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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Speeding as usual and lost control, other than that we will probably never know the full story.
  2. This has been the elephants land much longer than those who took it. Migration patterns are ingrained in them. So try as you may, but they will still come back next year.
  3. Obviously he was completely out of his medication and was in a bad place mentally. Sadly he made a stupid choice of jumping out of the car. Probably due to an argument as the driver kept hitting his breaks. In any case if I was behind them I would’ve stopped to try to help. This is typical Lawyer behavior. No money to get out of this so on he goes. At least he sent the video. I’m sure if it was an accident between 2 vehicles he would have stopped. Sad world we live in today. I’m am not sure though if you try to help someone here in Thailand, and cause damage to the ribs or something else trying to save the victim, you would be held accountable. I hate that this happens in some countries but just not sure about it here.
  4. So much for all of the buses being checked out. I guess they were just focusing on the LPG tanks.
  5. Maybe they were driving too close to the other driver and they couldn’t swerve in time. So many possibilities, unfortunately the foreigner will be made of fault.
  6. Doesn’t give the local emergency responders the right to cause disruption at the hospital. Should have just reported it and went after the company. Threats and abuse seem to be the only way they decide to act. But hey TIT
  7. Sure. They look like Foreigners 😉
  8. Amazing how much actually leaves Thailand only to be found out about when they land in another country. I guess they still don’t have proper inspections, or don’t want to do the paperwork. Wonder where the tip off came from 😂
  9. Hope the money will go towards what it was supposed to and not skimmed off by the people running these places.
  10. They took over the elephants land and killed one of their family. They get what they deserve. They knew what they were doing when they took the land and now they can either get out or learn to live with them. I feel pity on the elephants, not the villagers who encroached on their land.
  11. Probably looking down at her baby and saw it too late. I doubt a helmet would have helped, but she should have been wearing one. Carrying a child on the motorcycle is dangerous, but many Thais can’t afford a car so this is common practice. Sad, but true. RIP momma and hope the child heals well.
  12. Well it’s two sided for me. The people went to her for a loan that obviously no bank would give them and they knew the terms, but as usual couldn’t pay it back as quickly as they expected. The lady obviously had a gun and her boyfriend was probably the enforcer, but she had the gun in her house so she can’t deny that. She had all of the records of the loans, but said they were old and to family and friends. Don’t believe that, if any part of that was true, she wasn’t a very nice relative or friend. She got caught and now has to pay for it. Unlike the others who got the money and didn’t pay it back. She should have just been smart about it and not greedy. I know the people were probably desperate for the money but should have gone somewhere else once they saw the terms. Don’t borrow money if you know you can’t afford to pay them off. This has been going on since the beginning of time and will continue for many, many more decades to come.
  13. They should paste her face on all of the bus stops and buses. She deserves to be humiliated for scamming the bus driver. I’m pretty sure this wasn’t her first time at it.
  14. Well the visitors will be pissed when they leave the airport and go out later for a drink. Sure we know you can get it, but many foreigners don’t and only see the signs. Why plan a holiday here when you can’t even buy a bottle of wine or alcohol at the store to enjoy yourself. Thailand needs to wake up and get with the time.
  15. Better if they just taxed those with an Only Fans page. They haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg and will never be able to get rid of them. Welcome to the 21st century Thailand. Get up to speed with the world.
  16. Which has only caused more problems for the country than before. They just want the numbers now, not quality tourists anymore.
  17. I hope the government stops any funding for these sanctuary cities. If that’s what they choose then let them and their residents pay for everything they get. These illegal residents get more than people who have worked their whole lives. Too many live off the system. Free housing, medical care, food stamp etc. If they want to be a citizen and a productive member then apply for citizenship and get off of the taxpayers money.
  18. My friend paid out of pocket there last month and it was 250,000 baht so 300,000 with insurance sounds about right for both eyes. Plus you can get them adjusted if you need to for free. Dr. Somchai is very good and a couple other friends have had it done 10+ years ago and one just went to the doctor because one of his eyes didn’t feel right. He said he went in, the doctor put drops in his eyes and did a little fix. Took about 2 minutes to do and he wasn’t charged and came home. Glad you are doing your research. Just make sure that you find a doctor that does the Super Site surgery and has a lot of experience and positive feedback and results.
  19. I always come back with a 3 month supply of meds. Always carry the prescription info with them, but never declare them when I arrive. I know you are supposed to, but they are in my carry on and they can check if they decide to. I do bring back a years worth of B12 biles and needles, but always put them in my checked bag. I go through Doha or Japan and have never had any issues, but just be prepared. As Sheryl and others have stated, there are many different cough meds available here that are pretty much the same as what you are currently worried about.
  20. AIS have worked well for me for the past several years. I pay 399 a month for unlimited data and 200 minutes. I really don’t need that many minutes since I retired, but they have been easy to deal with and rarely have had an interruption in service. If I want to pinch pennies I’m sure I could find a different plan.
  21. The numbers are way higher in the deaths from car accidents. They really need to include those who succumbed to their injuries at the hospital. But Thailand doesn’t count those. The numbers are so high and it is from lack of police enforcement, except on Special Occasions. They need to be out on the streets every day and the people need much more education and fines/jail to even put a dent in the numbers.
  22. It’s been going on in front of their police station for years and they only seem to crack down when it’s Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Then back to ignoring them. Maybe the local beach hookers were losing business. They aren’t so pretty either and many are well past their prime or drugged up. That’s why they are doing street work for discounted prices, not the bars.
  23. Well they let him in without any problems considering he was on overstay. They wonder why so many new scams, call centers and gambling networks. They really should stop this insane nonsense about letting everyone in and immigration definitely needs to get on the ball and be notified when someone has overstayed. They are just too lazy to look into their history of crimes and get rid of them Before they set up shop here. Thailand the upcoming winner of the best country to start your scams.
  24. Could also be a case of bullying her and she had enough. We all know she shouldn’t have stabbed him, but considering how the teachers, her parents and the police don’t often help, this stuff happens all too often. They should also ban phones in school. They can drop them off when they get there and pick them up when they leave. I would love to know the full story, but I’m sure that’s not going to happen.
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