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Posts posted by icare999

  1. So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

    Just heard from an eye witness, that in Ramkhamhaeng the anti-government protesters started the violence.

    But who cares? Everyone just wants to believe, what fits into his mindset the best!

    my wives niece is at Ramkhamheng and she saw red shirts change into black caring guns and firing from bushes at students She is a sweet girl who would not hem a fly yet protested because she was fed up like many and was/is shit scared of red shirts since all in BKK had experience of what they id in 2010

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  2. Well, does Suthep not have to show up at court on Dec 12th at 10am on other charges? No need to go pick him up until then.

    Of course he might say he cannot make that date because of the traffic problems caused by the demonstrators cheesy.gif

    or sorry I'm a bit busy that day can we arrange a date after I've defeated Taksin but I'm happy to come if Taksin also turns up at same time as my prime witness for my defence

  3. what a load of hypocritical crap When red thugs tried to burn down Bangkok - oh why bother - all total nonsense from a totally corrupt and nonsense government. Myself id almost put up with any government democratic or not instead of this constant drivel and BS from this lot whose only interest is how much they can get for themselves.

    After 30 years here and seeing all sorts of government some worse than others and most corrupt to some degree this lot is worst I've ever seen. Ive already pulled 1/2 of our assets out when all this started back in 2005-2006 and left rest hoping in time Taksin would go.

    For me its now tipping point time. Either Thailand gets rid of this one man dictator government and his clan and major cronies once and for all or it will continue to slide further and further into the pit. And all because of ego of one megalomaniac hell bent on making here his own one party police state.

    My only hope is he has not bought the army yet but if he has which well probably see in next few months then I for one will bail out what assets we can sensibly liquidate over next few years and keep only our home and some assets held in our childrens names since children's assets cannot be sold until they reach 20.

    As I've said many times it wont happen overnight but a slow steady march to a dictatorship one part state. THe warning signs are already very obvious to those who care to look as they were in ZImbabwie, Hitlers Germany Idi Amins uganda and all other places where a evil dictator has taken over. If Taksin wins I give it another 5-10 years before his and his clans grip here is total and permanent but quite a while before that any property and other fixed assets here will have lost a great deal of its value.

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  4. And why assume it was the police using live rounds? Could've been anyone. 'A Reuters reporter saw a man in his early 20s fire three shots from a pistol in the direction of police protecting Government House. Protesters also threw dozens of petrol bombs.'

    I'm sure you'll agree, if you re-read my post, that nowhere did I claim or assume "it was the police using live rounds", although there were claims earlier by one of the students that it had been a policeman, standing next to a group of Red-Shirt supporters, who had shot & wounded him.

    The truth is also further muddied, by that Red-Shirt leader, who was caught a few months back, wearing a police-uniform to which he wasn't entitled.

    It will be interesting to see what comes out of the police-investigation into these incidents.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif your taking mick aren't you police investigation cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  5. Now waiting for a speech from PM Yingluck stating the improved ranking was a result of all the hard work she and her government had put into corruption rolleyes.gif

    May want to re-read the article...

    Thailand fell 14 places... Meaning it is much more corrupt vs last year ...

    i think op was being sarcastic and also indicating that YIngluk lacked any sense of understanding of anything so as she often has would come up with normal BS with a big smile pif course. Very clever of Taksin since most only look at outside and a bit like cluso movie when his assistant was questioning the prime suspect and cluso said shut up don't you see she's sexy so can get away with anything

  6. I've had this in past but it was an accident. tHe law is unclear but basically says its 50/50 and you could ask owner of dog for damages to your vehicle. Its happened to me twice in 30 years. First time like you owner if it was demanded a silly amount. I went to police station and filed a complaint that the dog had damaged my car. Being a forang the police of course were totally on the others side but after sticking to my guns settled for 500 baht sating take it or take it to court. THey accepted but a big fuss was made that the forang had lost. So make a fight of it but not to much and in end let them win a little and so save face.

    So my advise is admit it say dog ran in front yapping and damaged your car and you are claiming damage to your car. Probably to late now but you should have gone straight to police making a claim against her. As long as she saves face you will I'm sure be able to settle for 500 baht or say you'll get her a new dog and go get a stray somewhere.

    You don't need to fear so much for goodness sake

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  7. Yes it's not over. Suthep is the Kamikaze for the opposition. The real negotiations are beyond our vision.

    From the Thailand live thread

    RT@pakhead: It seems the military top brass incl Anupong &Prawit negotiated this truce with Thaksin last night. Boys in green will now mediate a deal.

    They have to negotiate with Thaksin .... negotiating with anyone else is a waste of time. The deal is going to be done with Thaksin. He gives the orders to the others.

    better be careful when dealing with a snake or scorpion if this has any truth in it that is. A deal with a convicted criminal running country from abroad with a load of clones and cronies here and the Army. What possible deal could there be just magine it.

    Taksin - I want all of thialand to make me emporer

    Army - how about fuhrer but with us having power

    Taksin - not enough

    Army - how much do you want

    Taksin - I have already bled most of it dry and anyway its power I want

    Army - Why not join us as a general

    Taksin - now theirs a thought

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  8. You mean Taksin not PTP since he totally controls it and none in that party ism ore than a clone. Have you ever in west seen a political party where all its MP's and people agree 100% with their leader. No never but here they do and that in itself proves its not a democracy but a dictatorship. When have you ever seen or heard a PTP politician argue against party line.

    That's an extreme statement regarding PTP politics. Is the PTP so different from the other Thai parties other than it just being the biggest one?

    At least if theirs a new election the amnesty bill is dead. They could win of course and try to bring it back but I doubt they would. Its not a forgone conclusion that PTP will win outright but if the people want that so be it.

    Yingluck killed it by sending it to the senate, don't bother to mention any conciliatory moves on her part.

    This has happened due the Government PTP only having 1 aim and that is to get their criminal master back. Why not just have a vote simple question do you want taksin to come back yes or no and see what that results in .

    If your happy living in a one party Taksin dictatorship just because enough brainwashed or bought votes can be found up to you. Ill say it again Hitler was voted into power so was Mugabwie Saddam and many many evil dictators. After gaining power they all did slowly what Taksin has done back in 2004-06 and again recently and that is get control of all branches judiciary courts media and anything that could questioner oppose them.

    Your a total fool if you think its great to have a government clearly state they wont accept court decision, push through an amnesty bill for their master, have members of government who in 2010 were urging people to burn down BKK and rest. But if your happy with that be careful you'll get what you wish for. Im assuming you actually live here with a family.

    The Yingluck administration already denied that accusation about "it won't accept.."

    For me and many others Taksin is a vile evil megalomaniac who threatens to turn our home into a form of Zimbabwie or North Korea and we believe in that totally.

    IN reply since says to many quotes

    the amnesty bill is not dead at all. Its been stopped for a while and can be made law in a few months by a simple 50% vote of MP's without any need to go back to senate. So thats your first point.

    Before PTP there were many examples of MP's of several parties not agreeing with their leader and as usual in west some of defecting to other parties. In fact some went over from dens to Taksins lot and back before 2006 vice versa.

    Members of this government have repeatedly stated they don't accept ruling of constitutional court regarding amendments to constitution.

    If your happy with this lot then up to you I and many are not and we wont be until Taksin and his clan are gone for ever. Its really up to Taksin but he's not going to take complete control without some fight and Suphet at least has slowed the path at moment a bit to a one party Taksin state. Weather he and/or others can stop it totally is to be seen but given recent events I am hopeful that it is possible although not certain.

    As I've said for a long time while I love Thailand and have put in 30 years here I made plans long ago if need be for an exit. This was back when Thailand was fast becoming a Taksin state ( before army stopped him) and since then I've moved a lot of our assets out just in case. IF Taksin comes back and wins then IMO well have 5-10 years to get rest ut as best we can slowly before Thailand becomes another victim to a megalomaniac dictator.

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  9. My wife is over the moon at the moment, jumping up and down saying "we won, we won". I'm a bit more reserved, I am more concerned about what happens next. Will the people of Thailand truly have a voice in the next government to be formed, or will votes be purchassed and the needs of the people ignored again? I am concerened about Thailand's future, I do hope this protest will see Thailand headed toward democracy rather than autocracy dressed up as democracy, for those who say that a democratically elected government has been ousted, I'm sorry, but in my view any goverment which is voted in on the back of vote buying rather than electionering was not democratically elected.

    So the anti-govt protesters actually believe the govt has been overthrown? I'd laugh but just chatting on gmail with a friend at the moment and he's just spoken to his anti-govt friend who's at the protest and, of course, they're all hugging each other, laughing and celebrating. So my friend asks him 'so it's over?' and this guy says 'keep watching'. Which could mean anything. I suppose there's a very slim chance that this is actually some sort of coup or ousting. After all, the military are looking after govt house now. But, of course, the government wouldn't give up this easily if that was the case...

    of course its not over but Suphet has IMO won a victory not the war and it is a war al ing drawn out one between Taksin and those who are happy with him and those against and loathe him Taksin has made a technical retreat for now .

    It will not be over until Taksin is totally defeated or he wins total control over everything here. Their is and never has been any other way. All this BS about it being a democracy and people voted is irrelivent.

    Now if Taksin decided to withdraw to private life and stay out of it as well as his family then it will be over they could have an election without his interference and money buying it and IMO most of people would accept outcome even those opposed to this government but Taksin will not give up.

    All this for one mans megalomaniac ego.

  10. Congrats on your victory Khun Suthep, you have walked in to police HQ and gotten yourself and your idiot followers surrounded, genius.

    There will be some wonderful Suthep jokes going the rounds, there must be quite a few already, anyone?

    Keep up smile.png

    He didn't "walk in" and his followers are at no risk.

    They also entered the grounds of Gov. House, and left unmolested (except Chuwit tho tried to be funny and got pelted by empty - or mostly empty eater bottles!)

    Sorry,Lost the plot rolling around laughing.

    But it's almost even better than a Black Adder episode,the guy actually thinks he has won!

    no he's said he's won a victory but fight still goes on. He makes it clear he has not won the war and it continues.

    However forcing a government to give up police HQ and government house and rest is amazing and means Taksin realises he can't win at moment. Thats why he withdrew his red thugs. The government had no choice but to give n as gracefully as they could for moment or face prospect of having to shoot the protestors. I think the army made it clear they would not support the government if it came to it and so Taksin was left with police who as we all know are totally useless when faced with some force against them.

    A great day to see Taksin and his clan and cronies get a bloody nose but they are not defeated and this is only a lull in wider battle. Interesting to note its army it seems who will protect police HQ and not police whatever one wants to make of it.

    IMO the most likely thing that happened is army did not want to get to involved but told the government if they did not back down they would have no choice. Hopefully with a lll talk of Taksin having bought the army the army are still there to if really needed save Thailand from a Taksin dictatorship. In all my 30 years here they have only stopped in to save the day and then always some time later withdrawn so elections could take place.

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  11. As I read , the water cannons have a chemical added that causes itching and nasal irritation , it may also smell like shit . In a hot climate , water by

    itself would have little more than a cooling effect , but with itching and a bad smell they might have to return home to clean up .

    Using actual excrement would cause a health risk and would be against the international regulations .

    I believe in western countries , a riot leader like Suthep would have already been arrested , or shot by a sniper , but of course no one would risk making a martyr of him . The demonstrators are not educated people , or they would understand and know the ins and outs surrounding the whole argument .

    This is seen as a simple argument , Thaksin is bad , Democrats are good . It is much more complex than that , there is good and bad on

    all sides ; if these people were intelligent enough they would see that this demonstration/Riot is gravely mistaken in its purpose , that no good will come of it .

    some good has already been done in fact a lot. I doubt however long this vile government lasts they will try and vote amnesty bill through in a few months. They have been shown they can't simply do whatever they want and ignore all others including courts decisions.

    Taksin has made a tactical retreat seeing that situation for him was hopeless. He had no choice and this is a great first victory of people against one evil would be dictator

    Its not over and lull is due IMO to coming birthday. Lets see what happens next week but its not over by a long way. Takisn will not give p his goal of total power and has held his red shirts in reserve. Perhaps a mortally wounded Taksin government can continue for a while longer which would be good since as is obvious with RIce scene and other nonsense it is all falling apart for them.

    Well see but this has for first time n many years given me hope that Thailand can eventually rid itself of a would be tin pot dictator in line with Mugabwie and rest. Different is others at least stood up on front line while he and his cowardly lot withdraw to go on shopping trips. They must have a great laugh while drinking their champagne kin how gullible and east it has/had been to fool poor to support them.

    Whatever comes next cannot IMO be as bad as Taksin and well see how Suphet plays this from now. As far as I am concerned he's only one who has had guts to stand up at front against Taksin and willing to sacrifice himself in process.

    The government is now licking its wounds but like any crazed and dangerous animal still willing and able to inflict fatal blows onto its victim being people of Thailand and its wealth

  12. Excellent speech ,he summed up the puppet yingluck after his talks with her and the shameful police who fire tear gas at peacefulnprotestors and failed to protect the ramkhamhaeng students when their red buddies rallied next to the uni. Time for the army to come out and support the people.

    Peaceful protestors?

    Please, whatever you're smoking, stop it. It's causing hallucinations.


    after reds attacked students and stupidly threatened to kick their asses and anyway it was a students group not main protestors

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  13. You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

    How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

    There is something called "proportional response". As long as firearms are not being used, the police is right to respond with crowd control agents and water canons to violent rioters.

    Using rubber bullets is already going one step further. Using live ammo, is not warranted unless the demonstrators are armed themselves.

    which red demonstrators clearly were in 2010 but same people who condemn the army then and want Abahist etc tried for murder are in an impossible situation. Protestors have already been shot with bullets and their seems evidence some shot be police. So whats god for goose is good for gander and Yingluk must now be indicted for murder along with her brother.

    Depending on how army react will determine the outcome. If as some believe they have been bought off by Taksin then civil war is most likely outcome.

    If it get worse then Taksin will order his red shirts in thats if they will go.

    This has been inevitable for a long time and outcome will determine if Thailand is to be a one man one party police state or have some chance of another way. If only those who really cared dropped Taksin then no one including me would mind them winning an election as long as Taksin and his evil clan were totally gone

    People should call upon Taksin to give it up but he wont.

    Whatever anyone thinks of Suhptet as least he is willing to stand and fight and take consequences if he looses unlike that cowardly scum Taksin and his family.

    ?? as soon as trouble then Taksin and his family free country on another shopping trip. How anyone can support such a cowardly lot is beyond me.

    The phone lines between government and Taksin must be red hot at moment

    If Suphet wins the greatest pleasure lll have is seeing this rotten lot of excuses for humanity with is this government flee like rat leaving sinking ship. Many are almost certainly trying to negotiate a sell out.

    If Taksin wins then so be it Thailand and poor get what they deserve sadly a lot of innocent people will be hurt at same time.

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