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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. Go to a doctor, have him prescribe you an ace inhibitor, calcium channel blocker or diuretic or combination, whichever is most appropriate for your condition. Buy a 2000-3000 BP cuff After iyour BP is stable, skip the hospital prescribing fees and get refills at a pharmacy. See you dr according to his recommendations, probability 1x or 2x per year.

  2. How about Sam Pan Bo, the "Grand Canyon" of Thailand?

    Or the Don Cho monkey temple? Or lunch out on the docks at Kham Kheang Kaeo?

    I don't know where people live who say that Issan is so hot for most of the year?

    I went to Bangkok for a day last week and it felt like I was in an armpit in a sauna. I couldn't wait to get back to Ubon.

  3. Every study I've read showed that smoking pot and driving was much safer than drinking and driving. Some studies even showed there was no increased risk for accidents because stoned drivers drive slower and more carefully.

    Criminalizing cannabis because you shouldn't drive after using it isn't a good enough reason. People shouldn't drive if they're not able to do so safely. That includes pot, booze, prescription drugs, not enough sleep etc.

    Alcohol and other drug use goes down in places where pot is legal or tolerated. There would be less drunks on the road if the same thing happened in Thailand.

    Pot has been legal in CO for over a year and I haven't even heard conservative prohibitionists try to claim it's causing more road accidents and the state accident rate data doesn't show any increase.

    "Highway fatalities in Colorado are at near-historic lows since marijuana legalization. "


    If the government made corn, bad grammar or flip flops illegal the crime stats would go up. Decriminalizing kratom or cannabis results in less crime not only because people are no longer being arrested for things that shouldn't have been illegal anyway.

    Violent crime in Colorado has decreased , so have OD deaths from legal prescription narcotics.

    There are good reasons murder, theft, rape and assault are illegal. There are no good reasons cannabis is illegal and Colorado and Washington state are the proof.

    Cannabis was prohibited in the U.S. In the 30's for racist reasons and bribes and pressure from companies who profited big by its prohibition.

    And Thailand has to content with not only drunk driving, but driving while high on drugs?
  4. If the government made corn, bad grammar or flip flops illegal the crime stats would go up. Decriminalizing kratom or cannabis results in less crime not only because people are no longer being arrested for things that shouldn't have been illegal anyway.

    Violent crime in Colorado has decreased , so have OD deaths from legal prescription narcotics.

    There are good reasons murder, theft, rape and assault are illegal. There are no good reasons cannabis is illegal and Colorado and Washington state are the proof.

    Cannabis was prohibited in the U.S. In the 30's for racist reasons and bribes and pressure from companies who profited big by its prohibition.

  5. The Dutch government is now filled with religious conservatives. Their attempt to recriminalize soft drugs has led to an increase in crime, use by minors, incidents in adulteration, criminality and social problems. It's back to the 70's in the Netherlands.

    In the mid 70's they treated heroin use as a health issue and have very few problems. In the past year four tourists have died from heroin they bought in Amsterdam. No coincidence that they changed their position on that in recent years either.

  6. I think you meant that the unemployment rate in Colorado is improving, not increasing. It was 5% in 2014 and 4% now and still going down.

    The first result in a Google search for "Colorado unemployment rate" will bring up that graph.

    My thoughts on laws are they need to meet the test , are these laws producing the desired result? i.e. If the desired outcome is reduced use or reduced harm, if the laws are not having the desired effect, or are exacerbating the problem then they need to be reviewed and revised.

    In Portugal, The Netherlands and both states in the U.S. where soft drugs were decriminalized experienced a reduction in use, especially by minors and less costs to society. Both in money and human terms.

    Legalization in Colorado is the best thing that happened to the state since mountains and snow.

    It would be far better to legalize Pot, reason being two fold it would give rice farmers another income, by licensing the rice farmer fees collected and tax on pot could go to treatment of more serious drug use. Also it could help train The royal Thai police to be better at there job of enforcing laws. It is a shame that you can kill a police officer and get bail and travel the world at will if your rich. Yet same crime and poor you would not be on the streets for years awaiting trial. You can rob the country blind and still have valid passport to travel and thumb your nose at the government.

    It's also good for the tourism industry. Pot tourism has boomed in Colorado, Oregon and Washington where pot has been legalized.

    Pot is not an issue in Thailand. Legalizing it in Colorado has brought a rise in their unemployment rate. Thailand like any other country in the world should look at the success Portugal has had with their drug problem. They still have a problem but it is nothing compared to other countries.

    Thailand could take a page out of the experience in the states. There was a time not so long ago when possession of one joint could get you 5 years in jail. They in the states have the highest Per Capita rate of people in jail in the world.

    One other big detail this article omitted is that a lot of what the Thai Government has considered drug treatment consisted of a stint in jail. I am not up on the current status but I do know that some place in the last year they were talking about revamping their drug treatment system and dropping the jail time. Like I say I am not up on where they are with that.

    I am not a Thai Basher or naive. I do not expect it to happen over night. Also there is only at the present 3 states out of 50 and they all have stringent controls on the distribution. To the best of my knowledge the only country where it was a tourist draw was the Netherlands and it is my understanding they have tightened laws up a little bit there along with a lax enforcement of them. LOL sound familiar.

  7. Last night I left around 21:30, was back before 22:30 and when I pulled in I noticed bugs in front of the back wall, attracted to the headlights. I went to the house and the porch had hundreds of flying bugs and as many dead ones. I opened the house and even though all the doors are windows were as closed (as they can be on a Thai house, even a new one), the living room was full of bugs on the ground, flying around, crawling around. I went to the kitchen where the door seals quite tightly, the windows were closed but the room also had 100's of bugs.

    Tonight they were even getting in when the lights were dim and the curtains were drawn tight. They seem to squeeze between the weatherstripping and go for any source of light. Outside on the porch and tiles around the house, it was almost totally black with these bugs.

    They resemble small mayflies to me. Does anyone know how long this certain plague will last? ( I really don't care what they're called, you can tell me if you know but I'm most interested in knowing when they'll F off back to where they came from).

    Insects come in streaks here it seems. One week the house was full of butterflies, Another week termites or huge flying ants outside, then some flying insects that just hovered over the lawn, a while ago, mini June bugs, the walking stick invasion of January and just a few days before these little winged pests, feathery bees that came out at dusk and all died within a few hours.

    I tried attaching with the Flash using the basic and advanced loader and imbedding and linking to the photo I took, using .jpg. gif and .png but nothing worked.

  8. I built a house in a nice residential area, none of the neighbors owned roosters. Soon after we moved in, first one neighbor at the other end of the development got a rooster, then my next door neighbor. The first one didn't bother me but if my neighbor likes roosters so much u think he should put the pen near his house, not mine. I'm still looking for the right owls.

  9. I'm guessing there are cultural reasons why there seem to be so few options available. This isn't the only story I've heard where a couple could benefit from an objective analysis and professional recommendations.

    My wife's best friend was having marital issues, married for 8 years, three kids, controlling Thai husband. I suggested to my wife that they go talk to someone to help sort out their issues and the concept seemed foreign to her.

    I'm sure some relationships are beyond repair but I have heard of other couples in the US and Europe who were able to get some good advice, put it in practice and benefited from it.

    Thanks for the suggestions so far, I'll pass them along.

  10. A good friend of mine has been married to a Thai woman for 3-4 years, they have a good relationship but occasionally his wife seems to get a bit bi-polar and starts arguments over the most insignificant things.

    In the U.S. and Europe there are marriage and relationship counslors who help couples avoid and deal with these situations before they escalate.

    I mentioned it to him and he thought it was a good idea but when he asked where he could go, I drew a blank. I asked a few Thais and the concept seemed unknown to them.

    Any ideas where to find bi-lingual relationship counslors or psychologists who specialize in that field in the vicinity of Ubon?

  11. What's it cost to import a big bike into Thailand from Malaysia ?

    Since its part of ASEAN I thought I'd read that it was much less complicated and expensive than importing a bike from outside Asia.

    On a related question, what's involved in importing a bike to Malaysia from s country outside of Asia?

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