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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. If you use it a lot you can save a bit of money. There are many promotions from 10%-30% cash back when using the wallet. I’ve saved well over 2,000 baht in the past few months. You can use your funds in your wallet to buy from anywhere. Don’t knock it till you try it, or at least look up the benefits.
  2. Thanks for the info about how to make yoghurt. I never knew it was so easy. I’ll be trying it soon.
  3. That is a cheap house to rent when you split it with your friends. Nobody deserves to have their house trashed like this and I would have taken the whole deposit. That’s the least lesson you could teach them, and that’s not much. These people should be fined by authorities and locked up in a cell where they can enjoy life as they are used to
  4. Just send her to a reputable Thai school that has English as a second language and hire a tutor for the Dutch language skills. Your employer is giving more than most. If you can’t find what you’re looking for within that budget you will just have to pay the difference.
  5. There will be all out war within days. What a mess this has turned into.
  6. Ownership of property in any form can change whenever the Thai government wants. Like it or not. Nothing is 100% guaranteed here.
  7. Guess he didn’t finish the job like he thought he had. Sad dysfunctional family
  8. Sad what people can do to themselves and without regard to their loved ones. Alcohol can be a very dangerous thing.
  9. Yeah. Start shutting down phone service, not facebook. That should go over just as well. Just do your jobs and stop blaming everyone else for your failures.
  10. Sure. Just change your tune when you don’t get the outcome you wanted. Complete liar and traitor. This will only be the beginning of his so called change of mind if he gets elected.
  11. No one would ever visit my grave. Too far and they don’t visit any of our other relatives graves. Most don’t even know where they are anymore. So cremation is still the best bet for me. I hope you find a resolution, but I’m highly doubtful that it will work out as well as you’d like.
  12. It’s not like the old days when everyone lived in the same place and would visit cemeteries. Sure there are some, but for me and my family living all over the world, cremation is the best route. Everyone who wants a bit of your ashes can have some and they can honor you in the best way they know how, or remember you. I’d just want to be put out to sea like I did for my mother. You can always plant a tree with your ashes in it these days. No reason, in my opinion, to waste money and land on a dead body, but I guess religion will determine some burials.
  13. Mirtazapine. They have a generic brand, but it’s not cheap. It will give you a good nights sleep though. Just be careful as to what your body can handle.
  14. Way too many cooks in the kitchen. This is going to be one messy kitchen serving Sh*t and poisoning each other in one way or another to get what they each want and expect. Time to run Forrest.
  15. Well, he may be in for a surprise tomorrow and then we’ll see where he ends up going. Nothing is set in stone yet, ha, not even sand, so we can all just sit back and watch the show with him tomorrow.
  16. Thailand is not ready for EV cars yet. Hopefully soon they will get more infrastructure to charge them up and get the prices down to an affordable price.
  17. I love Koh Kood(Kut) either way. It’s quite and beautiful. Hopefully this doesn’t change too much. The only issue I have is getting around on a motorbike. Other than that expect to enjoy a peaceful time touring the waterfalls , beautiful waters and huge trees. I always enjoy a break from the world when I go there. Hopefully you will too, but I guess that depends on how many people are now going there.
  18. Haven’t worn a mask in a couple years and don’t plan on wearing one again. It’s pure fear tactics and why should anyone care if they choose to wear a mask then they are “protected “. Utter rubbish. If it’s not one thing it’s another. They don’t want to lose their sheep.
  19. At least he gets to go through the quick track and not wait in any lines. Should make for an interesting day If he returns. They may have to delay the election due to all of the other issues. Or maybe we can get him back in office to sort the mess that has been made over the past few years.
  20. I’m sure there will be a lot more larger sizes available in these new uniforms. How do they expect them to chase anyone down when they can barely move. ???????? chase them down ????????
  21. Of course he loves to bring up the blame game, but bringing up Covid and how it was handled is a far stretch. We’re still waiting to see the outcome of all those so called “vaccines “ that are being well hidden from the mainstream media. I’m sure there will be lawsuit commercials galore in the next few years. I guess we’ll just keep playing the tit for tat games in the meantime till we get a decent president that isn’t knocking on deaths door.
  22. This needs to be done everywhere. Way too much waste of food. Hopefully they will get some big backing and spread the program throughout Thailand. I’m sure there are many other countries that could benefit from this type of program.
  23. They need to have a campaign to let all Thais know that they can drop their unwanted or stillborn babies off without repercussions. Too many young girls are having babies and don’t know what to do, or how to handle them and support them. They need to have an opportunity to do the right thing and not just dump their child in the trash. I can’t imagine how anyone could do that, but it seems to be happening more and more everyday. Give the child a chance, or proper burial. They didn’t ask to be born and certainly don’t deserve to be dumped. Sad all around.
  24. Bet the guy who hit him will have an uphill battle with his insurance company, if he has any. They will do all they can to get out of this situation plus the cap on the amount paid for fixing it will probably not even come close. Now that’s an Aw <deleted> moment that the driver will never forget.
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