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Posts posted by coldcrush

  1. They just will not give me a letter or tenancy agreement, UK Visa said Rent book and letter from Tenant of the household was ok. Bangkok have said no, you need tenancy agreement etc, they will not give it!!! :o

    I think legal advice is iminent...costly business this marry a thai game. Half the world think its easy, let me tell them its not!!!

    However I will beat Big Brother if its the last thing I do!!!


  2. It just puts a smile on my face everytime I go. Friends, Family and the feel of the Crazy Mango!

    Never stayed there longer than 8 months, but when I did I really enjoyed it. Its big city living, either you love it or hate it.... cannot explain, but then some things are not meant to be...


  3. (wolf5370 @ 2005-07-07 15:55:49)

    Sorry, but fanatics can't be appeased. Not when their 'cause' is the removal of ALL non-muslims. Not all muslims are fanatics of course, but those that are do not take olive branches. If you can't appease them, and you can't ignore them, then there is little choice but to seek and destroy them.

    I am against knee-jerk reactions, and I am against blaming a whole race and/or religion. However, I think its getting d4mn close to the time when exeptions are made to human rights laws (OK, some have been ignored, but political and international preasure follows when they are). That those suspected are arrested and held - there will be mistakes and innocents will be detained, but so will the guilty.

    Technology needs to be brought to the fore to remove the ability of these people to communicate their messages of hate. Governments should target web sites, TV and radio stations and quieten them. Take religion out of schools completely. D notice news clips and soundbites that come from them (and not the stupid Anti-Adam's thing they did before where his voice was banned, but his word weren't, so an actor dubbed him - doh!). Total blackout. Return any suspected undesireables with visas or passports - revoke their aquired citizenship and send them packing. Use the Riot-Act against hate laden sermons and arrest the preachers that preach hate. Lets get the crap out of our childrens head, lets help the true Muslims by protected them from those that would brainwash them, use them and kill them.

    Use special forces to assissinate the leaders and those known to fund and support them. I know assassination is illegal, I just don't care in this case. The cancer has to be lanced.

    Lock suspect bank accounts and company fronts. If countries like Panama, Switzerland, etc refuse, then embargo them - put large tax levies on locals that hold accounts in those countries to nudge them to boycot those countries too.

    Embrago ANY country giving refuge. Even if it is Saudi! Lets turn them against themselves. Lets make the honest Muslims hate the MF's too.

    Lets starve the b*stards of the media, money and fodder - they will die a natural death in their own countries then - and probably by their own countryman's hands!


    Do that mean everyone should not be talking on here? I am lost, get me a map---------> 1984. However the speech was good, if your ######ing Hitler!!!

    No genius - unless you're one of the terrorists/hate-preachers. I am talking about shutting them up from preaching the hate - not about people talking about the acts.

    They get their fodder - the poor muppets that strap Samtex to themselves and go siteseeing - by twisting truth and religous dogma. The preachers don't strap bombs to themselves, they talk others into it. If we take away the soap box from all that spread hate, then we protect the potential bomb carrying sap as well as his/her potential target. Get it yet - or do you need that map.

    Can't see the comparison to 1984, did you actually read it, or are you just quoting in a avin attempt to look intelligent.

    Hittler would have exterminated all the Muslims I would guess, can't see any rethoric in what I posted to say that, indeed - if you read it I catagorically say the opposite.

    Of course, there are other choices: We go out guns blazing and storm another country as a scapegoat, or we lie back and let it keep happening until we run out of people to get blown up (or they run out of fodder).

    Good luck with the reading.

    You are talking about infringing on peoples libertys and freedoms with your beliefs. I know various western governments do this however your quotations does not take no "genius" to say that you are trying to stop freedom of speech whether it be right or wrong. Also the Gun ho attitude of using special forces to assasinate the leaders and those known to fund and support them. This only glorifies the person you kill as a matyr.

    Aslo taking religion out of schools also forces terrorism to go underground and hatred within society (Hitler and the Jews ring a bell).

    However I do believe in some of your writings, but also see that the rules and justifications for media blackout is to make any population bias to the truth.

  4. Sorry, but fanatics can't be appeased. Not when their 'cause' is the removal of ALL non-muslims. Not all muslims are fanatics of course, but those that are do not take olive branches. If you can't appease them, and you can't ignore them, then there is little choice but to seek and destroy them.

    I am against knee-jerk reactions, and I am against blaming a whole race and/or religion. However, I think its getting d4mn close to the time when exeptions are made to human rights laws (OK, some have been ignored, but political and international preasure follows when they are). That those suspected are arrested and held - there will be mistakes and innocents will be detained, but so will the guilty.

    Technology needs to be brought to the fore to remove the ability of these people to communicate their messages of hate. Governments should target web sites, TV and radio stations and quieten them. Take religion out of schools completely. D notice news clips and soundbites that come from them (and not the stupid Anti-Adam's thing they did before where his voice was banned, but his word weren't, so an actor dubbed him - doh!). Total blackout. Return any suspected undesireables with visas or passports - revoke their aquired citizenship and send them packing. Use the Riot-Act against hate laden sermons and arrest the preachers that preach hate. Lets get the crap out of our childrens head, lets help the true Muslims by protected them from those that would brainwash them, use them and kill them.

    Use special forces to assissinate the leaders and those known to fund and support them. I know assassination is illegal, I just don't care in this case. The cancer has to be lanced.

    Lock suspect bank accounts and company fronts. If countries like Panama, Switzerland, etc refuse, then embargo them - put large tax levies on locals that hold accounts in those countries to nudge them to boycot those countries too.

    Embrago ANY country giving refuge. Even if it is Saudi! Lets turn them against themselves. Lets make the honest Muslims hate the MF's too.

    Lets starve the b*stards of the media, money and fodder - they will die a natural death in their own countries then - and probably by their own countryman's hands!

    Do that mean everyone should not be talking on here? I am lost, get me a map---------> 1984. However the speech was good, if your ######ing Hitler!!!

  5. Peace Blondie. Your post is too fluffy and way off the real issues. You are making a big mistake if you think this has anything to do with Iraq.

    Do you seriously think that if we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan these people would be happy and leave us alone?

    Their motive is NOT Iraq or Afghanistan no matter what they say. That is merely a conveinient excuse which they are hiding behind. These attacks would have happened no matter what.

    It is all down to religious fanatacism plain and simple. Trying to tie all of this up into Iraq is utter nonsense and really detracts from the real issues behind these attacks.

    agee with proffessor 100%

  6. The vast majority of moslems in Britain are peace loving and good people. They must be horrified by all of this.

    Unfortunately, the extreme right-wing element in the U.K. will use these events as ammunition, and brainwash simple young thugs and morons in the U.K.

    There will be attacks against moslem places of worship, and even attacks on moslems. The British Police force will turn a blind eye.

    The situation will worsen. Extreme Islam websited are promising Denmark and Italy will be next.

    If I were a moslem in London now, I would be fearful of the underclass, that can stir up trouble quickly.

    scary times indeed.

    Fear as English and other nationailitys do when travelling in Muslim countrys. Fear when Dictators gag the freedom of speech of their own people. Fear whatever you want, these people who are terrorists deserve backlash....

  7. I'm in my brothers flat in Clapham Junction.

    There's a strange atmosphere outside, everyone is on their mobile and I can't get any signal on mine.

    Can anybody tell me if Boo was online at the time of the Liverpool Street blast?

    I know she would have been in that area and I can't call her and see if she's ok.

    Hiya Gentlman scamp, I would leave it a while networks are down but the landlines are up and running. I know its hard but stay calm mate.

  8. Dee Jai, The coppers are saying that if you want to leave Central London you must go by foot.

    all London is blocked. Blockades in and out on all central London locations. !2pm GMT Tony Blair (PM) speech will follow the incidents.

    My heart goes out to all the families involved.

    Your right Proffessor.. I am livid, angry and messed up by this all my family are in London its scary time...

  9. Hiya all

    i would like to know for future reference contacts for offshore companies in SE Asia? i have some offshore experience and I looking to build a list of companies for future contact.

    please could you post me any details, Thailand, china, anywhere!!!

    Thanks all :o

  10. The Oracle is currently having a well deserved break, spending his daylight hours in the dingy backstreet bars of Pattaya, with a bevy of beauties perched upon his knee and a cold Sing permanently attached to his free hand.

    Anyway, you could back up your claim by submitting any dated evidence showing your were in Thailand on a given date.


    The back streets of Pattaya sound a great way to let the days go by! Here was me thinking the Oracle only sat and waited for me alone!!! lol :o

    Thanks for the help Scouse. Will think of some things to compile as evidence of my trips.

    TY :D

  11. Would it be better to contact my airline booking travel agent to get a signed letter or something to prove that I made previous trips?
    It wouldn't hurt, but I'm not sure that it's necessary. The ECO can see when your passport starts and presumably your phone records, e-mails etc. show that you were in contact before that.

    How many stamps in your new passport?

    Sorry for the delay in replying, but I do have a life away from the computer! As, I'm sure, do others. :D:o

    Cheers GU22 :D

    my passport has a few stamps in, I will try and get a letter from my travel agent anyways as you say it may help.

    As for the life away from the computer, I feel that with being away from LOS I tend to check my mail and notice boards alot!!! Nothing to do but analyse and compile data!!! lol

    Thanks for all your help GU22 your a star! :D

  12. Hiya All  :o

    I only have my recent stamps in my NEW passport as the other was sent back due to damage.  Do I need to prove evidence of all my Thailand visits and stays to see my fiance?  If that is the case I only have the more recent stamps in my passport.

    Would it be better to contact my airline booking travel agent to get a signed letter or something to prove that I made previous trips? 

    Please let me know the best methods to prove this.

    Thanks again  :D

    Does nobody know what documentation is enough for proof of visits? The Oracle of information has stopped!!! lol

    If anyone has any knowledge please help?

    Thanks :D

  13. Hiya All :o

    I only have my recent stamps in my NEW passport as the other was sent back due to damage. Do I need to prove evidence of all my Thailand visits and stays to see my fiance? If that is the case I only have the more recent stamps in my passport.

    Would it be better to contact my airline booking travel agent to get a signed letter or something to prove that I made previous trips?

    Please let me know the best methods to prove this.

    Thanks again :D

  14. Hmm. strange that they wont confirm in writing that you can live there. Have they said that you can, but they simply wont confirm it? Who did you speak to? Was it just some clerk, or someone senior? When I had to get a similar letter for my step-son I had to ask to speak to someone more senior three times before I finally got someone who knew what I was talking about!

    If they simply wont play ball, then present the rent book (certified copy or original) and a letter from your mum describing the accommodation, explaining that the council have no objections but wont put it in writing and inviting you to stay.

    You may want to consider e-mailing the embassy at [email protected] and asking for their advice.


    Hiya GU22

    yeah I thought the same, "why not". They were not willing to do this and gave me a card saying the Rent book was enough. However I did contact http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk and they stated that the rent book and letter were OK.

    I will contact Bangkok just tobe sure as you said and hopefully they will give the green light. I dont trust what they say in the UK, because Bangkok may think differently! :o

    Thanks again GU22 :D

  15. Back Again!

    Hi all

    the Local authourity REFUSES to give a letter or a copy of the Tenancy agreement, they state that a RENT BOOK is sufficient proof of tenancy. After hours of asking for a letter and a copy of the Tenancy agreement they said no and that was final.

    Any laws on this as comments welcomed. Is a rent book and a letter from my Mother enough documentation for the ECO?

    Thanks :o

  16. So I just presumed a letter from my Mother and a Tenancy agreement would be enough.  However the council will be notified AFTER we have been given the Visa.
    Up to you, but I would definitely get a letter from the council confirming that they have no objections. Remember, you have to satisfy the ECO that you will have adequate accommodation in the UK. A letter from the council would be irrefutable.

    Thanks GU22

    I will contact them promptly and try and get a letter that states they are ok about our staying.

    Thanks again for all your help again. :o

  17. One bedroom for your Mother, one for you and your wife and one for the child. Not a problem. My wife, daughter and I presented a very similar scenario to the ECO without a problem, as have many others that I know of.
    However if the house is rented from the Local Council they will only give a Tenancy Agreement is that sufficient?
    Sorry, not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that the council will give you and your mother a new tenancy agreement and that you are named on it? If so, then they are confirming that you can live there, so not a problem. Show this to the embassy.

    If not, then you will need to show the ECO that you can live there. A simple letter from your mother inviting you to live with her may be enough, but a letter from the council confirming that as the landlord they have no objections will be a lot better.

    Also, your mother may be breaking her tenancy agreement if she allows you to reside in the property without the councils permission.

    I am not named in the tenancy agreement yet, but we will be living at the house on my fiances arrival. So I just presumed a letter from my Mother and a Tenancy agreement would be enough. However the council will be notified AFTER we have been given the Visa.

    I thank you again for all your help. :o

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