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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Only an idiot would pay money when you have done nothing wrong. I get stopped regularly and flash my license, then get waved on. Never paid any money. People like this propagate the myth of having to pay money to the cops unnecessarily.

    Bit tricky this one.

    All sensible people keep a copy of the Blue/ Green book in or on the vehicle.

    Now I don't know what's law and what's not for this, I have always done the above.

    so not problem when asked for it. ( have been asked a few times )

    Think if you don't have this with the vehicle, think the cops could arrest you for possible stolen vehicle

    if they wished to. I could be wrong anyone know for sure ?

    Also maybe an issue in the event of a serious accident. again anyone know for sure ?

    Been driving and riding in Thailand 20 years on and off, always had copy of Blue / Green book on or in the vehicle. regardless of who owns the vehicle.

    Maybe the cops will be ok if you show some sort of hire agreement, but maybe not.

    . wai2.gif

  2. Never asked me such a thing before. Normally they ask for driving license, tax and insurance only... so yes, I didn t know that before and guess there are others who don t know it too, thats why I recommend.

    You could have let it go , but no facepalm.gif

    You just don't know much, and could not be bothered to find out before driving or riding on the roads in Thailand.

    that's why you got a fine.

    Not so smart are you. coffee1.gif

  3. What a sad life to move to a tropical country for your retirement and resort to playing cop against your own race. I guess they never had any respect in their past life. Guess what, they still don't have any. <deleted>

    +1 thumbsup.gif

  4. I sold the condo with a small loss. I was not happy , too much noise from the outside so could not sleep at night.

    I bought off plan to save some money and that was a big mistake.

    Now I am happy renting a place in a quite location.

    Yes, buying off plan is a real gamble. wai2.gif

  5. there's only one piece of property you should rent in Pattaya whistling.gif

    Bit off topic.

    But Totally agree. ( it is a fun thread )

    If there is a malfunction, you can then send the said rental property straight back to the sales office.

    get a refund or new one please. thumbsup.gif

  6. Well so far, I would say most are happy with what they have bought.

    but early days yet !!!!!!!!!!!!

    One thing that is missed about the buy or not to buy thing, as someone touched on.

    If you have a Thai family or loved one, you get to leave them an asset after your demise.

    its got to be better than a empty bank account.

    saying that it can be a bit problematic if its a non Thai, like if you left it to family back home.

    but not impossible to sort out.

    Just myself, all assets in Thailand will go to Thai family if I die.

    But not told the wife / Gig that one shock1.gifshock1.gifshock1.gifshock1.gifshock1.gif

  7. and what conclusions will you draw from asking 3 simple questions pray tell

    Not a lot, Just for a bit of balance on the subject of property ownership.

    We hear a lot form some people that are not happy with the property they own

    but they cant have all the say.

    There must be some happy contented people out there.

    Not all doom and gloom.

  8. It's not. They want the families that come here for 3 week holidays spend as much as most retirees do in a year but then leave.

    I understand what your saying,

    But your time and figures are not correct

    It costs a retired person a lot more in Thailand than your average family on holiday here will spend in the Thai economy.

    But correct, we are not wanted so much now days. sad.png


  9. Houston, was fun

    Singapore, not so good, girls were a bit past the sell buy date

    last time I went 1.5 years ago ( was an afternoon session ) maybe better at night

    Bangkok never been but bet is does well.

    Pattaya, not for me. bit of a bus mans holiday I think, but im sure it will do ok

  10. Mata Hari wins on every point. Quality food, great ambiance, excellent value.

    +1 licklips.gif

    Been going there years even when it was on second road pattaya.

    But not been for some time now.

    Thanks for the reminder thumbsup.gif

  11. Everyone is out to steal from a foreigner.

    I've never seen a property bargain in Thailand.

    Sellers doubled their asking price when they saw a foreigner in the picture.

    Foreigners were already trying to sell at double the going rate(because they had purchased at double price).

    Even my wife tried to work in a 500,000bht commission for herself in any property deal on the cards.

    I wish I were still renting!

    Is that negative enough for you.

    You made some bad choice's in Thailand.

    Dump the bad choices and move on

    You may be happier then. wai2.gif

    Not sure I could be much happier, age 60 cycling every day, sleeping with a university student, great son, plenty of money.

    Because I'm not stupid, and can tell reality from fantasy, doesn't mean I'm unhappy.

    Although I have to agree with you, stupid and poor people often lead happier lives than intelligent and wealthy people.

    And there was me thinking, you were just one more grumpy old man

    with an Axe to grind on Thai visa, over being burned over property issues

    Hay enjoy your life.

    i still like the palace and the people, don't care to-much for the

    nutty expats, frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs over property mistakes they have made in Thailand.

    Although I have to agree with you, stupid and poor people often lead happier lives than intelligent and wealthy people.

    Your words not mine coffee1.gif

    Bye wai2.gif

  12. So you think loads of words about nothing eh? Well you don't have to read them. And you certainly shouldn't be commenting negatively on it. Very rude and crude. You are free to do what you want.

    You should read your own post again.

    maybe you will understand the negativity in it yourself. coffee1.gif

    No. You are just reading into it what you want. I said nothing negative except buying when not living there has possible issues. Air con stops and doesn't go back on to the setting you had in mind after power failures, mold build up, etc. If you want to classify a discourse as negative that's fine. You like what you do, so keep doing it

    Calling the locals thieves, ( in a roundabout way ) is negative.

    Nightmares about water supply. Is negative.

    Cutting back on services Is negative.

    Never had any of the above, after 15 years.

    maybe you should get information away from the bar areas of Thailand.

    And above all.

    Please, please, remember the three rules of buying property.

    what were they now ?

    They are often ignored buy most disgruntled property owners all round the world.

    You chose not to buy , fine.

    window shoppers never do.

    Of course it would be fun to tell people here in the States that I own a condo in Thailand and I paid "1 million cash" for it.

    Have a nice day wai2.gif

  13. You should read your own post again.

    maybe you will understand the negativity in it yourself. coffee1.gif

    Everyone is out to steal from a foreigner.

    I've never seen a property bargain in Thailand.

    Sellers doubled their asking price when they saw a foreigner in the picture.

    Foreigners were already trying to sell at double the going rate(because they had purchased at double price).

    Even my wife tried to work in a 500,000bht commission for herself in any property deal on the cards.

    I wish I were still renting!

    Is that negative enough for you.

    You made some bad choice's in Thailand.

    Dump the bad choices and move on

    You may be happier then. wai2.gif

  14. Several years ago, like 2005 I almost bought a place. My needs are modest. It would have been about 1 Mil baht ~35,000 USD depending on the exchange rate. I go to Thailand twice a year typically for holiday, once I stayed a bit longer than two months. Then I go back to my engineering contract work or my home. The idea of having a place was appealing. I pay a lot more percentage wise when I rent a hotel for a one week or two weeks because as most of you know, the weekly rates are not that great a discount. And since I often went during High season, having my own place would be that much more cost effective. And I have a few friends that I trust and would let them rent the place for a month or so when I am not there. I would charge just whatever it costs me for an average month. Great savings for them and it lowers my costs. But since I like to travel around Thailand when I go, I would end up paying for a hotel anyway in Phuket, Korat, Ko Samet or wherever I was going. Plus I just wasn't comfortable buying and trusting the locals while I was away. I would not have great value inside the place, just the usual 1 HD tv, minor kitchen appliance, DVD player etc. But I have seen too many nightmares about water supplies, so many vacant units the place cuts back on services, etc. Of course it would be fun to tell people here in the States that I own a condo in Thailand and I paid "1 million cash" for it.

    Loads of words about nothing.

    I bought a place here 15 years ago , I have no complaints.

    apart from Jomtien is a bit more noisy now days. not a big deal.

    My place has never been broken into, had no problems with the locals

    no problem for water , electric , internet

    The place is worth 3 times what I paid for it.

    could sell next week for double what I paid for it, no problem

    Most people who advise others, not to buy, don't do this, don't do that

    have an axe to grind, (they made mistakes, but wont admit it )

    they bought in the wrong place, paid to much, girlfriend ripped them off

    and so on.

    I will be buying more property in Thailand early next year. wai2.gif

    So you think loads of words about nothing eh? Well you don't have to read them. And you certainly shouldn't be commenting negatively on it. Very rude and crude. You are free to do what you want.

    You should read your own post again.

    maybe you will understand the negativity in it yourself. coffee1.gif

  15. Flame removed, for reminders the topic is about property prices dropping not about going to live elsewhere. (again!!)

    Sorry Rimmer,Ill keep it on track,do not know what the flame was about,or if directed at me.

    The only time I could evenly imagine that I could easily sell a place here next week with a double the price I paid for it would be where the 2000 month flop house exists Thais only,(few farang too) Creatures from the Black Lagoon types I'm sure,some could even be typecast in that role too

    Farang selling is purely in the imagination ,sure if you bought ,and now sitting counting the satang you are saving by not renting,all well and good,life must be fantastic We see the govt,here now trying for a major stimulus in the housing market,flop houses to the rescue.

    Prices are not dropping,they are bombed out,endless,back to back ,stocked up to eternity,all ex pats stuff,its endless. 41 house estate 6mil up to 18 mil,not a hope in hell,not one selling,nor renting either,('cept me) and I know when lease is up looking at 25% reduction in rent. They could give it to me for free,but ill do as Rimmer states

    Sounds like sour grapes to me.

    Plenty of people with plenty of money will buy a bargain.

    but you don't get that. facepalm.gif

    All doom and gloom, no , plenty of people are happy and content with what

    they have bought in Thailand.

    Keep on grinding coffee1.gif

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