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Posts posted by sting01

  1. What would the point of an investment pool be if it's not a kind of business? We all pool our money together like a bunch of old ladies to buy some stocks?

    Very simple, you cannot just invest. You need to "analyze", "study" and "spend time". The ones who will do that will take some salaries or percentage (or maybe the whole fund altogether? why not invest in their accounts overseas?). The others will experience yet another way of loosing money in Thailand. The positive result for expats community as a whole here will be more interesting and colorful threads on this and other boards.

    Clear? :o

    And to allow him to do so, the shares must be at $ 5000 ???????????????????? That is a very nice idea indeed. Can I postulate as 'The one who will do that' ?????????? lol

    Anyway I did not get answer to my questions : How it's possible to buy a $5 000 when you are eaning 30 000 bhts? (according to ajarn.com, that is the average salary for a legit teacher).

    Boat in bahrain, last time I heart about a boat in bahrain, it did sunk, and people with. So I do not think it's a good exemple of succesful (at 100%) investing club, but a very risky one.

    Anyway the idea can be interresting, but as usual it will be limitated to a small amount of people.

    So yes sad, because there is potential (ideas, funding, administrative capacity), but it look like success will never come, because some do not want to share the cake with others (the $ 5 000 ideas is OBVIOUSLY a way to keep oportunity to high class retired/corporate who in fact have no need to do it (they can PAY for a legit broker for exemple).

    Sound sad or bitter? Yeah, noteally about that idea that was about something somewhere that could make some money. But sad and bitter to see mentality never changes, those who should feel a moral duty to help prefer for greediness or improvement of their self confidence block the way to others. Specifically (but it's not personnal, and have nothing to arhue against this poster or that one), the $ 5 000 obviously will be not acessible for the people who earn less than 100 000 bht permonth. Does a teacher is poor? How much someone who created a business earn per month (I remenber a top sponsort who were earning less than 10 000 bht during one year, does this top sponsort is poor?) But yes a teacher is not rich and will never be able to invest that amount (if yes it's from previous savings).

    P.S. I am not teacher, but I repeat , teacher salary is a good indication that legit foreigners can live and work in thailand and not get 100 000+ bht per month, and have a normal life (mean have enought to buy a new shirt or a new necktie).

  2. For your basket, take a look at Oscommerce, but I advice to check the OSMax release.

    If your only prob is to have the shipping module to modify for your weight/price calculation, feel free to PM, I will gladly do it for the fun. If there is other mods, so I will be sorry but I will not have the time to do it (a shipping module mods , or the creation of the custom one is made usually in 30 mn).

    Anyway using OSc is a good choice, easy to maintain, the community have created thousands of modules, even saoudi bank have their gateways, and as it's php, and as it's a live prog the maintenance is easy to do.

    Another alternative is Agora, for the small shop, but it's in Perl, so more complex to mod it.

  3. ^ I'm guessing he means those using a fake degree???

    If you have a TL you're basically a teacher here in Thailand.

    Just noticed, people still love to be sarcastic.

    So as I am not a native (anglo saxon native I mean), as I do not teach, and as I noticed people were complaining about caps (high case I suppose?), I would like to have some light.

    How do you teach your student about 'couleur' did you teach color or colour? And why?

    What about ' hello, I Pornchita, my sex is female ...' No one chocked here? I supposed it was gender the correct word?

    About caps, does the rules are the same in the colonies (USA) or in main land (Poms country or if you prefer around Westminster, London .... in engliand I mean).

    About teaching english, what is the most recommanded if you want to last long? Be a pedantic but clever Oxford diploma, or be able to act as a white monkey (ling in thai for those who still wonder what their beloved students say the morning) in front of 50 teenagers , more motivated by everything but english language (anyway the parents have already pay, so they will get the diploma at the end, even if they are only able to say 'same same').

    The last professional teacher I met, was from Sout africa, afrikaan for sure, with an accent the most typical. Another one was obviously corkney and was spoken to the students like people speak in the lower suburbs around Manchester (oh oh Cantona ....). Not sure, but maybe one those who commented the OP post are in that list (afrikaan, or spoken low class slang, ....

    Also, teaching english in Nakhin Nowhere is obviously different than teach english in Chula. In the earlier, obviously you are only a master parrot who have to make students repeated what the real teachers (the thais) have already tought. You have to make the kids fluent, not eally important if their future fluency is almost correct, or with some minors mistakes, or corresponding to the actual critrion of the perfect australian english (just learned recently it was existing). How many of you, ladies and gents, do a real teaching job? How many of you are only the official caution for the thai teachers in some remote schools (remote stand here for any schools who do not fit the standarts for EU, UK US or Australian schools, and not only remot geographically)?

    That subject was one of the favorites in ajarn some years ago, and I do not think things have changed. So be nice with the newcomers and do not be pedantic and/or sarcastic. Many of the so called 'english teachers', maybe the main bady of them, are teaching here because they can not do so in other countries (Japan, Korea) where obviously the quality of work is better, the female are also asian, where people usually have a fair level of english language and arereally willing to learn. Isaid the main body, because yes there isgenuine teachers in thailand, that I am sure, but so many simply do not have the level of competence that we can find in western countries.

  4. Sound more realistic to me, but I would like to raise the same problem as for the 5 000 $, here 20 $ will be certainly to small to have enought cash for starting.

    Assuming a teacher salary (that is the smallest legit earning in thailand for a foreigner, it's why I always speak about this salary) is around 25 000 bht or 600 $, I think 100 $ can be the price of one share (or 4 000 bht). It would be small enought to allow any to buy at least one, and also big enought to raise enought money for the purpose you present.

    Another problem, what about legal protection. Even 20 $ is money, and no one throw monwy by the window, if you get my point. In your proposition (business angels as it'scalled in france), if there is good investment, no one will really care because money will come back, but in case of bad investment, the wolfs will screams. So it's also necessary to have legal security for both those who will buy the $20, and those who will manipulate it.

  5. I'm 100% with Monty.

    Dismantle your PC, put the mainboard, video card, RAM etc. in the suitcase. Pack the hard disk in your carry on, say nothing to customs. To be honest I wouldn't bother bringing any other parts, just buy new here.

    BTW make a backup before you strip it all down, just to be safe.

    Back up several time on several suport, keep one with you.

    The only problem you can have is wen your luggages are electronically scanned (not sure that wording is correct but I hope you get the point). Depend the quality of the HD, depend if the customs scan is not too much powerful, your HD can be erased. I do not have hear about that since ages, but it's still possible (let say 1 chance on 100 000 or something).

    In fortune tower, ratchadapisek road, you have a shop specialised in middle to hight cases (the quality I mean), and it could be worth to take a look there. In Pantip there is mostly cheap case at 350 bht lol.

  6. Quietly and without any argument, could you please point on your solutions?

    You spoked about file management, obviously that word is mis used, or maybe better used with a different meaning that the one used by any professional.

    Does 'yell' can be counted as technical advice?

    Where have you give a concrete, real, technically understandable solution? I do agree 'read from top left to bottom right' is a good advice, but is it accurate on that case? Are you sure McAfee display always from top left to bootom right, or simply a list to read from top to bottom (McAffee is an exemple).

    Other posters have give advice, you simply said their advice were crap (I make short a long story) and invited the OP to contact you because you know best ... I am still waiting your technical expertise on that main subject, or maybe some thought about the deletion, or the clusters management by any OS?

    Btw us , and to explain those who did not know, file management is used mostly to describe how an OS handle the file system. I also precise, because people can be confuse, file system is NOT system file. System file is a file (amongst thousands of other file) that is inherent to the OS. File system is how a given OS put the file on a storage device (floppy, HD) , how that device is organised, how he will recover the fiels when needed .....

    So speak technic, there is no problem, as I am an IT guy, and like you seems to not really estimate IT guy know much, please enlight me, enlight us , and post in public what are your solutions, comments , ideas .

    Today I am okie, I do not try to flame you, I just ask. I am still young enought to learn, if you have something to teach.

    Hi Sting,

    Firstly, "give me a yell" means the same as "notify me", "let me know", "speak to me if you want".

    Now about this mysterious thing called 'File Management'. It is simply the management of files upon a computer. Those who know how to create directories (Folders) & understand the 8 x 3 file naming rule will not need to learn this (later Microsoft OS's allow for 64 x 3 & even 256 x 3 file rules).

    My suggestion is simple...if one is able to organise their files into logical arrangements, then many problems will be minimised. Those who do not understand 'File Management' are the ones who don't understand where to install programs etc. For example, if someone who doesn't understand about 'File Management' & is adding a new program to their computer & is presented with a 'Destination Folder' question, the "C:\programs\Partition Magic" will mean nothing. Consequently, these people click "ok" or "yes", which allows the program to be installed to 'C' drive. If one has had their hard drive wisely partitioned, then it is very wise to know what to do when presented with the question, "Destination Folder". Surprisingly, MANY people do not know how to change the 'destination folder'. The chances are, if they don't know how to do this simple thing, they will also not understand anything about files & their extensions. As an example, one of my clients called me because she could not access a document. I told her that I would charge her $100 to help her & she said ok. When I arrived at her place, I found that a file extension had changed from "doc" to "dot" (due to a lack of awareness about 'file management'). The problem was that she could not see the file thaty she thought she had saved. I found the file & renamed it, & then was able to 'normally' access it. I did not charge the person but I did advise them to learn about files & their management. The person asked me to teach them, which I did (for free), & they have told me that they now not only feel that they have control over their files but the "computer works better with less problems". They also now know WHERE to put their files & how to create directory (folder) structures, which was unknown to them before. Since their HDD was sensibly partitioned (I did it), they now know where to place their new programs, which requires 2 keystrokes (1 delete keystroke & adding an 'E'). 6 months later I was called back to this persons house to do some upgrades. This was a lie because when I arrived, I was presented with a large sum of money (which I refused) for not only teaching them about 'File Management' but preventing many problems happening with their computer. You see, once they knew all about files, they were able to recognise possible virus attacks (recognition of file extensions) & able to place files in the correct location, which reduced the need to de-fragment the drive(s) (especially 'C' drive). This also enabled them to back-up their critical data quickly & easily.

    If one insists upon using 1 logical drive & therefore the cluster sizes will be larger, the amount of wasted space increases (slack) dramatically increases & fragmentation will be very apparent...especially if one uses the same drive for the 'page file' (understanding 'File Management' will make this realisation apparent & real).

    As for the "read top left to bottom right" rule, if one abides by this rule, then one will not miss what a program is trying to tell them. Most people are lazy & simply refuse to read the detail. This invariably leads to things like, "I installed my anti virus program but I still got infected. This program is no good". Generally, in this case, the program 'default' settings did not allow for the checking of compressed files &/or only allowed for a 'smart' scan, which did not scan every file. The user failed to 'setup' the program properly because they simply did not bother to click on every tab &/or check every option. The "read top left to bottom right" rule helps here.

    Most problems that people have with computers are easily solved but not without the user "learning" something or having to do something. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FULLY AUTOMATIC COMPUTER. I'm sure you'll agree. The user DOES have responsibilities, which are unavoidable. Adding a multitude of "fix it" programs usually spells disaster for the unknowledgable computer user. Much the same with cars etc.

    I hope that you can understand what I'm trying to say.

    First, and without trying to flame or insult everyone, that not every people who is anglo saxon. To explain what I mean I will say the following :

    In the midle of the 90, a 'young couple' (40 y old) of american university professors bought a Villa in Cogolin (france, Var). Those people were well educated and not moron. One day they called my boss to ask for technician, they had problem with the eletectric line (some appliances were working, some others not).

    As I was the only one to speak english I was sent, even if my rates (hourly fees) were obviously at this time higher than a technician. When arrive I found in 1 mn the problem ... the maid unplunged the TV to use the vacuum, and forgot to replug. As I was laughting out like crazed, the husband explained me that was normal reaction in USA. They touch nothing but pay someone to do it.

    I know there is people out there who know nothing, who do not need to now nothing, and are ready to pay to have the feeling they got 'by miracle' a bit a knowledge. What you describe, and now I get your concept, is trully common is anglo saxon culture. In mine it's still uncommon, and I always react against that. Knowledge must be allowed to each and every, but they have to learn to get the knowledge. For exemple, a true hacker will never give you a tool that will hack the CIA website, nor even give you a step by step to do it, but he/she will more point you on several documentation that point out on the potential flaws and how to exploits those flaws. Then up to you to understand, think and act. I am alas not clevert enought to be like Michnick, but I like that way to act.

    For exemple, you speak about clusters and partioning, I agree on the general idea, but what is the roof and the top? Mean what size a give Microsoft OS is hable to optimatly use, and what size is always relvant? And then what is the actual average size for a HD?

    For all MS OS, 5 GB is the good size, for XP it's indeed 10 Gb, after that the clusters size will simply increase and you will lost in fact storage capacity. Why? because there is only a given and limitate amount of clusters that can be handle by a given OS. But Right now, the size of an HD is often superior at 80 Gb, so it mean you should have 8 partitions, or 25 in case of of 250 Gb, quite uneasy to handle by normal user. So here also, rules are sometimes only the medium way. In the case to advice someone to do partition, you have to clearly know what the person will do (if storage of movies get by bitlord, a huge partition of 200 Gb can be the best), the rest could be a small for XP itself, and 2 medium for various programs. Aother case will mean another approach and maybe a different solution. But there is no technical in those approach, but simply pratical mean make it easy for someone who understand nib to computer. The difference is you use a pseudo technical language to make yourclient confortable and let them thought they are suddenlty became clevert like Bill, me I will simply tell them I do not speak english enought to explain and give them the relevant links to the RFC, or the Microsoft online documentation. Up to them to read and understand.

    Why that? Knowledge is power, and without knowledge , you are powerless. If you think you know, you will never try to understand, but claim "Oh yes I know , it's .....". So I really hope when I do that, people will at least read, and will try to understand, so get some knowlege. At least the kind of knowledge as describe by Sire Roger Bacon, by opposition of the Aristote definition of knowledge (mean they will at least know clusters are describe and discussed somewhere in Microsoft online documentation).

    Should I have wrote ' Real knowledge mean real power' ? But I will never use pseudo technical blahblah just to make people happy. So for me there is no 'file management' involved, nor the .doc to .dot involved, in the late case the problem was the person got a third party sofware (mostly unwanted) that did that for unfriendly reasons (even staroffice do not modify the extension, and they are hidden by default in every Microsoft OS, and the modification of them when using a X OS (Sun or Linux) will have little impact. but I will tease the person and assuming the computer was used to surf some weird websites (porn or illegal games). I will also warn the person about the danger of unprotected relations (condom for safe sex, norton for safe net ... lol).And not call it file management. A white cat is a white cat, and a shit floating in a dark canal is only a shit floating in a dark canal. IRL as they use to say in IRC channels.

  7. I do agree it's the easiestway to do ... but read what the OP was looking for. If someone need to buy a ford mustang cabriolet, why try to sell him a japanese car on the ground it's cheaper and use less oil? Just that, but yes, un check the automatic cleaning is the easiest way to go, and the most secure too, I fully agree :D

    Wow, agreement at last eh?..... after all that huffing and puffing between the pair of you. Mumbo, the OP, didn't really appreciate that he could configure his auto-cleaner to NOT empty the Recycle Bin. Instead, he thought that he would look for an alternative whereas his existing software was adequate.

    A Ford Mustang Cabriolet :o give me a Japanese Lexus SC 430 any day.....and many other Japanese cars.

    Lexus SC 430


    Well Artisan I do agree as I agree also with you :D, the huffing puffing meli melo was with another poster (got the same about electricity with the same poster).

    It's obvious if a prog do not do what I expected I will or modify the settings, or remove it. As I am lazy and affraid by things that I can not control I do prefer to remove.

    I used Ford mustang, because I am not skilled in recent cars, so I used the first old model name who came in my mind (could have use citroen ligier, or alpha romeo Montreal for exemple, but I wonder how many will know it, or have ever see it)

  8. I think 15K a month is pretty low compared to the potential risk from such non-supervised, independent employees. I actually met a person suggesting to be a sub-contractor of mine, Invoice my company by his foerign company, and use my company for Invoicing in Thailand. Deduct my office costs and share the profits 50:50.

    I didn't go for it since this guy didn't seem reliable enough. Eventually he turned out to be a crook, collecting advances from clients and not delivering anything. I just imagine the amount of problems I'd have to handle if it was my company who did the Invoicing.

    Certainly jail I think, if some of the people did sued you.

    That is why I said it was normal IndoSiam expected to get some return with that proposal.

  9. How about the simple point of not justifying your scheme from your point of view as the seller.

    Instead trying it from the consumer's point of view.

    From the consumer's point of view, what you have to offer is a "valuable" service, but this "valuable" service can be had for much cheaper and under much better circumstances if they formed their own company.

    Please don't give me a bunch of garbage about filling out corporate tax withholding receipts and hiring someone as an employee is going to cost more than 15k a month. You know you can get a decent thai law/accountant firm to handle this for a coupleof thousand a month to cover a couple of invoices to customers and VAT tax receipts for equipment. Anyone can confirm this by doing a couple of searches on the net and making some calls. In my cost comparison, that's the 50k for remedial accounting and office support.

    If someone lives here and has a network, they can easily find an accountant to moonlight a couple hours a month for just 2k.

    "A foreigner CAN NOT run a company effectively here without a fluent Thai speaking person assisting."

    I thought this was what Indo-Siam was for... The ability to run a company and not having to have a fluent Thai speaking person because Indo-Siam offers bookkeeping and virtual office to take care of all the back office operations (like many other companies in Thailand).

    If Indo-Siam really doesn't offer these services, there are quite a number of firms in Thailand who offer full back office support from full accounting to virtual office needs so you don't even need a Thai speaking assistant. And for less than the 120,000 that I have estimated for a year!

    I feel embarrassed for writing this because your company is supposed to give out quality information for doing business in Thailand and generally does. This is just stupid.

    You also have not addressed the issue of binding contracts and negative/non-performance clauses. What would you be willing to sign for someone who is ignorant enough to use your "service" and become an "employee"?

    Septic Tank

    I think you miss the point of the proposal, the goal is simply to offer a service to people who have stable income (or so), but who ( for several reasons) do not have or can not have a WP.

    I can say it's a worst thing existing here in thailand the fact to go monthly to visa run, visa than ca be denied at any time by any immigration officer on the very legitimate ground you are not a tourist after 2 years, 4 years 10 years .....

    For the usual 'backpacker' it's not a problem anyway, but for people who run business and are in this position, the proposition can be interrested. Or at least it's how I get it, and knwing IndoSiam I can simply say it's how you have to get it.

    He run a business, not a charity organisation, so if he get money that is the game, on the other hand that is a huge service for what some people will be glad to pay : you will got immeditly a WP, usually it takes month (more than a year) to get one as individual (must past throught several temporary WP).

    Now, there is something who stand and you maybe rightly poited on : the cost. Well if what IndoSiam is too expensive, noone serious will contact hime and he will lower a bit the price. If the price is fair, so at this moment he should have got already the people (assuming IndoSiam is still able to select the right people from the usual 'unable to pay' ######s.

    The main objection can be that one : a normal person able to run a business who cash 150 000 bht a month as benefit should have create a company long time ago, hire 4 thais, and got a WP for himself. But there is still people who run business, did not created a company because it started small (hobby) and who are right now thinking about the next move. That proposition can help them by lowering the cost (but not suppres them, well as stated it's also a business).

    By the way, I am not afiliate with IndoSiam, nor speak for him. I just tell my mind and my own understanding of the proposition. I can be wrong, I can be OT also.

  10. QUOTE

    Also, please can you explain, in layman's language, why the OP shouldn't just reconfigure his auto-cleaner as I suggested? That is such a simple solution to his problem.

    Right On :D

    I have used various “cleaners” and they all had a configuration option – just un-check the Bin option.

    Easy Peasy no need for any technical knowledge. :o


    I do agree it's the easiestway to do ... but read what the OP was looking for. If someone need to buy a ford mustang cabriolet, why try to sell him a japanese car on the ground it's cheaper and use less oil? Just that, but yes, un check the automatic cleaning is the easiest way to go, and the most secure too, I fully agree :D

  11. Glad to hear, I have some questions :

    What is the average salary in US?

    What is the average salary in EU?

    Average mean average, not some hight profiles.

    What the average salary for a legitimate corporate guy in Thailand? For the average foreigner working and living in Thailand?

    Does the $5,000 are relevant or coherent with those average salaries?

    On the legal point of view, what guaranty we can have the money will not vanish? Insurances will be contracted? Does the people who will have the bank signatures will deposit on an escrow account an amount corresponding to the money we will give (As it's a rule for legit brokers)?

    I know people in TV who claims to be multi millionaires in $, but it's not all of us, 5000 is quite a big amount for many of us (6 month , maybe 10 month of salary for a legit teacher). So what guarranty on the legal do you offer? (the no shaggy characters is not a guatanty, nor the 3 peoples rules for the bank movement).

    Thanks to clarify those points.

  12. My small 2 cents on the blocking IP made by thai ISP.

    Living here for while, I learned there is something that piss off relly thai people (from the rice farmer up to the PM) : the way foreigners look on thai people and thailand. I explain that briefly : it's well know their is no prostitutes in Nana, but only accomodation hostess ready to overwork in the only purpose to entertain by all the ways the visitor/tourist.

    There is another thing that piss off thai people, a lot, it's when foreigners are trying to hurt thai economy. A website selling musical instruments in Chicago and on the net can be (must be) considerd as a deadly threat to thai economy if a thai person decide to start this kind of business.

    So the policy is simply to allow the survival of thai economy and thai people, for that they shutdown non legitimate websites. I suppose up to that point, people who arereading get the point and are similling. But that is not finish, because the word 'legitimate; have to be define.

    The good case is the porn sites. We know there is a bunch of guys (farangs) living in thailand who do business in the adult industry. Some are correct with the models, some not ... How those sites are considered legitimate or not? Well the story is always the same, you launch a site : www.fakesitethatdonotwork.eu, after a while you will get banned (2 month), so if you are a legimitate resident in bangkok you will go to the police and complian, or ask why. So you will simply to have to fill a form and pay the fee for processing the form. The form ? Well, let say you operate a gay website (suppose that must exist), you will have to swear on your honor you are not and will not use naked pictures of thai ladies, nor invinted people from abroad to come in thailand to find ladies for sex. If you are operating a gay website, you will gladly and honestly swear that (usually gay = men), and the same for the other gender. Mostly site that are banned, are simply sites that did not follow the middle way, mean meet the police and negociate.

    I do not speak about political websites, in that case it's obvious why they get banned. But what I said for the porn website, is totaly true for any other commercial websites. I got some clients of mine that were (and still are) bannedfrom thailand (a musical instrument eshop, clothes maker, dolls ....). All at one point or another were in competitions with some thai familly, so can not compete.

    Internet is only the prolongation of the normal way to do business in thailand. Foreigners are tolerate as long as they improve the kingdom economy. When they start to get the money, it mean they are not motivate by that improvement but by greed, so better to let thai people to handle it and push the foreigner on the other side of the border (electronic in that case), anyway about greed, thai are very skilled.

    So about angelfire, google .... if someone got the idea to implement the same in thailand, the way to go is to block those sites who do illegitimate concurence to a legitimate thai website. Maybe some of you remenber 10 years ago when l'Oreal tried to introduce a new brand in thailand. A thai person rushed to depose the name in the ministry of industry, and then sued l'Oreal. The brand to be introduce in thailand was existing in other countries since 2 years, so L';Oreal thought it was a legitimate branding name, for thai court it was not, on the ground a thai person did deposit the brand name, and even if doing nothing with, and not expecting doing something with (appart sell it to l'Oreal in a 'case settlement') they condemned L'Oreal (mean l'Oreal did not have theright to use that brand, or have to buy from the legitimate owner). They simply called it a day and did not introduce it in Thailand. That exemple is quite famous for thai people, they use it to proove they have a fair system. Notmy opinion, but I am foreigner lol

  13. When I speak about technical subjects, or when I do technical works, I always do it with the related official documentation.

    In this particulary case I refer to the NF C 1500, as stated precedently. If as I suppose, in australia you also have reference book, corresponding to the international norme, please refer to it. I will certainly not to something that was said somewhere by someone.

    So please, if you have concrete, technical, and internationaly (eventually only localy mean australian) accepted documentations that say installing a 30 mA is dangerous, or made all the mettalic part of a condo with the same potential is dangerous, please please, I beg you (and with me hundreds of thousands electrical enginers with millions of electrical technicans or handymen) to give us the link, the book, the editor, the author.

    For me it's simple, it's Association Francaise des Normes, it's a governemental association who translate and publy the international normes. More in my country, as everywhere in europe, it's consider 'state of art' to follow that norme, and if you are a proffessional the fact to not do so is a wrong doing and lead to jail (because you do not respect the safety of your clients).

    If the fact I named a firm for the product is what make you 'sarcastic', I trully did not remenber the other society who sold it. Anyway speaking of Merlin Gerin for electrical part is like speaking about Microsoft or Sun in a conversation related to IT topic , very common.

    On the other hand I do pretend to know all, and as I am only an humble n2p3, and as I did worked in electricity field since 5 years, I can be outdated. So give reference, serious one, that invalidate why I said. Serious mean documentation or recommendation by austalian union of electricity companies, or australian university of technology (assuming you are australian and electrical engineer, because I am fully indoubt you are electrical engineer. Mostly engineer are hyper competent, and will immediatly comment with the right formula if I have say something inexact).

    Anyway, in another topic you stated you knew better about IT science than any IT professional (I am a member or IETF, what about you?). Here you also give shadow explanation , and claim I am saying inexact and dangerous affirmation, are you also an electrician (as stated I am n2p3), or are you an engineer in electricity (one of my 3 masters is electrotechnics, got in 1995, what about you?). Can you give accurate documentations, widely accepted as the 'state of art' proposals by the professionals of that field, as the international norme is (NF C 1500, where is your documentation).

    Be aware technic is not only blahblah, be also aware electricity can be dangerous. Be aware some knowledges do not come like that morning because you did a dream, but it take years in schools or university to aquire and more years to do it where you learn also more.

    To make brief, you state neutral must not have V (I do not know if in english it's Volt or Voltage, so V is okie). I stand firm neutral have V, but you will not get electrical shock if you do not have difference of potential btw neutral and the place where your feet belongs.

    If not, how the people will be able to work on the aerial lines that have 20 K V? Do you think they turn the power off before? Shuttdown the dam, or the nuke plant? LOL. They are simply at the same potential, because they do not touch the ground. It's not also because the protection, 20 K V with a huge A is not stopped by the protection, take a neon light and go under one of thoe line and you willsee, the neon light with work.

    You speak using very well formated language, thing that I can not do, my english is broken, but your words are empty, have no meanings, and can mislead people. Think before to post.

  14. $ 5,000 LMAO

    the requirement to have a work permit is 60 000 bht, about 1.250 $ or so, and that is a good salary in bangkok.

    So it mean you are asking people to invest as minima 5 or 6 month of earning, so say they can do it only after at least one year (if they do some saving).

    Does 'fishy' can apply in that case? OR are you simply jokking?

    Someone who can invest that will have better to do it directly in the SET, or any other stock exchange (I think he will not do it the SET).

    5 000 bucks without any warranty they will still be existing after while for reasons not related to the quotes variations is hard to believe.

  15. If you read what I typed (in bad english I agree) you will see I spoked about buildings loaded with computers. Obviously that is not a condo case (I do agree). May I give the IBM tower in Sophia Antipolis (France) as exemple (the only time I got this problem during my professional life).

    For the rest, what I am saying is not dangerous, the fact to insert a 30 ma disjoncteur (not sure about the english name, but any specialist get it right when they see 30 mA), it's not DANGEROUS but improve the seciurity , mostly in wet places, because that shut down the electricity before any corporal damage (or brain damages, or nervous damages).

    Anyway, as it's a requirement in EU (at least, not sure in skippy -very famous kangaroo- land how is it), I always did and continue to do when spoken about electrical voltage >12 V, use the BIble, mean the book called NF C 1500, the lectrical norm and the way to do, the book is in french but is the carbon copy of the International Norme (just translated, because it was obvious us french we are not clevert enought to read fluently english). So if any of what I said is wrong, please send your very interresting thought directly to the international office who make the normes. I am sure you will enjoy the undreds of thousand electric specialist all around the world. As security was your concern, and as the fact to insert a 30 mA (called disloncteur differentiel in french, should differential disjoncter I suppose in english, differential because it shutt off the power when thepotential got different btw neutral and ground) is dangerous, and as it's the way to do in EU, you will save thousand of life, save also millions of euros to the insurance companies (they will not pay for that), and maybe get Earl of something, Marquess of something, or get some awards from the Empire (forget the name, the same as Elton John or the Beattles).

    About my qualifications, I am just n2p3, with a background in construction (condo and offices, not house, because for electricity in france that is a different path) and in fabric (you know what I mean certainly, press, extrusion press) for SPIE (7 years) and INtexalu(3years). I was awarded a master of electrotechnic in 1995. Also, I do not work in this fields since 2000, so I easily admit technology went forward in 6 years, but not on that topic , parts are certainly better, but why we use that part at that point have not change, nor how electricity nature have changed, nor the equations who have lead to the norme adoption.

    So sorry , what I said, and also notice I was simply corrected your wording, because as I stated, for the normal person, the way you explained is enought to know (he will not cares about theory).

    I can re do it agains. When you use a Metrix (sorry that is a brand, but easy to get what I am saying), and mesure the V, you in fact measure the diffence btw 2 poles (usually that is phase and neutral). In a normally protected installation, if you measure the V btw ground and neutral it must be 0, but it does not mean there is no electrical current inside the neutral, obviously it must be if any electrical appliance is working.

    Have fun mate

  16. [quote This conductor should NEVER have a voltage upon it (with respect to earth). This is a typical Thailand problem, which is responsible for many deaths as well as premature equipment failure.

    Well, simply saying you are rite, but technically speaking you are wrong.

    First neutral can have a voltage, neutral is only the medium point btw the 3 phases, so neutral will have a voltage. But neutral should NOT have a potential difference with the ground, or yes you will get electrical shock. To precise , the tranfos in thailand create neutral from the phases, and not from the ground as we can mostly have in europe.To precise also, ground here stand for both the yellow/green cable (electrical ground), and the place where you feet are.By respect for the international norma, the general ground must be also relied to the existing objects in metal in an appartment or an house (like the plumbery), to make all at the same potential. The metal bar inside the concrete also have to be connected to it. There is no easy solution, assuming that is never made here.

    There is another problem, mostly forget by ingeneer. That is the harmonic current. LEt say it's usual when you install electric cable to use a cable half size for the neutral, because the nature of the tri phazed electrical ... But if you take a building full of IT eauipments, you have to use the same size for both neutral and phases.

    Death are not caused by that, but caused by a long latency before the 'disjoncteur' cut. The way to go is simply to instal a 30 ma (the cost was 30 fr 5 years ago for Merlin gerin. It's a cheap part.

    Ground is a real issue in thailand, so any thing that can improve it is well comed.

  17. LOL ... sometimes OldHandLuke is just FUNNY!

    In Pantip you have 2 reprograph, one is is in the second floor.

    For hight speed, they have a rizo (5040 I think), that is about 5 000 A3 per hour for a correct quality (pic + text), can be 7500 A3 per hour but text only and low quality.

    As I never used their services, I am unsure if they know or not, but that machine allow to get color image (the trick is do print all the RED part, let paper be dry again, then print the blue ......) take long but cheaper than offset printing for small quantity.

    Around Vicory monument, there is several small shops, one near soi boonchursi is a printing shop that have also copier.

    Last spot, it's 100 m before Pantip, they are also well equiped.

  18. Sting everyone makes mistakes when dating. Some are unfortuante enough to make a mistake with a low life like this guy.There's no need to be quite so harsh with your words.

    to answer some of your points.

    Not everyone lives in places with security such as yours, I don't.

    Why use a website? Why not? I think I read that some of the attacks happened in Pattaya so not much use shouting about it in Sala Daeng. And What do you want the victims to do? These people have had a traumatic experience. They were threatened not to speak about it, many I assume took that seriously. Many victims of crime dont come forward and report it.

    As for your comment about bondage, well that was cheap and nasty and I hope there isn't a time in the future when you need the help of others, let alone members the gay community, to come to your aid. There will probably come a time when you live to regret making such a comment.

    Well, I do not see in what my comment/post was directed against or in favour of any sexual community. Did I said something related to the sexual orientation of a poster, tried to laught at someone because this or that?

    Same can be said about the horny str8 guy who date without thinking of what happend!!!!!! My place is secure as any other condo I witnessed, even those at 2 000 bht a month in saphan mai, but when I get a visit by a thai 'friend', I try to avoid me problem, so I ask him to give the ID to the guard.

    Comment about bondage? Well I have a kathoey friend who do it , she ask for 20 K a night. If the OP went safe and wasted araound the same amount, better for him to think like I suggested, and it avoid simply to turn crazed. I know it sound nasty, but better to have a laught on it, check the police, and alert other of the potential p[roblem. The OP was bold enought to do the last 2, I just given a smal advice on the first. HE IS ALIVE, and that is the most important, it is not.

  19. Quietly and without any argument, could you please point on your solutions?

    You spoked about file management, obviously that word is mis used, or maybe better used with a different meaning that the one used by any professional.

    Does 'yell' can be counted as technical advice?

    Where have you give a concrete, real, technically understandable solution? I do agree 'read from top left to bottom right' is a good advice, but is it accurate on that case? Are you sure McAfee display always from top left to bootom right, or simply a list to read from top to bottom (McAffee is an exemple).

    Other posters have give advice, you simply said their advice were crap (I make short a long story) and invited the OP to contact you because you know best ... I am still waiting your technical expertise on that main subject, or maybe some thought about the deletion, or the clusters management by any OS?

    Btw us , and to explain those who did not know, file management is used mostly to describe how an OS handle the file system. I also precise, because people can be confuse, file system is NOT system file. System file is a file (amongst thousands of other file) that is inherent to the OS. File system is how a given OS put the file on a storage device (floppy, HD) , how that device is organised, how he will recover the fiels when needed .....

    So speak technic, there is no problem, as I am an IT guy, and like you seems to not really estimate IT guy know much, please enlight me, enlight us , and post in public what are your solutions, comments , ideas .

    Today I am okie, I do not try to flame you, I just ask. I am still young enought to learn, if you have something to teach.

  20. Thailand isn't actually a great place to work or start a business. margins are small if you have your own business and working for a Thai company pays very little.

    I live in Thailand but don't work here - most of my business is in the PRC. I just have to travel there for about one week a month to make sure I am not being ripped off.

    As I discussed with the OP on another forum - being an electrician here isn't really possible. Starting a business yourself here is also troublesome and difficult to make a profit. Try somewhere else, not Thailand.

    I prefer to say an individual who create a business in LOS have to do it for the living ... the hope to make it on the long term (2 or more generations) seems to me small. But, but , but, but

    But, there is still possibilities for people who have tenacity, ideas and luck (the luck you can have when you do all right and give yourself the right tempo). Obvious exemple, is the Khao San backpacker who started to teach english for 12 000 bht a month with a diploma from the same street, and who years after years became a real teacher, investing in real diploma from real university, and the nback home and enter in the educational system. Rare but some did it. LOS made probality possible, but probly you can fail.

  21. I live and work here since january 2002.

    Obviously ,with regards on how I destroy english language, I can not teach (even if I helped in Issan country), obviously also all position as pimp is nana are full and I had to find something else.

    I work remote for some US based companies that outsources to me some coding to do.

    I also have a micro company, not for the visa, but simply as I am french I can not imagine to live in a country and not participate to the improvement of the country wealth (I use MRT, BTS, Bus, walking street, it's was basically investment made with tax money, so I me too pay taxes).

    My earning are the same as the basic english teacher, I work almost 18 hours a day 6 days a week, and I consider myself happy and lucky, in 4 years I witnessed planes full of people loaded with dreams and money arriving here, and going back home with dreams broken and wallet empty after some few month. I am still here, I do what l love the most, I found a nice gf that is always on my side even when money is rare and I still have hope, dreams and my wallet is never really empty (not really have the time to spend my money, so I have sometimes to ask the gf to do it for me).

    Professionaly, thailand is like any other country, maybe like USA just after WWII. If you are tedious, work hard, if you are focused on your goal, then you will see luck appear several times. But it's so hard to be focuse when thousand of foxies are out, hard to work hard when beer is cold and girls warms, hard to be tedious when it's songkarn, newyears day, or simply when we can simply sit or play pool. Hard also, and trully harder than in europe, to be reconised as a professional due the huge amount of clueless people pretending to be professional (true in IT, true in teching, true in many fields). It explain why I choosed to work for outsourcing socities, they need programs, but do not claim I am numb in IT because I am not able to type correctly in australian english (problem I got with local clients).

    Eventually I am french, so australlian english or american english ..... color, colour ... for me it's couleur and that is lol

  22. i think you have a good idea and i'm sure some will be interested

    but as tripx said you will have your work cut out getting everybody in line.

    good luck all the same

    3 years ago, someone tried to make in common the IT skills of the members who were in need of jobs/visa, and let say create a ompany doing outsourcing.

    Great ideas, that leaded to some beers in O'Reilly, but nothing more.

    The problem is the various population that could be interrested in your project : we dod not have all the same capacity to invest, nor thesame reasons. For some investing some millions of bht in a project is okie, for other (As I) that is more difficult.

    The nature of the project is also important.

    Anyway, interrested here and count me as potential

  23. Hi All,

    Any whizz-kids or gurus out there that could enlighten me if a UPS would solve the following problem.


    My mate's girlfriend plugged her Ipod into the computer's USB port and blew the motherboard. The motherboard was replaced and a month later it happened to my very careful, computer hardware/software literate mate!

    Possible cause:

    I reckon the problem is that the case is at neutral potential but it is not earthed. Nowhere in the apartment is there an earth point!

    Possible solution, but don't try this at home:

    Establish which is the neutral and run a wire from the neutral to a home-made earth. If on the off-chance the apartment/s has one of these new fangled earth leakage trip devices, would the imbalance cause the breaker to trip?




    it's very dangerous , and it's misinterpretation of some industrial normes, not electrical laws.

    Basically Neutral and ground are similar yes, in some transfo the neutral is create from the ground.

    BUT, the potential is not the same, and I have nt see already much of differential disjonteur 30 mA in Thailand. So doing that, you will have a neutral with a potential, and a ground with another potential, so electric choc.

    Now what you are saying, is a trick used in industrial maintenance in case of not possibility to stop a machine (like a press for aluminium).

    In industrial, we consider any machine have 2 electrical powers : 1 for the work 380 V with huge A, one for the command that iscomparable to the home 220 v 15 A. If there is an electrical problem with the command, and if the electrical problem 'in fine' make the disjoncteur reset, then the trick is to disconnect the ground (obviously there is a potential difference btw the ground and the neutral), the using create a new ground from the neutral with a fuse (to make them seperate). the trick is 'acceptable' if you are least N2P3 (international qualification for the electrician meaning you are abilitate to work while electricty is working, and meaning also you have knowledge of electricity basis). It simply allow a production site to continue to run WHILE you are investigated the problem. You can not leave the site before to have found, fixed and reinstall a normal ground that allow protection for the personnal.

    So please do not do that, it's trully dangerous and useless at home. Better to contact the local handyman, or better a competent professional than to play with something you are obviously numb wiht


  24. Anyone can 'give me a yell' simply by asking ME a question...whether it be PM or not.

    Which you said many posts ago. We're all well aware now of your very valuable expertise waiting in the wings. You've already tossed out two astonishing examples:

    1) Read 'top left to bottom right' of each open window

    2) If in doubt, right click.

    So now, isn't it about time for you to sit back and wait for the queries to roll in?

    Why not spend the extra 2 joules of energy reqiured to learn about the 'rocket science' (NOT!) of File Management?

    Having to skip over your tiresome huffing and puffing has already exhausted any extra 2 joules that you think might be needed to listen to your opinion. Hence why not spend 2 of your own by just posting your precious little nut in public here, as sting02 has already called for in vain, and so get it out of the way, hopefully once and for all? And thereafter no one need "yell" and you won't be overwhelmed with huge numbers of desperate queries by those who are currently paying dearly for not consulting you.

    And we may then just paste in the URL of this thread whenever anyone has one of "most problems" and note that you have already given the solution.

    Yes, one does have to do some work if computers are to operate according to one's needs.

    Yes ma'am. But, oddly, the question here is, what work is it? Now, rather than schoolmarm, could you please, please just finally give out some useful information here in this particular technical discussion? Otherwise, I think most of us would appreciate it if you'd buzz off and make money meeting your constant demand for fixing cock-ups caused by IT experts, Accountants, Computer Scientists, Financial Officers, Management Consultants, Welfare Workers, Politicians, and whomever else may on the blacklist. Rest assured that we'll give a yell as needed!

    Sound like I was not the only to misunderstood and to raise intterrogation.. I dream one day I will be able to have this mastering in english language.

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