if I'm here 90 days without leaving. Seems like a waste of time and gas to me.

  8. Buriram must be a lot cheaper than Ubon. I looked at dozens of new and existing homes here and a small, new single story home and 100 talang wa of land (barely enough space for the house and a carport) is 3 mil. 1.5 to. 2 mil if she already owns the land.

    I'd say put down as little as possible, have her get at least a 15 year mortgage, show the bank you can pay the mortgage payment, the bank will NOT put you on the mortgage or any other papers and if things are still going well after 3 years you could pay off the mortgage without penalty if you wanted.

    I also recommend sticking with the "100km from relatives and in-laws" rule should you two decide to build another house.

  9. You're saying that male and female parents provide different roles, but you think it's in the best interest of the child to stay with its non-biological birth mother and grow up in a poor single-parent household?

    I'd think two living and caring parents of means a would be better even if they are the same gender.

    I've already given the definition of "natural Parenting", that is a mother & father. Don't know what other citations/ references you require, the majority of world's population are borne through male/ female intercourse & children raised in male/ female relationship. That's been the natural process of the human race, surrogacy is a recent aspect, as is

    same sex parenting, it's not natural, is it of benefit to a child to be raised I such a relationship? Don't believe any research has been undertaken, maybe, you're aware of such research??

    The thrust of what I'm saying is, the issues/ arguments focus on the couple/ adoptive parents, rather think should be on child/ children....what's best for child!!

    Why wouldn't it be best for the child to be raised in a loving home even if the parents were same sex?

    Male and female parents provide different roles.

    The relationship between a father and daughter is quite different from a mother and daughter. Same with sons - a father/son relationship is very different than a mother/son relationship. There are certain things that both sexes go through during puberty that a parent of that same sex helps with.

    Then there is the obvious issue of the fact that kids are just damn cruel. So kids with same sex parents can expect to be teased and bullied about it at school.

    There's some interesting experiences outlined in Federal Court here: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/lauretta-brown/adults-raised-gay-couples-speak-out-against-gay-marriage-federal-court - the upshot being that it wasn't so much the gay parents themselves but being brought up in gay communities and socializing with mostly gay friends. In the end the kids having little exposure to heterosexual couples and their kids.

    The bottom line is you should not be able to buy a child. Any couple that cannot have children should be screened for suitability before being able to adopt or go through surrogacy. I think that allowing any couples, gay or otherwise to buy a child is abhorrent.

  10. I don't have a dog in this fight but I'm shocked at the bigotry and ignorance I see in the reactions to this story.

    I don't know what you learn from watching Fox News but almost 100% of homosexuals are born to heterosexual couples and last statistic I saw showed that children raised by gay or lesbian couples are 90-95% likely to be heterosexual.

    I realize a lot of ex-pats are retired and older (I became an ex-pat at 38) and older people are more likely to be conservative but gawd, how old are you people making these ignorant and judgmental comments? When you sneeze or fart, does dust come out?

  11. I've seen children who suffered from hundreds of seizures a day be able to lead a normal life after being treated with cannabis.

    I've seen people with squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma apply Simpson's oil topically and the tumors dissapear within a matter of weeks.

    I know people who had prostate cancer and had a PSA in the teens that dropped to 3-5 nanograms/ml after using cannabis oil suppositories and were declared cancer free within months and for years after during follow up checks with their oncologist.

    I know people who have chronic pain (no pun intended) whose pain was best treated by using medibles. (Cannabis infused foods). Same with people suffering from neuropathy, and idiopathic myopathy.

    Studies published in the Lancet UK medical journal showed cannabinoids to be more effective and safer that conventional antiemetics. For many patients it provides the best relief for nausea from chemotherapy and it was just proven that that cannabinoids kill cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.

    Even if it only provided palliative relief for terminal patients, to restrict access to a drug that's safer than aspirin is nothing short of criminal.

    One reason there is less evidence is because the U.S. And other governments prohibited universities from conducting research. When government-funded studies showed it effective and safe, those studies were defunded and covered up.

    It's not a panacea or a cure-all but its effectiveness and safety compared to prescription drugs is finally coming out. The truth will be know soon.

  12. This quite a radical and logical idea but how about adopting a pragmatic drugs policy whose implementation and administration results in the desired outcome?

    First step is to agree on the objective. Now the objective seems to be to fill prisons with primarily poor and desperate women, line the pockets of corrupt government officials and occasionally publish PR photos of cops pointing at users and small time dealers caught with milligrams of drugs to show how well the current policy is working. It isn't working.

    Surely the objective shouldn't be increased health risks, more crime,tearing apart families and filling the prisons.

    Different approaches in other countries have been much more successful in achieving their goals of decreasing crime, lowering societal costs, fewer health problems, less corruption, removing organized crime and violence from the equation and actually helping people who are addicted to drugs get the help they need.

  13. I think the name of the drug he is addicted to you were referring to is called "nicotine".

    I can't think of any other drug that could be mixed with tobacco where withdrawal would cause someone to be violent like that. Never heard of crack or heroin put in a cigarette.

    in Europe some people adulterate perfectly safe cannabis with highly addictive, carcinogenic tobacco but I've never heard of adding dangerous substances to something that's already so bad for your health.

    The issue of unruly passengers become a wide spread problems in recent years owning

    to the facts that many people are a illicit substances users other than tobacco products,

    and they miss their fix while on the plane, compounded with the general attitude of disregard

    and ill mannered, selfish people whom only think of them selves, so all the above, at

    times, culminate in ugly incidents as we keep reading in the media about....

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