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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Sick bastard. Hope he rots in jail and gets used by some inmates who are 100% against this deplorable man. I hope those kids get the help and justice they deserve.
  2. Make those kids work for it. Wonder why they are lazy.
  3. Well at least he has a good story to tell his friends
  4. Why even bring up the vape unless it was a marijuana vape. The drugs are what affected the child through the breast milk, not a regular vape. The meth did it. Poor child.
  5. They are not citizens so they have no rights in the US.
  6. All acting like a bunch of spoiled kids who only wine and complain when they don’t like what they hear.
  7. Will probably end up back at the market. Sad. They really need to enforce the laws there.
  8. What other information do they need? Struck from behind by a high speeding car. Hope they arrested that driver already. No excuses.
  9. I hope he gets a long stay in jail. They need to be harder on these perverted sex offenders, especially if they’re children.
  10. If he just wore a life jacket there wouldn’t be a story. Better safe than sorry. RIP regardless.
  11. I don’t know why there aren’t any companies willing to pick up the grease and oil for recycling or repurposing it. That would definitely help more than a grease trap, but maybe they aren’t quite there yet with that recycling.
  12. The private schools have no issues with this and hopefully the public schools will now allow it. Glad they are keeping the uniform, but wish it was only one type, not a different one for each day. The wheels go around very slowly here so only time will tell.
  13. Give them credit where credit is due. At least they are trying which no one else seems interested.
  14. I guess the BIB just don’t want to get involved or are blind and deaf. Typical waiting to react to any big accident instead of anything proactive.
  15. The Brit was the drunk offender who got what he deserved. The big bad drunk thinking he can push his way in. Sorry no sympathy for him.
  16. Well she definitely needs to do something to help her income these days.
  17. Always lock your doors. You are responsible for your own actions and trying to blame it on the key card entry. Ha anyone can get through those. Sad time we live in, but it is what it is.
  18. Sad that this happened and someone lost their life, but it seems like they need more training or better equipment to do these tasks. RIP
  19. Way too many condos being built and the Thai government making it difficult in every aspect doesn’t help. New taxes, laws and regulations will be another shot in their foot. Thailand only reacts to situations, it never thinks of ahead. Nothing new. When the economy collapses then they will try to find a solution, but for now better to blame anyone but themselves.
  20. There are several in home health care centers in Pattaya, as well as nursing homes. You just have to search for them online. I know a friend who lived in one for about 32,000 a month. Angel home care, or something like that, is a new one that offers service at your home and priced depending on what you need. They are around and speak English. You just have to look.
  21. Search Facebook for sea fishing. Usually it’s at least a 2 day trip. You have to get away from Pattaya for sure. I do 5-7 day oil rig fishing trips with most, if not all Thai people and it runs between 7-9,000 baht including food a bait. Great time, but maybe not the best for your first time. Try a 2 day. Good luck
  22. Just get a taxi. No worries and plenty of options. Why take the risk to be the first guy stopped.
  23. Damn they really hate competition. It means they have to up their standards and services without gauging the foreigners.
  24. The bouncer probably took off his uniform to safe face for the place he worked. Smart thinking. I think this type of bouncer is the norm for most places here and around the world, especially the US. Hence the name. They are not the door welcoming committee. They are there to get rid of the trouble makers coming or already inside causing issues.
  25. I sure hope that they have good documentation and the manager is ultimately held responsible. Always pushing things down the chain.
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