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Everything posted by BritTim

  1. Most countries, including first world countries, have a certain amount of paranoia over foreigners. Why expect Thailand to be different? Sure, benefits foreigners bring to the economy far outweigh the rare cases where they cause serious problems. However, that is not the way government officials, and most of the public at large, think. Look at how they overreact to the idea of some foreigners overstaying their permissions to stay while causing absolutely no other issues. It is the tribal instinct that we have inherited from the stone age.
  2. Isn't it a five year ban if arrested while on overstay? My understanding is that, although not advisable, Western foreigners are unlikely to be arrested on a short overstay (though there is a small chance of someone angling for a bribe). You will just be told to arrange an immediate departure from Thailand.
  3. You cannot change the "visa" which is used and no longer relevant. According to the written rules, since you are on a Non Immigrant entry, it should be possible to change the reason for your permission to stay, and receive an extension based on working. In practice, there are immigration officials who will claim it is not possible. If the company is paying, have a lawyer sort it out.
  4. Yes. However, if planning to leave via a land border, you may need to get the re-entry permit from your local immigration office prior to travel. If flying out, you can do it at the airport.
  5. I think your chances of getting a further Covid extension will be unaffected by whether you use the old or new passport.
  6. If you have very recently issued paperwork supporting your claim that you are about to marry, then obviously your statement that you are returning to get married will almost certainly be accepted. At the current time, you could probably also use the argument that, yes, you have been planning to marry for months, but Covid restrictions mean the amphoe has been refusing to carry out the registration. You will marry as soon as possible. Usually, with older paperwork, immigration would be very suspicious.
  7. You handled the situation correctly. Even when you are quite sure the official is wrong, you do not unnecessarily make him lose face. He was not trying to be nasty. He was just an ignoramus.
  8. If you have been in Thailand continuously for the last two years, except for the previous three days, and are returning from a visa run to Cambodia, that might not seem very credible. Why did you not marry last week, rather than waiting until your return from Cambodia? Saying you are in a long term relationship with a Thai GF (or boyfriend if you happen to be gay) is more credible, and one of the better lines. However, I would advise you to only use this if true. Officials might ask you to show evidence.
  9. There is no problem applying for a Covid extension on the last day ... as long as immigration give it to you. If this is your first Covid extension, your chances will be good, but there are some offices that seem to be difficult. Good luck!
  10. Thais love to laugh. I could imagine that working with some officials.
  11. Often, it is your demeanour rather than your actual words that carry the most weight with officials. At all costs, resist the temptation to say "answering idiotic questions from an immigration official". Otherwise, have a smile on your face, and say something in a pleasant, low volume voice.
  12. You cannot transfer the re-entry permit to a new passport, but (like visas) re-entry permits in an old passport can continue to be used in conjunction with your new passport.
  13. That is extremely unfair. In some cases, we had no interest in looting the native resources. We just wanted a place to dump our criminals. It is similar to today where we exploit the resources of some third world countries, while mostly using others purely as a place to dump our electronic and dangerous chemical waste. Admittedly, we no longer insist that they speak English while we are doing it.
  14. I believe the logic of the current Covid extension rules (if not explicitly stated) is that those on Non Immigrant entries are not eligible. I happen to believe that a blanket rule (especially for those who are temporarily out of work due to Covid) is quite wrong. However, anyone getting a Covid extension anywhere while on a Non Immigrant entry (even if they entered originally as tourists) can consider themselves extremely lucky. If absolutely desperate, a handful of agents are probably able to get those affected a highly dubious medical extension. If you go ahead, I think this is one of the few cases where using an established agent for a dodgy extension carries a certain amount of risk.
  15. We Brits are convinced that it is the Americans who could benefit ???? Regardless, the powers that be (deluded fools) assume that native English speakers are sufficiently adept in their own language that they do not need to take lessons to be able to function. That is probably due to few in immigration speaking English at a level which would allow them to judge.
  16. @ubonjoeHelp! One of us is suffering from a brain fart and i hope my cognitive decline from old age does not mean it is me. I thought there was a 30-day extension for those on Tourist entries and a 60-day extension (to visit Thai spouse) on almost any entry (exceptions being transit visa, visa on arrival and Special Tourist Visa). Please clarify. If I am wrong, I do not want to mislead others.
  17. There is a 60-day extension to visit your Thai wife/husband/child. You are only allowed this once per entry into Thailand. I cannot think of any regular one month extension available on Non Immigrant entries.
  18. While more expensive, at the current time, some Bangkok agents can process retirement extensions in Bangkok (with or without financial proof). This has the advantage that you are without your passport for, at most, one night.
  19. You can, in principle, get a medical extension of between 30 and 90 days regardless of you current immigration status. It is extremely dodgy doing this when you are not actually seriously ill. An immigration doctor somewhere in Nakhorn Nowhere is being bribed to state that owing to <bs condition here> you are too ill to travel. Once you are married, since you are already on a Non Immigrant entry, it should be possible to get an extension of stay based on marriage. This can be a one-year extension directly, or (one time and simpler) a 60-day extension.
  20. The web pages of the Svannakhet consulate on visa types has not been updated since 2019 (when multiple entry Non O to visit Thai spouse) was definitely still available. I think the page on Non O does not mention the multiple entry version as it was only available for Thai spouse and not other Thai family members.
  21. The point that visa exempt entry could be decided prior to boarding (using the APIS system) is an interesting one. I am not sure it would make people much happier. At least if immigration deny entry when you arrive in Thailand, you can argue your case. In fact, the overall impression you make on the officials is often the determining factor on whether you are allowed in. When denied boarding via APIS, the airline just gets a DNB (Do Not Board) instruction, with no explanation as to why. There is no right of appeal.
  22. The rules here are, in fact, clear (though the rules are not laid out clearly in one place). Let's see if I can clarify: There are two very different kinds of visa exempt entry. These are the "standard" visa exemption and the visa exemption based on "bilateral agreement". The lists of countries eligible for visa exempt entries (standard and bilateral agreement) is available in a Wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_Thailand) Those using standard visa exemption are limited to two visa exempt entries per year at land borders With visa exemption based on bilateral agreement, the rules on number of such entries by land per year is determined by the agreement. Mostly, there is no limit. However, some only get one per year. (for example, Chile and Russia). Because every country with bilateral agreement has negotiated different rules, those from such countries need to enquire as to the rules for their specific country if planning to use visa exempt entry.
  23. By all means continue looking for ways to stay legally in Thailand. However, do the necessary planning on how you can return to Venezuela, A passport with only a few days validity will not stop you leaving Thailand. However, many countries will not allow you to transit without a passport with six months validity. Further, take into account restrictions due to Covid. I strongly urge you not to risk staying illegally in Thailand. You could well end up in the Immigration Detention Centre until you can regularise your paperwork and arrange your deportation. That is a horrible fate that might well end up with you receiving a five-year blacklisting from returning to Thailand. I sympathise with your situation, but you may well be faced with only the unpalatable option of leaving Thailand.
  24. Have you contacted the Venezuelan Embassy in Singapore, explaining the situation and asking for advice? If so, what was their answer? Owing to the difficulty of travel with less than six months validity left on your passport, you could be in a difficult position. It may be complicated even trying to get an emergency travel document.
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