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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. I pay for my own insurance and I'm coveted worldwide so that doesn't apply to me but what a bullshit law, you pay into Medicare your entire life and then don't receive the benefits you paid for because you don't live in the US 12 months a year. I figure as long as I have US citizenship, with all the duties and obligations that goes along with it, that I should also get the benefits, especially the ones I've paid for.

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  2. Bring your meds back with you in a checked bag.

    Include copies of your prescriptions with the meds.

    Don't bring codeine.

    Don't travel with a guitar case.

    I bring 3-6 months worth back almost every time I fly back here. I've never had anyone look in my bags, except when I was traveling with a guitar.

  3. A few rules is preferable to a beach that's completely taken over by the lounge chair mafia and food vendors.

    We stopped at Bang saen once and while there may have been sand on the beach, it was completely covered by impromptu restaurants, seats, lounge chairs. It was inpossible to walk anywhere without going out to the street and walking down the road. A bit of free space with sand would have been nice.

  4. That must be a "Thai" thing. My wife leaves things everywhere and then wonders why she can't find them. I have two 3 drawer file cabinet with one drawer for house papers, receipts, manuals and one drawer for her personal papers and one for mine. She leaves her's in a pile on top of it or on the dresser, or in the living room.

    She left some bills and bank statements on the floor last week and the dogs ate them.

    She comes home, takes off her watch, bracelet and rings and leaves them in a different place every time. She lost a small 30k 18k gold ring with 3 diamonds that matches mine (that I never take off).

    Lost her ID card twice and DL once. I drove her car the other day and her DL was in the door pocket of the car. Lost her Tambien Baan "it's okay, can get new for 40 baht" but eventually found it buried under some other papers.

    The only stuff she doesn't misplace are things that are locked in the safe and her necklace that she never takes off.

    Replaced her ring with a new comfortable size so she has no reason to take it off unless she's repairing high-voltage appliances. If she does take it off and I find it laying around, it's mine.

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    My Missus needs a particular document. As per usual, she is pulling out all cupboards and emptying various bags trying to find it. This happens every single time she needs something and drives me nuts.

    When she eventually finds it, does whatever she needs to do, she will leave it on a chair, on top of a wardrobe or whatever empty surface is available when she returns. I've given up telling here that she should have a particular place to store all such items and when she finishes with it return it to the proper place. Wasting my breath.

    It's not just documents. I need a screwdriver and cannot find it because she has used it for something and simply left it where she used it instead of returning it to its proper place in my toolbox.

    I feel your frustration. I've been trying to explain the meaning of the word 'organize' for 4 yrs.

    • Like 2
  5. Samsung. I've always distrusted them and thought they were junk. In the 10 years since I'd owned anything from them they've become the biggest selling brand in Asia and in the top of the list of worldwide sales and placed well in consumer tests so I figured they evolved into making better products.

    It was the only model I found that had all the features I wanted and since it had a 10 year guarantee on the twin compressors I thought I'd give it a try. First thing I noticed was that it made more noise than I expected, then 3 months ago it started episodes where it would get really loud. Not buying any more Samsung stuff.

    Bakck on topic, does anyone elses spouse or gf respond like that? We were at the beach and I took my new iphone out of the two plastic ziplock bags I had it in so it didn't get wet on the boat to take some pictures of her surrounded by fish we were feeding bread to and I dropped the f-ker in the water. I fished it out saw it was ruined, I couldn't turn it off and knew I was out 28k so I said GDI! and threw in in the beach chair where our stuff was. She was 3 meters behind me but she was absolutely certain that I blamed her and was mad at her because I dropped my phone in the water. I heard about that for months even though I told her the thought never entered my mind that it was her fault. She thought I was showed anger because she was there. I was angry because I should have left it in the bag, felt stupid and was out 28k, she didn't enter into the equation. If I'd been alone I would have broke the thing in half and thrown it in the sea.

    Idiot repairman sneaks in and out, doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't fix it, makes a lame excuse and we're without a refrigerator for at least another day, more frozen food probably needs to be thrown out and I'm not happy about it. I don't blame here for a single thing, tell her that and she says "same I did something wrong".

    I want to discuss how to make sure it gets fixed tomorrow,: maid wakes me up if he comes before I'm up, I explain that I unplugged it/plugged it back in twice, let it off once for over an hour, show him the actual temperature in the freezer and refrig using my IR thermometer, show him how it's not even close to what's shown as the displayed temp (not the set temp), show him the 32A breaker, meter the outlet, turn on stuff that draws a couple dozen amps in the house, show him the line voltage again and if he still doesn't realize that it's broken, call my wife and have her translate.

    "Better we not talk about it, not talk about it okay?, same you leave shit in the air" "same you mad at me like I did something wrong".

    (of for Christ's sake...) Go eat some somtam and go to bed.

    I said I could as in" I turned a bunch of appliances on once a the same time to test the capacity of the mans supply, breakers and wiring". Not that I have heats running all day. I have a 6kw max demand heater for the and, shower and jacuzzi. I tried the 2k heater once with the tub and heater in at the same time one night it was 13 C.

    When he came there were two lights and a fan on in the entire house. The kitchen is on a 32A breaker. I have a degree in electrical engineering, I've metered the outlets, we have normal voltage at every outlet no matter the current draw. His excuse why the refrigerator stopped working three months after the compressor starting making noise was incorrect and a lazy diagnosis.

    Toshiba ??
  6. I said I could as in" I turned a bunch of appliances on once a the same time to test the capacity of the mans supply, breakers and wiring". Not that I have heats running all day. I have a 6kw max demand heater for the and, shower and jacuzzi. I tried the 2k heater once with the tub and heater in at the same time one night it was 13 C.

    When he came there were two lights and a fan on in the entire house. The kitchen is on a 32A breaker. I have a degree in electrical engineering, I've metered the outlets, we have normal voltage at every outlet no matter the current draw. His excuse why the refrigerator stopped working three months after the compressor starting making noise was incorrect and a lazy diagnosis.

  7. I went there and they printed my bill. One 1900฿listed my data play for 800, I had used speed topping 2-3 times, 100 for roaming and 400 for using their #04 long distance for .6 ฿ per minute for a total of 400 so that one added up.

    Recently, I haven't used Speed topping at all, never left the country and use Skype Out for all my LD calls and now it's even higher. I always pay before the due date yet every month they say I owe two months. I went in, paid the bill in full on 4 Jan, never received a feb bill and got a message saying my current balance was zero but my past due was 2600. It's been a year since I received an SMS telling me my current bill was due, without a past due. Two months in a row I paid the two months and the billing is still messed up.

    If I switched to TRU E and made a few phone calls, did some roaming, and even use the topping, the highest the bill would be with them would be under 1000 a month. Makes no sense. I'm going back for another one hour session at D DTAC to see what I can uncover today

  8. My wife switched to True and has never complained about dead zones in Ubon or Bangkok or even when we drove down south and back. She pays 300-400 baht a month and never more. I have a 800 baht a month DTAC subscription for 3 GB a month at full speed and I'm regularly getting top-up offers for continuing high speed internet ( which I never act on) and my bill is 2500 a month. Other than a few hundred baht in LD calls a month, I'm not using other services or a lot of extra internet. I use wifi at home and most places I go. I paid 2400 on 4 Jan and last week I got a text saying I was close to my 5000 baht limit.

    I'm kind of sick of DTAC and am planning on trying out True.

  9. Same here, I talk too fast and I never use baby talk (I go market, you come with). Sometimes I'll ask her some thing and get a nod and an "uh ha" but luckily I can always tell if she didn't understand.

    Other times I'll tell her something and she'll reply with some non-sequitur. Like,

    "If we start building a tiled concrete pool in October it won't be ready until February or March but if we get a fiberglass or liner pool it only takes a few weeks, which one do you think we should get?

    "We have to go Bangkok to visit sister Ploy in March".


    Yes communication, when to different languages collide you must be very patient which can be very difficult at times but dry to spend time as often as possible talking about everyday life. you will learn fast that most of the things you say she does not understand.

    I have a bad habit of talking to fast, she picks out words of my sentence and says okay. Okay to what ? she did not understand me. That dam stubborn pride of I think I understand does not work. Baby steps, she wants to learn English so many nights a week we spend just talking.

    You all must understand and except that you will never be number 1. Family , children , brother , sister take your pick . Choose your battles some are not worth winning here and the war goes on a long time.

    Change the things you can and except the things you can not. Good luck !!!!!

    I have a bad habit of talking to fast, she picks out words of my sentence and says okay. Okay to what ? she did not understand me. That dam stubborn pride of I think I understand does not work. Baby steps, she wants to learn English so many nights a week we spend just talking....

    exactly what i mean...

  10. My being in Thailand is viewed by my tax home country in Europe as holidays or extended business travel even if I were here 51 weeks a year .Thailand isn't part of the tax equation.

    There's no test for physical present that exempts me like in the U.S. If I have a residence permit, am registered there and own a business there, they're the country who gets my income tax dollars. Their reciprocal agreement with the U.S. Is what applies to me.

  11. We usually get along fine. I just need to rembember to give her space (basically stop talking) if she's stressed out or if we get into a discussion, things can escalate and she starts getting frustrated. Leave her be for a few minutes and everything's fine.

    She's getting better but she doesn't do very good at picking up after herself. The mae baan comes and the next day the living room sometimes looks like the way you leave a hotel room when you check out, except with more stuff laying around. You can't leave junk on the floor if you have dogs living in the house.

    When we're driving to a place I've never been and while underway I ask where we're going she often says "drong pbai". I say "no, what's our destination?" "drong pbai". I'd prefer to hear that it's by the park, or across from Central Plaza rather than directions often given too late to turn.

    Her English is fine but I prefer she speaks Thai to me so I get more practice. One annoying thing, half the time she'll say "leo sai" and I'll say " you mean "leo qua?", " oh, hehe, sorry qua". She never mixes up left and right in English but does in Thai.

    Coming home and taking off her rings and leaving them in a different place every time annoys me. I would suggest finding one spot and sticking with it. I gave her a place to put them but they still ended up on the sink, or counter of coffee table. She lost one that way before she finally learned her lesson.

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  12. My wife likes to take me there a couple times a year but the only thing I/we like about it are the live music venues that play rock. Other than that I hate it. If I wanted to be surrounded by drunk westerners who annoy me and ugly hookers past their use-by date I'd go the Ukraine.

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