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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. Keep on ranting,

    It is morons like you that contribute to the death rate on the roads. I assume from your attitude you do your fair share of diving under the influence. With a bit of luck you may be on the receiving end. I bet then you wont think it is so trivial

    Now your talking BS and still ranting.

    Go drive down the bar have a few cool ones to calm down

    then come back .bah.gif

  2. It will just be turned into a

    very large tea money making opportunity. wai2.gif

    You are about 90% correct. It would be 100% but you used the future tense by saying "It will just be etc". Thai police would protest if drunk drivers were ever to be taken-off the road for any lengthy period eg 5 year ban. Banning habitual drunk drivers would remove potential re-offenders from the police tea money gravy train. In effect this would mean current 'investment vehicles' being depleted if driving bans were enforced, The lack of strict enforcement of the wearing of helmets is a good example of keeping investment income rolling into police coffers. As we know police salaries are a pittance, and every means possible is used to supplement the police force's income.

    I might sound cynical, but please feel free to differ and then explain to me why all categories of road traffic offenders are fined and not banned.

    It was intentional as I was trying not to point a direct finger at the !!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. They dont have tough luck. They can spend more time in jail. If they didnt drive under the influence they wouldnt need to pay a fine. It is the drivers responsibility and if he / she is not capable of accepting that then keep them off the road.

    Fines could be done on the ability to pay .

    But they never crossed your mind, just mad ranting.

    Thai people are lucky that your not in charge. wai2.gif

    You bet they are. Crime of all kind has to have a penelty that makes it not worth while committing it. A slap on the wrist does nothing. Once a few have been heavily fined it is likely many of the offenders would think twice before they did the same. If they have a car or evn a motor bike they have some money so lets for once look at the individual who is going to be affected by a drunk running into him and forget about the oh so poor drunk behind the wheel. Drinking is a choice no one forces you to drink so they have to be held responsible for their actions. One last though lets assume a drunk hits a pedestrian but doesnt kill them. How much does it cost for the injured to be taken care of in hospital? But I dont think you really care about the injured party.

    Keep on ranting,

  4. They dont have tough luck. They can spend more time in jail. If they didnt drive under the influence they wouldnt need to pay a fine. It is the drivers responsibility and if he / she is not capable of accepting that then keep them off the road.

    Fines could be done on the ability to pay .

    But that never crossed your mind, just mad ranting.

    Thai people are lucky that your not in charge. wai2.gif

  5. Easy to stop drink driving. You have a national press release across the Country with a 3 month lead in time. After the amnesty period straight forward 3 month jail term no messing, no pay offs, no sick grannies, straight to the Jail.

    I guarantee 90% of the current drink drivers including the idiots on Bikes in Pattaya would cease their activity overnight

    And a heavy fine of say Baht 50,000 plus vehicle impounded and sold to a scrap yard

    That's to hard for the locals, most just don't have money like that.

    If you take his vehicle and put him in jail.

    Will the Thai government take care of his family ?

    I think not. wai2.gif

  6. I learned how to post a photo to TV.

    Not so sure I learned about the spooky cool old house ...

    Sorry guys. The ghost story won't fly.

    Although I just discovered that tons of photos have been moved on my laptop.

    Will chase those ghosts instead.

    - k -

    well done for the pic.

    Don't think its the place I was thinking of, it must have been bulldozed

    and made into a business by now.

  7. I live in Thailand so I drink & drive obviously, however if I make it real late I do take a taxi.

    Jeez, an honest ThaiVisa poster, we should have you stuffed and wall mounted, a rare specimen indeed. smile.pngthumbsup.gif

    And your 100% not one.

    Oh dear, seems as though you identify yourself in my posts, hence i understand the hostility and forgive you. smile.png

    You are a true broken record.

    Get the lady in front of you to pour you one more thumbsup.gif

  8. The threat of Jail time and deportation should certainly take care of the countless Farangs that drink and drive, need tougher penalties to at least get the Farangs to think twice.

    Any suggestions for the non-farang offenders?

    As Thais can't be deported, mandatory Jail time ?

    How many Farangs drink and drive, c'mon guys it's an anonymous forum, you can admit it ?

    I don't drink Alcohol but I know many that do and most think nothing of getting on their bike or in their car after having too much to drink, draconian penalties should put a stop to most offenders.

    Who drives like a total <deleted> with or with out alcohol ?

  9. Drink driving is not the real problem on the roads of Thailand.

    its very very far deeper problem. bah.gif

    Is Drinking while Driving then .

    Please explain what your on about ?

    Not positive what he means, but I think he is maybe asking for clarification on your statement. What exactly do you think is the far deeper problem?

    Cant say to-much, but if you drive a lot in Thailand

    there are bigger issues. its not just the guy who is pissed up and takes someone out on the roads, that's not the big problem.

    You don't need to be drunk to kill on the roads of Thailand you just need to be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a think about it, look what you see on the roads.

    behaviour, attitude, actions, none actions, and many more.

    Its not so good,

    lots of very selfish people, and no respect for others.

    been to many BBQ at the temple, for bad drivers and there victims

    Crazy roads

  10. If its the same place, about 15 years ago,

    im sure I saw a plack on the left side of the building

    with a reference to the catholic church. or sister something ?

    Go down and have a look.

    I could be talking about a different place as I don't go down the beach road now days .

    Can you post a picture of the place ?

    Little bit off topic but still Jomtien beach road ?

    Is the old Steam train painted black and blue still down the end of the beach road ?

  11. There was a pick 'n' mix shop in Big C North Pattaya. It closed a year or so ago. Couldn't make it pay. It isn't all bad news though, one opened in Tuk Com. Ground floor. Perhaps someone can confirm it is still open. I haven't been in for a couple of months. Only a stall, not a shop.

    Was still there last week, ground floor

    when I was in Tuk Com

  12. yes go to any shop on the sukumvit that has marble out side, about 8-10 of them

    they will all try

    You wont find anyone to recommend what you ask for as most people buy the stone and get it cut and fitted buy the same.

    Some times its better not to cut corners as this may well cost you double

    This is when it gets broke and they say sorry mister marble no good

    You then must go buy more

    Love the Avatar, very fitting

    Good day thumbsup.gif

  13. where else are young Thai couples to go,

    They cant do the parents place, they cant afford a room.

    Maybe put a few more litter bins around the place would help.

    City hall and the cops should stop being busy bodies and do some real work plenty of bad things and crime around pattaya that would benefit from there attention. 1zgarz5.gif

    Let young couples have there enjoyment, there not hurting anyone. wai2.gif

    Guessing you never had any morals nor now. We humans are not animals. Just go running off in the bushes and fornicate. Nonsence


    So what are kids supposed to do ?

    Cant wait to hear this one. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And keep the moral BS under control !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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