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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. The (Cambodian) border running clampdown is all to do with bent immigration officials letting in (and possibly out) suspects related to the recent BKK bombing.

    Do you have any proof of that statement, or is that just your opinion ?

    Is it a clamp down only on Cam bo borders, or is that just your opinion ?

    Is it only Cam bo border Officials that are bent, or is that just your opinion ?

    I would think its a bit late for this to be directly to do with the BKK bombing.

    but you never know

    More like the clamp downs we have seen in the past about 30 day stampers,, that's my opinion.

    All a bit unfair, with no warning, think it has dropped a load of people in the do-do


  2. Starbucks is packed because its fashionable to go there for

    a few nationalities. I went once on beach road, no thanks.

    coffee for me is ice cold in a plastic bag and a straw at the side of the road,

    Starbucks bah.gif

    Tops is closing because to many stores and not enough customers

    and high over heads. not because they don't smile at you.

    But I hope it does re-open, as I thought it was ok.

    Do we know yet, is it gone for good or not ?My TGF and all her friends drink that bag of sugar sorry coffee. For 20 baht I guess the price is right.

    Cost has nothing to do with it. coffee1.gif

  3. The management of Tops fail to understand the importance of training their staff in the service industry. The cashier clerks cannot crack a smile or say hello. Even if one of the farangs greet them with a smile and a hello it is hard for them to respond. If I am going to go to a grocery store that sells Western products (and spend a load of baht) I want to shop at a happy place...not a place of gloom and that is what Tops seems to have turned into. The service at Tops mini-mart (such as the one at Markland plaza ) is slower than if one shopped around the corner at Family Mart. Though there may be three clerks behind the counter, one is always doing some sort of paperwork, the other ignoring the customers and only one clerk taking care of the line of 3-4 customers with a handful of items. NO smile ...NO greeting.

    Then with the constant change of staff if makes one wonder what kind of respect/ treatment the Tops workers receive from this establishment since the look of gloom on their faces indicate it is not a decent place to work at. Tops top brass needs to understand that a happy staff can make the grocery store a more desirable place to shop at (such as Friendship grocery store).

    That's all very true.

    But there is just to many stores, Tops, Big-C, Mini-C, Lotus, Lotus express

    Family mart, Fresh mart, 7/11 and more. there's not enough customers for

    them all to survive.

    Yes, and that is why having products to sell is not the only attraction...it is also good customer service and a simple "hello" from the staff. Why is Starbucks packed on weekends at Central? It should not be since there are other coffee shops around (and cheaper prices). It has to do with efficient customer service and a happy, well-trained staff.

    Starbucks is packed because its fashionable to go there for

    a few nationalities. I went once on beach road, no thanks.

    coffee for me is ice cold in a plastic bag and a straw at the side of the road,

    Starbucks bah.gif

    Tops is closing because to many stores and not enough customers

    and high over heads. not because they don't smile at you.

    But I hope it does re-open, as I thought it was ok.

    Do we know yet, is it gone for good or not ?

  4. If you have first class insurance , why would you be worried

    about money in the bank ?

    is this not why, we have insurance ,

    (Or maybe there is something here in Thailand I don't know about) whistling.gif

    You can easily end up in a police station after an accident in which the other person is 100% guilty. He/she lies to the police, witnesses lie to the police, you are the Farang with lots of money in their eyes, and the police could try to get money of you to share with the injured party by threatening you with jail. They want maybe 80.000 baht, all you have is 20.000 Baht. They can't get any more, can they? Your money is in the UK.

    The man sent by the insurance company could be incompetent. I am not prepared to take that chance.


    If you have first class insurance it covers all the BS. wai2.gif

    if you have a problem dealing with the cops and insurance reps at the cop shop, that's your fault . (squeak up) facepalm.gif

    There has been plenty of advice on the pattaya forum about this type of behaviour just lately, you would do well to go read some of it.

    I have never had any problems with the police or insurance people. Maybe I have read too many horror stories. So what you are saying is with first class insurance, I have no worries about being parted from my money by police wanting bribes etc?

    Can you tell me which Pattaya forum you are referring to, and I will have a look. Thanks.

    Im not going to keep repeating myself for you anymore.

    if you don't understand what first class insurance is.

    tuff, just get your small wade out at the cop shop all will be fine. facepalm.gif

    go look yourself, think it was a thread two or three weeks ago about an accident and the injured party wanted cash at the cop shop

    don't know what the name of the thread was.

    But think I saw your name in the thread on a few posts. ? thumbsup.gif

  5. You still leave yourself liable to pay compensation if you hurt somebody, be it bike or car, same with other vehicle damages.

    For that very reason, I only leave a small token amount of money in my Thai bank, the rest I keep in my UK bank.

    I have a full MC licence and first class insurance, but if you have an accident with another MC rider or pedestrian, they will try and

    get money off you even if you are not to blame, if you don't have the money, they cannot get it off you, or maybe there is something

    here in Thailand I do not know about.

    If you have first class insurance , why would you be worried

    about money in the bank ?

    is this not why, we have insurance ,

    (Or maybe there is something here in Thailand I don't know about) whistling.gif

    You can easily end up in a police station after an accident in which the other person is 100% guilty. He/she lies to the police, witnesses lie to the police, you are the Farang with lots of money in their eyes, and the police could try to get money of you to share with the injured party by threatening you with jail. They want maybe 80.000 baht, all you have is 20.000 Baht. They can't get any more, can they? Your money is in the UK.

    The man sent by the insurance company could be incompetent. I am not prepared to take that chance.


    If you have first class insurance it covers all the BS. wai2.gif

    if you have a problem dealing with the cops and insurance reps at the cop shop, that's your fault . (squeak up) facepalm.gif

    There has been plenty of advice on the pattaya forum about this type of behaviour just lately, you would do well to go read some of it.

  6. You still leave yourself liable to pay compensation if you hurt somebody, be it bike or car, same with other vehicle damages.

    For that very reason, I only leave a small token amount of money in my Thai bank, the rest I keep in my UK bank.

    I have a full MC licence and first class insurance, but if you have an accident with another MC rider or pedestrian, they will try and

    get money off you even if you are not to blame, if you don't have the money, they cannot get it off you, or maybe there is something

    here in Thailand I do not know about.

    If you have first class insurance , why would you be worried

    about money in the bank ?

    is this not why, we have insurance ,

    (Or maybe there is something here in Thailand I don't know about) whistling.gif

  7. The management of Tops fail to understand the importance of training their staff in the service industry. The cashier clerks cannot crack a smile or say hello. Even if one of the farangs greet them with a smile and a hello it is hard for them to respond. If I am going to go to a grocery store that sells Western products (and spend a load of baht) I want to shop at a happy place...not a place of gloom and that is what Tops seems to have turned into. The service at Tops mini-mart (such as the one at Markland plaza ) is slower than if one shopped around the corner at Family Mart. Though there may be three clerks behind the counter, one is always doing some sort of paperwork, the other ignoring the customers and only one clerk taking care of the line of 3-4 customers with a handful of items. NO smile ...NO greeting.

    Then with the constant change of staff if makes one wonder what kind of respect/ treatment the Tops workers receive from this establishment since the look of gloom on their faces indicate it is not a decent place to work at. Tops top brass needs to understand that a happy staff can make the grocery store a more desirable place to shop at (such as Friendship grocery store).

    That's all very true.

    But there is just to many stores, Tops, Big-C, Mini-C, Lotus, Lotus express

    Family mart, Fresh mart, 7/11 and more. there's not enough customers for

    them all to survive.

  8. Exactly and that was also my point. Do not compare the roundabouts with normal traffic behavior that you used to in Europe. We all know the traffic is different here , as expats we know about the dangers and will be more careful in the roundabouts.

    I agree that it's more important that the speed has been reduced on this stretch , much safer for both pedestrians walking to/from the beach and bicycles . As I said I use it daily and never seen any dangerous situations so far, even if Thais do not "understand" the roundabout the same way as westerners..

    If you say so. w00t.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

  9. I much prefer the roundabout, I live on Soi Wat Boon and use it regularly.

    I treat it as I would a roundabout in the UK, and won't proceed if there isn't clear space.

    While on it I stay aware of approaching traffic from the linked roads and also the cars/bikes in front of me in case they stop.

    It slows all the traffic down (including the busses) which used to tear down that stretch.

    If you drive the same as the uk for the roundabout

    you will have a very long wait. clap2.gif

    Rarely waited more than a few seconds, suppose I would if their was a convoy of vans as I've seen elsewhere. Trucks and busses approach it slowly (thankfully) and are slow to accelerate once slowed.

    A junction controlled by traffic lights requires the traffic to stop

    and it does, even after the red light jumpers.

    The traffic lights would work, Just the same as the rest of Thailand. thumbsup.gif

  10. I much prefer the roundabout, I live on Soi Wat Boon and use it regularly.

    I treat it as I would a roundabout in the UK, and won't proceed if there isn't clear space.

    While on it I stay aware of approaching traffic from the linked roads and also the cars/bikes in front of me in case they stop.

    It slows all the traffic down (including the busses) which used to tear down that stretch.

    If you drive the same as the uk for the roundabout

    you will have a very long wait. clap2.gif

  11. There is little point in installing a roundabout if they don't also install the signs instructing who has right of way. There need to be large Give Way to the Right signs on each entrance to the roundabout to at least give users who understandably have little or no experience of them a chance to go the right thing. To put in a roundabout in a country that isn't used to them and then give no guidance as to how to use it is ludicrous.

    I haven't seen the junction since the roundabout was installed so if there are prominent signs I take back the aspersions I have so frivolously cast upon the local powers that be!

    Zero signs, so your right thumbsup.gif

    Don't think they would care about reading them but

    we all live in hope wai2.gif

  12. Can you get a Thai driving license on a tourist visa? Right now I still have an ED visa but soon that expires.

    You should be ok for a one year license.

    I don't know if you have a home country one that can save a bit

    work, ask a few questions on the pinned topics about driving license

    As mention by others, your insurance is void.

    unless you have a valid license to drive in Thailand

  13. Make it the same as the junction up the road a bit

    and the same as the rest of Thailand. ( it works )

    The so many accidents at the junction before is a myth, no more than any other place in


    BTW all that load you just dropped about other countries.

    Is the roundabout a Thailand idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW the roundabout is there for the ever increasing amount of buses that are coming to Jomtien, so they can spin round easy and not at the U-turn junctions, but some still do that as well.

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