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Posts posted by ggt

  1. I bought two condos in the Jomtien Beach area...not a good experience...got out before the condo market went south in that area...

    I would recommend that you consider placing some of your wealth in Precious Metals...the real thing...not certificates (paper) which could be declared worthless with the stroke of a pen...(your Gold can be stored for you for a nominal fee...and then retrieved when you are ready to use it or cash out)...I do not recommend taking delivery in Thailand...but if you do...do not tell ANYONE...it will mysteriously disappear...

    Gold is still a very good investment right now...can be purchased over the internet...and as an investment...has withstood the test of time...

    Just go on line and google "Buying Gold"...take your time, read, listen to podcasts...and then follow your intuition...

    Good Luck..

    • Like 1
  2. It is called collusion...(scamming for those who are not offended by the word)...where the Thais work together and split up the proceeds...a kind of corrupt business agreement between unethical Thais...have been victimized by this in several areas of business transactions in Thailand...and no I am not going to give peoples names, exact dates and times...you will simply have to take my word for it if you are a stereotypical Thai apologist...

    • Like 2
  3. Enacting or trying to enforce laws on overpricing is simply not likely to work...it starts at home, school, temple, community and neighborhoods...everyone has to be of a like mind to make something like this work...and people should be quick to cry foul when they discover corruption...ain't gonna happen...

  4. "The recovery in the U.S. is quite strong and therefore it will continue"

    Let us hope this is a fact and not wishful thinking...

    The economic numbers published by this US gov't are almost always positive...given a lot of press...and hailed as an example for the world to see...yet a few months later...these numbers are revised down...and receive little to no press at all...the 1st impression is the one that sticks around on the world scene...the actual figures are much more grim...

    Many economists who study world economies...fear that the lack of economic recovery in years 2015-2016 will likely see the world go into economic turmoil...stock markets go down dramatically...paper money be devalued and many banks who have bet heavily on a continued recovery with mine and your money...pouring trillions of dollars into pure paper called derivatives...go belly up and close their doors...

    One should watch for signs of world economic collapse...be aware that money in banks may not be as safe as it once was...and diversify...buying commodities...real-estate...precious metals...and so on...

    Keep at least a small amount of money out of banks...where you can easily get your hands on it...in case banks close...ATMs shutdown...and you need to eat and pay your bills...

  5. Oh Laud...7 Thais supposedly killed by US bad apples...their deaths will become a beacon for the good fellows who are Thai attorneys...let the lying begin...will be settled out-of-court...the lawyers will buy more condos in the US and Thailand...while the families will be told they should settle for what is left over after the lawyers have siphoned off the lions-share...

    Incidentally, once lawyers have learned how to correctly and legally steal from the public...they often run for public office where they can really make a difference in their personal income...

  6. Corruption has always been a factor in trading in SE Asia...you name the country...but over the years...it has gone from something to be vaguely aware of...to a constant battle in everyday life...everyone seems to be out to scam the foreigner...

    The Military/New PM seems to be making an effort to tackle this problem...it will take constant vigilance...several generations to make a den in numbers of scammers in Thailand...

  7. No No No...these folks are not artists...they are just common everyday Thais...Thai culture is saturated with corrupt vendors of all kinds...

    Personally, I think it is just those older fat disgruntled ex-pats that continue to sound the Scam alarm on this forum in spite of being called unsavory name...yes...they are the cause of the Scam problems...

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