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Guitar God

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Posts posted by Guitar God

  1. I have an account with one of the largest banks in the U.S. And have a U.S. Passport. I sold property in the U.S. last year and wanted to send some of the money to my EU account where I am a resident.

    Long story shorter, it took 4 weeks from the time I requested the transfer until the time I received the money, and required a flight to the embassy to get the transfer form notarized before I could even make the request .

    Two weeks after I sent it they put me on a 3-way recorded calI verifying my information and confining the transfer. The excuse, eerm, reason was to have a record of the "fees and exchange rate".

    I can only imagine what kind of hell I'd go through to try to send my own frickin money to my Thai bank.

    My advice is go to your U.S. bank(s) in person and set up transfer request paperwork in advance. It might save a week of the 4 week wait.

  2. 200฿ per balloon is a huge rip-off and the only real dangers of NO2 are increased risk of miscarriage, damage to lung tissue by freezing if you're dumb enough to suck it straight out of a tank and asphyxiation if you strap an airtight mask over your nose and mouth and pass out. More injuries occur from people doing it standing up, getting dizzy and falling over than from the gas itself.

    I'd bet there have been as many deaths from people inhaling NO2 out of balloons as there have been from people smoking cannabis. Zero.

  3. Maybe it's my lack of any outdoor themometers that makes Ubon feel warm but well within the comfort zone even of a Viking from the great white north. My lawn and garden welcomed the semi-daily rains and a little cloud cover though.

  4. If pepper spray is not an option, make your own. We stayed in a hotel for two days and my wife left a near empty plate of somtam (phet phet) in the shower, just the fumes coming off the plate made my eyes water so bad I had to go outside.

    Get the hottest peppers you can find, put them in a blender with some vinegar and a little oil, purée them and strain the juice through a coffee filter and get a good quality squirt gun to put it in. I think after being sprayed once they will leave you be.

    Our dogs run at the sight of an electric mosquito tennis racket. They must have stepped on one when it was still charged. Probably won't work on dogs who haven't shocked themselves though

  5. Thanks for both tips. They were planted a couple months ago when it wasn't quite as hot and I thought they'd have taken hold by now. I water them deeply and less frequently than the garden but cutting away more grass should help. Not that many weeds to pull.

    The umbrella, aside from looking ting tong, gives them shade from about 10 to 4. Photo was from around 5pm.

    Does it look more like too much sun, or not enough water though?

  6. I'm trying to grow a few papaya, mancoot and champoo trees, tomato, peppers, berries etc. in the yard and seriously, the regrowth of vegetation they clear-cut with a front loader next door is doing better after two weeks than my plants and garden after two months. I know champoo prefer shade so I'm trying to give them shade with an umbrella. Would the 85% green or blue plastic shading screen help them from dying off before things get established, or bring in some mature trees?

  7. I assumed pharmaceutical prices at hospitals in hospitals were more than at pharmacies. It's not different in the U.S. or Europe? I thought it would that way anyplace with higher overhead; drinks at entertainment venues vs. a pub or neighborhood bar, McDonald's at sn airport vs. a suburban drive through.

    A private hospital in Bangkok saved my life when a bacterial infection required four, IV antibiotics for almost a week to to get rid of the infection and get my kidneys working again. I saw the results of every test.

    Another private hospital in Ubon did a great job fixing my shoulder when it was broken in five places. I was out in under a week and was able to put up a ceiling fan four months later.

    Both of them cost less than 3 days stay in a hospital in the U.S. for a minor accident. 35 years ago. $3000 for a week's stay here, and $3500 for five days including extensive surgery.

    I'm sure now a similar treatment and stay in a U.S. vs. a Thai hospital is ten times more costly now.

  8. I've had no luck finding a broad-leaf herbicide for my lawn. Does anyone know of one which works here, and where to buy it?

    Where I used to live there were companies who would spray or broadcast a combination of fertilizer and herbicide that would give you a deep green lawn free from weeds for months.

    The only thing I found here was glyphosate and one drop of that on the weed core results in a 10cm circle of dead grass.

    I heard of a home remedy of vinegar, salt and Dove dish soap but I don't think that wouldn't do well on the grass either.

  9. This may vary by bank but from what I heard, in, Thailand, car loans, and possibly mortgages too, the pay off amount is:

    monthly payment amounting ฿ x number of months in loan - ฿ total of monthly payments made to date.

    If the loan amount is ฿1,000,000 and you've paid ฿200,000 after 2 years, payoff is 800k, no matter it it's a year , 9 years or full term.

    The reason for it is so the bank or lender earns their whole interest, no matter if you pay it early or not.

    True? Possibly

    Fair? No

    Reason it's probable? Banks influence laws everywhere.

  10. I thought it was Taksin's recent ani-Thai comments and possible Lèse majesté law violations that caused Taksin's passport issue to come up now?

    Sure, could be just an excuse, but it seems a valid one.

    Prayuth's other option would be to ignore Taksin's comments, and then people would complaining that he's doing nothing about it.

    Nothing but a witch-hunt!!

    And the NACC are politically neutral.................cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    They have had 4 years to indict them, and sure it is a pure coincidence it is happening now??

    Sure Yingluck and Surapong should face the music, but this stinks !!

  11. I've tried shops that make gates but they don't seem equipped to do what I need. I need a place who can order a bar of high-carbon steel, turn it on a lathe and weld it perpendicular to the wheel.

    Where was the machine shop you spotted?

    gg did you manage to find somewhere to do your job ? saw a little machine shop with lathe and miller yesterday in ubon


  12. The opposite here, sure my wife orders more than she can eat but she brings it home and (usually) eats it before it goes bad.

    I went to a restaurant with her and some friends and they thought it was funny that I left so much on the chicken bones. One of her friends finished them off and it looked like a dog had cleaned off the bones. Sorry, I don't eat cartilage or chicken kneecaps.

  13. The same thing happened to me here. Somebody on the side of the road staring at their phone, facing the other direction decides to run out into the road when I was 2-3 meters away. He got off with a bruise and a fat lip, I broke my arm in 5 places and my leg in two places. I had my helmet on (a 30k baht Nolan) and hit my head hard, didn't even get a headache.

    I've been riding motorcycles for about 42 years, in Europe and the U.S. and had a couple minor accidents but never had so many incidents per km than in Thailand.

    Until I moved here I never had a car touch me, in Thailand it happened twice the first month I had a bike. Once I was stopped at a light and a guy in a car slowly chewed his front fender up on my running board trying to turn left from the right lane.

    If you're not going to buckle your helmet, you might as well not even wear it. It's funny that Thai's will put on a helmet and not fasten it so they can save a 200 baht ticket but they won't snap the buckle to protect their head.

  14. Chang beer, now with even more hangover.

    I didn't notice it before but there is a huge difference in beer prices. A big bottle of Hoegarden was ฿379 and local beers were a quarter the price.

    Auke - You're Dutch, right? A linguist clue made me wonder.

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