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Posts posted by sting01

  1. p2p is not illegal in all country!

    depend what you shared and what you download

    personally i download sometimes movie old 30 years comics,and some match of football old 1 months,some movie old 30-35 years of my country is impossible find here

    off course,must be equilibrate and not run 24 hours all day

    To be honest, I am really unsure the P2P is illegal, what is infact illegal is to own something for what you did not pay the copyright. that is subtility, but it made that in USA, the majors do not sue much people, but harass them and theaten to do so.

  2. For instance, airsoft rifles (not air-rifles) fire small super-light-weight plastic bullets that cannot kill anyone, no matter how much you try. Air-rifles fire 4.5mm or 5.5mm metal BBs can can hurt people (for instance, cause someone to go blind), but if they are under the legal limit they cannot kill an adult.

    They can not kill an adult but make him blind? GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?

    What about kids? If I fully understand your statement, I have to conclude :

    1) they can kill a kid or a baby.

    2) both kid and/or baby do not count, count less than a responsible and mature adult who is playing John Wayne with a gun, and eventually goes so crazed he start to shoot the landowner of the farm where he is hunting ( mmmmmmmm .... seems I have read something like that in bangkok post, related to someone whith an important governemental post in some remote country. ... I do not remenber well, Rhumsomething?)

    Hunting is a normal way of life in Cody (WY) I concede, eventually in Lozere also, but be serious , what about London, Dallas, Paris? Bangkok? Lop Buri? LA Chapelle sur Furieuse? Citizen carrying guns, well remenber me Beyrouth in 83 (bad memories), Djamena (84, another bad memory), or worst Central Africa in 82.

  3. Thai do not give the same value to their own life as we do (boudism related I suppose), but I certainly feel safer in thailand, even in Aranyaprathet than in the Paris suburbs, or MArseille suburbs, or even than in Glendale (LA suburb close to Hollywood if you did not that place).

    That's a bit of a general statement. The only thing that Buddhism maybe does is helping Thais deal in a more composed way with the event of death, but their feelings towards their own, or the death of somebody closed are exactly the same as any human's.

    You may personally feel safer here than the places you mentioned, but that says not very much about the level of safety in Thailand. I would really wonder how safe you would feel, lets say, in some areas i am very familiar with in Samut Prakan province, which sees nightly shoot outs and machete fights between rival gangs in Sois that even the police hesitate to go on their own. I guess though that you have never been in those areas especially at night, because there is simply nothing of interest whatsoever (other than the gang warfare itself), only endless slums and low cost suburban housing projects in between industrial estates and wastelands.

    If you have ever get to live in some far off village, you may find out as well that there are many villages in which often even minor conflicts are solved by the gun, and the police keeps often their fingers completely out of those conflicts in order not to disturb long established clan relations.

    Yes, guns are abundant here, and unfortunately gun related crime as well.

    If you don't believe me, just watch the Thai news, and listen to radio stations such as INN.

    A farang "carrying" a gun is one of the possibly most stupid things to be done here. In a conflict it only ups the odds. Chances are that instead of a trashing he will simply get shot from the back.

    There are rather simple ways to avoid violent conflicts.

    Such as making friends in the localities you live and move around. When people know that you have the same social network that Thais have, they will hesitate to get into a conflict with you, and if you have a conflict, than you can fall back on people who are well versed in sorting a conflict out in any way that is appropriate.

    Inform yourself about the areas you live, intentend to go out. Don't go out alone, or without local friends in areas known to be dangerous, and don't take the "Land of Smile" for granted. Because it isn't.

    Outside the well established tourist zones, don't get drunk in places you don't know, you don't have any friends.

    And, in case you security is threatened in your home, either move, or get your wife's relatives move in with you for a while. That is a far better deterrent than having a stupid gun.

    The boudhism stance is a general statement I agree, but it also reflect in many way daily. Anyway I am supposing you never went in the places I named in France. Guns are the worst thing that actualy exist, because ...well ... how to say? Some posters were daily user or potentialy daily user (I think about the retired cop who posted). , it means those posters get a special training about it guns, special training not related only on how to use it, but also how to handle it (maintenance, how to replenish it safely for your self or other in the neighborought).

    The places I namd in france are not worst than Newark, or Holywood boulvevard, but mostly the problem arrive with guns (and other weapons) only because are confuse with whatthey saw on the TV, and the reality of a shoot. For me the reality is in ' Once upon a time in the west' When a guy is hit in the stomac, he say there nothing worst than to be killed by a wanabe because it take long time to passaway and it's painful.

    After years as military, I have learn those who love weaponry are mostly those who are not good soldiers, at least not considered good enought to be in a 'choc regiment' or a C.R.A.P unit. They simply lack a bit of reflexion.Or maybe a bit of brain (like a virual lobotomy lol).

    I like to feel safe, yes there is dangerous places in thailand, like everywhere, there is also dangerous attitude. Sad to say, butsometimes it's good to be blind and hear nothing. Just my 2 cents and feelings. But it's not because the moron at the corner of the street have a colt that I have to have a shotgun, it will give nothing good. Maybe better to dis arm him? Can be made by many way, talking in one, widely used by the Police everywhere.

  4. Looks like the cd has a small sratch on it.

    Going to have to take a trip back to pantip then.

    So how should I partition my 250 gig hard drive? Should I split a 5 gig partition for windows and leave the rest alone? I might be doing some video editiing down the line, will this be better off on its own platter seperate from my applications and 40 gigs of music?

    There was a discussion about partitioning earlier here:


    Partitioning is a religious issue with some, perhaps as a holdover from the ol' Win98 days when it made more sense, but I say there's no rational reason to partition nowadays w/ WinXP unless, since you have only one drive, you want to make a restore partition to hold an image of your main installation (system and programs). OEMs often do this so that customers can easily restore their entire software configuration to factory condition after they inevitably trash it. There's no safety advantage in partitioning since if your OS partition fails, the other partitions will surely fail as well (your partition table is screwed or your drive has failed) and you've lost everything anyway. Overall, partitioning is just inefficient and completely needless bother.

    Note that http://www.techbuilder.org/recipes/59201471 agrees with me in point #18.

    Well, 250 Gig is great, how many cluster do you have? By result, what is the size of one cluster?

    Unsure of it, but it seems I read a M$ documentation stating it's best for space management to use partition that are less than 10 Gig (it does not mean you must have 25 partitions, but it mean a partion bigger than 10 Gig will be inefficient, the ineffeciency is proportinal to the size).

    What is the giggest size a file can have (including video) , long time ago (Win XP Pro 2003) I think it was 2 Gig. Does that limit is bypassed by now? I really ask, because if those 2 limits (clusters size and max file size) are by passed by the OS you will use so my point is irrelevant. But if one of them is still true with the OS you will use, then better for performance purpose (and safety also) to do partioning. Safety mean : in case of virus, it will mostly attack only the OS partition (commonly C:), so the easier is only to format C: and reinstall your OS (you Win I should say). Brute force, but efficient, because you will on hte sme time gain a new directory without the usual 1 000+ entries that are useless (old prog already delete, demo used one time only, error in the registry....).

    But when partitioning, you have to remenber to put on the same partition Win XP and Microsoft office ( if you have), because if oyu use Word, you will call a lot of dll, so better to not move much the head. A prog like Staroffice that rely less on the dll will do better if installed on a second directory. Photoshop also claim a second directory (for internal backup purpose).

  5. My Fiance', her Father, and I went to the Thai Navy range in Samutprakarn a couple months ago when we got her a lovely 9mm. She carries all the time and everyone feels much better now that she dose. I only wish I could carry too :D what a lame rule that we can't carry guns. We (foregners) get victimized too. In the States I'm licenced and carry a Glock model 22 .40cal. In Iraq I pack a classic, Colt 1911 .45. I would like the Glock for Thailand, I would think with all the humidity the .45 would require much more cleaning and attention.

    Mr Time Share is a liar. No problem there. For 14 years I have done business with the Thai military in specialist fields. They, as any user of guns who may have to use them, despise the things.

    As a U.K. qualified marksman (no scopes you Yanks and 200 yards with full bore), the boy is living a fantasy. Guns are horrible. Disgusting evil things.

    Mr Money Shot - I look forward to seeing you in Sattahip at the Thai SEAL training centre along with the Forward Recon RTN Marine Units.

    <deleted> - if someone is going to rob, shoot, or rape you, they are not going to it do John Wayne style.

    Bang -bang- "There's injuns over them rocks".

    Idiot - get a life and continue to make money out of the immoral situation that exists where you say that you currently work in Iraq. Picking up shoes on a basketball court?.

    That's what you said.

    Why do the serving staff get access to guns?.

    I know some good guys working in Iraq trying to get the infrastructure up and running whilst idiots like you seem to have some wank fantasy about guns. Idiot. Stupid.

    Give me the name of the Naval Officer who signed your chit to gain access to a Thai military shooting range :- Can you?.

    PM me if you have the balls and your name and pp no. or bints ID.

    I look forward to a blustering reply..................

    What is it that you have to be so insecure to lie?.

    Pip-Pip. :o

    I would like to congratulate that poster to express so well the feelings I had when reading Cpt Monkey to shoot. I wonder if the guy will ever answer lol.

    On the other hand, I do not understandwhy you ask him those infos, it's simply obvious he can not work as security guard, or maybe guard as the guy who is guard in my condo, mean good to help to carry a Khunyin luggage. There is psychological test, and mostly people who have fantasies about guns are not selectable (they simply live in antaisy, a security guard in Iraq is living in a harsh real life).

    I'm sorry, am I mad or is it you? (Or perhaps your spelling threw me.) Last time I checked, Thailand had the third highest murder rate (per capita) by guns in the world. Er ... the US was fourth. If you want to buy a nice 'un pop over to Sanam Luang any evening.

    I am french, so my spelling is simply ignominious I agree, anyway in 5 years in Thailand, dealing daily with thaipeople , I have met only one time a guy with a gun. I do not know about statistic, anyway there is a province in my country that is the top one place for incest, does it mean all french do it commonly (it's an exemple to try to explain my point, hope you can get it). Thai do not give the same value to their own life as we do (boudism related I suppose), but I certainly feel safer in thailand, even in Aranyaprathet than in the Paris suburbs, or MArseille suburbs, or even than in Glendale (LA suburb close to Hollywood if you did not that place).

  6. Yea I would be in too, only pay if you make that profit, can't lose really, but why would you want to share such a winning formula?

    I'd keep it to myself and instead of making 200 pounds a week, I'd be making 2000 Pounds a week, when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. :o

    To really expect a good benefit (mean seveal thousand pounds, dollars or euros for exemple), the good thinking, the good formula is not enought , alas.

    The right formula will let you win a percentage, I do suppose it's why only 200 pounds.

    The interrest, the end interrest of his proposition could be 'in fine' to group the move of each and every, and get as side effect result to minimise the fees (there is always fees), and also improve the movement of the given quotation.

    Anyway, the figure that are given make me think about something :

    Let say I have 250 000 baht, that I invet in the Stock exchange, if I handle it part time, the benefits will be reinvested directly, so will be by result the next benefit. Did I got it right? So , we return to something that can be describe with 'how much in pound I earn', but in 12 month mycapital is going from xxx to yyy, with an inflation reported as zzz, and an average improvement of the salary of kkk.

    Let say, if I follow you, and invest 2 500 pound to day, even if I get 200 pound of benefit after a week, if the price of the bread or oil, have going up of 15 %, then I will have lost money infact.

    I am interresting, but I would love to hear things that are coherent with what I learned in univeristy for exemple ( you said things that are coherent with themself, but not eally with what I learned). I like the 'out of the box' thinking, just show me it's true on the long term.

  7. 3 days ago I was moody and claimed I found the most moronic post eer made in TV.

    Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I was wrong indeed. Cpt Monkey Shot commited here a bunch of indeed fully moronic post.

    O forgot, the MoNkEy style of typing is usually considered in the internet comunity as the patent sign of genetical mental disorder, or in some exceptional cases is just used by some teenagers whow have more much acne on the face than my keyboard have keys, and who simply can not handle the real life (IRL).

    God thanks trully there is no that much of guns in use in thailand.

  8. Sadly, the OP represents a portion of the farang community that is too-well represented.

    As Axel and Fart said, it is our duty to understand the political dynamics of the country we call our adopted home w/out actually interfering in their process.

    To spend one's life in the farang ghettos of Thailand and never make an atempt to learn the culture, language etc. is the sad lot of too many here... :o

    Boon Mee, do not presume too much about me or what I am, only based on my english skills. I am french, more when I was young enought to be at school and university, I must confess at that time, english was tought to the people who were not clevert enought to learn german. So sorry, but I learned english because my work, and because I have to understand technicall documents, not because I learned it at school or university.

    Second, I do not live in a ghetto, not I am purely clueless about thai culture.

    About the country you call your adopted home, did you have the nationality? Are you thai citizen? If not, you are only a guest. Invite me to your home, you will quickly understand what is an unwanted guest. If I start to say your wiskey is not the right brand, your carpet not the quality, your wifey not cute enought, and your arm chair sucks, if I start to say 'anyway dear sir, I know better than you in everything', you will not like me much, nor invite me again, and certainly show me the exist door asap. Am I right?

    So I simply say we have to be mesurate in our public activity or we will (both as individual and as community) have to pay the price.

    And one again, do not presume too much about other. I live here since years, I have my own business, I am not living in Khao San, I think I am an respectable memberof the expat comunity, I think also I have a normal social life.I do not use druggs, nor drink alcohol (for medical reasons, not moral), but I love to play pool in pool bar (to say I am not an angel me too).

  9. My first point of confusion here sting is that you obviously DO know what is going on around you therefore professing ignorance is a little bizzare.

    Do you have a problem with your fellow westerners in Thailand? This seems to be more the case than anything else.

    One key point is that even if there were westerners at the demos I doubt the Thais would have paid them much attention or seen them as subversive elements. More likely they would be seen as curious people turning up for a look at what was happening. Certainly there is always the danger of being made a scapegoat however the Thai government had enough on their plates to worry about the odd westerner wandering around the demos.

    FYI I am a beer lover however the price of beer does not affect my politics.

    As for Old Asia Hand's response, there is nothing more tiresome on an open forum than someone with such a lame handle bringing nothing to the table but sneering at those who are trying to answer an OP.

    My advice to you is that maybe you should stick to dispensing your Christopher G Moore learned bar stool wisdom and not criticise those who actually try to help people see things from differing viewpoints.

    Christopher G Moore, sound like the books you got for free when wiating a train in USA (ArmTrack is so messy you have to wait always). So sorry also to used an old rethoric trick, I know the ancients greeks used it alot, and I did so by respect for what is usually called culture (please do not take your colt and shoot ...).

    My adive was, and still be, to follow the laws , because if we do not do so we will have problems. I do know well there is some people from a remote anglo saxons country who sincerely think all therest of the world are only political morons and they have the duty (God speaking) to educate them.

    I simply said, Thai people are bold enought to know what is good or bad for them, and we do not have nor the right (legal right I mean) nor the duty (moral duty? lol) to interfere in public. On the same order of idea I am sorry one people who was kind enought to read me was mistaken (by my absolutely broken english) and supposed I judged Taksin, I did not do that.

    The point, was, is and will be, we do not have to interfere with the thai politic if we are not thai. By intefering , as I have alsready exlain, I mean people going with the mobs. We all know daily on the thai newspaper, farangs are always show on the worst side. If a mob start to go in rampage, be sure it would be not the thai who did it, but simply the 'farangs' or any other aliens who illegaly participate to a peacefull protest. If you disagre with that, please take a look on the news paper during the thewar against drug.

    I tried to warn those amongst us who planned to go to the next manisfestation, because if they get caught by the police for any reasons, they will have problems, huge problems.

    There is also another aspect, go to my country (france), marry a french girl, have kids, open a business, but do not take the french nationality, then be sure you will still not have the right to have political activity ( I am assuming you are US citizen, or not EU citizen), and if yo utry to do so, you will simply be kicked from France. One famous exemple is Amin Gemayel, even as personnal friend of the President ofthe Republic, he had to leave because he did so. And between us, who we are to suppose we know best than thai people what is good for them?

    Anyway, that is a forum, is it's tiresome to read my post, you have the right to skip , as I so have the right to give an opinion different of yours (or does democracy mean simply follow the one who have the biggest speakers?). If yes in USA it would be considered as a non respect ofthe first amemdment and harsh penalities will follow.

    Also, I really would like to know what Taksin did to hurt the farang community that much? Raise taxes? Well, without taxes Governement is powerless. Made the visa harsher to get? No, but it's sure things went harsher for the cheaters (people who used to pay someone for doing the visa run in their places, or buying visa in Kha San). Does Taksin have limitate the capacity of the foreigners to invest in Thailand? Oviously no, for proof I would like say the law was made better at least in onesector : telecommunication, right now as foreigner you can own up to 49% of the capital of thai comunication company (As true for exemple or as A****).

    Does Taksin performed well for eachand every thai citizens, kept the country unite, and improved the wealth of each and every thai citizen? I do not know as I am not thai, and as I am not thai I can not take position on that point, and if oyu have a little bit of common sense, you will not.

  10. Hi,

    I have recently been to Thailand/Bangkok.

    I have checked out the business oppurtunities there.

    Well, i will not buy or rent a bar or something like that...

    Been to Thailand 5 times the last year.

    Is there a chance to get employed in Bangkok?

    I am 40 years old, i speak 5 languages, been working with sales and with import and export the last 8 years. I have a small import company in Sweden. But i want to try to move to Thailand pretty soon.

    Anyone who can give some good advice?

    Best regards


    There is a company named PARADOX in Stockolm (sweden) who is the leading one in the market of hystorical games.

    They do not have any offical contact in South east Asia. The only way to get there products is Pantip the copy cd shop.

    The market is huge, and the loss are huge also. They just tried to implement a system of sell online, but they messed up, and are yet gointto loose more money.

    So why not contact them directly, try to contact SUZANNA oe JOHANN (the lead programmer), and ask them if they are interresting to have someone here who an handle the distribution for the whole South east asia. I really mean the business is huge, so maybe you can success by selling that proposition.


  11. Very special case here, I do not do business with thai (2 500 bht in 2005 of income from thai people) nor local foreigners (1 000 bht in 2005 I think, or maybe 1 500 bht).

    In IT field, Thailand is well know to have skilled Java programmers, and good Flash designers, so appart working for peanuts, or work for a company (not eveident because there is skilled thai students who also look for job), you can hardly enter in the thai market. For Local foreigners, the problem is different, let say it's more related to liquidity avalaible when compared to the work asked ( mean if the person who order a work is a company they will look for a company to do it, and if it's an individual, you can get the work, but hardly be paid).

    So my solution was to contact directly some firm well know to outsource IT work, and work for them on work made/work paid basis. I can offer an 'indian coder'price with the expertise of a western IT specialist. They like and I am glad to got my money (around 1.300 us$ a month).

    But my case is special, it have take time to start, understand things, and how life is here. Let say also, without some help it would have been hard to success (here is a huge thanks to IndoSiam).

  12. It looks like WinXP can natively run on the Apple intel platform.

    The bootcamp Apple provides seems only to be an aide in preparing a separate partition for windows and to prepare a cd with the hardware drivers which windows will need...

    If it is indeed this way, it would mean that Windows could run without much of a performance hit, and as such I think it indeed will pull over extra customers who would want the superiority of the Mac on the graphical part (e.g. desktop publishing, video authoring etc), combined with he huge software availability of Windows. No need of an extra machine anymore...

    Well, my comment was in case of a basic onfiguration. For a big configuration, why not on the Mac install a Linux kernel, then take advantage of some progs that allow to use 2 or more OS on he same time.

    6 years ago I was able with an old II fx after I installed Linux to use bot Win 98 and Macos 7.x (do not remenber the release). It was slow, but II fx was anyway a slow computer. I do suppose the same can be made by now, with better perfomance.

    Also, the grphical part is not only related to the hardware (there is good video system for PC for exemple), but also by the software (mostly the OS), so a basic Win XP runing in 32 colors (EXEMPLE) will have the same graphical performance for both machine (PC and Mac). The advantage to use a MAc, was the amount of graphical software that was taken advantage of the very special building of a MAc intosh (I think for exemple to Graphic converter that was given all advantage of a Photoshope, can use photoshop filters, and who given more capacity when modifying a picture).

    What I think, it's just a way to have only one computer, during the day you work with, and evening you do gaming with (Mac os during the day, Window during the evening).

  13. I use True Hight speed (2 Meg) professionally (mean I have my income by that, as I do outsourcing work) since 14 month.

    I did got some problems from time to time, but globally I am happy with.

    I do not use p2p, that is whatever kinda illegal in many countries, and one of my house rules is to NOT cross the border. The customer service is the weak point, easy to reach when there is no problem, but in case of a global problem, then yes you have to wait hours before to have someone who mostly will explain they are working on.

    Now, there is several well know problems existing but they are not True related :

    1) the DSL are sharing badwith, so the speed given when we sign our contract is the MAX speed , not the average speed.

    2) the way the dl/ul is handle, made it relatively slow is youdo not use a download manager (as for exemple DAP), that is related to the policy about port.

    3) if you use Bittorrent, it will be mostly slow, for the reason explained upper.

    4) the international bandwith is a small one, so somewhere we have to agree True technicians are skilled enought to deliver at least an acceptable bandwith to our computer.

    5) a DSL depend of the telephone line, if the line is not good (too many shunts for exemple) the speed will be slow (it's why France choose to not use cable technology but wait some years to install DSL, because it have allow to reduce the cost of installing new telephone wires in the whole country). If oyu have problem, I do suppose they are morerelated to the phone line that to true itelf. One story about that, when installing, the tech used smal lenght of wire (10 cm ) relied together, to make a wire of 50 cm at the end, it was obviously not good (we tested just after the installation and they were here). As well I got the usual b****sht (too many people, it's will be better later ...), but I asked them to remote what they did and use a new wire , in a single part, to do the liaison. Evidently, when that made , the speed was correct (dl at 102 K/sec for the 1 Meg/sec I had at this time).

  14. I forgot something.

    Steve said as a joke 35 bht are enought. Do not do that, or your application will be refused.

    By experience, a starting declared capital less than 250 000 bht will make people laught and your application will be refused. half a million is the way to start, assuming you will realise first only the 25% needed by the law, and realise the rest within 2 years.

    The good point is you can include in the declred capital, non material goods, as for exemple a group of future clients. It can be helpfull in one case : you declare 1 . 500 . 000 of capital in cash, and 600 000 for a group of people who have say they will be your customer. So you have a capital superior at 2 Millions, but your realisation (money deposit at the bank for exemple) is only 1 M and half. In case of limitate starting money, it will allow to start a company and have pocket money for your personal life while waiting your comp start to make profit (invest 1M and half is not made by a packbacker, but there is not everyone who can invest 2 M + and on the same time pay the rent in a decent place, buy food, pay bills during some month with his money until the comp make money, because it's infact imply an investment not of 2 M, but more 2M and half).

  15. I hope both Sunbelt and Indosiam did not get me wrong. I did not supposed they provide bad services, I do know 'in visu' for IndoSiam how serious and dedicaced he is, and I am honestly sure Sunbelt provide 'more bangs for the bucks' when choose him as advisor. I shopuld maybe have started by that, because they are far better than many others.

    Nowaday it seems my point, even if not correctly expressed, was valid. There is out there, some people that are not looking for a work permit, for various reasons (already working as corporate, not in thailand), and who do not need invest the 2. 000 .000 bht. not need is a key word, because it imply the person can (not a the usual backpacker without a copper), but who (respecting the usual rules of business) are willing to take risk and accept personnal liability.

    For some case, the partnership is fully relevant, but I do agree it's only for some cases :

    1) most of the earning/income of the society are abroad based (export, but also work remote as doing outsourcing work).

    2) when also the 'immobilisation' in site are aroud 100 000 bht (in case of outsourcing work, cost is a table, a computer, a chair, maybe a printer...).

    3) in case of acting simply as man in the middle btw an abroad company and local suppliers, what do you need appart to pay the dinner' bills when you meet the local suppliers, and pay the customs when you send the goods abroad.

    I am in case 1, since several years, and I can say Ministry of Commerce was great, I went there only 2 times (first time to get the document, the second to deposit the document and get the official documents as my company was existing), but there is more hassle with the tax office (Lam Lu Ka). Maybe also I am a special case, I have some clues about business and relation with governement agencies, and my gf is also more than well educated, able to ask the right questions in case I forgot.

    So, the partnership limited is not the miracle solution that will watch your clothes better I do agree, but in some cases (and not so rare I suppose), it could be the right choice. It will imply maybe more concern from the farang who choose that solution, but it can also allow more flexibility when starting, or even in my case allow to start a legitimate business. It also, and I like it, due the personnal liability, make more difficult the usual thinking : I deposit some money, do a society that will exist only on paper, get the visa, and do the same 2 years after.

  16. Apple introduced great news, although you have to buy XP yourself, which can be installed with a special program, available from Apple.



    Interresting, so if I buy a Mac, I will use Window$ from M$, and a chip from Intel ...

    So I will not pay 3 or 5 or 10 times (I dunno the actula price) the price of my loozy PC to simply have another loozy PC (as Win XP will not natively support Mac, but it will be convertion, as by consequence Win XP will run slower than on a PC, and assuming it will mean also more CTP and compatibility problems).

    The topic is interresting, but I have to say I am fully disapointed by Cuppertino (they do not care I know).

  17. First, thanks for your info 'old man' .........much more constructive and informative than that rude 'english noodles' idiot!!

    'How can you adopt them if there Father is still around?

    Not trying to piss on your fire mate but what gives you the right?'

    FYI, english.....i should get the right by supporting, housing clothing, loving and educating them for the last 5 yrs when he abandoned my wife immediately after the first was born because secretly had another family. Like most thai men, they love to plant the seed, but let others grow the tree. just another 'deadbeat father' who would by law have to pay in western countries.

    Hey English, this forum is supposed to be an information source and helpful to the expat community....so please take your insults to another forum...

    I confess I have no clue on the question, but nowaday I have questions on the subject?

    You speak about what is in western country, but (if you do not mind) :

    1) Do you (we?) live in Thailand or in western countries, or does Thailand is considering as a western country?

    2) Does your wife, her child, the natural father are by any means citizens of a western country or thai citizens?

    3) Does the fact the father do not help for the growing of the kid is officialy reconised? Did it was a official judgement on it? Are you sure (with all respect to your wife) it was really the father who left, and not the mother who was looking for better future for her kids?

    Have you simply assumed during at least 5 mn you are living in Thailand, and not in a western country, and by result you have to comply with the thai laws and customs? So, if the father is still alive, if he never legally abandoned the kids, nor your wife asked for to have the legal status of single parent, how can you simply imagine you have the right to do so? Because you pay their food, clothes, school? Well, somewhere the kids are human being like you, not objects. You did not pay to own them, you simply do it because (I hope) you trully love them and their mother, Am I Right?

    Even if your fight is the most respectable, are you sure the kids want to have your name and not their natural father?

    Edited :

    Rather than complain my post , say it's useless, non sensical, I suggest you to sit, think about the 3 questions I asked (that can be a way to adopt some thai usages) and find the answers in your heart.The most important is to raise your familly, with or without your name (property is not an issue). Remenber, you are not only what it'swritting on the paper, but you are also what your soul and your heart are, your country is where your heart and soul belongs. What about your kids hearts and soul? Where they belongs? Find the true answer, and enjoy a lovely and peaceful familly life

  18. :

    Sounds like the Thai mentality that foreigners will buy up their land

    and "steal" it.

    I think it's the Farang mentality that thinks it's the Thai mentality that thinks farangs will steal land, when in fact, they are doing the right thing by keeping Thai land for Thai people, and it seems to work very very well, judging by the ammount of Thai women who now own houses and land who would otherwise have owned nothing.

    Keep Thailand Thai. :o

    Bit off Topic I know.

    The more moronic comment ever read in 4 years in that foeum.

    Think about what imply your comment, and what can be the result of your comment, think about your own country and how thai people live there/act there .... Just think, rather to drink

  19. What is the most difficult process of the company registration process and is there a minimum of working capital required for the startup.


    Getting the Tax and Vat required documents from the Landlord. We have solved that problem though.

    Register capital must be 2 million Baht if you are single. One million if you are married to a Thai.

    If its a Thai Limited Co. noone will look at your bank account.


    And if you choose to open a Partnership limited, there is no minimal capital, and the capital can be constituated by other things than money (a bunch of clients for exemple).

    After 4 years here, I still wonder why Sunbelt, and earlier IndoSiam, always forget to speak about the Partnership Limited.

    Also, for the Partnership limited, trully better to go directly to the Ministry, there people there (civil servants) who will willingly help you (and for free).

    Have a good day.

  20. Once, in late 2002 I got one, libelled like yours, but from a Ivorian widow. the husband was killed during the inseruction in in Cocody.

    As well she precised her name, and her beloved husband name.

    The most funny, but she/they could guess it, the names used were those of my sister in law and her husband, who was gived as dead during 5 days, my ex wife is from Ivory Coast. More, my sister in law was an immigration police woman, her husband a police inspector. Should I explain I was willing to went in Ivory coast (with my ex wife as she had a free ticket and I already planned to go there to see her familly), then the usual, phone calls, meetings cancelled, and then real meeting. I went with my sister in law, and her husband (both in civilian), the meeting was in Cocody (Novotel or Sofitel, or another big hotel) in the lobby. Come a women (obviously not ivorian type, but nigerian type) with 2 big guys. She introduce herself, one of the guy was so called brother, the other given us the name of a famous lawyer from the north of country (fake name). Then my sister in law start to say there is a problem, sister, and show her ID, the husband do the same, and invite them to follow us to the Police station (hard to decline the invitation due the fact it was some policement in uniform there).

    They are dangerous, I heard about thai women who went in middle east, and lost big bucks.

  21. I think (I stated that earlier) I am in the first category of people, I earn less than 40 000 bht a month. Well a teacher earned 25 000 (mostly less) 2 years ago, just to give him an idea.

    There is people out of there who made more than 200 000 bht a month, and not only farangs, but thai also (IT ingeniors working for SUN are well paid). Speak about them and I.

    Both work in the same field, but do we have thesame qualifications? Do we have the same skills or the same intelligence. Do we work hard the same?

    Pool? I play one or 2 times a week. I spend exactly 100 bht ... 60 bhtfor my teac and 2 games lost. IF I play like hel_l, I stay 10 mn, if I play like God, maybe someone will pay for my tea (happened one time 2 years ago).

    Life is choice. I do not know for green...., but I know for me what I did choose, and I have good guess about the IT ingeniors who earn 200 000 bht a month.

    If you want money, you better to not complain those who earn it , but to understand why they earn it. I prefer a small life, with my small happiness than a big life with big happiness and big problem.I also could not admit someone like gree.... who is bitter because he have less than someone else. People have also the right to have cars, to buy an house in Sydney, they have right to give money away to those REALLY in need (familly, friends) and for that they must earn.

    The thread started like comparaison btw life style, but the original poster (gree...) seems infact a bitter person, NOT able to understand the root of his bitterness, nor to handle the situation where he willingly went. And that is a little sad.

  22. I do agree people uppcountry like him because that, and bangkokian dislike him because or it's them who pay the bills by their taxes (I consider that normal but it's my 2 cents) and because he never have give money to the middle class living in bangkok, on the ground their earn enought by them self (and if not, as they do not vote for him he does not care much).

    If he was a real donator, he will not pay his taxes of Shin selling (he already did it), but give directly huge amout of money to the poors.If he simply given away the half of what he should have given as taxes, all those problems would have not appear.

    I am a middle-class in Bangkok and the reason we don't want him is not against the poor. I just want to make sure my son can grow up and can compete in a fair country. I just want my son to have a place to stand at the same level with his son. The way he uses poor peoples as the hostage just make us sick. We are feeling like a foreigner here in Thailand now.

    REally, that is great, I do hope it mean the 'people power' will finally give some basic and democratic right to the foreigners (as we do to thai people who want to immigrate in farang land), and the constitution will be amended to suppress some articles that are obviously 'anti farang'.

    I am more than glad middle class bangkokian feel like that, at least you feel what foreigners feel since a long time. :o

  23. I think there is simply a confusion about the mia noi.

    First in Asia, the place and the role of the male/husband is not the same as in western countries, nor than in traditional african culture (that to just point out people are not the same everywhere).

    Second, even if all we agree on the meaning of the mia noi (little wife), we tend to confuse the concept with the 'mistress' in the western culture.

    The mia noi (with another name I forgot) exist also in chines culture (At least in north eastern part and in taiwan).

    LEt say a woman is not operational for fun 24 hours a day, 7 days a week , 30 days a month .... Sound silly, but I do hope you agree it's a fact and it's the life. So rather than to see the 'big man' going somewhere, waste money, waste energy, and at the end get disease and small animals, it's simply better if another good lady, who reconise you as the 'Primary wife' (chinese naming), help the 'big man' to feel better.

    Asian society, deeply influenced by Confusianism and/or boudhism, are mostly efficient.

    So what about the Primary wife? Well, it will be someone who will be not a competitor, but who have to pay respect , and have in fact to be visitated only when you feel it have to be. You also gain face, because you lead the compromise, saved your couple, as you selected a good mia noi, husband is more happy, as you selected the mia noi, you control more the husband.

    So, if really your wifey feel you spend too much time outside, she can think about it if she feel it can save your marriage (that is not only fun during 15mn, but also a rent to pay, kids to grow, marriage is also how people look at you ....).

    On the other hand, if you propose your wife to invite your last conquest from Nana, there is huge chance she will hit your balls or smash your hand with chair. If you read and understand what I type, you will see the mia noi concept is not 3some party lol

  24. Anyways let's see where this soap opera leads to next. :o

    A much weaker THB hopefully :D

    Come on, grow up. He commands a much greater majority than any other leader I can think of, and whether you like it or not, the majority are for him.

    He is liked because he is the first one to provide real benefits for the poor in the rural areas. The main reason why he is hated by the Bangkok lot.

    I agree , BUT :

    the way to help is to give away money that is immediatly spend for nothing of valuable (cell phonefor exemple, but there is thousand of other exemple).

    the way to help is to provide loans, but people do not understand what is a loan, and why they get the money, so when they have to reimburse there is problem (As it was in my coutry with the armer in the 70').

    the way to help is install the same system as in Western Europe (30 bht scheme) but at the opposite of France, noone here give 50 % of his income to the state. So the scheme go broken quickly (take more time in france to be broken but ...).

    the way to help is also to give personaly money to people in need (I always assumed he was trully pity for the poor, and did not have bad thought when doing that). But he can not give every month 1 000 bht to the same people, nor those people can do something to improve they conditions with ONLY 1 000 bht.

    I do agree people uppcountry like him because that, and bangkokian dislike him because or it's them who pay the bills by their taxes (I consider that normal but it's my 2 cents) and because he never have give money to the middle class living in bangkok, on the ground their earn enought by them self (and if not, as they do not vote for him he does not care much).

    If he was a real donator, he will not pay his taxes of Shin selling (he already did it), but give directly huge amout of money to the poors.If he simply given away the half of what he should have given as taxes, all those problems would have not appear.

  25. In all the dozens of various income threads in Thaivisa over the months, there always seems to be two particular groups that surface...

    1) Those making under 40,000/ month, able to get by, may/may not be content with lifestyle


    2) Those making anywhere from 50-250,000 baht/month, despite being part of a financial elite of SE Asia, tend to claim that they are just getting by (i.e. could be making xxx amount back home, etc.)

    I, myself am in the lower section of group one...Anyhow, I've noticed a tendancy for someone who fits in group two to ask a question like:

    "How can you survive on XXX amount in Thailand?" And they will usually follow by asking us in group one to list out our spending...

    Whenever I read such questions/comments from group two, my first instinct is to lash out and call that group two poster 'ignorant'...I realize, sometimes my emotions can take over and thus objectivity is lost..

    Following is an average budget of my spending while living in Bangkok the past two years with roughly 25,000 baht income, so you can see what 'poverty' really looks like and decide if 'poverty' is actually misused here.


    5000 baht (total is 10k but it's shared between me and the wifey)

    Transportation (BTS, Bus, Taxis, boat, etc.)

    1500 baht

    Groceries (mostly chicken, toiletries, noodles, rice, spices, sauces, milk, juice)

    4000 baht

    Beer (Average about 2 bottles a day for 27 days of the month)

    2200 baht

    Phone and Internet

    3000 baht

    okay...so this is slightly overestimating...but works out about right to roughly 15,000 baht...And I might add, that I'm not so cheap and conservative when it comes to the beer and eating...In fact I've gained 20 kg in the last year...Mostly the beer, but lots of western fast food here and there contributes its share. Sounds more like glutany than poverty...but hey

    ...I usually am able to put away 4-5000 baht a month unless I end up purchasing some new toy...I've got more materials than I know what to do with between clothes, equipment, musical instruments, hobby supplies, books, vcds, dvds, etc. etc.

    ...knowing that I spend so much on junk, crap, and non essentials, I'm able to gain so much weight, live happily, party, etc. and still able to save just a little bit....So, I guess what baffles me the most is how do those who fit in group two spend their money? I mean it is quite baffling figuring they're making anywhere from 5-10 times as much as me...Sure they're probably living in accomadations that cost 5 times as much as mine...sure they probably save atleast five times as much as me

    ...but as far as transportation, food, and telecommunications goes, I'm quite curious how it adds up for others, particularly the upper tier of group two...

    Cheers :o

    About same earnings, about same spending, but as no wifey but gf, I dun share but help (on the other hand I do not go party, so the money for help is the money for party, but I have .... let say private party for that money lol).

    And also same reflexion about group 2.

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