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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. I agree. Move the city or this will be an ongoing issue that costs way too much and never delivers on time.
  2. They sent 900 to Jomtien to find drugs and dealers. Now they will send 1/2 that to “police” Pattaya during the festivities? The police and other agencies should be out and about everyday, not just on holidays.
  3. The incident was force majeure? Didn’t they have someone put up the lights. Did they check to make sure they were safe? I think they are just trying to get out of any compensation and making it known that if anyone else gets shocked it isn’t their fault. Glad the little one is recovering well, but they got lucky.
  4. Mr Turd was definitely going through a total breakdown and someone should have taken the kids until he was in a good place. Unfortunately that’s not done here and this stuff happens. If anything he should have left his kids out of his misery and not murdered them. The son was lucky to survive, but will have a difficult time getting back to life with this picture in his head. The mother should be ashamed too having left her kids with him and not make sure everything was fine. She wanted out and didn’t want to take her children. That’s not a real mother. Just a sad case that happens to often.
  5. Feel bad for his mother and RIP to his wife. I’m glad though that he was shot and killed just like he did to his wife, although she didn’t have a choice.
  6. Well done to Somkiet and the nurse. That is exactly how we should be treating each other, especially in time of a crisis. Kudos for stepping up.
  7. 3-15 years for abuse leading to murder. This justice system is definitely flawed. Hope he gets jail justice served to him as he did to his wife.
  8. Someone should harass those ministery officials and give their numbers out to the public. They are a disgrace and should be removed for blaming the victim.
  9. If Thailand was so concerned about wildlife care they would check Chatuchak market, all wildlife importers and release the poor ape stuck in the mall. Lucky Turkey inspectors found it because it probably would have made it through the Thai customs. There’s definitely something going on here. Would someone charge or pay 150,000 to transport and facilitate documentation for rabbits.
  10. Just come up to Pratumnak hill and you’ll find many chasing cars, nipping at motorcycle drivers and people walking. Something needs to be done, but unfortunately we know nothing will happen. We have about 16 dogs in 3 packs on Soi 1 in Cosy Beach.
  11. Plenty more in Pattaya when they decide to look again or fill their quotas.
  12. Their traffic signs are the most amusing and confusing especially at red lights. Most people ignore them anyway these days, and just use google maps to go anywhere.
  13. Sounds like a very safe jailhouse, especially for being new. I guess they cut corners or staff.
  14. Looks like the ones in the front of the plane were probably the ones that perished. The pilots were trying their best and at least saved a few lives.
  15. Sad, but at least his house is still standing.
  16. I wish there were more coin changers around. Not from China, but I know several people that have piggy banks, and would love to cash in without separating them. Maybe they are speaking of slot machines. I guess we’ll never know.
  17. It doesn’t sound like premeditated murder. The father probably was pushed too far and when the son grabbed his machete his father finally took action in fear of his life. He shot him in the stomach so it doesn’t look like he planned it and was just trying to end the situation. Gun use is becoming more common, but I’d rather be shot than hacked to death with axes, knives or machetes like they used to do, and still do.
  18. We certainly don’t need anymore mentally unstable people here. We have enough already. Just deport him now before he causes any more trouble.
  19. Everyone just be aware that if you leave the country or go on a local trip and the hotel registers you that you will have to do another TM30 when you return. Just from my experience, but maybe not everywhere. Also if you have a Thai person with you just book the hotel in there name so they don’t register you there.
  20. I highly doubt that the police will be out to enforce this. They will just depend on the CCTV’s to do their job. This will do nothing considering they don’t enforce the payment of the fines.
  21. It’s time to make America strong again. It’s been weak for years and nothing like America used to be. It’ll take more than this, but it’s a start. America has been the butt of jokes all over the world and at least 1/2 of them don’t even know that.
  22. I agree. Why should the US have to be the biggest supporter when it’s for the World. They will still get the news, just without a bill. Stay in and contribute 5% and let the rest of the world make up the difference. It can be done, they just don’t want to do it.
  23. Just sick. Poor lady. RIP Hope they return the favor to the illegal man.
  24. Would be nice to offer this to the retirees and foreign workers.
  25. If you can’t swim please at least wear a life jacket. This could have been avoided. RIP
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