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Posts posted by icare999

  1. while i feel sorry for those duped by this hopefully it will serve as yet another warning not to trust any, and I mean any, financial advisor, banker or anyone these days involved in the financial services sector. I learnt my lesson many years ago when I trusted one of these scum bags and lost a large part of my portfolio. Their was a time long ago when one could have confidence in bankers and financial advisors, brokers and the rest. Its possible a few decent honest people in the financial services industry exist but I would strongly advise all to do it themselves and avoid funds of any kind. At least if you do it yourself you have a chance.

    sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png how many more times has this got to happen before people wake up and see whats happening to them. But I guess like many tihngs most will carry on regardless like lambs to slaughter

  2. what a load of crap. More nonsense government interference, rules, regulation and designed to control even more the normal people in UK. We need less government nonsense and more common sense. Like all stupid regulation it wont stop anything. All over the world governments are bringing in more and more control as we march more and more into an orwelian world. Read 1984 animal farm and rest and those not totally brain dead will see whats in front of their eyes. Most however will sleep walk into their slavery.

  3. let people get government they voted for I used to care but after 20 years here can't be bothered with poor anymore thye deserve what they voted for. I used ot despise the ho sos but now understand why they treat poor like they do. Ive tried to help but just get spat opon by poor and they think im stupid to pay decent wages then they stole, cheated and except for one took the total piss . The one in 20 years is now on around 25k baht a month plus perks. I still try but all so far except one has been booted out after a few months even though I still pay minimum 12000 a month with promise if they work they will do well . After a few months they are cheating, lying steeling and so out - ver sad. My one good worker 9in 20 years has also given up) has convinced me to just play game and will save me a fortune and so now i wont to care but wont and he gets workers for 150 baht a day. I make more he makes more and poor can go vote for clowns for all I care.

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