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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Cheap prostitutes

    Cheap Beer.

    Cheap excellent Thai food. wai2.gif

    Are you from a scandanavia country? No idea where the beer is cheap here, same price as in my country really.

    Cambodia, that's where you find the cheap beer smile.png 50 dollar cent for a draft!

    Sorry sprits are cheap, Vodka, SamSong, ect

  2. The whole drink drive thing is overstated in my opinion, that is with regard to legal drink drive limits. Total BS. Yes, if you are totally pissed you are not capable of driving.

    Bad driving is the issue here. If I have had a fair few beers I am quite capable of driving home on my moto, perfectly safely, without endangering anyone.

    I have been know to let the GF drive with me on the back or get a moto taxi. Either way scary, and I think to my self I am endangering my life here by not driving myself which I know is a good deal safer, even after a good few beers. Just to avoid a problem with the police. I am safer driving myself. Fact!

    The danger on the roads, are people driving badly, to fast. to aggressive, not paying attention. Drunk or sober!

    I drive well, safely, defensively with consideration for other road users, I use my mirrors and look out ahead. Drunk (read well over DD limit) or sober!

    The drinking is messing with your logic.

    It's not about how good a driver you THINK you are, but the fact that alcohol makes you less good, no matter how good you think you were before drinking.

    This is not a theory, but a proven scientific fact - your reflexes are impaired by alcohol.

    Getting you off the roads and into a jail cell will make the roads safer.

    What vehicles do you drive in Thailand Tropo ?

    Just asking

  3. If your here long term I would still advise to buy new if you have the money.

    there's a place down the road from that makes motors bikes.

    three bike cannibalized to make one.

    They even do it in the shop, whilst working on customers bikes.

    the end result is out front with the for sale sign on it a few days latter.

    Not all are like that , but buy off a Falang for number 2 bikes if you can

    Not Noi and Ping Pings chop shop.

    Good luck

  4. There's a shop inside Jomtien Complex, under the parking garage they never finished.

    He rents out motorbikes but you can also buy decent second hands for approx. 20-25k baht, just have to ask him as he doesn't have a sign 'for sale' or anything on them.

    In fact I think most motorbike rental shops are willing to sell some, to avoid buying a dud you could also just rent it for a few days first.

    That's a good idea. thumbsup.gif

    You wont know the history of the bike, but still a very good idea.

    I still rent btw, the guy who rents it asked me a few times if I wasn't interested in buying it, always reclined, for the simple reason that it's little money per month, no hazard about getting it insured and if the motorbike stops working some day I just change it for another one so why bother buying one when I can rent for peanuts.

    I did buy a car though as renting a car can easily cost 20k/month, which is a bit much.

    That's your choice.

    Motor bikes are pea nuts to buy.

  5. There's a shop inside Jomtien Complex, under the parking garage they never finished.

    He rents out motorbikes but you can also buy decent second hands for approx. 20-25k baht, just have to ask him as he doesn't have a sign 'for sale' or anything on them.

    In fact I think most motorbike rental shops are willing to sell some, to avoid buying a dud you could also just rent it for a few days first.

    That's a good idea. thumbsup.gif

    You wont know the history of the bike, but still a very good idea.

  6. There is a shop on Pattaya Klang.

    Don't know name , but in between Big-C and sukumvit

    on the left side heading to sukumvit.

    Its a stationary shop , its on a corner of a soi , left side of the soi, so you will find it.

    You should find what you want in there.

    Or Office deport on sukumvit, next to home works, buy Big-C possible

    but I would try pattaya Klang first.

  7. Onemorechang.

    What you meant with the statement It is a very, very far deeper problem, and your question to itsmylife, as to what he's on about? The same has been asked of you. We're not all mind readers. Hence the please explain.

    You don't need to be a mind reader.

    Go back and read the hole thread

    And have a look at post 16 that's as far as im going.

    At that point you can make your own mind up about what I think the real problem is.

    Also have a look at post 72

    Have a nice day .wai2.gif

  8. Do the Farangs drive at 140km down the road after a beer ? No

    Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km after a beer ? Yes.

    Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km with out a beer ? Yes

    Farangs, I don't care, its a very small problem, in the big picture.

    You have proof that NO Farangs drive at 140 whilst over the limit, are you saying that Farangs don't drink and drive in Thailand, are you saying that no Farangs break the speed limits, are you saying only Thai men do this ? gigglem.gif

    As for it being a small problem, it won't be if you get pulled or are involved in an RTA with fatalities and you're over the limit, and it's not a small problem for many ThaiVisa members who drink and Drive, few admit it, but many do it, forget the denials, you're Farangs in Thailand, nearly all that drink and have a car or bike drink and drive, that is in my experience garnered over a quarter of a century ( sounds longer than since 1990 smile.png ), or are you saying ThaiVisa members are different ? rolleyes.gif

    Have another case of Chang, pickle your brain some more and carry on in your fantasy world where all Thais are bad and all Farangs are good.

    25 years in Thailand, your not very observant are you.

    Falangs on the roads and Thais, sorry mate Falangs win hands down, way more safer in a car or bike with the falang driving or riding.

    BTW people who state they don't drink are mostly made up of people who were alcoholics in the past

    and have done all the bad things long ago.

    Have a nice day.

  9. What about if you get drunk with the police officer ? Oh got it, you then are assured to have a pal in jail smile.png

    Edit : if Thailand comes as boring as "civilised" countries, or so called one's, I'm out of here... good point, they resisted colonization. It happens that I drive drunk, as It happened since I have my licence (22 years), be it here or elsewhere, never had an accident in about 700000km

    wath amulet do you have??

    Very good clap2.gif

    Yes I want 5 of the same please

    I drive Jomtien to Nakulia twice a day, 5 top quality Amulets would keep the naughty drunk drivers away from me. gigglem.gif

  10. I have read your post a few times and it seems to say you agree with me! I feel sure as you appear to, that both offenders and the police would prefer an increased roadside penalty to be paid (nod nod, wink wink) to keep the official paperwork/records to the absolute minimum. This way the police increase their income and the driver can continue to offend, and avoid a court appearance. It perpetuates the 'money-go-round'!

    Yes I agree, its a money go round. ( I like that term ) thumbsup.gif

  11. The threat of Jail time and deportation should certainly take care of the countless Farangs that drink and drive, need tougher penalties to at least get the Farangs to think twice.

    Any suggestions for the non-farang offenders?

    As Thais can't be deported, mandatory Jail time ?

    How many Farangs drink and drive, c'mon guys it's an anonymous forum, you can admit it ?

    I don't drink Alcohol but I know many that do and most think nothing of getting on their bike or in their car after having too much to drink, draconian penalties should put a stop to most offenders.

    What about if you get drunk with the police officer ? Oh got it, you then are assured to have a pal in jail smile.png

    Don't get drinking with the cops it to expensive

    Last time it was two, yes two Black label Jonny walker bottles we got through.

    Yes they were off duty, and not in pattaya, before the nutters read this post.

  12. It is high time we all had our retinas scanned. People "known to be activists" would never get to where they want to carry out their carnage.

    I am not a criminal, I have no desire to be one, I have ethics, values and standards of humanity I uphold. Why should the majority like me suffer at the hands of the few?

    Let's get real on this globally, why has my passport got some form of chip in it ? I don't even know what the info is ? This chip does not stop bad guys getting around the planet though, so why did they ever bother with it ?

    I would pay double for special ID badge / passport if it meant I did not have to queue endlessly and drag all my hand baggage out every time, take off my belt and shoes and be scanned with deadly rays - It would be a badge of honour showing the rest of the world you are a normal law abiding person.

    Just flash the pass or stare into a scanner for a few seconds and on my way......It will never happen...civil liberties blah blah blah...then more dead on a street/mall/cinema/aeroplane/train/street market/beach/tourist attraction.....

    Hope you never get in charge.

  13. Thailand49 Great post

    Well done

    What about the many Farangs that Drink and Drive, what's their excuse ?

    Do the Farangs drive at 140km down the road after a beer ? No

    Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km after a beer ? Yes.

    Do the Thai men drive down the road at 140km with out a beer ? Yes

    Farangs, I don't care, its a very small problem, in the big picture.

  14. They dont have tough luck. They can spend more time in jail. If they didnt drive under the influence they wouldnt need to pay a fine. It is the drivers responsibility and if he / she is not capable of accepting that then keep them off the road.

    Fines could be done on the ability to pay .

    But that never crossed your mind, just mad ranting.

    Thai people are lucky that your not in charge. wai2.gif

    Never thought about that brilliant idea.

    So one who doesn't have money can drive around drunk as a mule because he can't be fined.

    Don't be silly

    You would have to have a minimum starting fine.

    so what's your brilliant ideas then ?

  15. Keep on ranting,

    It is morons like you that contribute to the death rate on the roads. I assume from your attitude you do your fair share of diving under the influence. With a bit of luck you may be on the receiving end. I bet then you wont think it is so trivial

    Now your talking BS and still ranting.

    Go drive down the bar have a few cool ones to calm down

    then come back .bah.gif

    Unlike yourslef I am not an alcoholic. When you come out of your drunked stupor write something worth reading

    Go back and read the hole thread .

    And try to clam down and stop the insults. wai2.gif

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