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Posts posted by parmo2

  1. In New Zealand it is illegal to even have a paternity test , such are the draconian rules to recoup government cash from men.

    Governments in the west are becoming much less democratic and spying on us all, the laws against men are becoming even more draconian each year .

    But still women are not being held responsible for their own actions only men have reaponsibities.

    There is contraception available for women before sex, during sex and after sex, but women are not held responsible for anything as usual

  2. Western countries created unilateral divorces in 70s and the state had to pay greater amounts of social security to these women. They made fathers pay these "child support" payments which go to the government not the mothet

    Most fathers would willingly take care of their kids but the law no longer allows this. These men saying majority of men are deadbeats are monstrous

  3. If you are really a divorce lawyer , you will surely know that nearly all divorces are Initiated by women and they get custody of the kids in almost all cases too. You may also know that these courts are secret in many countries, ostensibly to "protect" the family but in reality to hide the gross injustice.

    You may also know about the false domestic violence claims and even sexual claims by mothers .

    This is nothing to do with law it is a deliberate policy of defathering families . These women get new hubby - the state and matriarchal underclass born.

    The state wants to maximose it's income by keeping the male working , that is what it is all about. Never listen to any legal worker liar

    Thai women do get many benefits if they are single mothers , this is a lie.

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  4. You agree that some old dude being able post pictures of girls he is banging 1/2 his age on Facebook is more important than taking care of his child or children. He quit his job as an IP lawyer and became underemployed voluntarily so he could run away to Thailand and bang younger women. Cool. He can do that all he wants after his child is 18 or provided he can still provide the same support after voluntarily making himself underemployed.

    The sad part is running away and not spending time with his child.

    Submaniac may not be telling complete story here. His child support would have been calculated based on the child spending X number of days with him. If he took off to Thailand and child not spending X days with him, child support obligations would increase. Perhaps he simply could not afford the increased amount, but he should have never left if he could not afford to pay his debt after leaving.

    Actually, after the divorce (he lost custody of his kids, and the wife basically alienated his kids from him), he went through a serious bout of depression. His practice languished, and he was facing discipline for the state bar for not being able to account for client funds. He actually is still on suspension and not able to practice until restitution was paid. He's basically working as a paralegal in a small family law firm in Ventura. (That is my idea of hell). It is a very common practice for one parent to alienate the kids from the other parent.

    You seem awfully judgmental, and it is apparently easy for you to pass judgment. But he was going through real hard times, and was really going through some depression issues, and if I were him, I probably would have been depressed too. He lost his house, all his property in the divorce. He had precious little left. He was unable to work in the states due to his bar suspension. Yes, I would have been depressed. I mean what do you want him to do, kill himself? A friend had a place in Bangkok, and he managed to find good paying work at an honorable profession. It was just being able to teach which he loved.

    "He should never have left if he could not afford to pay his debt after leaving"? A lot of people will never be able to pay off the debt. If someone goes through a hard time (and yes, I consider depression to be a legitimate thing if you have lost everything in your life), what are you going to do? How are you going to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars? If the debt is not immediately paid, you now have compound interest on the debt. You really won't be able to pay it off.

    No time to get past first paragraph, but I have zero sympathy for any lawyer that misappropriates client funds. Inexcusable and a reflection on the person.

    Most humans have been through really difficult times. I went through a divorce I did not want after 17 years of marriage when my children were 12 and 13 because I was married to a career and spent my weekends traveling and racing GT3 Cup. I was initially angry because I provided well for the family, but I was selfish and brought this on myself. My ex and I are great friends now and my life is better than ever. Hotter younger wife and the most amazing 3 year old daughter ever.

    As men, sometimes we have to buck up and be a man through the difficult times and just do the right thing. Abandoning children because our feelings got or we did not get our way is not the right thing. Perhaps if your friend would have kept himself together, not misappropriated client funds, not run off to Thailand and not have abandoned his children, his life like mine would have turned out better on the back end.

    Karma is a beotch.

    I am sure we are all very glad that it turned out "better on the back end". Some men are driven to that, they say....

    That is the way of the world. When going through difficult times, keep your side of the street clean, do right, don't be selfish and things always work out better than we can imagine. Too many men are wusses incapable of dealing with a little bit of pain. They react impulsively, attempt to hurt others and create confusion around them, make poor decisions and ultimately make their situations worse. You can ridicule positive messages all you want. Perhaps it is a difficult pill to swallow for some who already made poor choices they cannot undo.

    Relationship differences are 50/50 , but only gender is hounded by the state , and only females are allowed to use the power of the state

  5. You agree that some old dude being able post pictures of girls he is banging 1/2 his age on Facebook is more important than taking care of his child or children. He quit his job as an IP lawyer and became underemployed voluntarily so he could run away to Thailand and bang younger women. Cool. He can do that all he wants after his child is 18 or provided he can still provide the same support after voluntarily making himself underemployed.

    The sad part is running away and not spending time with his child.

    Submaniac may not be telling complete story here. His child support would have been calculated based on the child spending X number of days with him. If he took off to Thailand and child not spending X days with him, child support obligations would increase. Perhaps he simply could not afford the increased amount, but he should have never left if he could not afford to pay his debt after leaving.

    Actually, after the divorce (he lost custody of his kids, and the wife basically alienated his kids from him), he went through a serious bout of depression. His practice languished, and he was facing discipline for the state bar for not being able to account for client funds. He actually is still on suspension and not able to practice until restitution was paid. He's basically working as a paralegal in a small family law firm in Ventura. (That is my idea of hell). It is a very common practice for one parent to alienate the kids from the other parent.

    You seem awfully judgmental, and it is apparently easy for you to pass judgment. But he was going through real hard times, and was really going through some depression issues, and if I were him, I probably would have been depressed too. He lost his house, all his property in the divorce. He had precious little left. He was unable to work in the states due to his bar suspension. Yes, I would have been depressed. I mean what do you want him to do, kill himself? A friend had a place in Bangkok, and he managed to find good paying work at an honorable profession. It was just being able to teach which he loved.

    "He should never have left if he could not afford to pay his debt after leaving"? A lot of people will never be able to pay off the debt. If someone goes through a hard time (and yes, I consider depression to be a legitimate thing if you have lost everything in your life), what are you going to do? How are you going to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars? If the debt is not immediately paid, you now have compound interest on the debt. You really won't be able to pay it off.

    No time to get past first paragraph, but I have zero sympathy for any lawyer that misappropriates client funds. Inexcusable and a reflection on the person.

    Most humans have been through really difficult times. I went through a divorce I did not want after 17 years of marriage when my children were 12 and 13 because I was married to a career and spent my weekends traveling and racing GT3 Cup. I was initially angry because I provided well for the family, but I was selfish and brought this on myself. My ex and I are great friends now and my life is better than ever. Hotter younger wife and the most amazing 3 year old daughter ever.

    As men, sometimes we have to buck up and be a man through the difficult times and just do the right thing. Abandoning children because our feelings got or we did not get our way is not the right thing. Perhaps if your friend would have kept himself together, not misappropriated client funds, not run off to Thailand and not have abandoned his children, his life like mine would have turned out better on the back end.

    Karma is a beotch.

    I am sure we are all very glad that it turned out "better on the back end". Some men are driven to that, they say....

    That is the way of the world. When going through difficult times, keep your side of the street clean, do right, don't be selfish and things always work out better than we can imagine. Too many men are wusses incapable of dealing with a little bit of pain. They react impulsively, attempt to hurt others and create confusion around them, make poor decisions and ultimately make their situations worse. You can ridicule positive messages all you want. Perhaps it is a difficult pill to swallow for some who already made poor choices they cannot undo.

    Relationship differences are 50/50 , but only gender is hounded by the state , and only females are allowed to use the power of the state

  6. Thailand is not part of the legal "Hague convention" of western countries.

    Child support laws were introduced after unilateral divorce laws caused a massive increase in social budget due to single mother families in the 70s. The state became the new hubby to all these women and a matriarchal underclass was born. laws for the last 40 years have been made on the side of women and the state continues to not make women responsible for their actions while giving them multiple "rights".

    But someone has to pay the bill and typically the governments in western countries have removed all defences for men against women. USA is an extreme example and they jail fathers as examples despite most fathers being really unable to pay. There are myriad incentives for local courts and local government to collect "child support" which mainly goes to government for recouping social scurity payments for the feckless females who frequently have mtiple kids with multiple fathers

    • Like 1
  7. Ah I am a "pig" just because I don't agree with you. If you choose to make personal attacks and be abusive that is up to you, I don't do that , I just give my experiences. But I will say that your behavior is female not male.

    If you think farang spending 99% and Thai lady spending 1% is "equality", then take up my challenge and tell her that your money has run out, you will see how much "equality" and "respect" there really is.

    You are "dormant" then ? Enjoy your sleep

  8. Just because I have an opposing view about Thai ladies, you seem to think that gives you a right to make personal attacks and insults. I am not like that, I respect your view , my experiences are different from yours but I do not make personal attacks and assumptions. ASSUME - makes an ASS out of U and of ME.

    You assume I am a man and you assume many things

  9. Thai women only want your money , all these naive men saying Thai women are wonderful are simply paying for these women to have an easy life at their expense. Of course the Thai women will be happy , the alternative for them is 12 hours at a factory cutting heads off chickens.

    They are simple third world women from a feudal country. They are very very very lucky to have met YOU.

    I'd say it is the women that HAVEN'T met YOU that are lucky.


    I guess that you do a good impression of a carpet, there is a female pedastal on top of you after all.

  10. I am sorry for your personal unhappiness. I am putting together a booklet with advice for Western men to live with and marry Thai women. I will read all the messages here with great interest and use some of the wisdom herein, when I find some.

    The sad situation in Thailand seems to be a Western Man, WM, comes to Thailand filled with the idea of getting himself a little brown servant who he can mold to his will. WM makes little effort to learn about the woman he has connected with and basically says "change to my expectations" because I am paying the bills. That is an untenable distribution of power in a relationship and the seeds for failure are too many to really overcome..

    Read up on Cultural imperialism.

    I think it is YOU, who should read up about naivete, carpets, carabou unversity instead of your silly leaflets.

    You can pedastalise these women if you choose and have enough cash to indulge them and their grasping relatives, IF YOU WISH. They will not respect you, you will be treated like a carpet and ATM. maybe after a few years here you will educate yourself about these thieving ladies.

    As i have said many many times already, TRY TELLING THEM THAT YOUR MONEY HAS RUN OUT then you will see the nonsense that you have just written, GO ON TRY IT!

  11. sorry to hear about your bad luck with thai women. all the guys i klow treat them like their wife and partner and stay OUT of trouble

    Doormat much ?

    These Thai women are NOT your equals ,you are only there to pay money .

    Did you try telling your precious one that your money has run out ? Thought not

    Listen , if you are happy being a doormat sponsor then good for you, but I just want to make it clear other men are not as naive

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