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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Well no matter how she achieves her goals she still gets the job done.
  2. The father and the father had no use for each other and were estranged. The father should receive nothing. He only cares now because he got an ambulance chaser for a lawyer and he now wants money.
  3. Come on people. Is anyone really surprised?
  4. And this is why you always make sure you have insurance on your car when you’re driving it. He just learned the hard way.
  5. Give these officers tasers. They could have easily dropped him with a couple zaps. He was probably half out of his mind from the drugs given to him for his surgery and became aggressive and disoriented. I guess we’ll never know now.
  6. They all should have to show their ID’s to get into a club and marked if underage for drinking or stopped if under 18. They don’t need to take a picture of it, but someone should be responsible for carding everyone so if something happens they are responsible. Way to easy to get into clubs and get drinks for the underage boys and girls. If they are that concerned then they can go somewhere else. I’d be covering my arse as well these days.
  7. Well sure hope they look into the alleged sexual assault crime he confessed to.
  8. The festive period has turned deadly for many, with a toll of 393 fatalities and 2,251 injuries You know that they don’t include those who die in route to the hospital or pronounced dead in the hospital. So the actual numbers are much higher.
  9. jcmj


    Like said above. You must have a Thai will and a Will from your country of Residence. You will have to pay Thai tax on the profits from the sale of your home here in Thailand from what I’ve heard. Best to go speak with a lawyer to do your Thai Will so it is officially legal and is in Thai and English, but probate will take time. I had been put down as an executor for a friend who passed and he had a will and owned several condos. It was a long almost 2 year process to get everything resolved. The will was old and he didn’t complete his new one so they only honored the signed Will and a couple ex’s got a condo even though on his last draft of the will removed them. So please make sure that it’s up to date because you never know when you’re going to kick the bucket. Also it’s good that you kept receipts of all incoming transactions. That helps, but it’s still a lengthy process. Make sure you have your home Will also up do date. It has nothing to do with your Thai assets, but just make sure. Good luck
  10. Slap on the wrist a fine and a Wai and he’s good to go. And they wonder why no one is scared of the police.
  11. Unfortunately she was probably too drunk or drugged up to remember what happened, otherwise she would’ve gone and reported it immediately to the police. That along with the lazy police officers will make this a hard case to solve. Sadly this happens all over the world.
  12. Kids will always find a way. Be it an older friend or brother or sister. As long as the parents keep buying their children phones they will never stop this behavior. Also schools are now making the students search the internet and teach kids with their computers. Baby sitters are now replaced by phones or computers. Unfortunately this is the new generation.
  13. If it was a foreigner the headline would have been, “Foreigner drowned while taking an illegal piss in the river”
  14. Well so much for gaining a couple minutes by passing a truck to go faster. Hopefully the elephant was only bruised.
  15. You have to be mentally unstable to kill your infant child and the poor kid that witnessed this will never be the same. RIP little one.
  16. Sounds like a seatbelt may have saved the poor young man’s life. RIP
  17. He best run and change his name and number now, because everyone thinks they are entitled to his windfall. Poor uncle will be hounded by everyone for a handout.
  18. Well he had a reason to smile. He was watching porn. He got her from A to B without any issues. If he didn’t smile she’d probably have called him rude and why was she watching his phone? Sure he should have turned it off but she could have asked him as well and I’m sure he would’ve been embarrassed and turned it off. If he didn’t then followed her, she should have called and reported him immediately. Unfortunately this is what the world is coming to be like these days.
  19. I seems like they are taking more to the hospital to pronounce the death and keep the road accident deaths down. RIP young man. Hope the truck driver gets a long sentence for murder by vehicle.
  20. Numbers never match the actual number of people visiting Thailand, and they are going for all the cheap tourists just to get the “numbers “ up. Wonder why they came so short on income. 🧐😂🤣
  21. Yeah. Something definitely smells fishy. If they were keeping that much in their safe you’d think they’d have a much bigger safe. Sounds like they could have afforded it. Can’t fix stupidity. Dumb and dumber with a possible thief friend or a gambling partner. Hopefully they had a CCTV, but highly doubt that.
  22. Unfortunately many more to come
  23. Poor kids. Hope they find a good home. Definitely sounds like they need one.
  24. It would be interesting to see how many immigrants and locals were housed there and what the actual conditions of their accommodation were like.
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