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Posts posted by sting01

  1. Yes, in the countryside virtually all the festivals are in the temple grounds. One has to realize that the temples are the primary social focal point for most village or communities, religious and otherwise, so it is natural that "festivals" and shows, which usually have young girls doing rather suggestive dancing in Vegas style cabaret costumes, are held at the temples. In the US the churches serve such a purpose as well for many small communities without community centers.

    One more time, who cares what the US do , anyway a church (I supposed it was called Temple for protestant or reformed people) is a chuch, mean an holly place, not a market at all. I think 2000 years ago + someone still well know stated clearly holly place are reserved for God and not for commerce.

    So maybe, if I believe what this poster say, in some remote north american country it's usual to have half naked girls performing for the entertainment of some middle aged white men. On the other hand, I am still waiting to see that in the so called 'old europe', being myslef a midle aged white male, maybe it would give me the taste to be back home ... But in 2 000 years or so, I never heard of that in any catholic (or arianist as my place was first arianist) church accepting those kind of performance, and by so I am still refusing to see the words 'western culture' or 'western influence' mixed with that kind of performance. If it's purely an US influence, or influence from some special anabatiste US church, so please precise it, because I also doubt those performance is allowed in any honest protestant or reformed temple!

  2. I presume, Sir, that you are not a Thai national, and that you are a guest in the Kingdom?

    Maybe you are completely right in everything you say, or maybe not, or maybe halfway.

    However, since you are a guest, you might behave as a guest?

    HOw are the windmills? And the Tulips? ah, the tulips, I miss tulips, once I got a black one in my garden ... but that is OT.

    Well, I am not a guest, a guest do not pay, and sorry, but mostly expatriate have to pay (at least the rent, as we do in our countries).

    So, the word GUEST is inapropriate, as is the insinuation the coyote girls are coyote girls because falangs are perverts by nature (and as also the insinuation thai people are not able to handle their own problems by other way than to say falangs are guilty) ...

    Fact is laws are laws and apply to everyone. If thailand decide temples should be palce where moral is important, I will and most of the expats will do agree and never ever send coyote girls to temple. The question is : do the expats or the westerners are guiilty to have create topless dancers in Thai temple? I do not know about Holland, but there is no catholic churchs in the world that would accept / tolerate that; because doing so is simply against catholic culture (to keep the discussion in the religious mode) , or no church (whatever the religion is) will invite coyote girls for a ceremony because it would be opposite to the french idea of what is a religion.

    assuming my dear you are a parpaillot (a protestant if you prefer), I think you will have hard time to find any writting from Luther or Calvin saying half naked underaged female students dancing in an Holly palce is a good thing ... May I remenber some protestant pastors(priest?) still consider the fact to sing (even a psaume) as a sinful behavior, because we are sinfull creature by definition and have to repend not to enjoy(I have always enjoy to be catholic since I read that).

    Anyway the discussion here is not on the dancing of some half naked girls in a temple, I think mostly posters agree it's not really a good think when coupled with religion. The discussion is on : Do the farangs invented or pushed for that, or is it a local tradition or is it the creation of some greedy busnessmen?

  3. [More than 25 million Thai viewers are believed to have watched it on TV.

    Source: Agence France-Presse - 30 October 2006

    AFP do great job ... Can you please post the AFP communicate about the HUGE increase of jobless in SEA (and especially in Thailand amongst people btw 20/25 y old (was this saturday), or the one about the recent killings in the South ?

    Because this one is a bit useless, apart for the Kathoey mongers (that I am I confess but it's OT).

    On theother hand, I do remenber gender disorder is a disease, reconised by the world organisations and by so people having a gender disorder should not be subject of jokes!!!!

  4. The better solution is to buy MS Windows XP official. You can get it now for special price 5990 Baht.

    And you get huge discount when you upgrade to Vista....

    Of course you also need to buy MS Office Professional, which cost around 29.000 Baht (O I forget for poor teachers they have MS Office student and teacher version cost only 7400 Baht)


    good advice ... at 34.990 bht


  5. Love that sting01 is pulling likeitalots chain, and he's fallin' for it-LOL

    OHH-Temper-Temper, Likeitalot!

    I do not, I am deadly serious. A person who can proove he/she is earning legally 300 000bht and who is willing to pay taxes will have no problems to go in Sathorn Immigration Police, report the problems and ask for help. I do believe that is the kind of person that needed by every country (hight income, possibly implying foreign currencies coming in the country) and the Royal thai Immigration Police will do all the best to secure the installation and the staying of the person.

    As long as the person can proove that type of income, their legality and is willing to fullfill his/her taxes duty without breaking any laws or moral rules.

    So now, if there is some irony in my words, that is simply because I do not see how Likealots can go to Pnong Pnen or some other weird places to beg for a visa ... So somewhere I am having very hard time to understand how someone so good in selling sh****t can be so fool about his/her private life.

  6. If you I would like to do it in 2 times :

    1) encoding the files (your several episodes in one big chunk) with Virtual dub.

    2) then burn the file.

    Your problem is in layman language your CPU can not take care of the kitchen while being in the windmill.

    Having to process Video a future stars years ago while working for RS, and having a low specs coputer (compared to yours now), I had to rely on that methodology to release the blue tape (first ever made video recording for a given artist) for presentation to the producers (to have the the future artist produced or not).

    Virtual dub and TPMGENC are good tools, but better to use them just for decoding encoding, and use Nero just for burning.

  7. Who want to live in USA?

    And why always speak about a remote North american country? Who is inerrested in it? Why not copare with the situation in the Low March of Cambresi, or maybe more relevant with the situation of the illegal migrants in the North Gatinois?

    On the topic, amnesty would be great, but what after? Does the overstayer will still overstay? Does they will leave willingly? Waht about their familly and their students?

  8. In my experience, the @true2m Turbo On Demand login doesn't work until you call them to activate it. If it is not activated you can login, but can't do anything. All web accesses get redirected to a support page saying to call them up. But hey, if it works you are really lucky. Or maybe things other than http get through.

    I was getting 230KBps with a bit of variance (that's kilobytes per second, not kilobits per second) with Turbo On Demand. I watched the ZyXEL performance bar and it stayed solidly out there at 2mbps. If it wasn't, I would have disconnected in the first hour and never used it again, but as reported it works pretty well.

    Just tested and I confirm .... if you do not call, it will not work, eventually it will also mess a bit with the password.

    On the other hand it take mn to have working.

    So for that thanks to the coder ( it will help when moving full website to a production server)

  9. now dont be bitter......

    i am just trying to help others as is my nature!

    i am changing jobs so therefore unless you switch your work permit within 7 days you have to get a new non imm b to get a new work permit under the new company name, so a one year extension wouldnt work....

    and my payslips etc would never have been mentioned if everyone was so conceited about none earning money in that job when i know about 50 peopl who do...

    btw if you were trying to help rather than have a dig thanks

    Right, but is it numerous people earning 4 millions of bahts and who have visa problem in Pnong Phen? Unsure, really unsure.

    it's about 300 000/month, is that right? I think you should simply go to Sathorn and explain your case with the salary sleeps (if oyu quited it must mean you found better, so the next will be bigger). I am sure they solutions (no kidding assuming you did paid the taxes on it).

  10. Just a note of warning, just got back from Cambo where i wanted a non imm B ...they refused to accept it point blank, scribbling on a piece of paper that i should go to kl sing or home country as they are too busy(lazy) plus the docs required were ridiculous...but it was nothing to do with the docs, as i could have faxed in the additional, the reason given was got to somewhere else.

    ...no amount of patient discussion worked from the disgrace i spoke to. Entire trip a waste of money except for the Phnom Penh experience.

    I will be logging a complaint..any suggestions where that complaint might have some effect( i know probably nowhere)

    Glad to hear your doing so well for yourself .

    why are you still putting yourself through the visa run hel_l.

    Much easier to pop down to imigration and get a one year extention.

    Show them your big payslip and your tax receipt, all should be cool.


    good point mate

  11. @Living Los,

    you should confuse me with another poster, I never claimed I did have them already. I just stated it's possible to get them with a bit a technie work.

    As for the laws, I invite you to contact APNIC (the non profit top level organisation for this region) and ask them if I am dreaming or if I amtelling the truth.

    If the infos given to the registars are not accurate, then problems can arrise(come?).Yes you can ask to have it not disclosed publicly, but yet it will be in the DB.

    I given some ways to proceed, obviously there are others, obviously too that is not the place to also go in more details. If you have some clues on IT , you will have already understood what I say (even if you swear you do not or it's impossible), if not well maybe you will be surprise sooner or later.

    Anyway to make it clear I never ever claimed I already have, not I never ever claimed I was able to get your infos; on the other hand I stand in my position that is possible to retrieve a lot of infos as long as at least of accurate piece is found (I already spoked about about Thailand and IP address, but IP address is not the only piece of infos). Years ago a guy was famous for that, Michnick .... It's called social engineery. Mean push someone to give you not the key of the treasure, but a way to go to the key, in that case an address, an IP address, an header ... whatever that can give an idea about you, then ... the rest is only technic as chess players used to say.

  12. What is my dob (and dont think I put the real one in web forums) ?? place of birth etc.. You are simply making guesses and false statements. Even a PI and credit check (with info you dont have) would not come back with that info correct.

    Secondly even if you got those things as you claim you wouldnt get my birth certificate.. The name I go by now is not the name I was born with..

    Prove me wrong.. Ill pay..

    Again all assumptions.. Having been online since before there was a WWW interface I am fairly well aware that things can be dug out but you would have a very hard time getting to my birth details especially.

    Secondly I dont have my mail sever configured like that.. Email not to the exact email address (either alias or the base account) is bounced.. No catch all or similarities or 'close match' employed..

    17th July..... you can always erase your profile, but you can't erase what other posters say about you.

    P.S. I didn't find out what year, as I really couldn't be bothered.... some people put more effort in than me however.

    So from you claim to get


    Place of Birth

    Full Name

    Ethnic origin

    Home address

    Birth Cert

    You effectively have part of one of those items that I have made public..

    I will happily make a LARGE bet you cannot get that full list. People often say this kind of stuff but its a false claim.

    Assuming I can retrieve your IP address, and assuming you are the owner of some website, assuming too you fullfilled your legal obligation to provide your true real name and address to the registar, then all those infos can be retrieve.

    In the case you did NOT provide real name and real address to your registar, then you domain name can be simply deleted of the DNS records (the 7 top DNS and by so from every DNS), you can be blocked to register any new websites in the future, and the regional top level non profit organisation will also report you to the laws enforcement agencies of the country where you belongs.

    So yes technically (if your IP can be found) it's possible to do so, assuming you fullfilled at one moent or another to the legal obligations. Because with your name, your address, and your nationality, it will be possible to dig deeper into your personal infos such as DOB aand place of birth .... Birth certificate? Possible also.

    So a mod in Thai visa can do it, someone with access to thaivisa DB can do it also (so here assume any good hacker will be just fine).

    Is it worth the time spend on it? Absolutely no, because it take time and knowledges ... but it can be made.

    You said you could do it, on me.. Again I say you cant, thats my only point.

    What makes you think that any name and address provided to a domain registrar would have to be your name or your home address ?? What makes you think that the private domain option isnt used.

    So basically all of the above (except very general thoughts and opinions happily shared online) cannot be done.. None of those come home to roost in a home address, even if a domain name trace (something your unable to find from my public posts) could be found its a post office box and remailer on a country I havent lived in for 6 years and never has been a home address and I still fail to understand how you have any clue towards even starting hunting down a birth name and birth certificate or country of birth.

    People seem to think that the inernet exposes everything.. Not if your careful and take simple precautions. I too have done some credit checks, and track and trace (its much easier on US people with SS number) on people.

    I have posted 10's of 1000s of online posts under a few usernames.. This one especially has posted lots on Thailand forums and I dont doubt I have exposed a lot of general info about myself but none of that gets to the level you claim. Its only becuase theres nearly 10,000 posts under this username that theres any info you could find certainly not possible from a casual poster.

    Anyway I fail to think that any of this is how spammers have found my never shared private email.. makes me wonder more about if an alias bounces mail does it bounce from my alias email account or did it bounce mail from the private unshared user account... Thats a more likely possibility IMHO.

    It's a US law 2004 I think, who was adopted by the top level non profits organiasations that rules the web (such as Apnic, Arin, Internic ....).

    When you register a website, you have or to give your personals (if you register it as a person) or the company info (if the case of a company), same for any organisation (ask Georges for more details, he will explain about Mr B. Adams Soi Nakakakapak Nakhon Nowhere or something ).

    Failure to do so will simply mean the deleting of the website(s) from the DNS after 7 days from the moment if was prooved the name is fake or the assress is fake.

    So I simply assumed you are a good citizen, and follow the laws (even if US law, that one is enforceable everywhere). If you did not , please PM your website(s) address and I will be glad to forward it to the people who take of it :o

    In the case of a company, then a look to the regular chambers of commerce will give the name of the CEO, ........

    Lot of infos can be retrieve, sometimes from long time ago. Once I winessed one a the people who initially created the concept of emails (CERN) totally shocked that I was able to digg the address he used in internal in the CERN in the early 80'. Following that it was possible to follow his career back and forward from that moment. Just there is the need of a starting point, I used the IP adress used to post in TV as exemple, but there is others more accurate and not more complicate to get.

  13. Well, I do not think the coyotte girls would be welcomed in St Peter of Rome basilic too.

    That is a OBVIOUS.

    On the other hand, does those dancers have a brain, or a wallet at theplace of the brain. Personnaly I would never ever think about dancing during a religious ceremony (my own or any other religions). So I do not see how it can related to western culture, or at least not with Roman catholicy as it's pratiqued following the canonic laws. Maybe with tele evangelists, but it is religion?

  14. What is my dob (and dont think I put the real one in web forums) ?? place of birth etc.. You are simply making guesses and false statements. Even a PI and credit check (with info you dont have) would not come back with that info correct.

    Secondly even if you got those things as you claim you wouldnt get my birth certificate.. The name I go by now is not the name I was born with..

    Prove me wrong.. Ill pay..

    Again all assumptions.. Having been online since before there was a WWW interface I am fairly well aware that things can be dug out but you would have a very hard time getting to my birth details especially.

    Secondly I dont have my mail sever configured like that.. Email not to the exact email address (either alias or the base account) is bounced.. No catch all or similarities or 'close match' employed..

    17th July..... you can always erase your profile, but you can't erase what other posters say about you.

    P.S. I didn't find out what year, as I really couldn't be bothered.... some people put more effort in than me however.

    So from you claim to get


    Place of Birth

    Full Name

    Ethnic origin

    Home address

    Birth Cert

    You effectively have part of one of those items that I have made public..

    I will happily make a LARGE bet you cannot get that full list. People often say this kind of stuff but its a false claim.

    Assuming I can retrieve your IP address, and assuming you are the owner of some website, assuming too you fullfilled your legal obligation to provide your true real name and address to the registar, then all those infos can be retrieve.

    In the case you did NOT provide real name and real address to your registar, then you domain name can be simply deleted of the DNS records (the 7 top DNS and by so from every DNS), you can be blocked to register any new websites in the future, and the regional top level non profit organisation will also report you to the laws enforcement agencies of the country where you belongs.

    So yes technically (if your IP can be found) it's possible to do so, assuming you fullfilled at one moent or another to the legal obligations. Because with your name, your address, and your nationality, it will be possible to dig deeper into your personal infos such as DOB aand place of birth .... Birth certificate? Possible also.

    So a mod in Thai visa can do it, someone with access to thaivisa DB can do it also (so here assume any good hacker will be just fine).

    Is it worth the time spend on it? Absolutely no, because it take time and knowledges ... but it can be made.

  15. Maybe Thats the way it seems to go out here were a life of credit is king! And the money earned seems to belong to the family as a whole rather than the individual.

    I say to hel_l with that plan! :o

    Well, familly bound or familly ties.

    That is what make thailand so appealing and so digusting on the same time. You explained why disgusting.

    But you have to understand the reasons of that, let say how can you be so cold hearted and let in hel_l the members of your familly who are simply trying to enjoy their life with some simple pleasures : heavy gambling, the monthly new celllphone, the 4th mia noi (or the fith or the third ....). How dare are you to offer as uniq solution : go to work!!! Even if your friend gf was on the game in germany, you have to understand she earned money only because the parents gave her birth, raised her, feed her ...

    I do not shares those beliefs, far of it; but they are reality here. You , you are able to say no, but a local can not, because it will be always something/someone to pressure. Saddly!!!!!!!!!

  16. and this time I'll post my address on the web as an image, which can't be harvested by spambots.



    $start_parse = explode('@',$str_file);

    for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($start_parse); $i++) {

    $start_name =explode(' ',$start_parse[$i];

    $name = $start_name [1];

    $end_name = explode (' ', $start_parse[($i + 1)];

    $mail_name = $end_name[0];

    if ($mail_name!=''){

    $email_address_as_image = $name . '@' . $mail_name;



    Should be enought to also get any email adress in a page, as image or with mailto (Well I did not remove the eventual mailto, but it was just a demo lol).

  17. I have a very secure job here in Australia

    Great, 24 k bht are nothing if really you have a very secure job in kangaroo land :o

    Anyway, but that is personal, I do not get the point :

    the guy does not speak english, does not read english, does not write english. In more you state he have some brain inability (to make it simple let say he is or retarded or stupid, no offense intended).

    Are you 50 + y old, and the thai guy is 25 - y old? or something like that?

    I smell something in that story, unclear about how secure your job is coupled with the cash problem .... unclear also what a wealthy guy like you is doing with a condo guard (even thai people look down on condo guards). Are you fluent in thai? or just in body language?

    Don ot get me wrong, I am not looking to abuse you, I genuilly feel unconfortable with your story ... not at all confortable ... look more you are horny and need your toy more than you are looking to offer a nice vacation to your bf/lover/partner.

  18. any hotel in fact , as long the heshe is willing to let his/her ID at the reception.

    Yes, but I think he meant that the ladyboy wants to get a room in a hotel, not some furtive visit. So its straightforward, any hotel will take a Shemale's reservation, customarily backed with an imprint of a credit card. Then they check-in as normal. No need to leave ID at the reception. :o

    My lady boy friend (from LA) had no problem to get a room in any hotel. Even if american she look thai (he/she is vietnamese originally).

    that is bangkok, so if the person look like a sex worker, the ID will be asked, if she look normal customer (mean foreigner or wealthy), the emplyee will bow and no problem.

    So in that case, there is 2 hotel in pracha song kro, the huge Hotel in Sukkhunvit that is in front of Soi 5 ... that are decent places where a ladyboy is accepted as a normal customer (as long as he/she does not look obviously as a sex worker).

  19. believe that this crackdown is aimed at finding the falangs that are working illegaly and dont contribute cash from abroad to the thai economy but take Cash from the thai economy.

    Take cash from thai economy?

    you are thai, aren't you?LOL There is no cash to take from thai economy, and I am sure ifreally the governement was looking to improve the tax collection it would simply look after the thais who work under the table, or sell under the table.

    The crackdown is only to push out a group of foreigners that are not welcomed anymore (hight risk people, sex pats, low income foreigners).

    But believe me, there is no farangs, or let say less than one hundred, who are taken cash from thai economy. Those who do so are already rich (by US standart, not by thai standart) who heavily invested in thailand, get the thai nationality and run business here (the famous Heineken for exemple).

  20. php5 is a MAJOR improvement for the OOP (Object Oriented Programmation).

    Such as :

    better constructor (clear syntax).

    A destructor.

    For the 'old' school of programming, php5 have improved mostly all the existing function by adding one or several optional parameters. Right now, coding that used 30 lines can be made in 15 lines with a gain in ressources.

    Maybe a look at online documentation would be profitable if you use php (anyway you should always refer to the online doc as soon as you touch php, it will allow you to maximse your coding).

    On the other hand 1$/month is a good deal, 4.3 .x is stable, and what I said earlier will apply only if you use a lot of OOP coming from Java , or if really you need to be top of the art (let say the ressources optimisation can be visible for slashdot.com, but for a site that have less than 1000 visitors per hour, it give nothing).

  21. 5. Driving mechanically propelled carried or driving non-mechanically-propelled vehicle, excluding international aircraft piloting.

    boat crew on diving charters.

    6. Shop attendance.

    many falangs work/ own shops in tourist areas

    As I have a work permit that covers both of the above, am I breaking the Law?

    I have e-mailed my Lawyer about this M,,,I will let you know when he lets me know....but as its Saturday I dont think I will get a response till Monday

    I don't need a lawyer to answer the second one, you aren't a shop attendant, you are a shop manager.

    For all you out there that can't figure out what a shop attendant is, it is someone that works in a shop but has no ownership or vested interest in the shop other that to receive a pay check for sitting behind the counter................ I have never seen a farang doing this job before.

    Mostly french restaurants/bars in Bangkok have in more of the owners a third person (from a french Hotel restaurant school) working , behind the counter.

  22. 29. Professional civil engineering concerning design and calculation, systemization, analysis, planning, testing, construction supervision, or consulting services, excluding work requiring specialized techniques.

    What are some of these?...any examples?

    Bridges able to support 4m+ of snow during 4 month by temperature of minus 40 celsius during the night (usual in Franche Comte province in France and in Siberia (Russia)).

    Another exemple would be technology related to trans oceanic cable but used exclusively in Chinag Mai province.

  23. Shortage of teachers?

    Do people mean shortage of QUALIFIED teachers (with diploma) eligible for a WP. Or does it willbe shortage of WP?

    Not the same thing.

    It can be people who are eligible for the wp, but who are not native english (a german teacher of physics for exemple) and I bet those people will be contacted to teach english with a WP, but without the full salary (I got a deal similar in 2003 for some weeks).

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