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Posts posted by sting01

  1. I will not speak for the italians, but I can say coast line is protected from StRaphael (west border) up to Menton (east border) all along the french riviera.

    One proof, when Frejus decided to create a new sea port (middle of the 90') all the sand from the beaches used for the port have to be moved 10 km west (frejus, even if not in French riviera have beaches with sand, at the opposite of cannes).

    Make a riviera somewhere is a dream that many country have (had), but fact is, Riviera exaist for several reasons : weather is the most important, and because of it many rich people relocated there (still doing it) at the start of the XX century (one of the King of Thailand did it, dead in CAnnes or Nice).

    French riviera is not only about sea, palm tree, and beaches. That is also about airport, it's also about winter season (you can find ski station within one hour of road from Nice or Cannes). It's also about transportation, quality of life, technology .... and also about cost ( I left there, because what I earn in one month in thailand would not cover one week in St Raphael). It's also about culture, real culture and old culture, things that are complicated to find in thailand. That is amazing to go to pray in a cathedral that is 1 500 years old, it's also quite amazing to live Groecinus Street, or Agricola place (comtemporary people of Julius Caesar).

    When any city of Thailand will have 2 500 years old (marseille age), or even 2200(Nice), then maybe it will be hope, untill that, we still can enjoy te hot weather, the hot girls and the cold beer. But just that

  2. Well as usual, 2 voices have raised :

    in one hand, those who are more thai than thai people themself, and claim whatever happend Thailand is the Land of smile, populated by angels, and we are blessed (choosed ones) to stay here. IF shit happend, then we have to be the guilties. Well, the last taxy man I hired from Lotus ratchadato take me home first tried to go opposite way (mean direction Asoke , not direction Inthamara, I was lucky enought he had to cross ratchadaphisek, have to stop, so I was able to explain him my directio), then when arrive in my condo, the bill was 41 bht, I handed him 100, he gave me back 50 ... something missing is not it? Suposing he did not have exchange (possible) I given him 1 (one) baht and asked for the 10 bht missing ... Should I precise he went out of his taxy with long knife? should I precise the 2 guards stopped the story here, but still I got anexperience that I never got in my own country. Got that problem 3 times in 5 years, alwaysthe same kind of problem, related to exchange that the native refuse to give. 3 times in 5 years if have finished in near violence (the 2 other tiems I finally decided it was time to test my skills in running). 3 times in 5 years ... well I do not feel unsecure in Bkk, at the opposite, I find for a third world city in a third world country it's pretty safe (compared with abdjan, or Bangui).

    On the other hand , there is those who always are ready to show how bad is Thaialnd. Corruption, political problems, social probles, acoholism, prostitution ... All is good to show how bad. Well, in 5 years I have met in Bangkok more nice people, more decent women, more people trying to follow moral or religion that I have eveer met in my country (same amount of population).

    Just, well why not be buddhist a bit, the middle way have to be adopted. Thailand have a culture, that is not only papaya pokpok, turning in circle while moving hands like windmill, and wear yellow shirts; Thaialnd have also a culture related to face (called honor in some islands that sre french or italian). Like in those islands, if you touch someone lese honor(face), you have to pay the price. Exemple : you go to an house to see the daugher, there you meet her brother. Dark skin, dark hair, and dark (very dark) eyes. looking at you, while using a long knife to clean some nails, he ask you " Do you like my sister?" You are surprise, and voiceless. Then he look at you in the eyes, with a cold sight that make you frighting, and ask again : Do you like my sister? At thsi time you understand well that you life is in balance. You crosed the border while trying to woo the young cute exotic lady. So , you simply answer : no, I don't, I am an english teacher!!!!!!. Hearing that, the guy turn banana starting to scream : he does not like my sister, she is not good enought for him... I will kill him, he have insult my sister and my whole familly because he does not like my siser. Culture.

  3. What Do Farangs Expect From A Thai Girl?

    Well, easy to answer, I simply expect her to do what she do the best : buy shoes for her buffalo, eat , sleep, and if not busy by calling her 15 americans bfs who come here some few days per years but send to her money (gf allowance) on a monthly basis the at that time I will expect sex from her.

    Do you really expected to have another answer?

    I precise, I ahve a gf who live with me, she really have 15 morons in USA who send her everymonth about 150 $ each. So yes she sleep alot, why she would find a job , the money come so easily for her (not for me, I work to earn some baths, but that is another topic). So yes I simply expect her to not bother me when I work (she can sleep), and when I get horny I expect her to open the legs, in exchange she have the right to exhibit me as a domestical puppet when we meet her friends (who are singles so jealous) or familly. Also it give a good reason for her to have money (familly think I am rich and it's me who give her money lol).

  4. From this website:




    1. may refuse admission to visitors:

    - of hippy appearance with long, untidy and dirty

    looking hair,

    - dressed in an offensive manner, e.g. only singlet or

    waistcoat, shorts, silk pants, slippers or rubber/wooden

    sandals, unless part of a national costume;

    Are you describing how Thai men use to dress? If yes you forget the towel around the lowest of their body (from butt to knees, I simply forgot what word is it in english).

  5. I think Blondie the point is Business mean Big Business.

    It's obvious no multinational, no bif businesses will be affected. An ingenior from Microsoft, Sun, Merlin Gerin .... or any other economical major actor will not be affected. So there is no problem.

    This interview have to be understood as coherent will the actual immigration policy : Q U A L I T Y , or if you prefer translate in human language : money, feshfesh, pognon, or others pesetas ...

    Anyway, and that is obvious when you read the comments made by some posters in TV, if you do not have an assets of some millions of bahts + earning about 5 or 6 k us$, you are not really welcomed here even amongst the expat community (recently a poster who owned a condo and have earning about 2k us$ was called a poor by other posters ... coming from Cannes, french riviera, where the cost of life is a bit more expensive than in Bkk, and where you can find real Hi So, as for exemple royal familly or Arabia, this person would have been welcomed with that earning ... well other country, other mentality, and other values too ... one president had the following moto : a man is what he is and not what it seems to be).

  6. Well may I nitpick abit?

    The problem is not about the individual in a grey situation. Mostly we all agree thailand would be a better places without sexpats, pedophile, pervert, gangsters and othe drugs addics /druggs smugglers.

    The real outcry was / is coming from those of us who invested in thailand with such as condo, small business, who are married or in long term relationships (for gay couples or ladyboys lovers), and who assumed they can do so because they will be able to stay where they invested (for the most parts they invested all their savings).

    It's nickpick, but do you think it will be confortable for a aged man of 66 y old, married with a thai lady and 2 kids, owning a condo with 2 000$ of earning permonth to have to go every 3 month to get a temporary right to stay with his familly inside his condo? That is an exemple, if 2 000$ is enought then mentally correct it by 1 200, and the demonstration will be good.

    What I say, the outcry is ot coming from the grey part of the expat, those will alwaysfind a way ... When youhave nothing you can easily move somewhere else. The real outcry iscoming from those who are married , but who can not have 400 000 in the bank (let say they can only raise 320 000), or those who have a business here, but who can not afford to hire 4 lazy persons just for the sake to get a wp (lazy or not, you still have to pay them every month).

    Nitpick, but in my case (and I am the only one in that case), I was never ever in my whole life in a grey area by regards to the law; just I outcry (I suppose I am not the only one) because I have to move far of where I invested my money (not really a problem in my case). So that is the problem, I never had the feeling I have to GIVE AWAY my money to thailand, I supposed investing there would be enought. I do assume those who bought condo, created businesses or simply married here had the same ideas/thought when they did so.

  7. Is it possible the behavior of those agents (that are illegal) have upset that much the bodering countries that they have decide to apply the law in full???? We all know how beloved are thai people in Laos, Cambodia or Burma (to not speak about Malaysia). So my opinion would be the loas immigration officer decided it wasa good time to stop that business, as it seems Thai authorities are also trying to do so internally?

    I speak about that, because as a good customer in Polpet (5 years of visa run there) I have make friend with a cambodian police officer (he is proud to show me he is able to speak a decent french, so we use to speak while he process the paperwork/stamps). He always complained about the fake travel agencies who simply make money with gullible touristand wished many times it was possible to take a shoot at them. So maybe itwas the same feeling in Laos, and following the recent changes in Thailand, they simply acted.

  8. What a good fun whilereading that thread :o

    Btw the OP who obviously share with me a nice broken english (I was supposed to be the one who use that kind of english, may I complain?), the other posters who as usual show how smart and compassionate they are (and still assuming anyone is(must) be a native (read a native english speaker). Yes lot of fun.

    What the OP tried to stress out (or point out) was simply we are meat/cashcow. To answer one, yes in my country you can get a 10 years visa with income about $2000 (assuming the old exchange rate 1$ = 5 Fr ). And live in the french riviera without any problem or hassle (several exemple of early reited US men licing in Cogolin, St Tropez, St Raphael, Port Frejus). Sorry to say that also, but french riviera is certainly a hotter spot for hight end tourist than phuket , samui or patpong beach. But still, legal income of 2000 $ month and the ownership of your place (well, a foreigner can buy land and house in france too) will provide you a 10 years visa that you can renew at the closest main police station (or to the city hall that will forward it to the authorities for free).

    Those claiming their own country does not allow foreigner to stay with $2000 must come from a weird country that does not allow easily immigration.

    That is in defence of the OP, because many people speak as a book, claiming they say gospels, but in fact they show only how clueless they are.

    On the other hand, whatthe OP forget is : we are FOREIGNERS, migrants, expat. I hate the word guess, so I will not use it. By so we are tied to the local laws , not ours. We are not born here, but willingly chooseto come here. If the locals (and it's true for any countries so I do not use the word thai) decide a kind of foreigners/migrants is not wished, the migrants concerned have to leave. A famous exemple is the Helvetian Confederation in the mid 90' who took that kind of laws. So, if thais people decide we are not welcome anymore, we have to leave, saying thanks to the coutry who used to offer a big entertainment against a so small amount of money(ironical tone here).

    To link with my own country, a foreigner is not allowed to interfere or discuss the laws. He simply have the right to follow those laws or to go back. So if it's good enought for France, I do assume it must be good enought for thailand.

    Sad if your assets are not movable (condo) or not easily movable (bank accounts), but on the other hand you have to be happy by thinking both condo and money will be wisely used by those who will get it, and in all case you should be thankfull for the people who will make the burden of your material life easier to carry (less material possessions) and by so teaching you the way of the spiritual enlightment (cette galere, maudite galere!!!!). Do not worry, most of those who are laugting at you right now will join you in a near future

  9. This is excellent news for Singapore, Malaysia and Sunbelt.

    Singapore and Malaysia because software companies like mine can easily fire all thai staff, shut down the Thai operations and re-open in Singapore.

    Sunbelt because they have been setting up companies with different voting rights for years and now get to change the registration of the companies that will remain in TH. :o

    Same here, appart I am certainly less lucky (or more) in 4 years I was not able to get any programmers accepting to work with western industry standarts.

    But it was my point just after the visa changes, and still be, and I am simply glad to se someone else having the same opinion.

    More simply, or in layman language, I put my own money in my business, so it's fair if I can check what happend and take the decisions regarding how the money is used. Even in hyper protectinist countries such as France, that kind of laws is used only for the big bucks, and it mostly concern wedding btw partners of same size. Here , we are forced to married an economically weak partner without any understanding of what the marriage is about (take a thai associate who give nothing but his/her signature , and do not have the guts to make it working on the long run is simply a suicide).

    I choose Laos, not silly'pore, because even if I like order and clean , I do not want to be another number in the system (S'pore is a very dirigist society), and Laos still have remants of french culture. But that is personal taste

  10. Well may I suggest the following :

    cancel your platinium UBC contract, and subscribe to the daily mirror.

    I trully enjoy every thursday evening to read it, better than any sitcome or soap opera. Look :

    a soap opera is time limitate, you can read the mirror even in the toiletts, your tube or while your bf is making love to you (Assuming you are gay, if not then while you entertain a good thai lady)

    you can watch a soap opera by episode, on the other hand you can start to read any of the Mirror BS in any order. anyway it will make no difference.

    Never a soap opera will give you news on the mental insanity of the Mirror journalists (gosh I hate to use that word while speaking about people working for that newspaper), but everyday the Mirror will not only tell you what is in your perferred soap opera but also tell you how crazed are the actors actress (goshh twice , I also hate to call people acting in those shitty movies actors or actresses).

    LAst and not the least, if you read a newspaper, you can read it anywhere, home, in Sukkhumvit soi 4, in your preffered pool bar (that what I do) ... To watch TV you mostly have to be at home (or watch the program someone else chosed).

  11. What is not said and could have been said :

    Rathchada Pisek was given as a flooded, it was not, at least the Huay Kwang part.

    The rain were very localised : I was near Sathorn yesterday night, in some place it was heavily raining, and let say 1 km east of those place (or 1 km west) it was dry ...

    The flood I witnessed were also localise and were more related on how the water was evacuated (more accuratly how it was NOT evacuated) rather than on how many centimeter was coming from the sky. Places that were cleaned recently were not flooded, that is for sure.

    So one more time hard to generalise on it

  12. For incomming they shouldnt be open unless you are hosting a web site.

    Port 80 is for HTTP access unsecure

    Port 443 is for HTTPS access to a web, secure

    outbound is all you need for bworsing not inbound.

    NEw RFC? CAn you quote it?

    Sorry to ask, but as member of IETF (www.ietf.org), I supposed I would have communication of something like that (maybe need my approval also!). So please enlight me, enlight the other readers, and eventually enlight the organisation who maintain the net (it can be great if our documentation is up to date, it is not?).

    Anyway, and according to what bazmlb said) until a very recent time, 80 is for listening communication from an HTTP server, 8080 doing the same for a secure server (namely the HTTPS protocol) , 443 is a non reserved port that can be used by any application (80 and 8080 are reserved port, it mean they can not be used for any other purpose)

    In oyur case, it was simply skype.

    Something malicious? No, there is no more risk that those you have while having a HTTP page open in your favorite browser for hours. Gettin something is not dangerous, what is dangerous is EXECUTING something (by analogy, having a gun is not dangerous, but put the trigger is deadly dangerous).

  13. Well always assume email is being read by your firm - least this is my perspective as an IT person. As for being unethical I'd say yes, perhaps sending email via another account?

    Unethical? I disagree, that is one of the duty of a sys admin to do so. There is security concern for anything who enter in a private network. What can be unethical is too take advantage of what you read. This is why no sys admin will not do it manually (any way how he could do) but use progs to do it (somewhat like the banned words for a forum). There tons of good prog who do that, even change words or strings if they were considered as dangerous (using the words muderer, Bush, and Bin LAden in mail can be considered as dangerous by some firms and by so stripped by a random string .... that is an exemple given for understanding)

    If you can proove they entered in your sub account, and modified/altered communication send or/and received by you, you can sue them. You can also report to APNIC, if the offense is bad enought their records in the DNS can be permanently deleted (mean it will, and further demand will be refused). But you have to be sure it was made with the will to harm you or your business, and not a side effect of a new security policy that was wrongly implemented (sys admin get drunk in sukkhumvit the night before, and by so implemented the policy while having an hangover).

  14. If the basis of the relationship is cash and the cash stops flowing then don't be shocked that the relationship stops too.

    If you pay to play, don't expect to play if you don't pay.

    So true...

    Many guys go there and flash the cash, money they have saved for months to get there....they get involved with the girls and make promises they cant keep. Then when they cant keep up the rich farang pretence the girls go looking for better pastures. Who can blame them?? They werent the dishonest ones to start with.

    The girls will tell you that they look for money or good heart....good heart doesnt mean no money...it means that they are looking for someone who will at least try as much as they can to look after them financially. However...it doesnt mean they will put up with deadbeats...

    If you wanna play expect to pay...How much is upto you and her....just dont bullshit her

    That's right.

    If you start a relationship based on money you do not have but said you had, do not expect it to last when she finds out.

    But well, make it simpler, just tell the Thai girls you meet you have no money and will never have any, will save you the trouble of any relationship with them.

    I can feel the angry comments coming already... :D

    I'm not rich and even made an effort to appear poorer than I was when dating my now wife, in order to test her a little. She didn't disappear then, and she's still around. :o

    Well, 5 years in Thailand, 2 gf, and ... mmmm ... noone of them was there for my money (at one point I simply do not have any money and the gf had to provide the living for 2 month).

    Honesty is the key I think. In my case I decided to try a new professional approach (let say I went free lance, so I had to get clients and it took 2 month to get my first money by that way). Before to do that we had a conversation, and the nshe had to make a difficult choice ... She was young, half my age, and I believe the easiest (maybe the best too) would have been to choose to be sefish and say goodbye. She choosed to stay on my side, and she did so untill my business was running well. At that time she asked for her freedom, based on relationship problems not related to money.

    So, all depend how you treat the girl, and what you are looking for. In that case money was a small player, what took us appart was simply to have me caught in act with a third person :D. On the other hand, if I did not told her what will be my financial future, she would have simply walk away og me and not help.... not because she was a money digger (even if young she is producer in media of media and earn nearly an expat salary), but simply because I wouldnot havetrust in her enought to share my problems or to share my future with her. In thai culture it mean she would have been simply a mia noi, a gf, a sex toy.

    Be honest , speak to your lady, even bar girl. Opening your heart mean you have true feelings, and every thai will respect that, even bar girls.

  15. Sound logical to me

    We were told the government were kicking the aliens who work and do not pay taxes.

    Anyone here who think those bars pay taxes?

    I think , my 2 cents, it can be better if they get ride of those encrochers, and on the same time be more flexible for the legal bars. I wish, but it's a wish, they do the same for any encrochers who are on the streets (DVD, VCD , .... sex .....) you know what I mean I do suppose.

    Well, in fact the question is trully simple : does thailand have to stay what it was during the Vietnam war, mean a gigantic R&R show/place; or does thailand and thai people deserve to enter in the XXI century with honor (read without the usual labels of prostitution/acoholism/drugs/cheating/ non respect of laws ....)?

    I have an answer, but it's personal. I do hope you have also an answer to that question. The problem is not where you can drink an heinie, but will you drink it for a fair price, in a good place, near of your place or near of your walk, without hassle, and without weird pricing. Choose your side, if I may say so!

  16. To the moderator who moved this topic in Linux subforum:

    OsCommerce is a PHP program, it mean it's a SERVER side and by so is not dealing with OS intalled on the server as long as PHP is installed, register global set ON and a Mysql DB is avalaible.

    I use a good old Win XP 2003 as test server here, while the online server are in florida running under FreeBSD. The files that I send or retrieve are the same (it's logical for any people wit small clues to IT, Do you have any?).

    Due the huge amount of semi professionals usign Oscommerce, I think it would be trully better for the community to have this thread moved back to the main IT forum.

    To the OP, an interresting link :


    check the community there, and also check the add on modules. Whatver you want to add as new features you will find it there. As it's free, you will avoid to waste money by paying a coder (mostly the installations time are under one hour and are simply cut and past some snipets).

  17. Sorry , but as non english speaking person I am unsure about the meaning of SKINT. IS it similar to TRAMP or BEGGAR? Am I right?

    If yes, and as a border runner since 5 years, I felt offended.

    So , allow me to ask you some questions:

    1) do you live in thailand? And if yes what are the reasons of you stay here? I do live in Thailand, because the cost of the life allow me to compete with Indians and Chinese in my field (IT).

    2) Do you provide a net income of foriegn currency to this country but the simple fact of your presence (mean noone but you can provide this net income)? I do, because the clients I had in France are those I have here, and they will still be my clients when I will go somewhere else. The fact to be in Thailand have only changed their status from extra income to main income.

    so when are you leaving thailand seems so you are too cheap to pay taxes?

    3) If you live in Thailand, do you have a legal bank account in a thai bank? Important question because legally a tourist is not allowed to have a bank account, in my case I have a bank account in SCB since 2002.

    4) In case you already have a bank account, do you have also a Thai credit card? Important question, because it's not that easy to get one ... I know because I had to wait one month after I applied in 2003 to get mine, and so yes I have thai CC.

    you must be so proud :o

    5) As you are not a member of the skint association of the visa runner, I do suppose you are a legal long stayer and by so pay regulary taxes to the thai governement. Do you? Because in my case I do.

    How can you pay taxes if you do not have a work permit and non B visa?

    So , even if I am a visa runner since 2002, I do not feel to be a skint or a scumbag. I am simply in a category that does not exist in the thai law, and by so I am not able to apply for any visa other than the tourist one (60 days + 30 in prolongation) or the VOA. Due the fact I can not be far of my work for more than some few hours, the only option for me is the VOA (go to border, checkout, enter in a neiborought country,check out, check in in thai border and come back to bangkok just in time time to say good morning to my floridian client.

    So please be mesured in your words, or you will make a fool of yourself.

    P.S. In my case, applying for a non B would be a scam, as I am not looking for employment (I am self employed), raising artificially my incomes to be able to pay to my self a pseudo salary would be also a scam. Maybe I am a fool me too, but I prefered to stand by the law. The VOA was a way to stay here that existed before I came here, and I always documented (even if there is no requiment to do so) when I was at the border the reasons why I wished to came back in bangkok : not to visit Nana temples, but simply make some money to enter in the country.

    so you make less than 50000baht per month? That i the amount a falang has to earn to recieve a work permit. Maybe less for the french not sure.

    QUOTE So please be mesured in your words, or you will make a fool of yourself.

    Maybe you should take your own advice. By your own admition you have been working illegally for 5 years and not paid any taxes.

    You have given the most feeble excuse for tax evasion. Do you really think you will get sympathy. Pay taxes and then you have no problems.

    Get a non b visa and work permit and pay your taxes. If you cannot afford to do that then go home. This is exactly the sort of people that are now stuck there. While they have my sympathy what the hel_l did people like you expect.

    See my reply above incase you need clarification. I personally always took my 20000baht with me when I did the visa run every 90 days but the amount of people who looked like they did not have 10 baht was amazing.

    Sorry about the rant but this is exactly why people are in a bad situation now because they do not follow the rules and when the Thais (fully aware this situation is because of the Burma side) decide to enforce the rule you wonder why......we are guests in there country and if they say jump the correct responce is how high? not why?

    I do pay taxes, Lamluka Taxe office, and that since november 2002.

    I am proud to have a thai CC, the forum is full of people crying because they were turning down in their local bank branch , even to apply for a saving account. Not my case. Just go yourself to your local bank, and ask for a thai CC or simply ask them to tell you the rules to have a thai CC (I do agree it's a useless piece of plastic used only to pay Big C or Lotus, but the rules to have it are clear and simple : no tourist can have it, and there is also a minimum amount -150 000 bht in my time can have changed- ... as I am not bragging I precise my bank is SCB Tong Lohr). I am proud not because I have a CC, but because I was entitled to apply for and I get it. In my brain (I can be wrong) it always make a difference with those pretending and those being. It also always eased relation with thai people : have a thai CC mean you do have a reason to be here that is not the bargirls ,nor the beer, nor the night life.

    Why do I pay taxes and do not have a WP? As yo usaid I earn less than 60 000 bht per month, and by so my WP was denied. On the other hand, as legally I am not bound to pay taxes (I do outsourcing work for US companies, I am not selling any goods and by so not bound to any taxes here), the simple fact to state I considered fair and honest for me to pay taxes and doing so since end of 2002 have certainly ease my situation (amongst the documents I show to the border are my registration in the taxe office with the receipt of the payments).

    I always follow the rules, and when I do not know the rules, I ask the people who should know. I am not stuck here, I am leaving because I am well aware the rules have changed and what was true yesterday will be untrue tomorrow.

    What make me sick is the way some people here take to judge others. I do not decide who is a legal or non legal stayers, but the thai administration do. If the thai administration assume someone like me, a low life person, is usefull for a time to the country, you do not have to judge. The day they decide I am not usefull I have to agree and leave by myself (that what I am doing within 90 days). But at the end, in 2015 we will see who will be in thailand, me with my low life profile (if my supposition to be able to come back is true), or you with your supposed higher profile (if my supposition the rules on the condo owners andretired person will changes too is true). Anyway a high profile person like you will certainly move to Monaco or French Riviera, if yes feel free to contact me, I do own a 2 rooms appartment Garibaldi street in Monaco, and 2 houses in Frejus (var). Downfall the houses are located at 4 kn of the sea but the bus are often and of good quality. So simply do not assume that much about the 30 days VOA runners.

  18. I have problems with

    1. finding the path to the file for changing "user permission" and how to do this. The database of the shop is in PHP language.

    2. How can I get rid of the error message which appears on top of my homepage:

    Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /var/www/html/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.

    Can anyone help me ?

    Thanks for any information. :o

    1) All the settings configurations are are located in : includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php. More specifically the DB settings are at the bottom of the file. Btw us the DB is a basic Mysql and the shopping cart is php driven with an important part in OOP. No DB (at least relational DB) are in php in my knowledge.

    2) you will simply log in your ftp (IE, ftp client, cpanel), and let be read only. Execute is USELESS for any .php file, because there are basically text files, not executable (what I say is wrong in some special case, namely CURL installed not as a module, so you have to call it by exec('bin/curl',.......) and the whole folder CURL (including any componment have to be executable by the user who need to do so, user have to be understood as physical user, nothing to do with internet user).

    3) you did not asked for , but in case of red error message persisting on the top you have the solution to check the following file (includes/header.php), you go line 129 for a basic OSC MS2.2 and you will simply comment the display of the error messages. The related error message are : configure.php with the wrong rights, upload folder non existing and register global off, they are useless but just give a hint to the newby related to the security.

    If yo uhave other problem similar, feel free to contact me directly, I will sort them out on my spare time and for free (I do not charge TV member lol).

  19. shouldn't the border be closed the other way....? Burma is in the longest running civil war in history, after all.

    Why ? Who but those skint visa runner day trippers mentioned previously in this thread would want to go there ?

    Sorry , but as non english speaking person I am unsure about the meaning of SKINT. IS it similar to TRAMP or BEGGAR? Am I right?

    If yes, and as a border runner since 5 years, I felt offended.

    So , allow me to ask you some questions:

    1) do you live in thailand? And if yes what are the reasons of you stay here? I do live in Thailand, because the cost of the life allow me to compete with Indians and Chinese in my field (IT).

    2) Do you provide a net income of foriegn currency to this country but the simple fact of your presence (mean noone but you can provide this net income)? I do, because the clients I had in France are those I have here, and they will still be my clients when I will go somewhere else. The fact to be in Thailand have only changed their status from extra income to main income.

    3) If you live in Thailand, do you have a legal bank account in a thai bank? Important question because legally a tourist is not allowed to have a bank account, in my case I have a bank account in SCB since 2002.

    4) In case you already have a bank account, do you have also a Thai credit card? Important question, because it's not that easy to get one ... I know because I had to wait one month after I applied in 2003 to get mine, and so yes I have thai CC.

    5) As you are not a member of the skint association of the visa runner, I do suppose you are a legal long stayer and by so pay regulary taxes to the thai governement. Do you? Because in my case I do.

    So , even if I am a visa runner since 2002, I do not feel to be a skint or a scumbag. I am simply in a category that does not exist in the thai law, and by so I am not able to apply for any visa other than the tourist one (60 days + 30 in prolongation) or the VOA. Due the fact I can not be far of my work for more than some few hours, the only option for me is the VOA (go to border, checkout, enter in a neiborought country,check out, check in in thai border and come back to bangkok just in time time to say good morning to my floridian client.

    So please be mesured in your words, or you will make a fool of yourself.

    P.S. In my case, applying for a non B would be a scam, as I am not looking for employment (I am self employed), raising artificially my incomes to be able to pay to my self a pseudo salary would be also a scam. Maybe I am a fool me too, but I prefered to stand by the law. The VOA was a way to stay here that existed before I came here, and I always documented (even if there is no requiment to do so) when I was at the border the reasons why I wished to came back in bangkok : not to visit Nana temples, but simply make some money to enter in the country.

  20. There is one little bit of good out of this new development.

    It will screw some of the hateful zealots that posted in the border run crack down thread. All those who showed no understanding and called those who could not get visa lowlifes because they didn’t have 3 million baht to invest are getting a well deserved kick in the teeth.

    How does it feel? :D

    If anyone wants to repost the comments of those posters who had investment visa and who were telling others to get out of Thailand that would make my day.


    Well, I think people who could not raise a decent amount of let 10 millions of baths are simply low lifes visa runners.

    Abusive comments removed.

    If you were not really serious, why say it at all?


    Enought for the silly and moronic abuse, I hope noone feel hurt because I was not really serious ... but I hope people will think next time and not systematically describe others as '****' while they do not know the reasons of the visa runs.

  21. There will be a General Election . . . in Oct 2007

    I find the prospect of an election in a years time rather daunting, as it will only help to prolong the current crises. Nearly a year and a half without a democratically elected government. Moreover this idea to tear up the constitution and put another in its place also bodes ill. For the simple reason that consitutions never really manage to establish their weight if they keep being replaced. What would perhaps be better is to have the existing one, amened, to for example limit the terms of the prime minister, and allow any Thai citizen to be elected to parliament, regardless of their educational status, this would help to reduce the Benz worshippers, as it would allow the people to choose from their own number. Thus the present consitution should be suspended and then amended.

    As to what the woman was saying earlier, it was simply that she was glad to see the back of Toxic, but she would have preferred that it had not been done in the manner in which it was done!

    With or without any restriction , a country is not rules by the grass roots. From WWII up to now, France had ONE(1) Prime who went from the working class (Bereguovoy), all the others were (and that is true from any political party , communist include) at lest middle class , often from hight ranking administration. Why? To repeat what a General Secretary of the French Communist Party said : Take any minister and ask him to work in a fabric without a proper formation, soon it will be the mess in the fabric. Same apply for a fabric worker positioned as minister. That's life.

    The manner it was done? What's wrong with the manner?

    Fact : Portugal was a close friend and a good ally of USA in the 60 and 70. Then the army took power on behalf of the people and kicked the lawfully dictator (lawfully because laws were made to allow him to be a legal dictator, those laws were made by a parliement ... Some stated at those time it was near to democracy). So what did the portugese army? Simply what they said they will do, they gived back the power to the people as soon as it was possible. Why not here? Why not simply admit the people who did this coup are genuily honest and simply took a painfull decision for the good of the thai public?

    We can not judge now, only hystory will be able to give a judment ... later.

    From my country one more time, there is another exemple : the actual Vth Republic. It was usual amongst the scholars from 1960 up to 1981 to consider it as a 'legal coup' or a 'permanent coup'. It was only the election of the left wing President who made/proove this constitution was in fact only a constitution, with flaws (as any other) but usable whatever political party/familly who is in charge.

    The screaming for democraty often are simply smoke clouds to hide the reality : Chinese communist argue they are democratic, because even if there is only one party, their is inside 12 different tendencies with a broad range of various ideas/opinions. So the democratic discussion is made INSIDE and not OUTSIDE ... no comment, but yes they call it democraty and maybe that is for them. In USA a man can get 60% of the vote nation wide and be NOT elected as President, because the intermediaries electors (I apologise, I simply forget the legal name of those people, maybe Hight Electors?). Their is hystorical reasons (and positive reasons to that), but does it really tie with the definition one man = one vote (and what about the women in that case lol).

    Or can we simply agree democratie is when people are under a benvolent regime who listen (or is bound to listen) to the basic citisens?

  22. True has /"#&("/ up their DNS service... can't get anywhere unless you know the ipaddress...

    Have they done it unintentionally or not?

    From 6 am today up to now, True were up and without any problem.

    What I say apply for the global internet, and I am sure of it because I worked all the day long.

    And no problem to the DNS too.

    What sites did yo uchecked up?

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