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Posts posted by icare999

  1. Yea I agree with that.. We cannot forget that PAD, yellow shirts, whoever these idiots are that are occupying the ministries- are against democracy despite calling themselves 'democrats' their whole thing is that the government should not be elected, it should be 'appointed by smart people' this is indicative of the elitist nature of PAD. What do they want now? for the government to be disoloved-Yingluck will win again in the snap election. Most people do not even know what the protesters want. With the Redshirts it was simple-they wanted fresh elections immediately, Abhist refused, military crackdown, massive destruction of central bangkok, new elections came within 6 months, Yingluck wins, she is allowed to govern for less than 2 years before the PAD fascists decide that they will start trashing government buildings.. the dirty trik they used last time occupy the airport, they intimidated some court to disqualify enough PT MPs so that the democrats can govern, it won't work this time because no court is going to dissolve the Phua Thai party, especially knowing the redshirts will come out in greater numbers than the yellowshirts, the military will not launch another coup..

    it's easy for the PAD to constantly scream 'corruption' as if their politicians are all saints; democratic elections are not perfect but that's all we got, there is no alternative, the faction that wins the election must be allowed to govern, even if they run the country down with too much entitlement spending and corruption; when their policies fail and the country plunges into another economic crises like 1997, then I'm pretty sure they will not win the next election, but for now the Yingluck administration is the legal government.

    What a lot of childish rubbish in here. The fact is that the present government is democratically elected like it or not. The rumors about big brother running the country, is what it is, just rumors, where is the proof. Occupation of government offices would be illegal in any country i should think. Allegations of corruption and populist politics is nothing new, and Mr.Suthep and his cronies should take a close look in the mirror instead of creating hell for their country. Anyway, i thought this man and his former boss was up for charges of murder after ordering the police and army out for a full out deadly attack on demonstrators in 2010. He lost his power in a democratic election, and would probably loose again in new election This carnage is his only way to get back into power, and he knows it. Sad that this thing is allowed to go on.

    I think many people are overlooking the points you raised. You cannot just topple an elected government any old time, that is what elections are for, Like them or not this govt was voted in by the people. They can be thrown out at the next election. I find it amusing that people think that the alternative will be so much better..it wont.

    your wrong almost anything will be better than letting a megalomaniac turn Thailand into his own one party state. Do you really think if he got back he would risk an election unless he was 100% sure he'd already bought it. Hopefully he does not have the army in his pocket because if he had you can say goodbye to any type of democracy here and that is a 100% sure fact as anyone whose been here for 30 years would probably agree or at least anyone not totally brainwashed by Taksin and his thugs

  2. I can't see you did anything wrong, those aggressive dogs deserve to die

    I don't agree with that. In fact, I think what he did is reprehensible. However, he also can't allow himself be blackmailed.

    JUST IGNORE IT SAY YOU KNOW NOTHING AND IF IT COMES TO IT say heres 1000 baht or go to the court. I had a simular thing stood my ground and as long as they thing they have won they are happy. In my case it started with 100,000 baht so i went to police and filed a charge agianst them. The police were very aggressive to wards me and i showed them a email from my lawyer quoting the law. They tore it up saying your at fault. In end I stood my ground but let them think they had won which some will say they had but it only cost 2,000 baht so other side could say they had won. The police even showed payment to all around saying see the forang has lost which gave them and other side the satisfaction they wanted.

    All a game really just pay al title and laugh but not to them about how stupid and easy to pay very little for their stupidity.

    Of course if you care anything about face which i dot this will not be for you. I will not let them get me down but in the end can't be bothered for so little money if it makes there buffalo happy and believe they have won. Some victory when we have 3 cars nice big house assets all over the place but if it keeps natives happy a very small price to pay.

    Idiots all of them I say Now when I get so pissed off I get one of them killed it might cost me what 100,000 baht yo vet out of jam or even 1 million. It's got close but never that far. When in ROme etc

  3. Where's Wally?


    Where's Yingluck? Iknow she was there earlier grinning when she farted, but where has she gone now? Do the shops shut early today or something?

    phoning the real boss her brother to ask what to do now. What a pathetic excuse for a PM or so called leader. I must congratulate her however on managing to find her way to parliament oops sorry someone led her there and now taking the poor sad lady off for some shopping therapy so she can get over that horrible experience. Doubt well ever see her in parliament again and probably not much until its all over.

  4. is that all they can get together the place is empty. If they had any sense they would try and save a little bit of face by saying for reconciliation reasons or some such crap they are all going home. What a pathetic showing. Would be interesting to see some close ups since putting a brave face on with that sort of turnout takes a lot of doing.

    Great news at last. Surely Taksin knows if you don't pay as promised your mercenary army they are hardly likely to do what you want.

    Totally proves they always or 99% of them did it for a mere 500 baht or so. They sell themselves even cheaper than lowest hooker who would certainly have more pride than this pathetic sorry bunch of thugs and cowards

  5. WOW if that was red shirts i would guess there would be 15 dead and 45 wounded from military fire. Amazing how they make it look so obvious.

    "If that was redshirts" half the city would be blockaded, the other half would be on fire, the army would be under attack with deadly weapons and the redshirts would deserve to be wiped out like the scum they are. thumbsup.gif

    Hm, ran into a "redshirt" yesterday in our area in Bangkholaem. Simple worker from Isaan and not at the demonstrations because he had to work for a living. He had no weapons and/or matches with him. We chatted for a while had a laugh together and that was it. Well, typical situation for the Thais that I know and those are quite a lot and as per my experience this appears to hold also true for the majority independant from the colour of their shirts.

    Now I ask myself, do I know the wrong people. whistling.gif

    the exception proves the rule. Here in red shirt land no one dares speak at all in case they are beaten up or worse. Actually they speak up privately and when in private I ask why then did you vote for this lot the answer is does it matter I might as well get 500 baht. So I then ask well take 500 baht but you can vote how you like. They are convinced (wrongly) that their is a way who they voted for can be found out. I have tried in vain to explain that I've been to voting place and checked and their is no number or way to trace how someone voted. Im told I don't understand and whatever I say or try and show and prove they are 100% convinced the vote is not secret.

    While Thailand lives in a feudal system as it does now the masses will follow what head of village says at least here in countryside. One of Taksins cleverer ideas was to double the hand out to villages meant for village projects but totally controlled by the head of the village and also to promise more goodies such as top mobile phones and other perks. So of course in this totally corrupt country head of village takes his cut and tells everyone Taksin is good man. Im sure is also happens on other side its just Taksin is much better at it.

    However their is some hope since I notice the new younger generation are not so willing to simply bow down. Perhaps the opening up of Thailand and TV showing them that in other countries the young do not just accept what someone higher or older tell them. Of course thetis always a price and it will result in many of bad things in west such as unruly kids at school, graffiti and other anti social behaviour.

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  6. Yes, arrest that idiot.

    And the Idiots on this forum that have supported the scum bag.

    Uhm... You think they should do that too?

    Uuuuhm... Maybe the posters on this forum, and all those naive people who supported this new round of silly and destructive protests were not that bad.

    Even if they still supported the protests once these were "upgraded" to overthrow nearly everything and everyone not agreeing with the Dems.

    Probably they were just too naive to imagine that it would escalate and did not see that these protests were in no way bringing any solution and peace to the country. Maybe they were just writing the wrong things out of frustration in their own lives. Some have a difficult time in Thailand you know? It's a great difficulty for them to understand what is really happening around them when relying only on very biased English news sources (or a wife that they also can't understand). Some don't even actually live in Thailand but have difficult times and frustrations at home and discharge their anger on forums. Maybe some were just ranting out of jealousy. Many have a tendency to quickly hate people with money and power, like most politicians here. A lot have a tendency to simply hate a billionaire family, like the PM's family, only because they themselves never achieved anything much in their lives. Maybe a few were just drunk (again) while writing, or maybe drank a brand that was really too cheap that time. Maybe they felt better to write some bad things about the government because they saw that it is more "trendy" to write such things on this forum. Maybe they associate the Dems and the yellows to an upper class in the society to which they would like so much to be identified. Maybe they just like to look down at the lower middle class and the government which the people of Thailand democratically elected because they consider themselves as "educated" and so much above that "lower" class (now that they earn 29.000b from their new teaching job).

    So, you see, you should forgive these scum bags (to use your own words) for what they did. They have their own reasons to support an man as insane as Suthep, and the criminal actions that this former Democrat MP advocates. I, of course, do not agree with all these naive people who support Suthep and the yellow/Dems street mobs, but it is useless to argue with such people.

    Give them a chance. Forgive them. Do not wish that they get arrested.

    Or, ...

    Do you really think it would help???

    I hate to think that you could be right rolleyes.gif

    so ?? what are those who are totally fed up with this corrupt bunch and their red thugs totally controlled by one megalomaniac meant to do. They openly say they wont accept a court ruling. They push through in most vile way a bill to absolve a convicted criminal. They openly say they are able to do anything they want. So answer me that. Wait until Taksin and his cronies take over complete control of all checks and balances and then by some made up excuse introduce a police state. IMO it is very unlikely if anything was not done that their would be no real election since by then Taksin would have been back and having total control able and willing to put in his own one party dictatorship. This government has proved time and again they have no interest in anything but getting Taksin back at any cost.

    Sure not ideal way to get rid of a mad megalomaniac but Taksin and his cronies have given no other choice and I for one support it 100% since its the only way to stop Thailand descending into a dictatorship.

    I simply do not believe anything or almost anyone would be any worse than this curse which for years has been hanging over Thailand. IF they dropped Taksin totally and his clan while I may hate red thugs and cronies in this government at least their would not be one person controlling it all.

  7. The great health system, tens of thousands of social housing units, OTOP, the minimum wage, There are 4 massive reasons for a start.

    The great health system cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

    I honestly wish you that you never come in the situation to depend on the 30 Baht system.What you get is not even worth the 30 Baht.

    Well my wife's family all use it and it has proved to be excellent. It's a dam_n sight better than what went before where only the rich got decent health care. Even America is slowly catching with the idea that health care should be freely available. Thailand now has a first rate health care system in my experience.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif sorry i can't even get a decent commenting for laughing. MY this family have experience of this and sorry i just have to laugh. Lucky them i can help pay for some decent care but maybe just maybe you can get sorry have to laugh again decent care sorry my sides are splitting but maybe you live somewhere else. Even our workers on over 12 k baht a month pay instead of 30 baht scheme. Its good in a total emergency true but then forget after care and rest cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  8. What is more democratic than an elected government?

    Government elected by people's choice NOT by the amount of 500 baht handed out?

    As opposed to the 2000 bahts handed out by the dems in the south and they still didn't have a chance

    your wrong Taksin paid 10,000 baht per vote in marginal seats and I can provide links on tube to support that but thats nothing compared with 100 million per judge he's paid .

  9. Most Thaivisa posters will no doubt be familiar with photojournalist Nick Nostitz. After Bluesky TV had a section devoted to him insisiting he works for the reds (total nonsense as we know), unfortunately it then appears Nick was assaulted (not sure how badly injured he is) after being singled out by a Democrat MP from the stage:

    Anasuya @Anasuya 2h

    Democrat MP Chumpon pointed him out from the protest stage calling him a "red shirt journalist" and urged the crowd to kick him out.

    Anasuya @Anasuya 2h

    Nick said it was seconds before the first fists hit him. He is filing charges and this rules out him covering the yellow protests

    He also appears to have been singled out on the Blue SkyTV FB page: https://www.facebook.com/BLUESKYChannel/posts/406698986099538

    Anyway, people complaining that the anti-govt protests are not receiving coverage. Well, they were on Channel 3 last night. It'd be understandable if Channel 3 were reluctant to show them again though after they apparently forced their way in and demanded that Sorrayuth blow a whistle and apologize...

    Sunai @sunaibkk 49m

    Getting disgusting! While Sorayuth urged for peaceful expression & respect for different opinions, protesters demanded him to apologize.

    Sunai @sunaibkk 46m

    Protesters demanding Sorayuth to blow a whistle, handed to him by Democrat politician. > #Intimidation

    IMHO Nick Nostitz deserves it.

    He should not have taken Thaksin money.

    Nick Nostitz is quite a good photojournalist but he is definitely a dyed-in-the-wool red shirt. He reported on New Mandala that the yellow shirt protestors at Parliament in 2008 deserved to be shot with explosive tear gas grenades because they failed to observe police instructions to disperse and produced somewhat one-sided accounts of the red shirt storming of the APEC conference in Pattaya, the attack on PM Abhisit's car and the red shirt riots in 2009 and 2010. It seems that Dem MP Chumpon pointed him out from the stage and the crowd had a go at him - not a very nice thing to do but Nick must have known the risks he was running by being there as a known red shirt sympathiser. He reported an attack on TV news cars by red shirts in 2009 as if the TV crews deserved it for being biased against the red shirts. Now the screw has turned the other way.

    At any rate he now has another great action man story on a par with the time when he was shot at by yellow shirt guards firing ball bearings from their sling shots. He can also report the restraint used by the demonstrators in only giving him a mild duffing up in the same way as he reported the gentleness with which the red shirt guards beat up Abhisit's secretary-general, Niphon, when they were frustrated in their attempt to murder Abhisit himself.

    And, your point is? We sit here on Thaivisa being bombarded with articles from the Nation who if they had their way would tell us that Thaksin feasts on the innards of new born babies if they could get away with it.

    Journalists have a bias, they report on what they see throw their own mind and emotion. Beating him up is so nonsensical, that in any other reasonable country the MP would be up on charges for insighting violence. I mean, if Abhsit is accused of murder, it will be far easier to prove that this bloke incited these idiots to beat someone up.

    Thugs, the lot of them.

    you mean Taksin does not feast on new born. If not he would if it got him back and able to totally control Taksinland. In fact IMO he'd feast on anything as long as he got total power. But then of course thats nonsense he's a nice man who only cares for the poor and nothing for himself.

  10. Bad bad move. You're now no better than the red thugs. I'd hoped some lessons had been learned, but I guess that was too much to hope for.

    I don't think a peaceful occupation of a government building is anywhere near in the same league as the red shirts mate. They have not burned it down and are not filling it with weapons.

    Lessons probably have been learned, hence the huge contrast between the two types of demonstrations.

    Well, we will see. The 2010 protests started out peacefully also, but with Suthep riling everyone up, I think these "peaceful" occupations and protests could very easily turn into something much worse.

    started peacefully ?? bring your bottles to BKK and well supply petrol. Yes started very peaceful did it not. What BS some people speak

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  11. Protest leader Suthep Thuagsuban has urged people throughout the country to seize government officials with their bare hands in a bid to overthrow the Thaksin regime.

    What a load of crap.

    He urged people in other provinces to follow the example at the ministry by seizing government agencies to protect themselves from the "illegitimate administration".

    Nothing about seizing government officials with their bare hands.

    More stupidly twisted alarmist reporting.

    I suppose you only believe what you want to believe....naive at best if you think Suthep and his supporters are not capable of massive wrongs and violence.

    +I would say that the only naivity being displayed here is by YOU.

    The position that Suthep has spent a month getting his rally to is very favourable and showing great signs of success.

    You seriously think that he is going to get into this position while begging everyone to remain non-violent and not damage any property all along the way... Then go and blow it all and then come out with a statement such as seize government officials with your bare hands...

    Man you have a cheek to call ME naive.

    It is you that is naive, and also a very selective believer which you have been called out on many many times on this board.

    You truly are naive.

    The plan is to remove this government we are told in 3 days by fair means or foul.

    What also is becoming clear and has been alluded to on other sites is there are NO plans for further elections and that a new order is being planned.

    "He announced that the protesters wanted to set up a government of the people which will set a new order for the country – one which is truly democratic with the King as the head of state.

    He said the protesters would not demand anything from the government “because the government is already null and void because it does not respect the Constitution Court.”


    good Taksin himself said he is no believer in democracy and if it keeps him away ill support it 100%. Better that than Taksin land with no rule, no laws and rest except for hi mans his scan and hangers on. The time for kids gloves is over now is time to take control away from this megalomaniac and I have far more faith in balances and checks that will result than any Taksin has proved and shown to buy off or disregard. As you sow so shall you reap.

    Its to late for niceties and is a all our struggle. No use sitting on the fence any longer its one side or the other and I prefer the non Taksin side warts and all although not ideal lets be fair Taksin and his lot have shown the way and thank goodness we have someone who can learn from that and maybe do it better. This is not the west and I wish people would stop trying to compare it.

    You cannot compromise with a scorpion or snake as Taksin and the red thugs have shown themselves to be.

  12. Somebody in the anti-Thaksin group should seize Suthep by the throat and throttle him. This is going WAAAY too far. You don't replace non-democratic behavior with non-democratic behavior.

    maybe but thats what comes of government trying to totally bulldoze amnesty through for their master and ignoring all proper ways. What you sow you shall reap. I wish Suthep all success he can get in getting rid of this evil clan and if he gets his way and becomes anyway as bad as Taksin I will eat my head.

    Thank goodness someone at last for whatever reason has guts to not just fall down under Taksin's ongoing disregard for rule law and order ( except his own) and if it takes a Suthep to do it so be it.

    I as a mere forang of 30 years here but more importantly my wife and a lot of our friends are totally sick and tired of one man full bent at all costs to turn Thailand into his own seftdom for all to bow and worship the mighty leader.

    If it fails so be it at least someone tried and in years to come if Taksin wins those who support him will to late realise their mistake but if I'm still alive I and my family will be sadly long gone living in exile until his greatness is at last overthrown.

    It would be nice however if we don't have to resort to that and if Taksin wins it wont happen quickly but a slow steady march to total dictatorship same as everywhere its happened throughout history. Think about it people in Cambodia for years watched it steadily get worse and worse under pol pot, same in hitlers Germany, Zimbabwe and rest. Some saw dangers early on then others just buried their heads and kept hoping it won't get worse but it did and then worse and worse until to late no escape.

    This is the moment I've been waiting for for years knowing it will come to a head. If taksin wins it will be slow and steady. Wewill have years to sell up and get out most of our assets here. So while not over worried are ever watchful since Taksin started his plan so many years ago. I thought it would come to a head before this as in 2010 so maybe not this time but I believe this time is the last one and hope the cancer of Taksin can finally be cut out of Thailand even though it will be painful.

    Hopefully the great brother/leader/saviour of poor can finally be eliminated and all Thais can just get on with normal life , normal politics and won't be dominated by a shadow for much longer.

    Theirs a great misconception about this evil man. Some say at least he sorted things out (so did Hitler etc) some he's good for business ( so was Hitler and Saddam), He's done something for poor ( so did Hitler, Gaddafi and others and much much more than Taksin ever did), he's no worse than others and thats worst one because yes he is since the others only wanted money Taksin wants total 100% control of all and total 100% giving way to his will.

    By any measure by any judgement when compared with all other dictators and would be dictators the world gas or has had he is amongst the top at that table.

    Of course I could be wrong andy hes just a misunderstood lovely man whose only care is the people of Thailand and whats best for them and he'd love to give it all up but the people cry our for him so he must answer the call.

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  13. Pulled in for fuel at a PTT just outside Pranburi this afternoon, about 10 coach loads of anti government protesters having a pee break. 500 baht per day, per person is apparently the going rate for the rent a mob being bussed in. The lads I spoke to were only along for the cash, told to blow the whistles they'd been issued & cheer at any speeches made. Costly business for Suthep & His cronies.

    good if its true then borrow your enemies tactics I only know for a fact a lot of my wife's friends are going because they are fed up with Taksin and his lot and previously i personally saw in front of my house red shirt organisers taking ID cards and handing out money to truck drivers for petrol. That was during first red shirt mob. The next time their were no pick up trucks outside our house (my wives house). I asked why and was told they had not been paid for last time except for a small advance and local red organiser had done a runner with the money. Its quite possible given my own eyes that they can't get mob out so much this time not because they suddenly understand they have been duped by Taksin but because a lot have not been fully paid for previous times. If your a red organiser and you get a cut for every supporter you can buy to protest. Its big business for a lot of them. They each have their own turf which is given to them either for a payment higher up or as a favour for a family member. Before that sure most parties bought votes and Taksin was clever to make people believe not only was he buying the vote he would help them as well and also play very cleverly on their dislike for BKK elite. He was however first to develop a network of paid agents who could make a nice living from getting a mob together. The problem in our local (very red) area was the organiser simply ran away with money meant to pay for protesters. If you get 100,000 baht commission for getting 10,000 protestors who are meant to be paid 500 baht each per day and then expect 1500 baht for 3 days thats 1,500,000 (1.5m baht) baht your holding which is a huge temptation to just take and run. In case here the lower organisers at village level also did not get their cut because main area organiser had done a runner.

    Up to this time it used to sicken me to have to drive home past so many Taksin posters around the village and nearby. Since then a lot of posters have gone and recently i hardly see any. Of course come the next election they probably will still sell their vote to Taksin if he's around since they hate BKK elite so much and don't think it matters anyway.

    So if Taksin's enemies have learnt from Taksin all I can say is you need to fight fire with fire.

    Living here id take my chances with any other than Taksin since in 30 years here I've never seen such a evil corrupt government totally controlled by a single mad megalomaniac.

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  14. Yawn.. up here in Isaan we will just watch it on TV if it happens

    Haha. You think if the army comes in, those up in isaan won't fight them up country? Burn down a few city halls and the rest.

    The biggest potential Areas that could blow up is isaan

    no they won't or not enough of them. If theirs enough of a crackdown they will 99% just go home and give up especially if theirs no money in it. If army cracked down totally at start in 2010 it would have been over in a day.

  15. It could also means that the clown called Suthep calls off his paid people's from the South to return home.

    This is not a warning for a coup but to clear up the streets.

    The problems with the democrats is that they can't win an election and they don't want to wait until 2015 to get once again defeated.

    I hope the army stays out of this time.

    Let the people decide in 1 1/2 years if PTP needs to be booted out of the government.

    Abhisit will never become a PM in Thailand again also I do have to say he has some kind of leadership compared to his financier from Surat Thani who has always bring bad luck to the Democrat Party. Come on Suthep go back to Surat Thani and let Abhisit build a proper opposition with people's such as Khun Banyan, Khun Surin or even bring people back like Chuan Lekpai but with Abhisit been only close to Suthep it shows that the real leaders of the Democrat Party have long lost faith in the current Democrat Party.

    Surin went for the ASEAN Secretary general job and left the Democrat Party when they really needed some wise guys. Abhisit was to many years overseas to really understand the Thai political system. His good looks when he was young surely helped but the years changed him.

    Oh yes, I do was a fan of the Democrat Party in the the 80's/90's and early 2000 as they had a strong balance against those political tycoons such as Chavalit, Banharn and Chatchai but this is long time ago.

    WOW! i am breathless. At last someone with a brain can see the damage that this clown Suthep is doing, not only to Thailand and its people, but to the Democrat Party. rolleyes.gifwai2.gif

    Forget what damage he's doing now.. He's a dinosaur who feathers his own nest, just like the rest of them.

    whatever damage he might be amusing or will cause pales into insignificance compared with the damage Taksin has done and continues to of and if allowed will do in the future. I hope he gets as much support as he can and brings this bunch of greedy pigs out for ever. Whatever corruption their was before and still would be with a new government it also pales into nothing compares with the Shinawati clan and their coward good for nothing MPs. If it takes him to stop Thailand becoming a one party dictator state under Taksin then so be it and I will rejoice.

    Failing that I only hope the army has not got into bed with Taksin and his lot and will step in again to save Thailand but this time put a permanent end to any chance of the current evil group ever getting back. Abahist is to nice to do it and does not have experience of living in gutter politics as Taksin does or most of those around him all of whom do not give one jot for Thailand.

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