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Posts posted by icare999

  1. On 18 April 2019 at 11:07 AM, motdaeng said:

    icare999 said: ... i bought 2 they are useless in some respects really good at getting ait clean quickly but only on full power and it switches to automatic autonamatically after 1-3 hours then its useless so need to put it on every time it stops on full power also very noisy. ...


    one member explains ( post nr 8 ), how to avid that xiaomi goes all 3 hours back to the automatic mode ...

    i thought you are looking for a way to solve this issue ...

    i did not understand what he meant 

  2. 7 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    None of the people have any morals, in my experience.


    They are of the same cloth. Rich Thai, poor Thai, dark skinned Thai, light skinned Thai, well-schooled Thai, no school Thai. All Thai first and foremost. 

    555 and its so different in your country i think not here thye are just more honest about it like corruption in west corruption is massive but legal here its in open and small beer mostly 

    • Like 1
  3. On 12 April 2019 at 10:14 PM, vivid said:

    Go Lazada to check out the DIY HEPA filters, or any other spare filters that are of a bigger size. 

    You can cut them up to size, if there are gaps at the side, just plug up with some tissue paper, bubble wrap or something.  Don't worry about the sealing, it's not that super important in real life for haze/air pollution at this magnitude.


    So at least your 3 air purifiers still are usable, instead of just chucking them into the store.

    thanks i did that 

  4. 57 minutes ago, SEtonal said:

    Only Jomtien Immigration is requesting that people show up 90 days after receiving a retirement extension using 800k to show their bank book.   


    Chiang Mai is the greediest Immigration Office in Thailand.  They didn't tell you about the new rules because they want you to violate the rules then they can refuse your extension next year and force you to go to an agent. 


    I have kept up some of the stunts CM IO has pulled this year:

    1. Refused to accept the combination method

    2. Refused to accept a still valid income verification letter from the US Consulate

    3. Refused to accept 40k a month and demanded 400k be seasoned for two months, when no seasoning is required, for the parent of a Thai to get a Non-Imm O visa.

    well ive been here over 30 years most in CM never had a porblem yet but I dont have a cash problem luckily and make sure i keep to all rules but your right if i had not heard fo new rules id have as usual spent 800k baht in next week or so and gone next year thinking all is ok I did ask IO if I could go onto marriage visa she said id need to go to next desk to ask and added why you obviously have no problem with retirement visa. I did have a unusual large amount in bank letter having just sold some asset and not yet used money for another investment. I had 1.8 million but thats very unusual and she could see from my bank book I kept just above 800k for 3 months before and before that very low balance. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, MeePeeMai said:

    I do believe that it can be sold (or transferred) one time so you might ask them if your heir(s) could transfer it to someone else when you check out.  I would think that the amount of time left on the Elite Visa would significantly affect the price (one way or the other).

    thats only for more expemnsive 2 million baht version 

  6. On 15 April 2019 at 10:33 AM, JackThompson said:

    The confusion over this is due to a few offices re-setting the 90-day reporting on the date of renewal, so that the bank-book report and 90-day report could be done on the same visit - assuming the foreigner doesn't make a trip out of the country during that time.  When asked what to do if out of the country at the 90-day mark, they were told to do the bank-book report as soon as they returned.

    i just id mime not told to do any 90 day at all or told any thing about new rules  

  7. On 13 April 2019 at 3:38 PM, Thailand Outcast said:

    If that's the case, we are back to a legal visas, that has been illegally obtained.


    I've never used an agent, but the practice has been going on for years, and I don't know of a single case where someone has been arrested for it.  


    I agree it has more risk to it than the 800k method, but the 800k could become the 1 million method, or 1.5 million method in the future, and then even those cirrently on the 800k method would have to assess the risk using agents, versus the loss of earnings from a larger deposit in a Thai bank.    

    or go for thai elite card 1 million for 20 years or 500k for 5 its tempting only thing stopping me going for 20 year is im over 80 so unlikely to use it for all its life 

  8. On 12 April 2019 at 9:43 AM, CMNightRider said:

    Well, Miss Bunny, my experience comes from supervising these fools.  Have you ever wondered why retirees have to reapply year after year for a visa extension, or why you are required to report to immigration every 90 days, or perhaps thought what the purpose of TM forms are for?  


    Maybe the latest financial requirement of depositing 800,000 baht in a Thai bank, to prop up a third world banking system has given you something to think about.  


    If there are any retirees living in Thailand, who hasn't given thought to these questions, maybe this may be a good time to start thinking about it. 



    total crap banking system here is far superior IMO to UK here via ATM i can buy mutual funds pay people pay bills on line is better also in so many ways Ive lived here over 30 years no real problems at all with immigration odd one a bit bad tempered but you get tht in any country Police always polite and friendly and ok sometimes giving them a tip avoids having to go to police station to get your licence back tips tea money here is a good syatem and never ever forced in my experiance unlike in west full of total stupid regs and rules 

    • Haha 2
  9. On 7 April 2019 at 4:57 PM, Thailand Outcast said:

    I can't see Mr. Wong from China, or Mr. Sergei from Russia, or Mr. Patel from India, who come here on a package holiday, retiring in Thailand in the future. 


    By losing the western tourist market, and making it harder for western expats to live here, Thailand isn't advertising itself to the next generation of retires coming through. 


    Just think what that will do to the property market, and vehicle market here, just to name two sectors, and these sectors don't involve 300 baht a day minimum wage staff in the hospitality industry. 

    we let to long term expats and have kerean russian japanese etc etc  tenants in fact in last few years far more non westerners than westerners 

  10. On 6 April 2019 at 5:01 PM, Peterw42 said:

    Yes thats right but the OP specifically mentions showing bank book at next 90 day. People keep mentioning that two visits will be tied together but other than the OP, it hasn't been the case anywhere.

    i did mine today all fine not told of new rules or told to come back to prove anything retirement 800k in bank got 1 year in/out within 1 nour very good service friendly no propblems at all but ? a little concerned why i was not told about new rules etc 

  11. On 5 April 2019 at 9:32 PM, nongsung said:

    Well, the IO was clear that the next 90 reporting should include an updated bank book AND the confirmation letter from the bank.

    With at least 800K. After that (2nd 90 days) I don’t know.

    Would not be surprised if it’s not needed elsewhere. Since three years female IO’s are running the show in Mukdahan and they are extremely difficult to deal with.

    Irritated faces, no-one smiles; it’s not a nice place to go to.

    i just mine today using 800k in bank all fine no problem not told i had to do anytihng and not even told about new rules 

  12. 4 hours ago, MJKT2014 said:

    Presumably you never touch it all year in the past, otherwise I'd be concerned about the new minimum balances rules you were not told about?


    4 hours ago, MJKT2014 said:

    Presumably you never touch it all year in the past, otherwise I'd be concerned about the new minimum balances rules you were not told about?

    no i never do that for last 10+ years ive alwasy as soon as i got my extension take money and spend it and then 3 months before make sure i have 800k + and dont go below. IT is/was usually a bit of a problem getting 800k again so I had to sell some investment 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    I guess they assumed you knew the new rules.

    maybe and i dont mind keeping 800k in bank all year but im a little ocncerned they not only did not mention new rules but did not say i had to go in in 6 months they stamped my extension for 1 year 

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