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Posts posted by sting01

  1. Thanks for your links but still i could find no reference to the mentioned top lines or the top 100/150k? that you mentioned..


    May I be sarcastic, pedantic or simply rude? DID YOU READ the various documents? Eyesglasses? Contact Lens? Optical equipement as OB 41?

    In at least 2, namely the tech doc about the spider, and the glossary of tricks, it's stated the spiders do not parse after 101K or 150 K. What part is technically so difficult to understand for someone of your caliber and with so much reputation amongst the IT community? I can agree you can not understand my barking language, but obviously those articles are well formatted in usual english english or in usual american english and you should have not problem to understand what they say.

    Or does your point is simply to state how much client you got in one year? Great, I am trully impress it's almost 80 times more than I had during the same period. But maybe not the same clients, and maybe they do not follow you for the last 4 years.

    Put a page at the top? Following what key word? The thai + visa exemple is not relevant. It's like when www.theunderdogs.org changed to be www.the-underdogs.com. I had to search for the + underdogs. Obviously the first one in every search engine was the relevant one (even in Copernic I get the right site as #1). But it's so obvious ... If it was not the fact it will simply show the webmaster was drunk as a polish cossack a sunday after the mass.Wanna another exemple : google that , move + and + stay, what is the result? Does it was obvious you will got it?

    Google siam + indo? What is the first one, what is the second one? Now, can you invert that ranking, mean put the french site #1, and Steve website #2 ???????????????????? That is a good demonstration. If yes, can you please develop, no need to give the inner and dark secret, but just how to process for that, the methodologie for the process and document if possible, mean if youthink you have to work on that part, tell us WHY (not what you will do, I do agree it's your own professional secret). Enjoy me, enlight me please, I am ready to be your Anakin if you can be Palpatine (the dark secret of the dark side).

    If the page is totally useless and non relevant content, crap title etc, etc, etc, etc it will be hard

    If the page is ok, but has good links and relevant content (good for user).. it will be easy

    From what we have seen a making a perfect page with perfect script just doesnt make a difference..

    IF you put out a perfect page but the content was totally off the mark then you can expect to be in the sandbox...

    We have to work with all these factors whilst keeping in budget, (we cant rework every site)...

    Here I am a bit in shock. A professional, in each and every profession, have a duty to advise his client. Or? Mostly people who ask for SEO work to be mad are individual person, or very small companies, those people also need advice and help. If the guy or the girl come with a garbage website, that is your duty (at least I keep it as mine) to point on those problems. &lt;deleted&gt;, or who will care if you do an outstanding SEO job (thatI am sure you daily do) if the page is impossible to catch with FF (20.5 % of hte market if I can believe W3c), or with IE <5.5 ? Do you know in USA if you want to touch the latino community, you have to be compliant with Netscape 4.7x? If my client come with a page that is not obviously compliant and it's also obviously directed to the latino comunity, so I will do nothing but advise him first. I do care about how a page is formed. And btw us, the spider also do (oooooooooooooooooops I forgot you read the technical document but you did not found any point on it, it is not?)

    Well, interresting indeed, both technically and also socialy. Obviously we do not share the same phylosophy about our works, I do not care much about the money (and God know I certainly need it more than you), but care more about the globality of my work, and the respect of the trust than a eventual client will give me. I do repeat people like hte OP are certainly not a corporate (even if the site show a well establish business here and abroad). So yes, imagine if you do that job (obviously as stated I refused to do but just given some advices) the guy will not only expect you to push him on the top (that I do not think it's possible due the activities with a lot of concurents on that segment) but also provide him accurate advice on how the whole site is accesible by visitors( in speed, user friendly). People f*****g do not cares to be top one in one page if someone use some wording, but they simply are asking to get visitors and keep those visitors.

    If you did not get that reality, even if you can put any website ranked #1, you simply abuse of your clients, because it will be like PhD of oenology (wine scence) for someone who is leaving in Bouar (Central Africa Republic). Totally useless. Your clinet when asking SEO, are simply asking to have more visitors, more clients, and not visitors who hit the page and live after 2 minutes because it take too long to appear. that is not technical, but simply how any real professional have to react and in each and every field of activity.

    What you say on that? What you say on the siam + indo problem? What you say about the docs?

  2. I do strongly affirm a .php will more be rated after a .htm page (due the fact the content could have change since the spider went, so the search engine can not affirm visitor will get the right content)

    Search Engines can never guarantee what will be in the page when it's actually visited. Whether it is html or php.

    Is it so difficult to have a cron job run in the background and generate a new index.html page every 10 minutes, that will reflect changes in the database? Will be very similar to have a dynamically generated php page.

    Or take the trivial example of a webmaster that changes the content of his html page a bit every day to keep it updated.

    Let me rewrite my sentence, because it's not clear :

    Create 2 pages, with absolutely similar content, but one called index.php, the other index.html

    Then a search engine will rank : 1) index.html, 2) index.php. If all is equivalent, .html will always be ranked first, because the probability to have a modification a that file are less than with a php.

    Also, the spider do not come one time a year, but several times, so pattern can be made based on the infos (date of publication, date of modification ....).

    Right now, and that the trend amongst the hightly considered professionals, is more to understand the internal logic of the search engines, rather than to work on some trick. The only actual tricks that work is simply to create a well formated page. The fact to have an archive of a forum in .html rather than in .php is not a trick, it's an help to the spider/bot and strongly asked by google for exemple.

    Check google coding or similar, and you will see how the ranking is made. So you will understand/find why other sites must point on your, why you have to have a site map, why you have to clevertly use ALT and TITLE (title is uselss tag, but why not use it to simply rewrite agin the keywords, so improve their weights?). If we know how it work, so we (you and I) will be able to present a perfect page for a given spider (unsure it will also be perfect for another spider, if oyu get my point).

  3. who are trying to paint the picture that a foreigner in Thailand can start a business, select his desired salary level, and then be successful...

    Now - you can believe them - or you can believe me - and I'm telling you that you can't do it.

    Indo-Siam, why don't you cut the bullshit.

    You are asking people to come to you with a revenue stream. By definition they already have a successful business. Guess what? They are already doing what you said they can't do!


    You are offering them limited back office support and work permit sponsorship for 180,000 baht a year.

    Any person can setup a Thai company and run it from a virtual office with work permit for the same price in one year (no employees, just like your scenario where you take 180,000 baht). This also includes accounting. More important, they also keep full control. 2-years and this solution is cheaper than yours buy a lot!!!

    Rather than offering real value with your offer, it just looks like you want to make money off of another person's ignorance.

    You position yourself as a thailand business guru yet you can't understand the buyer's perspective.

    Isn't that embarassing?

    Septic Tank

    @septic, you raise very strong point that I share mostly.

    But there is soemthing you forget : the seller point of view. I know enought Indosiam to say the guy is honest (in 5 years in BKK, he is the one I can call like that), and I also know he got some weird clients in the past. What he does want it's to have another bad client who can not pay after a while (it's how I understand his position).

    Anyway, I think by doing so , he is going far from those who can have the legal need of his solution, and or he will not find, or it will be another problem (someone doing business with 100 000 bht of earning permonth and who is not legit is or crazed or hidding something. Doing business with crazed people is not good, and doing business with some who are hidding something can be tricky or dangerous ... exemple : the russian mafia since a year and half is investing heavily here on legal business as porn webcam websites ... so yup it can be foreigner who earn that money and need a WP and ready to pay for, but ... mariskova as they use to say in Krasnoiarsk).

    The russian link is not a dream/nightmare but a reallity amongst the 'stars' working in Nana. the venture was created 18 month ago.

  4. I finally did not take my lunch but looked around.

    SEO is definitevly not my business, I said 100/150 lines, in fact it was 100K/150K , so bad of me, but it was an article read somewhere sometimes ago and I remenbered the number.

    Full Body Text

    All of the major search engines say they index the full visible body text of a page, though some will not index stop words or exclude copy deemed to be spam (explained further below). Google generally does not index past the first 101K of long HTML pages.

    I did not find the full article , but I found that citation. But the idea is the same, the first part of a page will be challenged against the META, and if a key word appear in the page, it will get a good weight, more it appear, better the weight will be, if not appear the weight will be bad, if too many irrelevant key words exist, it can lead to the non referencing by the search engine (Google). That is for the porn websites who used 'innocent'word to attrack innocent visitors. Google explain it in perfect english here : http://www.google.com/webmasters/seo.html.

    bytheway, I can also advise to read that one, basic advices I do agree, but should be followed :


    The author point the usual lack of accurate infos for the ALT and TITLE sub tag in the <img tag.

    Last, but not the least, a very quick and brief page on the spider. You will notice it'strully credible to consider a spider to be a parser (the author say so).


    Sorry to provide only those links, but I allow myself only 30 mn as lunch break, so limitate in time, and as I mis remenber (100lines for 100K), anyway I do not have so much to defend, assuming the rest of my sayings is obviously evident.

    Finally , as I feel good mood (a girl smilled at me this morning, and no kids tried to throw rock at me), I will give you a last advice (I used that when doing some SEO work in the past) :


    P.S. are you looking for mysql wizard? Or any other SQL (read relational) databases (Oracle maybe). That could interrest me. I have some small and very limitate knowledges in parsers and directories/search engines.

  5. sting01..

    I do not think you are playing "Mr Smartarse" at all...in fact some of what you have stated is indeed credible..

    I just dont feel i can offer much more because to be honest i have great problems understanding your posts, so feel any reply would be unfair to you..

    However i would be interested if you could point me to an OFFICIAL source which goes more in to the top 100-150 lines relevany rates/compared to metas. as this is something i am very interested in..

    Any information on this area would be appreciated..

    Understanding me ... well you point out on some realities. People in thailand, because native speaker of english, have the tendency to be confuse between the fluency in that language and an eventual IQ ('how stupid he is, he can not speak the usual american english/slang'). Mostly people do not think I can be from a non speaking english country (France), and/or the educational system privilegied 20 years ago german (english was reserved to those who were supposed not able to learn german, it was the rules up to the mid 70'). Funny, frustrating also professionaly, because it mean a lack of credibility when meeting with potential employers or clients. Funny also, as member of 2 top level non profits organisations related to internet (namely IETF and ARIN), I never got amongst the year this reaction from my pairs, some of my comments were simply redirected to a secretary who formated then correctly. But those organisations are international, so people are not shocked by the languages problems much.

    To point you to an accurate and correct URL about that, I will ask you to allow me some times. SEO is not my cup of tea (as stated several time), I am more on scrpting languages and relational DB. So I think I remenber the site who pointed me to that article, but I willl be able to search this week end. But the good new is it was in english, so you will not have a language problem (funny how people have problem with foreign language, but can not accept foreigners to be not able to speak as William (the Sheakspeare one I mean).

    About credible, thanks to say that lol. I thought what I said was obvious and evident for seasoned IT professionals. But I repeat, I work mostly 'server side', so maybe it's why it's obvious for me, server side implying to know how a search engine work to make it work better or faster, rather than working 'client side', mean feed the spider in that case. But knowing how the DB is feeded, and how data are extracted from the DB (from google DB for exemple), will allow you to guess how the data must be presented (formatted) before to be presented (according on how the weight is calculated).

    To explain more simply, if I know before to meet you, what you are looking for; when we will meet I will immediatly focuse on that, so you will more easily accept my sayings and get my point. Reported to a search engine, that is the same : if you know whatthe spider is looking for and why it's looking for that, you will guess easily what you have to do to make it happy. Spider = parser = regex = chunck of data = feed database = extracting data with a complex statement (left join mostly) with a group by clause and a ORDER BY. Go there correctly and the work is made.

  6. It seems as if this guy simply wants to quickly withdraw the money and leave, hence the 300K withdrawals. I will be quite surprised if he's doing over 300K a month from SEO services alone.

    I was working for a software company abroad a few years ago, the company specialized in software for the Aviation field and was moderately successful. After 9-11, airlines had other concerns and the company closed down. The founder later opened a company in Romania and is doing very well.

    As for the pleasantness of living in Thailand, it is a factor, but it cannot paint red figures in green.

    I do agree.

    Some thoughts :

    SEO is a particulary business in IT, mostly it's more abuse of customers than anything (my 2 cents, just that). So yes you can make money on it, but mostly it's one shoot client (they do not come back). I avoid it as the plague anyway, the rare time I did it, it was because the client was too big to let him going somewhere else, and it was the only case I asked for a formal contract (usually words are enought) describing clearly the needs and precising what are the goals and for how long.

    I always considered the best way to go is to stress out on what I, my business, my location are different, and so what are related advantages.Thailand can be attractive, if the advantages are stress out (not sure it's correct to say that) or highlighted (Sunbelt noticed the central position for exemple)...Sophia Antipolis in France was created followed that concept. The main point to not forget is as you said a sunny weather will not change red number in a bank account. The way to go (Still my 2 cents) is to think from forward to back : What is final goal? Where are my potential/existing customers? How can I touch them? How can I distribuate my product? How can I mass product my products? How can I create my products? It will always be bottle necks at one point or another, but as long as they are clearly discovered, it's possible to fix the various bottlenecks.

  7. Couple cases happen today.

    Case 1. Client has the money in his wives account. He wants to apply for the extension of stay based on support of a Thai national. He goes to add his name to the account and told that last Tuesday; the government came out with anti Laundry laws. Any foreigner needs to show a work permit to open an account or being added to the account.

    Case 2. Client goes to Thai Military Bank. The foreigners brother in law works there and wants to open a savings acct. Told that as he has no work permit, he would lose his job if he open it because of the new anti-laundry laws that just came out.

    Never heard of this before and did a Google search on the news and nothing comes up.

    However I know of at least one bank we use, is still opening up savings accts for clients with no work permits require. TIT


    For the fun, do not take it seriously please :

    1) I supposed a legit resident in Thailand who work in thailand have automatically a WP. Not about Thailand, but in some countries is considered as illegal work, maybe illegal staying (if work the person is obviously not a tourist nor a retired), so can get jail, fine and the kick. Worst, if a company have help him/her to do that illegal work, so the company is also guilty ...

    2) In many country in North america or Western europe, you can open an account only if you are legal non tourist resident.

    that is a bit like during APEC when immigration police did some checking on some notorious over stayer. It was a like wind of madness amongst ourcommunity, with a lot , a lot , a lot of people complaining they suddently have to go abroad toget a visa (some stated they did not do it for the last 10 years). It was also numerous people laughting about that.

    General rules, for a visa and for a bank account : the officer do what he/she think the best in the general interest. An immigration can refuse to give you a 30 days on arrival, you can scream nothing will change. A bank officer can decide to apply the law fully and totally, you can complain it will change nothing. So better MPrai and go the see another. Even if you have all the papers, if he/she have decide you will not have, you will simply not have

  8. a small diagram of the MEN wiring system for single phase installations.


    Got it, but as stated many times, there is 2 technologies to create the neutral, and in France I used only the neutral from ground, So what the MEM do is already done before to arrive for usage, and a system like that could be potentially dangerous (because it would create a difference of potential btw the neutral, the old ground, and that one). Let say in france we have an installation similar to the distribution #3 (not really but I will pastthe technical details).

    that is why it's so important to make each and every metalic part in a construction connected to the electrical ground (in France I mean).

    So , yes I have learn something (I was not familiar with the MEM), and it have make me remenbered things.

    Last point, it also explain why I claimed a potential in the neutral is normal, because we always consider Neutral to have the same potential as ground so, if any difference (appart the armonic case), it will never last long enought to be measured (the sub station will turn of immedialy for safety purpose, then restart automatically by 3 times after 1 mn, then 3 mn, then 10 mn if the problem is still here then the engineers will come to check.)

  9. It's obviously a communication problem, it appear when reading your last post.

    Obviously, I lack the correct naming in english.

    So I am thinking we were simply saying the same, or similar, but I blocked on your naming that were not those I knew (or supposed knew).

    Well, about the 30 mA, they happily not fail easily, The MEM is not used in France (not so often in my knowledge) because the neutral is created from the ground at the main transformateur level (sub station for exemple, at least the place where electricity is transformed for both V and A to something that can be used for both individual and fabric usages, namely a good old 380 V and 100 A). that is the opposite of what I constated in thailand. Here neutral is created at the neutral point of the 3 phases. I do suppose you know both technology exist and have the same result but with different problem.

    That difference explain :

    1) why you advertise for MEM.

    2) why I was advertising to make all possible ground with the same potential.

    For both, but depending of the technology used at the sub station, the result is the same. Neutral must have a potential equal to ground.

    Obviously also, I had to (silly me I did not) more explain why I was spoken of that, and give the precise case (I think I did, but certainly not correctly). It also explain why I spoked about armonics, because they are more problematic in the case of a neutral from ground, than in the technology used in NZ. On the other hand, I think the neutral from ground is offer other advantages (in fabric, you can easily recreate a new ground circuit from a neutral for the command system in case of difference of potential).

    So at least a good news, we knew both of us what we were talking :o


  10. Yes I know India and Eastern Europe gets lots of outsourcing projects because of cheap labor with English skills, Thailand can not compete at the barebones level.

    But Thailand can compete with getting project managers from India or Eastern Europe with experience. Because these PM's would rather work and live here than in India. Why do people work at a much lower level than they could get at other countries? Because of the lifestyle this country offers. The presentation then is made that the work is not cheap but the quality of the work makes up for it.

    In order to win you don't have to get the whole loaf of bread just 70-80% of the margin.

    However, to be frank. This case just happen less than 2 hours ago. A client states I have cash in the bank that I need to get outside the country and I don't want to pay 15% withholding tax. Any way around this?

    He says " I can't take this as a salary as I will be paying 37% tax." I responded that this was only on 4 million Baht or higher for the year. He responds "I'm already at 30% as I take 300,000 Baht salary a month!"

    Now I remember this guy. He is from the Scandinavian area and arrived around two years ago with just a million Baht. Think I remember him more as he was a very nervous type. Asked a zillion and one questions. He said if I lose this million Baht, I will go back home. He set up shop in Phuket. No idea how he ever worked around the lousy Internet connections in Phuket but obviously he has done well. He has been doing search engine optimization for clients.( Looking at his website, looks like none of the clients were in Thailand but located in Europe)

    However the shocker is he tells me he is going to Romania to set up an office there! I did not have time to go in more detail as I was busy with another client but I certainly look forward to talking to him again.

    Romania over Thailand? I don’t think so, not for me. But for a guy that has done very well, he is making that choice!


    Romanania = well educated for western european standart (people are fluent in 3 languages), with a population hightly skilled in IT.

    My main concurents are not indian coders, mostly they got the boot quickly, but Romanians coders, who have the same skills as I and the same wages. But they do speak well formated english, and they are willing to success (read work hard).

    Yes, mostly IT society go there to select coders. But btw us, live there .... Who want to live in Timisoara? Or in Carpathia mountains?

    But I am glad to hear than somewhere I am not that fool and what you way seems confirming what I thought (or tried to explain).

    P.S. I think Thailand can compete and certainly win. But there is things to consider, things that are not how much of millions it can give in 3 or 5 years. It need another way to approach the problem, if not the game is over before to start it. There is several advantages for thailand, but they are not used, or misused. Anyway it's a huge subject, and not sure I have the full picture.

  11. http://www.mustang-technologies.com/About_...anyOverview.htm

    sound old website to me, the news are from 2003, or maybe that is true who is caching the pages (long latency I suppose).

    The guys are doing what they do in india. So yes G have the right point : the language skills.

    Personally I never seen the interest to do what others are currently doing ... to much concurence. By experience I know it's better to search and find a 'niche market'. Outsourcing? Well anytime I come in TV I speak about outsourcing, because that is the way to go. But not read take the outsourcing project at $ 50M, Thailand do not have any infrasructures to allow it (infrastructure run from the social laws to the international bandwidth including the language border with the people here and the cultural issues).

    On the other hand, there is possible to get a full load of craps projects, cheap labor so cheap projects, that are actually send in india and romania.

    So my own opinion (but it's just that) is a society as MT will be hardly viable on the long run if only existing in thailand, mean if administrative people AND coders are here. Why? well, what about the bandwith in Phuket? What about the international bandwith? What about the legal not working days (vacations, days for illness, days for spiritualy improve yourself ....). I really wonder what could be Sun microsystem answer if one day someone tell them : the applet is not lade becaus the coders went to a buddist monastry' . I know that is usual in the business for yuppies tired to earn millions, but I doubt it can be possible on the long run.

    Or they use external people, western coders who choosed to live here. But the salaries should not be small.

  12. No google technology is not a secret, its how they use the technology that is the problem...

    Please have a good read of this....google seo and you can get a feel of what goes on, can you find any consistent advice here??

    Im not sure what you are getting at concerning the W3c or flash in the page as all the opening post was asking for was advice on seo, cost and keywords???

    The obvious truth is IF a customer needs seo if they give us a good site with good content, validates, no trick forms, external scripts, no flash pages (especially no intro page), and the site is in a field which is fairly untouched then we are extreamly happy..

    However the site is not ours so we work with what they have and from tracking of page ranks of several sites we have yet to see any difference in a good and bad (made)site...it is as simple as that....

    directorys...very important....we have noticed that unless you are in dmoz you will have problems and it really can hold you back...in all se

    the truth about dmoz is that it is run by volunteers, many categorys dont have editors and it can be a pain getting in, nearly all seo providers will have an editor amonst their ranks, we have two...

    Im not disagreeing with you here sting01, im just trying to point out (as i have said in two previous posts) that there are more important things than worying about flash or extra script...

    Unless we know the op's url, what keywords and his competitors then it is imposible for anyone to give advice above what has been already written..

    Agreeing or disagreeing is not a problem, anyway SEO is not my business, because it's maybe too aleatory to do accurate previsions about rating.

    Anyway, I repeat, in search engine technology, thing with what I am a bit fluent, there is 2 factors :

    1) the URL itself. Here to etablish a rating, the search engine with use algorithms to check how the URL is formed (extension, the use of 'special characters as ? or & ....) that is a part of the rating. I do strongly affirm a .php will more be rated after a .htm page (due the fact the content could have change since the spider went, so the search engine can not affirm visitor will get the right content)

    2) the relevance (relevancy? sorry I am french so there is words compicate for me to type) or the accuracy of the page. That will give a weight, and by so will be also used to calculate the rating. What is the relevancy or accuracy of a page?

    Since one or 2 years , it's how the search engines proceed : they compare the META key words with the first part of the page coding (the famous 100 lines that I gived). If those key words are find, they got a good weight, if they are not find so they got a bad weight. They it will be an average weight calculate. That immediatly disqualify any flash .swf, because , well, how to say .... most part of people are not able to reverse engineering a .swf to know what is inside (the word used I mean), and even people like I who are able to do it will never implement that for a search engine because it will kill it (CPU cycles will be enormous).

    That is not finish, you have to understand also how a parser work. Basically a spider can be considering as a very evoluate parser. IT will follow a set of rules to find the data it is looking for (as the META keywords). So if a page is not compliant with W3C recommandation, therating will be worst than a page who is compliant with W3C. Obviously.

    So yes, if someone have a well formed website (passing throught the W3c verificator for exemple), if the site is compliant IE, FF, Netscape, so that easy work I think for company like you :o My own opinion, and certainly because I avoid SEO like the plague, is at this point there is nothing much to do. Do not worry, when I proposed to check the site for free, it was really just take a look a the coding, give some advices and let the OP do his work (btw us I already did it). I do not look for job in TV, my own rules are to avoid as much as I can to have local clients (let say I dislike paperwork, do billings, taxes invoice and 'tutti quanti') and I do not have time to spend right now to a new customers. So do not worry I am not a new competitor (not new after 4 years here), nor competitor at all if you do not do outsourcing coding. But I strongly stay on my postions about well formed pages according to W3c recommandations, and I do not think you can give me technical evidence I am wrong. Maybe you can think I am pedantic or playing Mr Smartass, but following our conversation I asked peoples who are (like I) members of the IETF (www.ietf.org) , and it seems they agree with what I said. Even if they are not all in the SEO business, they are seasonned enought to give an accurate answer.

  13. See if you can open a US account and apply for a Paypal Debitcard.

    With the debitcard you can withdraw any funds at minimum cost (good exchange rate + $1 per transaction) at any Thai ATM.

    PS Prefer CubeCart 3 to OSCommerce ....

    Cubecart is better than the OSC ms2.2 I do agree, but I do think OSMAX or Creloaded are superior to Cubecart.

    Another thing to consider, is the huge amount of already made modules that are exsting in the OSC community.

    On the other hand, there is still problems who exist in OSC, not realy bugs, but a heavily customised OSC is always hard to fix when thing goes wrong. Because the modules are made by people who handle php by different ways.

    Point to notice, OSC is going fully OOP (what a shame), so for people who have expertise on OOP it can be easier to maintain.

  14. http://www.boi.go.th/english/about/section5.pdf

    I cant seem to resolve this pdf. Just get a blank page...Do other people have success with downloading this?

    Although I'm 'busy' with some construction projects in Phuket, my UK business and 20 years experience is with software/comms development, so I still have an interest in startying up some new business in Phuket in this sector. (Well, thats if I ever manage to get a decent internet connection in Phuket...)



    I just installed it on the server where I am currently working. It's free for download untill 8 pm bkk time today, after as I will have finish my work I will delete it, hope it help. I precise to avoid disrespectfull comments, that I am doing the CMS, I am not the site owner. I also invite people to follow ONLY the link I have given, the whole site is shopping card made by a shop in florida. As I am currently logged in the FTP, I simply copied the file to help those who want to read it.

    @Simon, about software developents, I had an idea/concept that I am trying to put on paper(read make it presentable). Do you mind if I send you that when ready (end of the week certainly)? To precise , it's not a call for financement, but simply something too big for me , it seems to me necessary to have expertise on other fields than mine to make it success.

  15. One question, specific one, to Sunbelt.

    What exactly mean the word sofware? The meaning is usually broad, going from the desktop application, as an instant messager, to some big one as MsOffice, Staroffice, Oracle, Mysql.

    Do the fact to develop GNU licenced programs is acceptable? Does the fact to create softs for internet usage (online image processors for exemple) is acceptable? Does the fact to earn money not directly (mean do not sell the product) but not directly (as a subscription for a site that use one of those sofwares) is acceptable?

    Sofware can mean an online game (you got it for free, but have to pay to play online, I forgot the name but very popular here) or a desktop application (Excell for exemple). It imply also various technologies as VB6, or Java, or eventually PErl/php. So what are the exact need to fit BOI ?

  16. Well you say :

    You guys are just going far too deep here.......

    much of what i have read on the net about seo is just pure myth..or people opinions

    the only people who knows how the bots work are the people who run them...there is nothing set in stone..

    True, but who run the bots? And first what are the bots? Google is not the only one, and google technology is not a secret, as stated In-Link if widely based on google coding. So if you have knowledge of In-Link, or fluent in In-link, you have necessary a good idea on how google work, not only to get the URL, but how google will proceed for the relevancy algorythm.

    Fact, there is 2 steps :

    1) collect of URL, mostly there is no problems and nothing have to be made, IF the pages are standart to W3C recommandations. I personnaly never read the W3C doing a recommendation to insert a flash movie in the header, or to have a movie as only page content. So the help is to simply make the page follow W3C (that is not a myth, but that is how and what any professional should act. If not the so called professional have better to go to feed the monkeys).

    2) relevancy calculation. Here nothing is fixed, everydays in every Directory, people are working to improve that. So there is only if you know well how is the relevancy calculation, how it work, what it's looking for, that you can overlook changes on the way to present your site to the bots. .php will always be lighter than .html. Because since some years google and other try to propose accurate contents (that is also the reasons of the cache in google, true one week ago, maybe not true today, but we still have it in stock).

    So yes, a bunch of 6 SQL statements left jointed on 6 tables cross calling maybe 30 columns is a bit complex, but imagine that 6 nested statements are not static, but are dynamically created following what are searched, and what was the result of a first quick query looking only to the hash index of a table of 150 millions of rows? Real case. If you got it how it work, you can say about SEO, and certainly as I did/do say that is not a science, but more a hacking touch for seasonned coder.

  17. They may not prevent her from getting on the plane, but they could have him arrested on his return; there are various crimes in which taking children not yet of the age of majority (defined as 20 yo) away from their parents constitutes a form of kidnapping, a charge which can be aggravated further if sex is involved.

    A lawyer friend recently explained to me that everything Thais do until the age of 20 is theoretically subject to the approval of the parents, including sexual activity. While the age of consent is set much lower (16, I think) that only holds PENDING the parents' approval (typically for marriage purposes, I suppose). Technically, anyone with a 19 yo partner could be locked up for a form of kidnapping/statutory rape by that partner's parents, even if the partner disagreed with them.

    I would advise our members to be very, very cautious in dealing with any relationships with those under 20 in Thailand.


    You absolutely right. Some can remenber Soi Zero in Sukkhumvit some years ago ... It was that bar, the young were obviously hot and young. They were also not shy, and willing to have fun. But, if you took one, Police will follow you, and then the night will finish with a good old policeman who were so sorry to learn your sex partner had only 18 y old and her parents have give her missing. So, kidnaping her Sir? Ican't believe Sit, you look good guy, what can I do.

    Here the end was some thousand given to the crook, but the danger is big when you meet youngster.

  18. (in fact it's to make the spider think it's .html page even it's the extension is .php)

    >>> Trying to trick search engines this and that way will not work in the long run.

    Hi ~G~,

    Is this what you are looking for?


    >>> I will be happy to read about that trick if you provide the link...

    Were you happy?



    Another way to explain why I obviously have hard time to say.

    Anyway the article, even if confirming what I advanced, have some minor problems (Apache also has a global variable called $PATH_INFO that is created on every HTTP request. ). There is a need to precise the followings, or some users will get it worng and complain :

    1) global variables are php features , but not Apache features.

    2) Since php 4.0 (5 years ago, maybe 6), it's strongly advised to tun the global variable off (register_globals off in the php init file) and use the superglobals variables for an evident security problem. register_global is off since php4.2 if I recall well.

    3) The good use must be : For instance, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in a script at the address http://example.com/test.php/foo.bar would be /test.php/foo.bar.

    take a look at : http://th2.php.net/manual/en/reserved.vari...ariables.server

    Anyway John, thanks to have help to make point more clear (I was wondering if I was turning crazed).

  19. Utorrent?


    read that, not sure it explain why, but if your .tor files were not related to legit (what mean that word I do not know) download, maybe that is the reason.

    Even if Ludwig is a good guy, the fact utorrent is not opensource made that prog impossible to verify.

    My advice would be to change of clients (Bitlord is easy to use, but there are several others better than this one).

  20. a line = or "\n" or"\n\r", or 4096 bytes.

    That is a line for any C++ languages like php, perl, java.

    So yes a directory engine count the lines, or count how many time it encounter the regex"\n" or how many time it got to 4096 (it's OR, not AND).

    But certainly not the usual return carriage as we can have in word, or ultra edit.

    About the link :



    The first is a clevert hack, due my level in english , and as it seems you have knowledge is coding, better to download the zip and take a look to the php, you will understand it immediatly. The same hack is succesfully used for OSC.

    The second explain several points, better that I can do. Even if it's indeed for one particulary soft, it's still true for every .php based application.

    One year ago, they had a direct line to a theorical handbook about SEO, but as I never do that I did not kept it, nor I have right the time to browse them to retrieve the link (it was in the middle of a discussion, but was interresting about how SEO must be understood.) I do not do SEO, the 'no charge' was related to a simple 'take a look at', nor a work that I do not the time nor skilles to do. lol

    For the thaivisa, what I said about .php is not relevant if you type thai + visa . That was choosed because the hight relevancy (hightly relevant maybe more correct to use). Same like if you type Bangkok + post I suppose.

    It will have a interrest if yo usearch for exemple Lanna, Chiang rai + rice , for search like that who do not have obvious results. Do a search about patents, 2 years ago one client of mine jumped from 120 000 place to the 6 000, just by using the mode rewrite. But I repeat SEO is NOT my business, nor my skills.

  21. Sorry to be talkative, fact is I am in wierd mood and it make me speak too much.

    Fact, that is viable, because I do outsourcing work in thailand since 4 years, obviously I earn my living by that, obviously I know what it should be to be a real business.

    Fact also, in 4 years I found a lot people who were pity me enought to offer me 300 $ as financing, but I never found people will ing to work to make it working. So I never accepted the 300 bucks, because it's senseless (anyway I have it on my own lol, and it must be taken as a joke). So yes, that is a real case, real situation. Let say I + a PR + a project manager = 50 000 or 60 000 bht earning per month, certainly more after a while. Investment : nib, nada, nothing. But expertise, time, work, meetings, discussion with clients, explanation to the coder (I) , follow up of the project daily (even 5 mn) .... No salary but dividende. Evidently no WP, but as it's a legal investment, those in need can still use the company document to get a tourist visa, the others (retired, or corporate) will not care about visa.

  22. No myths ,

    if the first 100 lines of your page are only flash, it will be not referenced. Obviously the flash movie will have to start from 101 th line, it does not mean you can not have a flash movie displayed at header, but it mean you can not insert the applet anywhere.

    php (not sure for .asp, I do not work with outdated and unsecure technology sorry) will always be bad ranked (basically), because google or other search engines have to be give RELEVANT link. A .php is by definition dynamicaly generated. But there is way to avoid that, and for exemple in case of forum like TV there is an easy fix that was well explain in phpBB forum. Search there and you will find (in fact it's to make the spider think it's .html page even it's the extension is .php)

    Javascript? Same flash, if over used in the first 100 lines that is discarded. Use external javascript.

    The modern search engines compare the relevance of the key words with their appearance inside the first 100 lines (I say 100, maybe it's 150 not sure). So if Flash, no relevance, if javascript, no relevance.

    All that I have affirmed is the result of work on directories, and directories engines (more particulary in-link where I had modify the internal algorytms to made them fit what the clients needed, did several times). To modify something and let it work correctly (namely get answer in less than 1 sec with a DB that have more than 100 millions of rows) you have to understand at least, be fluent is better, how the directory work. Directory is how a search engine is called byt people who own it.

    Last, and not the least but the most important, you simply pay google or other to be well placed

  23. So yes sad, because there is potential (ideas, funding, administrative capacity), but it look like success will never come, because some do not want to share the cake with others (the $ 5 000 ideas is OBVIOUSLY a way to keep oportunity to high class retired/corporate who in fact have no need to do it (they can PAY for a legit broker for exemple).

    Sound sad or bitter? Yeah...

    Consider yourself lucky for not being able to participate. :o Which cake? this is going to be a black hole.

    Business = risk. It's a part of the equation. When you start any business, you risk your money, your reputation, even your ability to create anotherone later (in my country, if you fail you will not be able to retry, it's called 'failli', and you are banned to do any kind of gestion, even member of a board of any associations).

    What me react (too violently I agree), is the main concept there is need of lot of money to start something (I justgiven a concrete exemple where the STARTING capital can be 300$ (3 associates at 100 $ each)). My opinion is there is no real need for capital money, but capital in expertise , it's also why I pointed on the partnership limited.

    My opinion, and I think someone who have common sense will share it, is if you can invest 5 000 or 10 000 $, and if this money is clean; you will NOT use a mere investing group to get some mere dividends, but simply go to see a professional (broker, bank ...). It let me think there is also a need for what is called 'Business Angel', people who have the expertise, the time (retired), the will (young retired who are ready to start a new challenge) with challenge spirit (for a PR retired at 45 y old, put 100$ in a venture is nothing, it's less than what he pay in estaurant when he treat his friends, but put himself again in the middle of the turmoil, created something from scratch, nuture it as a new born, ....).

    I given an exemple because I know well that field, I know the potentiallities, I can give figure for the last 4 years, I know also the downfalls, the bottleneck, the potentials and existing problems. I suppose some others exemples can be given, assuming IT is not the only field where farangs have an expertise and can create winning venture, not based on money, but based on the knowledges and experience, and with hight return.

    About dogy, the only time I met that word before, it was used as a special style related to kama soutra, so I suppose in the contest the meaning must be different. But that is also something who go to my point : mostly societies who outsource IT projects do communication in english, so a skilled english native can harvest more easily projects than a english non speaking person as I. So rather than spend 4 hours to try to understand what the client neeed and to try to tell him I can do it because this , or because that, a skilled english spoken person can secure the deal in 20 mn, and I can use those 4 hours to do what I am good to do. IF you add a project manager who is clearly understand the client project, and choose the intermediaries steps for me with the usual time to reach those goals, so it make life very easy. A basic shopping card can be handle in 10 days, I know that is negociated around 1 000$ in USA (the society with who I collabore have that kind of pricing), that is only a very small point, I am no developping much because that is 'informal' speaking.

    The problem is mostly people who have the money and who decided to come in thailand, do not have the need to be bothered again (if not they will simply stay in their own country, they are here to be relax). Those who could have the need to start something, mostly (as I need precedently) prefer to waste their time arguing against the first group (you know, bitter, jealous, the 'why him and not me' human behavior ...).

    But yes there is a capacity for not only money invested, but also about knowleges invested.

    To mix with the concept of 'investment group', why not do it, but stipulate the investments must be made mainly with the expat community, and any investment will be followup by the group advice and expertise. In the case I describe, let say the investment is ridiculous (in fact there is no need for investment I can still handle 300 or 500 $ for the capital), but how to get PR? How to get a project manager? How to hire someone who will obviously work 20 mn a day or so? A concerned investissor will do those 20 mn of work, because even if it's 5 $ as investment, that is his own money, so I will do it.

    Hope I could explain better, hope it will give ideas to some of you. I wished to make it truth, but life is for me like pool game. I love to play pool, I really do. But at the end of the game it's always me who smile and give 20 bht to the waitress. In life there is looser and winner. It's important to know where you belongs, obviously I am in the earlier. But the idea in worth to be tried ... by others, not me alas.

  24. Well, after re reading the wole post, I find I have mostly a negative attitude, due my personnal mood indeed.

    So , to change my usual critism, I will do a concrete proposition :

    As one poster have say, aneasy way to make money is by internet. There is a lot outsourcing companies (some are top worl companies) that are looking for structures able to follow up, realized and maintain their projects.

    The need here to create that structure is not in money or goods, the only need for that is individual computer. But the needed investment is obviously in the brain : A competent coder can hardly do his work, have public relation with the clients, past/curent/potential. And mostly will not have the financial capacity to etablsh himself as company. Acompetent coder is not a competent flash designer, nor a photoshop wizard, nor an accountant, nor a project manager (well he can survive on those fields even if not so competent), and do not have constantly the right way to touch the clients, or to get new contracts.

    Yes somthing easy to implement would be a society for exemple where someone will find an collect the projects (from rentacoder, scriptlance, freelance .....) as a PR manager, someone else who distribute the work and follow up the various projects, and some coders designers. The structure could be a partnership limited, so 100$ each person would be more than enought because there is nothing to buy first (pen, paper, maybe a rubber lol), the money will really be a capital and not a starting capital ; it could be succesful.

    I tried amongst the year to implement it, but there is a lot work and people who wee interested seemed more willing to spend some money with eventual benefits, but not willing to spend their time and work. That idea to be succesfull do not need money (the coders can work home, and eventually meet every 2 days for a reviewing of their work, all communication are made by internet) but need people able towork, willing to work as we work in farangland.

    A website project in USA is mostly negociate at 1 000 $ as starting price (I mean a basic shopping card), I did followed up projects worth 3 or 5 K $ so that exist, and if those projects were made in thailand by me it must mean that is possible to get a bunch of them (I am not a top coder, so it mean there is really a need for people who can handle it professionaly).

    In Bangkok, there is no 'Business Angels' as we have in France. That name correspond to people willing to invest some money, or time (never seen someone doing both, but that is logical) to help young business to grow up. so here I give an idea that must be succesfull, if at least some people are ready to invest TIME and professional experience on : company management, client management, project management. If it's made professionaly, money will flow with no (or close to be no) investment.

    There is another interrest, as we can suppose we are from various countries, it could be possible to get worldwide clients (let say a scandinavian person will have easier work to get outsourcing projects from a scandinavian company, or will know who is outsourcing work ....). About the competent coders, there is a lot here, and if we got too much work, there is thousands of IT skilled thais.

    Let say I propose for consideration, I hope some will be interrested, and if the project is realised I also hope to be included in.

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