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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. I bought a place here 15 years ago , I have no complaints.


    The place is worth 3 times what I paid for it.

    could sell next week for double what I paid for it, no problem

    Leaving aside the obvious disparity between what you think it's worth and what you say you could sell it for, I think that there is a huge difference between buying property 15 years ago and buying it now.

    15 years ago (more or less) the Baht was at an all-time low against most major currencies. The Thai economy was reeling from a major recession and there was not much demand for property from foreigners.

    But since then the Baht has risen to near all-time highs against several major currencies and most asking prices for new property (not necessarily sale prices) have increased along with asking prices for land. Supply has increased by many times and demand, recently, has dropped significantly from previous all-time highs.

    Therefore I would say that even if 15 years ago was a good time to buy now is probably not a very good time to buy, unless you can find a fire sale property and intend to keep it for a very long time.

    In places like the UK people would seriously consider buying a place that they only intend to keep for a year, rather than renting; the cost of buying in the UK is very low (you can easily do it for under 2% for a modest property) and sales are very quick and easy to achieve if the price is correct. But here I would put the tip-over point at nearer to 10 years as the cost of buying/selling is very high (taxes and fees can easily get to 10% or more) and sales are often very hard to achieve at any price.

    Christ sake KittenKong,leave people with pipe dreams alone,the absolute truth alongside the absolute lie can be quite breathtaking,as well as hilarious

    You calling me a liar ?

  2. Why anyone should want to buy property here is a mystery to me.

    Maybe the bubble is slowly popping.

    Several years ago, like 2005 I almost bought a place. My needs are modest. It would have been about 1 Mil baht ~35,000 USD depending on the exchange rate. I go to Thailand twice a year typically for holiday, once I stayed a bit longer than two months. Then I go back to my engineering contract work or my home. The idea of having a place was appealing. I pay a lot more percentage wise when I rent a hotel for a one week or two weeks because as most of you know, the weekly rates are not that great a discount. And since I often went during High season, having my own place would be that much more cost effective. And I have a few friends that I trust and would let them rent the place for a month or so when I am not there. I would charge just whatever it costs me for an average month. Great savings for them and it lowers my costs. But since I like to travel around Thailand when I go, I would end up paying for a hotel anyway in Phuket, Korat, Ko Samet or wherever I was going. Plus I just wasn't comfortable buying and trusting the locals while I was away. I would not have great value inside the place, just the usual 1 HD tv, minor kitchen appliance, DVD player etc. But I have seen too many nightmares about water supplies, so many vacant units the place cuts back on services, etc. Of course it would be fun to tell people here in the States that I own a condo in Thailand and I paid "1 million cash" for it.

    Loads of words about nothing.

    I bought a place here 15 years ago , I have no complaints.

    apart from Jomtien is a bit more noisy now days. not a big deal.

    My place has never been broken into, had no problems with the locals

    no problem for water , electric , internet

    The place is worth 3 times what I paid for it.

    could sell next week for double what I paid for it, no problem

    Most people who advise others, not to buy, don't do this, don't do that

    have an axe to grind, (they made mistakes, but wont admit it )

    they bought in the wrong place, paid to much, girlfriend ripped them off

    and so on.

    I will be buying more property in Thailand early next year. wai2.gif

  3. So...I was at a beer bar on Drinking Street a few weeks ago talking to a lady friend, having a

    beer and of course buying her a drink. I was telling her off all the police I had seen pulling and

    ticketing Thais for not wearing there helmets or possibly other infractions and told her to ware

    her helmet even though the girls don't like to mess there hair. Now, I am not a big drinker myself

    and find it easy to beg off having another beer as I will be riding my scooter home. Fast forward

    to a couple of nights ago. I am back at the same bar talking to the same girl and telling her the

    last time I was there when I left there was a police check point a 100 meters down the road. Turns

    out, she was pulled over that night, (no helmet) breath tested, (over the very low .05 limit) and

    asked to pay 10,000 baht. Off course she had/has no money, told the BIB no customer, Pattaya

    was dead, and she was broke. (All true). She gave the BIB her two baht worth, saying look, do this

    somewhere else.This in Pattaya, party tourist town. Customer numbers way down, drinking way

    less and her job was to drink with the customers. It was not fare that they were stopping tourists or

    bar girls. As she really had no money she was let go. But that was her take. Drinking should not

    be a concern of the police. whistling.gif

    Typical dual pricing in Thailand.

    its 20-30 for Farang., 10k for Thai. gigglem.gif

    Locals wanting a free pass to break the law

    what a bunch of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ohmy.pngohmy.png

  4. Very few places in the world would have the infrastructure to cope with rain like that came down the other night, you see flooding stories from all over the place weekly on the news, look at central Europe a few years ago

    Its how quickly it drains away that shows how good the infrastructure is, and Pattaya its usually all gone the next day


    Its been a problem for years.

    But they do nothing each year to prevent it being a major problem like this time, money and time is spent on stupid stuff like trees in the middle of the road on second road Jomtien , instead of cleaning drains and cannels and storm drains, around town months before the rainy season comes.

    People have damaged homes, business, cars, bikes, luckily no one was killed, next year will be the same if we have a storm like this one, or even worse.

    How can beach road flood, year after year, it next to the sea for gods sake.

    I have only seen 20 years of this , but sure its been going on longer.

    unbelievable City Hall Nincompoops.

    Its been called a disaster zone now, that just let them of the hook.

    nice one, side steeped that one, then bah.gif

  5. Cannot wait for the underpass on Pattaya Central Road to open ......... imagine those sub-marine stations at both ends getting quite busy if such (to be expected) torrential rains will continue in the years to come as Pattaya's finest still have no say on the weather - oh well .............

    If it gets finished it will be interesting to see what name they give it.

    Klong one sukumvit

  6. did they kick these beach road after thoughts on?

    or did they go underwater too? smile.png

    amazing how they can engineer the whole system and then at just a few meters above sea level

    they have to pump the water up and over the sidewalk to the beach!

    Its just retards in city hall.

    Amazing pattaya.

  7. Call insurance company first

    Don't turn the engine over.

    You need to inspect intake first. if its water logged, kicking it over will let water into the

    cylinder, it may not be wet inside yet, but if you turn it over it will suck water straight in.

    also check exhaust is not water logged.

    you can try this check yourself if you have a few spanners.

    As mentioned remove plug if you try and turn it over first. no harm in that.

    Take it to bike shop. better idea,

  8. lol. If this is the first time you see this, it won't be the last. Everybody knew it's coming, You have to buy enough food for a few days and stay at home and ... wait

    Well todays a write off again, because of the rain

    Its 10:00 so im off for an early beer.

    You enjoy yourself at home. giggle.gif

    Pattaya never stops.

  9. And the TOT is predicting 30 million tourists this year. Do they just make this stuff up? Business is down throughout the country. Same with Samui. Same with Phuket.

    Yeah, but you wouldn't want to listen to anything a telephone company says regards tourist numbers.

    They could be more accurate


  10. There's an article on Phuketwan about immigration officials all over Thailand being targeted for corruption investigations, and the reported cause is the recent bombings and how some of the suspects may have been able to leave/enter the country without correct documentation.


    Fair enough

    In that case, think we will see some very unfriendly behaviour

    of immigration officers, to us all in the next few months.

    Officials don't like to loose face. wai2.gif

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